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Expression : fatal error

Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error

File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\script_engine.cpp

Line : 73

Description : <no expression>

Arguments : LUA error: .... - shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\scripts\stco.script:120: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'lat00' (a nil value)

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7.9, вот






















music\amb01 = 0, 12, 0.5, 10,20

music\amb03 = 0, 12, 0.5, 10,15

music\amb07 = 12,24, 1.0, 5, 25




texture = ui\ui_global_map

bound_rect = 0.0,0.0, 1024, 2634.0

max_zoom = 6.0




texture = map\map_escape

bound_rect = -317.164, -633.718, 404.880, 811.627

global_rect = 355.0,2011.0, 576.0,2453.000000

weathers = default

music_tracks = l01_escape_musics




texture = map\map_garbage

bound_rect = -322.334, -347.225, 321.685, 318.000

global_rect = 371.0,1767.0,561.0,1963.256226

weathers = default

music_tracks = l02_garbage_musics




texture = map\map_agroprom

bound_rect = -266.505, -355.611, 331.388, 213.838

global_rect = 161.0, 1834.0, 344.0,2008.293945

weathers = default

;music_tracks = l03_agroprom_musics

music_tracks = l01_escape_musics




texture = map\map_agr_underground

bound_rect = -137.000, -147.000, -35.302, 50.254

global_rect = 255.0, 1900.0, 257.0, 1903.879150

weathers = indoor

music_tracks = l03u_agr_underground_musics




texture = map\map_darkvalley

bound_rect = -445.320, -663.867, 449.864, 231.317

global_rect = 567.0, 1608.0, 1003.0,2044.338

weathers = pripyat

music_tracks = l04_darkvalley_musics




texture = map\map_labx18_map

bound_rect = -51.236, -37.911, 47.999, 81.159

global_rect = 788.0, 1144.0, 790.0, 1146.399780

weathers = indoor_x18

;music_tracks = l04_labx18_musics




texture = map\map_bar

bound_rect = 0.000, -512.030, 512.000, 512.001

global_rect = 407.0,1414.0,556.0,1712

weathers = default

;music_tracks = l05_bar_musics




texture = map\map_rostok

bound_rect = -512.000, -512.030, 0.000, 512.001

global_rect = 258.0,1414.0,407.0,1712

weathers = default

music_tracks = l06_rostok_musics




texture = map\map_military

bound_rect = -443.567, -130.466, 196.434, 509.534

global_rect = 414.0,1217.0,604,1406.999756

weathers = default

music_tracks = l07_military_musics




texture = map\map_yantar

bound_rect = -282.869, -432.963, 287.342, 138.271

global_rect = 93.0,1566.0,256.0,1729.292480

weathers = yantar

music_tracks = l08_yantar_musics




texture = map\map_mind

bound_rect = -146.670, -41.626, 153.227, 21.611

global_rect = 172.0,1612.0,174.0,1614.0

weathers = indoor

music_tracks = l08u_brainlab_musics




texture = map\map_radar

bound_rect = -136.256, -503.108, 714.384, 353.524

global_rect = 527.0,975.0,769.0,1218.704712

weathers = radar

music_tracks = l10_radar_musics




global_rect = 588.0, 1082.0, 590.0, 1084.0

weathers = indoor

music_tracks = l10u_bunker_musics




texture = map\map_pripyat

bound_rect = -529.399, -457.516, 574.854, 769.050

global_rect = 457.0, 586.0, 798.0, 964.770996

weathers = pripyat

music_tracks = l11_pripyat_musics




texture = map\map_aes_1

bound_rect = -256.776, -747.782, 1398.440, 850.523

global_rect = 253.0, 74.0, 737.0,541.358704

weathers = stancia

music_tracks = l12_stancia_musics




global_rect = 440.0, 333.0, 442.0, 335.0

weathers = sarkofag

music_tracks = l12u_sarcofag_musics




global_rect = 440.0, 333.0, 442.0, 335.0

weathers = indoor

music_tracks = l12u_control_musics




texture = map\map_aes_1

bound_rect = -256.776, -747.782, 1398.440, 850.523

global_rect = 253.0, 74.0, 737.0,541.358704

weathers = stancia2

music_tracks = l12_stancia_2_musics











global_rect = 767.0, 1827.0, 855.0,1978.0

;texture = ui\ui_global_map

;bound_rect = 0.0,0.0, 5000.0,10000.0

weathers = indoor



global_rect = -6,1220.0, 248.0,1481.0

texture = map\map_deadcity

bound_rect = -502.148,-412.284,379.976,474,479

weathers = mrachno




texture = map\map_andy_test

global_rect = 100.0,900.0, 209.563507,982.172606

bound_rect = -150.000,-100.000, 50.000,50.000

;weathers = test

weathers = default

;weathers = indoor

;weathers = indoor_x18

;weathers = yantar

;weathers = radar

;weathers = pripyat


;weathers = stancia


;weathers = sarkofag

;weathers = stancia2

music_tracks = l01_escape_musics




texture = map\map_test

bound_rect = -150.000, -100.000, 52.927, 50.000

global_rect = 156.0,833.0,365.691223,988.0

music_tracks = l03_agroprom_musics


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7.9, Да,типа как биорадар,когда висит на поясе выводится окно!Уже конфиг весь с ног на голову переворачивал.Уже менял слот на 12 но не пахал.

Vano_Santuri, Да

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7.9,Сделал вот такое для твоего мода!(жду код)

Текстуру буду менять.



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