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What do you want to be included in the next versions of AMK Mod


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Have you ever wanted something to be added to AMK Mod but don't know where to post your ideas?

This is the perfect place to do so!

Post your ideas here, no matter how stupid you think they are and if we like them we can discuss them with AMK Team and... they may be included in the next version of AMK!

АМК 1.4 не запускается на международной версии S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

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I always wondered where the reinforcements (be it the army or someone else) comes from. Would be cool if maybe a helicopter could appear in the "drop in"-zone so that everyone knows, yeah, reinforcement has come.


I would also welcome a total overhaul of the stealth aspects of the game. I know that X-Ray is not really capable of doing stealth-things like for expamle in Splinter Cell (Measuring Brightness....), but the current situation does not let me play stealth style...


One thing which is maybe impossible to do: The whole zone is one big level, no levelchangers, no annoying loading times... Yeah, I know, I should keep dreaming since Clear Sky is confirmed to be little levels too...

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I for one would like to see random weapons implemented, I think Lucian from Oblivion mod is working on something similar. Also, perhaps there could be a possibility of being able to salvage armor, for instance, if you shot your enemy in the head or something rational like that... Oh and finally, completely random drops for stashes, with all items possible, but each one a certain % possible depending on the difficulty of the level you are in and perhaps the enemy you killed to get the stash info. But so far an excellent mod!

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a possibility of being able to salvage armor, for instance, if you shot your enemy in the head or something rational like that... Oh and finally, completely random drops for stashes, with all items possible, but each one a certain % possible depending on the difficulty of the level you are in and perhaps the enemy you killed to get the stash info. But so far an excellent mod!

There is a mod in the Russian section of this forum, it's called Marauder Mod. It allows you to pick up armour from dead bodies. I'm going to make a topic about it in this subforum now.

АМК 1.4 не запускается на международной версии S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

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your team's english translations have worked wonders for my enjoyment of AMK mod. adding to the game's atmosphere, and making it actually worthwhile to pursue conversations with random stalkers. (im not sure anyone really read much of what non-quest NPCs said in the vanilla game, at least not for long).


going along with that, what i'd like to see in future versions of AMK would be more and more script and .ltx commenting in english, even rudimentary english. i suspect that the more english speaking modders can understand about how certain things inside the mod are done, and why they are done that way, the more we'll be able to be of better use to the STALKER community as a whole.


i suspect you guys would also enjoy not having to answer the same ten questions ad nauseam too. ;)


its not really a feature, tho. and the extra work would do little for an "average" player's experience of the game.


but i wonder, if we've gotten here, at amk-team.ru, are we really average players at this point?

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Can it have less rain. I'm not being picky but its either raining or raining alot at the moment. Oh and those mercs in the wild territory spawn way too often and always take up the exact same positions. Would like to see them patroling the train station more. More enemy snipers please.(snipers on the scientists roof in yantar to defend it from zombies would be awesome or even a helicopter or BTW. Can somebody actually make a tank that works its ridiculous that a BTW can survive the zone but all the heavilly armoured tanks are broken. Beg GSC for the rights to mod their pre alpha minigun . CS gas grenades :blink: , you already got smoke grenades so it should only involve some tweaking and icon and grenade retextures(or I may be wrong and might involve a S hit load of work)


Hey I saw a minigun on a topic about "HEAVY WEAPONS". It looks way better than that piece of crap that got released on the english sites. Oh and I would really like to see a 50 cal Barret sniper rifle please please please. *runs off to think of other ideas of how to kill people* bit sadistic this isn't it. infact making new weapons takes too long and is too complicated.

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The one thing I always thought that would make this game even more awesome was to create a custom weapon and/or armor. I tried to do little mods for armor (with plenty of failed results and no successes), but I always wanted to have some random

armorsmith or weaponsmith somewhere in the zone who did custom stuff. All you would have to do was give them artifacts (like mama's beads = +5% bullet cap) and select a base model of armor (PSZ-9Md Universal Protection, my favorite style of suit), slam it together and voila!, a suit that has absorbed some of the attributes of the artifact. Or something like a moonlight artifact (+109% endurance) + an exosuit, and shazam!, an exosuit that can carry more equipment and is lighter. You could set some of the limits, like only five artifacts per suit, thus preventing the coveted "Ubersuit" (if such a thing exists).


