Prophet2002 2 Опубликовано 4 Мая 2021 local file = getFS():update_path("$app_data_root$", "launcher .ltx") = "actor_ID" if (file:section_exist("logins")) then = file:r_string("logins", "display_name") end Помогите со скриптом. Пытаюсь обратиться к конфигу, используя класс FS, но игра вылетает, ругается на функцию section_exist. Заранее спасибо. Поделиться этим сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Prophet2002 2 Опубликовано 6 Мая 2021 Спасибо всем, попробую ваши методы. Поделиться этим сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Prophet2002 2 Опубликовано 28 Июня 2021 Вылетает игра с такой ошибкой: gamedata\scripts\rx_ff.script:164: attempt to index field 'ammo' (a nil value) Прилагаю LUA код, заранее спасибо, кто поможет решить. Скрытый текст ---- AI Additions ---- ---- Rulix aka Bak ---- ---- 29.7.2009,06.01.2016 function printf(s, ...) -- rx_utils.printf("ff:"..s,...) end ASSERTX(rx_ai.rx_ini:section_exist("ff"),"no section [ff] in rx_ini") local forbidden_factions = rx_utils.parse_list(rx_ai.rx_ini,"ff","forbidden_factions",true) local forbidden_npcs = rx_utils.parse_list(rx_ai.rx_ini,"ff","forbidden_npcs",true) class "evaluator_dont_shoot" (property_evaluator) function evaluator_dont_shoot:__init(npc,name,storage) super (nil,name) = storage end function evaluator_dont_shoot:evaluate() local npc = self.object local enemy,slot = npc:best_enemy(),npc:active_slot() local res = false if enemy and (slot == 2 or slot == 1) then local wpn = npc:active_item() if wpn and not enemy:wounded() and wpn:get_ammo_in_magazine() > 0 then if npc:see(enemy) or rx_utils.get_weapon_state(wpn) == rx_utils.EWeaponStates.eFire then res, = friends_on_fire_line(npc) end end end,res) return res end local function get_vertex(npc,dist) local rnd1,ang = math.random(100) if rnd1 < 43 then ang = math.random(40,70) elseif rnd1 < 58 then ang = math.random(150,210) else ang = math.random(290,320) end local dir = vector_rotate_y(npc:direction(),ang) return npc:vertex_in_direction(npc:level_vertex_id(),dir,dist) end class "action_verso" (action_base) function action_verso:__init (npc,action_name,storage) super (nil,action_name) = storage end function action_verso:initialize() action_base.initialize(self) local npc = self.object self.is_camper =[npc:id()].script_combat_type == "camper" or[npc:id()].active_scheme == "camper" and not npc:motivation_action_manager():evaluator(xr_evaluators_id.stohe_camper_base+2):evaluate() if npc:path_completed() then npc:set_desired_position() npc:set_desired_direction() end npc:set_mental_state(anim.danger) npc:set_item(object.aim1,npc:active_item()) local enemy = npc:best_enemy() if not self.is_camper then state_mgr.set_state(npc,"assault",nil,nil,{look_object = enemy},{animation = true}) else state_mgr.set_state(npc,state_mgr.get_state(npc),nil,nil,{look_object = enemy},{animation = true}) end end function action_verso:execute() action_base.execute(self) if self.is_camper then return end local npc = self.object if not self.vertex and not npc:path_completed() and npc:movement_type() ~= move.stand then return end if not self.vertex or npc:path_completed() or self.timer < time_global() then self.vertex = get_vertex(npc, self.timer = time_global()+800* end if self.vertex then npc:set_dest_level_vertex_id(self.vertex) end end function action_verso:finalize() action_base.finalize(self) self.vertex = nil local npc = self.object if not npc:alive() then return end rx_sound.block_alarm_sound(npc) state_mgr.set_state(npc,"idle") end evid_dont_shoot = rx_ai.base_id+25 actid_dont_shoot = evid_dont_shoot function add_to_binder(npc,ini,scheme,section,storage) local manager = npc:motivation_action_manager() if forbidden_factions[npc:character_community()] or forbidden_npcs[npc:name()] or forbidden_npcs[npc:section()] or not npc:alive() then manager:add_evaluator(evid_dont_shoot,property_evaluator_const(false)) return end manager:add_evaluator(evid_dont_shoot,evaluator_dont_shoot(npc,"eva_dont_shoot",storage)) local action = action_verso(npc,"act_dont_shoot",storage) action:add_precondition(world_property(stalker_ids.property_alive,true)) action:add_precondition(world_property(xr_evaluators_id.sidor_wounded_base,false)) -- action:add_precondition(world_property(stalker_ids.property_danger_grenade,false)) if rx_bandage then action:add_precondition(world_property(rx_bandage.evid_bandage,false)) end if rx_gl then action:add_precondition(world_property(rx_gl.evid_gl_fire,false)) action:add_precondition(world_property(rx_gl.evid_gl_reload,false)) end