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A new and severe AMK issue that removes some of the mod's features from the game!


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Of all the bugs I've encountered with this well-made mod, this has got to be among the weirdest. Recently I tried several times to escort Kruglov from Wild Territory to Yantar, but failed several times (sometimes even crashing my machine) because of how many Electro-Chimeras got in my way. They would often swarm me and prove impossible if they got too close because their bursts of electricity would kill me too, or else their bursts of electricity would overload the particle manager of the Xray engine.


Unfortunately after successfully getting Kruglov to Yantar, I found that I could no longer sleep (every time I used my sleeping bag I would just get the "You don't want to sleep" message), blowouts no longer happened, and the Stalker chat network no longer worked. I think a bug as severe as this one deserves some attention by the AMK developers. Does a bug like this mean that the mod files have been corrupted and that I should re-install them?


I would appreciate it if someone from the development team could investigate this problem for me, and how to prevent it in the future. I think the AMK developers would also benefit if they could figure out a way to stop their mod's features from being deactivated so quickly.


Here's a download link to the savegame files on my filefront account. You need WinRAR archiver to unzip the archive:




Like a good beta tester, I've also prepared a savegame where you can reliably reproduce this bug with a simple action. All you have to do is use the sleeping bag, and the features I mentioned will be lost for no real reason. You can also see in the Marked One's diary that a Stalker network chat said that a blowout was supposed to have happened that night, but never does if you sleep (which is alarming because blowouts always wake you up). Furthermore, for some reason the moment you wake up, the deadline for all active quests changes from "1 months" to the vanilla "7 days."


You can download the archive here:




If have to re-install and start over again, this will be the fifth time that I've done so, without even completing the game once. :negative:


Again, this is a serious problem and I would like to know how to prevent it or undo the damage. Please help?

Изменено пользователем Mazryonh
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This issue is entangled with the in game date. It happens if you linger around to long and the end of month come. There's a solution but i am not sure whether it works ok with english version.

Check out your in game date and if it's july already try the link below.

end of month fixed for AMK

Don't forget to make the backup of amk.script file before replaceing it with this one.

btw this file is designed for pure AMK 141+2 patches, so if you have other mods installed you may experience problems

Изменено пользователем CarbonMonoxide

AMK 1.4.1 + 2 патча + AI Pack FINAL + SSR mod v.4.0

на C2D E8400 /4096 Mb /GF8800GT /22"@1680x1050

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Actually, I spoke with Wodkagt over Xfire and he gave me a fixed amk.script file that fixed the problem but introduced another one:


CLIENT: Synchronizing...
* phase time: 11 ms
* phase cmem: 346208 K
* [win32]: free[686992 K], reserved[208696 K], committed[1201400 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[570278 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[346208 K], process heap[715586 K], game lua[33717 K], engine lua[133 K], render[2695 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[39428 K], smem[28421 K]
! Cannot find saved game ~~~ process_trade_-_unknown_-_wpn_rg-6_wpn_rg-643009
* MEMORY USAGE: 270380 K


[error]Expression    : fatal error
[error]Function      : CPostprocessAnimator::Load
[error]File          : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\PostprocessAnimator.cpp
[error]Line          : 76
[error]Description   : <no expression>
[error]Arguments     : Can't find motion file 'amk_shoot.ppe'.


I decided that since wodkagt is working with the AMK development team, it's likely he has a better amk.script file to test the various changes the team is making to the mod to prepare for AMK 2.0 so I had a look around the new script file he gave me. Here's the one paragraph that mentions a file named "amk_shoot.ppe".


if gg_kick then    
        if prev_health>db.actor.health+0.05 then
            level.add_pp_effector("amk_shoot.ppe", 2011, false)
            level.set_pp_effector_factor(2011, (prev_health-db.actor.health)*100)


I decided that I might try transplanting the paragraph from the old version into this new script file, which reads as follows:


if gg_kick then    
        if prev_health>db.actor.health+0.05 then
            level.add_pp_effector("fire_hit.ppe", 2011, false)
            level.set_pp_effector_factor(2011, (prev_health-db.actor.health)*100)


And, for once in my can't-code-to-save-my-life computer programming experience, it mostly worked. One feature has not returned with this new AMK.script file, which is the warnings about when the next blowout will occur that the Stalker chat network sometimes gives you. While this isn't that much of a problem (it won't stop me from finishing the game), I think it's a bug issue that should be looked into.


I take it that the "amk_shoot.ppe" file is really just a bunch of new animations the AMK team put in for a new version--some new shooting animations might be nice, given that right now there's an animation bug that causes some stalkers to aim to the right of you while still firing bullets straight at you (most common when they are using assault rifles), or even when they're just talking to you. There's still plenty of animations to be done as well, such as showing NPCs reloading their grenade launchers (not to mention actually using them), and the fact that when NPCs sight down pistol barrels, they have to tilt their heads to the right. You don't have to do that at all, actually--you can just raise the pistol right in front of your face and make sure the sights are aligned properly, without having to move your head.

Изменено пользователем Mazryonh
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