The same thing with the weaponsmith. Artifact (kolobok= +5% rupture) and a PMm and presto!, what was once a pretty crappy pistol has now increased in firepower and is capable of punching the enemy a few feet back, which I think would be useful against some of the enemies, like that damn electric chimera. Another variation: Battery (+30% burn) + GP 37 = assault rifle with the capability of setting an opponent on fire!


Wow. I should stop now.

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1. A settings option for rate of time passing - ie. I find the time to pass a little too quickly. In Oblivion Lost I set the time figures to 6 which works really well.


2. A settings option to turn off Crows would be nice - I personally don't like them ( I find the shadows annoying) and I suspect they must be a drain on lower spec systems?


3. I think there are too many weapons available in the single player game - there should be PMM, PB, Colt1911, BM16, AK74SU, AK74, Abokan, Val (that you can attach a scope to), lr300 and arguably SVU and that's it. The whole range could be available as an option and/or once the ending has been reached.


4. I think traders should be paying less and charging more than they do.


5. Dead bodies that look like the living characters just laying on the ground is a big bust to atmosphere - full decomposition would not be necessary - just making dead npc's immediately have somewhat tattered and stained clothing and grey / black blotchy skin with glazed over somewhat milky eyes would give that nice creepy feeling of looking at an actual corpse.


6. Making all mutants have an edible part would be handy - so if injured and short on medkits / bandages / antirads you could with effort keep yourself alive and slowly recover - ie. all mutant parts would give some slight health level increase, but some could give you slight radiation poisoning at the same time while others actually reduce radiation poisoning - so for example you might find yourself low on health and bleeding out but with no bandages or medkits or normal food - so you would hunt mutants (being real careful not to get injured any more) to keep your health up until the bleeding self healed - and as part of that process you'd have to be selective or balance which mutant organs you consumed. I would for example make Dogs - the most abundant mutants - give quite decent health increase but with radiation poisoning - whilst maybe Boars gave a significant anti-rad effect but not much health increase. I guess the organs could be the current ones available from each - ie. dog tails, boar hoofs, flesh's eyes etc.

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One small thing i would like would be a level changer from cordon to darkvalley as you can go from dark valley to cordon but not the other way around and it would make my game better as the dark valley is a very rich place to be i have spent about 10 days there just raiding the bandits etc and also trying to kill the controllers that always appear there


thats all i can think of now

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Can it have less rain. I'm not being picky but its either raining or raining alot at the moment. Oh and those mercs in the wild territory spawn way too often and always take up the exact same positions. Would like to see them patroling the train station more. More enemy snipers please.(snipers on the scientists roof in yantar to defend it from zombies would be awesome or even a helicopter or BTW. Can somebody actually make a tank that works its ridiculous that a BTW can survive the zone but all the heavilly armoured tanks are broken. Beg GSC for the rights to mod their pre alpha minigun . CS gas grenades :blink: , you already got smoke grenades so it should only involve some tweaking and icon and grenade retextures(or I may be wrong and might involve a S hit load of work)


Hey I saw a minigun on a topic about "HEAVY WEAPONS". It looks way better than that piece of crap that got released on the english sites. Oh and I would really like to see a 50 cal Barret sniper rifle please please please. *runs off to think of other ideas of how to kill people* bit sadistic this isn't it. infact making new weapons takes too long and is too complicated.

I'll release the updated English version soon.




▼ cG9seWdvbg—

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For new weapons, I'd like to see a Tokarev or CZ-52, the Saiga-12C finished, the AKM-47 integrated, an AKMS, and an AKS-74u with a proper '74 magazine. A Bizon would be nice, as would Kobra side-mount red-dot sights for all AK patterns. Perhaps a few machine pistols? KSVK sniper rifle? Saiga .308Win with pistol grip? Even *gasp* some Western guns? (I know, I know, M16s and M4s are overplayed, and most of the other good 5.56mm guns are in. What about the .308Win/7.62x51 NATO weapons?)


I'd like to see a form of the Marauder Mod integrated, but only if the NPC armor scripting is added to the default install as well. Otherwise it totally ruins the economy.