if rx_facer then action:add_precondition(world_property(rx_facer.evid_facer,false)) end if rx_knife then action:add_precondition(world_property(rx_knife.evid_knife_attack,false)) end if rx_kill_wounded then action:add_precondition(world_property(rx_kill_wounded.evid_enemy_wounded,false)) end if xrs_grenade then action:add_precondition(world_property(xrs_grenade.evid_crazy_grenadier,false)) action:add_precondition(world_property(xrs_grenade.evid_aaa_grenade,false)) action:add_precondition(world_property(xrs_grenade.evid_psyh,false)) end -- if blowout_scheme and blowout_scheme.evid_outside then -- action:add_precondition(world_property(blowout_scheme.evid_outside,false)) -- end action:add_precondition(world_property(evid_dont_shoot,true)) action:add_effect(world_property(evid_dont_shoot,false)) manager:add_action(actid_dont_shoot,action) -- включение в планировщик action = manager:action(stalker_ids.action_combat_planner) action:add_precondition(world_property(evid_dont_shoot,false)) end function set_scheme(npc,ini,scheme,section) local st = xr_logic.assign_storage_and_bind(npc,ini,scheme,section) end local disp_stor = {} local disp_time = {} local sini = system_ini() local function get_weapon_dispersion(npc) local wpn = npc:active_item() if not (wpn and rx_utils.item_is_fa(wpn)) then return 0 elseif (disp_time[wpn:id()] or 0) > time_global() then return disp_stor[wpn:id()] end local section = wpn:section() local base = sini:r_float(section,"fire_dispersion_base")*math.pi/180 local condition_factor = 1 + sini:r_float(section,"fire_dispersion_condition_factor")*(1-wpn:condition()) local silencer = 1 if rx_utils.addon_attached(wpn,"sl") then local ss = rx_utils.read_from_ini(nil,section,"silencer_name","__",1) silencer = rx_utils.read_from_ini(nil,ss,"fire_dispersion_base_k",1) end local wm = npc:get_wm(true) local ammo,as = wm and wm.ammo[section] if ammo and ammo._c and ammo._c ~= true then as = ammo._c else local amt = rx_wmgr and rx_wmgr.read_wpn_params(section).amt or rx_utils.parse_list(nil,section,"ammo_class") as = #amt == 1 and amt[1] or amt[rx_utils.get_ammo_type(wpn)+1] end local k_disp = sini:r_float(as,"k_disp") local result = base*silencer*k_disp*condition_factor disp_stor[wpn:id()] = result disp_time[wpn:id()] = time_global()+50000 -- printf("get_current_dispersion[%s][%s]base %s silencer %s k_disp %s condition_factor %s","",wpn:name(),base,silencer,k_disp,condition_factor) -- printf("get_current_dispersion[%s][%s] %s",npc:name(),wpn:name(),result) return result end local min_check_prd = 250 -- проверка друзей примерно 4 раза в секунду function friends_on_fire_line(npc) local sid = npc:id() local st = rx_ai.get_storage(sid,"fofl") local tg = time_global() if (st.wait or 0) >= tg then return st.f,st.d end local enemy = npc:best_enemy() local npc_pos = npc:bone_position("bip01_l_finger02") local enemy_pos = enemy:bone_position("bip01_spine") if rx_knife then local ktrg = rx_knife.targets[enemy:id()] if ktrg and ktrg ~= sid then local hunter = level.object_by_id(ktrg) if hunter and npc:relation(hunter) ~= game_object.enemy and npc:see(hunter) then local h_dist = hunter:position():distance_to_sqr(enemy_pos) if h_dist < 13 and h_dist+1 < npc_pos:distance_to_sqr(enemy_pos) then st.f,st.d = true,5 st.wait = tg+2000 return true,5 end end end end local dir_aim = enemy_pos:sub(npc_pos) local be_dist = dir_aim:magnitude() if be_dist > 3 then local disp = get_weapon_dispersion(npc) + 0.025 --npc:accuracy() local aH,aP = dir_aim:getH(),dir_aim:getP() for o in npc:memory_visible_objects() do local friend = o:object() if friend and friend.clsid and friend:alive() and friend:id() ~= sid then if IsStalker(friend) and npc:relation(friend) ~= game_object.enemy then local friend_dir = friend:center():sub(npc_pos) local friend_dist = friend_dir:magnitude()-0.5 if friend_dist < be_dist then local fH,fP = friend_dir:getH(),friend_dir:getP() local f = disp+0.28/friend_dist if (aH > fH and aH-fH or fH-aH) < f and (aP > fP and aP-fP or fP-aP) < f*1.8 then if not friend:wounded() or (aP > fP and aP-fP or fP-aP) < f*0.5 then st.f = true st.d = math.min(25,4*be_dist/(be_dist-friend_dist)) st.wait = tg+1500 return true,st.d end end end end end end end st.wait = tg+min_check_prd st.f,st.d = false,4 return false,4 end Поделиться этим сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Prophet2002 2 Опубликовано 28 Июня 2021 @phalcorспасибо, попробую. Поделиться этим сообщением Ссылка на сообщение