300000 0 Опубликовано 20 Октября 2009 Поделиться Опубликовано 20 Октября 2009 Hello dear AMK players! I have been playing for quite a long time with this mod now. My problem is the following: the game is very unbalanced. I mean I die easily even in n00b level. Npcs can kill you with only 1 pistole shot! Not matter what suit are you wearing... Is there any fix which makes the game balanced? Ссылка на комментарий
custodis 2 Опубликовано 22 Октября 2009 Поделиться Опубликовано 22 Октября 2009 (изменено) It takes a little getting used to, it happend to me when i first played AMK EN you have to drastically remap your approach and tactics. check the damage stats for you current equipped weapon and it all makes sense.. you are no longer the tank you were in vanilla, ergo a bandit with an AK47SU can kill you even if your'e wearing a s.t.a.l.k.e.r or Seva suit so don't get into his direct line of fire set the difficulty to: "stalker" first time round then when you get the hang of it switch up to veteran mode.. actually AMK EN it a lot tougher then AMK RUS... since NPC'S don't throw grenades in the Russian version. (is there any way to turn this back on in AMK RUS 1.4.1?) also the spawn rate isn't as ridicules as it was in AMK EN which is a blessing. after playing AMK EN for so long i find AMK RUS a bit to easy. is there any way to edit the the ALIFE so NPC's trow grenades again? im playing 1.4.1 rus patch 1&2 Изменено 22 Октября 2009 пользователем custodis Ссылка на комментарий
V_guessWho 1 Опубликовано 22 Октября 2009 Поделиться Опубликовано 22 Октября 2009 (изменено) In fact EN 1.4.1 is just 1.4.1 rus with some addons which were released after 1.4.1 patches. Изменено 22 Октября 2009 пользователем Ankh{R.!.P.}.EXE™ I'm a gentle man at heart, at least when I'm not slaughtering the stupid Ссылка на комментарий
custodis 2 Опубликовано 22 Октября 2009 Поделиться Опубликовано 22 Октября 2009 not exactly.. AMK EN is currently still 1.4 subtle difrence The way ALIFE responds and behaves differently in 1.4.1 (no more 60 meter grenade trows & sharpshooting while moving etc) another difference is erratic monster spawn. example the entrance to the garbage now never has more then one pseudo giant enemies spawning behind you when switching loadzones is also not present in 1.4.1 rus enemies really respawn at the rate you select during setup. the train-yard in the garbage is no longer a public cemetery littered with corpses due to infinite bandit re-spawn all these thing make 1.4.1 rus a lot more enjoyable and a lot less difficult. Ссылка на комментарий
Mazryonh 0 Опубликовано 23 Октября 2009 Поделиться Опубликовано 23 Октября 2009 300000, Just you wait until you start getting into the "big leagues." When you get your hands on a weapon that uses 9x39mm ammo, you'll notice that it kills human NPCs in one shot, no matter where you hit them or what armour they're wearing. The same happens to you if you get hit by someone using a 9x39mm ammo-using weapon, no matter your level of bullet resistance. That's game-breaking and completely unbalanced--if this were true in real life, why would the Russians see fit to give the AS Val a firing rate of 900 rounds per minute and a fully-automatic firing setting? I do agree with custodis in that it's nice that someone getting close enough with a weapon can still kill you, but even so, I don't think having 50% bullet resistance should still let 3 assault rifle bullets kill you, let alone 3 bullets from an MP5--the 9x19mm rounds which it uses are well-known for their poor penetration of body armour. I will definitely make a dedicated thread about the problems with the gunplay in this mod. I'm glad that the 1.4.1 patch does tone down the "mutant overpopulation" problem that 1.4 has. Maybe a version called 1.5 for SoC could fix the remaining problems of this mod without having to add too much new content. Ссылка на комментарий
utak3r 6 Опубликовано 14 Декабря 2009 Поделиться Опубликовано 14 Декабря 2009 Npcs can kill you with only 1 pistole shot! Not matter what suit are you wearing... Well, in my mod, based on AMK EN, I have tweaked it even further... NPCs shoot better, from bigger distances Just play, you will get accustomed to it. You see... it's more realistic this way Not to mention all the camera's effects after being shot from a short distance sooner or later... you will meet the undertaker... utak3r Ссылка на комментарий
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