utak3r 6 Опубликовано 15 Декабря 2009 (изменено) Hm, some nice ideas here, I'll sit down to it and see what I come with... h.type = hit.strike --chemical_burn It seems the "electrical" discharge from the Electro Chimeras also inflicts a small amount of chemical damage (strange how that's the only English comment in the whole document). Guess it's time to whip out some Pellicle. No no no... the "chemical_burn" word here is commented out - that means it WAS there some time, but it's not already. update: OK... when it attacks, actor gets two types of wounds at the same time: normal strike (from claws) and an electric shock. Just have a look (the original source is messed in the meaning of formatting, here is the clean version): local dist = db.actor:position():distance_to(obj:bone_position("bip01_spine")) if dist < 25 then local h = hit() h.impulse = 0 h.draftsman = db.actor h.direction = vector():set(0,0,0) h:bone("bip01_spine") h.power = 0.6/dist h.type = hit.strike db.actor:hit(h) h.power = 8/dist h.type = hit.shock db.actor:hit(h) end See? First you get h.type=hit.strike and after applying it (via db.actor:hit(h)) you get another one h.type=hit.shock. So, if you want it to attack only with the shock, put "-- " in the front of the first db.actor:hit(h), so it won't be called. More will follow Изменено 15 Декабря 2009 пользователем utak3r sooner or later... you will meet the undertaker... utak3r Поделиться этим сообщением Ссылка на сообщение