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How exactly do I trigger rewards for NPC's "gratitude"?

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I know that if you kill certain creatures that happen to be nearby certain NPCs, a nearby trader will contact you with a text message and have a gift the grateful NPC left you. However, I have never been able to trigger this reliably, and I want to learn how since in my experience this is the only possible way to get more rucksacks and Night Star artifacts, which is something I desparately need.


How do I trigger this? Do I just have to kill the monsters that NPCs mention via the Stalker network? Or do I have to let those NPCs get hurt by mutants first, then kill the attacking mutants?


Thanks again for your support. I was off this forum for a while because the mod finally starting working fine.

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I think you gotta help out the STALKERs when you get a Stalker Network message. I think I got one for saving someone after a blowout, one guy got stuck and got KO'ed and I saved him, then when I went to bar I had a "I heard someone left something for me" (or whatever it is) message in the menu.

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That's the funny thing. You'd think that it'd happen piecemeal, with each and every "good deed" that you do, but for some reason I get them all in large bunches. Both times have happened at the Army Warehouses area. Is it because they only happen when the A-Life makes them appear at a trader you can't kill (hence Barkeep and Sidorovich)? Is this because of a bug?


I sure wish it were a little quicker, because if this theory is correct, then it means that if they get killed before they just so happen to get to those traders, then the reward is lost. Maybe if the traders said "A package just arrived for you. It's from such-and-such, with his gratitude for killing this mutant." etc.

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