In terms of AI, I'd like to see the economy fully fleshed out. There have been major strides made, and that's awesome, but (and this may simply be because I can't see the offline NPC interactions), there seems to be little indication that the NPCs ever interact with Traders. I'd also like to get rid of NPCs having infinite ammunition - they should get a set amount of in-inventory ammo and have to trade or loot for the rest. Yeah, that means that NPCs will run out eventually - that's why they need to actually interact with the Trader community. It also means that a random-weapons mod of some sort needs to be integrated.

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As other's have said, I think it would be GREAT if there could be a compatibility pack made for Lucian's Randomized Weapons Mod.


And on another note, I think it would add A LOT to the AMK Mod's gameplay if the team included an option in the installer to install Sanex's A-Life Mod. On my own I already merged the Sanex mod with AMK, and I must say, it's amazing and completely chaotic. That mod combined with all the amazing features of AMK = the true STALKER experience.


I just feel bad that others may not be having the same experience.

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mistaza- there is a mod for amk 1.4 called AWM, which allows you to modify some weapons by using artefacts. It's also included into the LAAN mod.


ah ok thanks for that i must have missed that then my bad




may i have a link to the sanex you used?



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Here is the link to Marauder MOD for AMK 1.4v22 - http://amk-team.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=375.

But it's russian version so I translated first post with description for all of you.


З.Ы. Вася, проверь, пожалуйста.


*доедает камень, весело вертя шлангом противогаза* © Stalker_Zip

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Smart Marauder Mod 1.4 for AMK 1.4


Аuthor: DEXXX

Adaptation to АМК Skunk


This mod allows you to take outfits from corpses. It's important that type of obtained outfit depends not only on person's group but even on his rank. So, you can take exoskeletons only from Masters of their groups, but in novice inventories you'll find only leather jackets.


You can find outfits not at all corpses. In affort to save the balance traders will buy outfits at VERY low prices.

It's impossible to lay off armor from zombies, because mod's author thinks that Scorher destroyed not only their brains.

Also, this modification includes wider selection of all outfits at all traders. (DJekman's All_Armor_Mod used).


Chances of outfits to appear in a corpse:


- Low quality armor (jackets and light kevlars) - 50%

- Middle quality armor (medium kevlars) -

- High quality armor (exoskeletons and SKAT's) - 30%


Let's think that usual jackets or light kevlars have better for Marked One size, than exo, which was made exactly like a figure of corpse.


Conditions of outfits, which were got from dead people:


- Low quality armor (jackets and light kevlars) - from 75% to 90%

- Middle quality armor (medium kevlars) - from 50% to 80%

- High quality armor (exoskeletons and SKAT's) - from 25% to 65%


Let's think that expensive armor has a big wear and tear because of high price of repairing (if you remember each average NPC hasn't more than 5000 RU).


Unique NPC's has that outfits that are shown to you ingame. There won't any outfits in these characters like Prizrak (Ghost) because they already has some armor.


To install this modification just copy folder "gamedata" from archive to game's directory, agreeing replacement of files. You don't need to start new game.


Don't forget to make backup of all changed files. Also I want to tell you that all saves that you made with this modification won't work after moving away this mode.


Good luck, Marauders!!! :)




Smart Marauder Mod 1.4 for AMK 1.4:




Smart Marauder Mod 1.4 for AMK 1.4 with Pollux:




Smart Marauder Mod 1.4 for AMK 1.4 with Equipment Icons Addon:




Smart Marauder Mod 1.4 for AMK 1.4 with NLC (New Level Changer by Sak) 3.04:




Smart Marauder Mod 1.4 for AMK 1.4 with NLC 3.04 with AK47 & Saiga:







P.S. All Smart Marauder's modifications aren't adapted to Amk-english version.


*доедает камень, весело вертя шлангом противогаза* © Stalker_Zip

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maybe this can be the next amk addon? ;)

Sorry, but I can't do that as there will be problems with using it with xStream's AI pack which is included in the mod.

To be honest, I probably won't include any more add-ons in the installer unless they are made by either AMK Team, AMK-EN Team or someone whose work I trust 100%.

АМК 1.4 не запускается на международной версии S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

Вот лекарство! Устанавливать в корневую директорию игры.

Моя группа по АМК ВКонтакте.

Вожу иностранцев в Зону. Дорого.

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