Перейти к контенту

Сообщество Мапперов

Рекомендуемые сообщения

Предыдущий пост удалите пожалуйста, я нашел вроде решение. Теперь при сборке новая беда:




Виталкер, если не изменяет память, он сейчас не делает ничего в этом плане.

Изменено пользователем HellRatz
Ссылка на комментарий

Решил побегать. Но.. в Предбаннике сек. через 20-30 игры вылет безлоговый. Постоянно, на др. локах все ОК. Кто подскажет?

И еще. Не работают (или у меня руки кривые) некоторые переходы. Например переход из Припяти на Генераторы. Отметка есть, а перехода не нащупал.

Ссылка на комментарий

kokkai вылет из-за костров, где-то был фикс (правленный олл.спавн) убирающий эти костры.


Сообщение от модератора kokkai
Если у кого есть, скиньте в ЛС. И про переходы растолкуйте.
Ссылка на комментарий

Вопрос с вылетом винды снимается, незнаю где связь, но это вылечивается выключением модема. :blink: Тут другая проблема появилась, при сборке графа, вылетает компилятор. Вот весь лог:

'xrCore' build 2215, Apr 25 2005


! Cannot find library xrEPropsB.dll

* loading script class_registrator.script

* loading script smart_terrain.script

* loading script se_switcher.script

* loading script se_stalker.script

* loading script se_artefact.script

* loading script se_car.script

* loading script se_monster.script

* loading script game_registrator.script

"LevelBuilder v4.1" beta build

Compilation date: Apr 25 2005


Startup time: 15:56:56

Building Level gamedata\levels\k01_darkscape\


* New phase started: Loading AI map

! Sector graph doesn't correspond to the level graph : rebuilding...

* Navigation info : 1048354 nodes, 20932 sectors, 83134 edges

1048354 nodes loaded


* New phase started: Loading graph points

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 0

| Vertices read : 100

| Vertices read : 200

| Vertices read : 300

| Vertices read : 302

302 vertices are loaded


* New phase started: Removing duplicate graph points

0 vertices has been removed

302 vertices are valid


* New phase started: Searching AI map for corresponding nodes

0 points don't have corresponding nodes (they are removed)

0 points have the same corresponding nodes (they are removed)


* New phase started: Removing incoherent graph points

0 graph points are incoherent (they are removed)

302 graph points are valid


* New phase started: Allocating memory

* 727216 memory allocated


* New phase started: Building graph

| | * THREAD #0: Started.

| | * THREAD #1: Started.

| | * THREAD #2: Started.

| | * THREAD #3: Started.

| | * THREAD #4: Started.

| | * THREAD #5: Started.

| | * THREAD #5: Task Completed.

| | * THREAD #4: Task Completed.

***STOP*** file '(null)', line 0.

***Reason***: *** Internal Error ***

Saved dump file to 'logs\xrSE_Factory_Administrator_05-03-11_16-24-15.mdmp'


Кто знает, что это такое? :unsure:


Ссылка на комментарий

Подскажите в чем проблема, собераю несколько карт, склеюю граф(в СДК) начинаю компилировать с -m и получаю вылет:

* Detected CPU: AuthenticAMD , F15/M6/S3, 3100.00 mhz, 73-clk 'rdtsc'

* CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, 3DNow!, SSE, SSE2


Initializing File System...

FS: 18143 files cached, 1778Kb memory used.

'xrCore' build -729635, 000 0 0000


Loading DLL: xrSE_Factory.dll

"LevelBuilder v4.1" beta build

Compilation date: 000 0 0000


Startup time: 17:23:44


* New phase started: Processing level graphs

level 1 escape_1842

Script debugger succesfully restarted.

* loading script _G.script

* loading script class_registrator.script

* loading script smart_terrain.script

* loading script se_respawn.script

* loading script se_switcher.script

* loading script se_stalker.script

* loading script se_car.script

* loading script se_zones.script

* loading script se_item.script

* loading script se_artefact.script

* loading script se_monster.script

level 2 garbage_old

level 3 l03_agroprom

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

level 4 l03u_agr_underground

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

level 5 l04_darkvalley

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

level 6 l04u_labx18

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

level 7 l05_bar

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

level 8 l06_rostok

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

level 9 yantar_old

level 12 l07_military

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

level 14 l10_radar

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

level 15 l10u_bunker

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

Graph for the level l10u_bunker doesn't correspond to the graph points from Level Editor! (132 : 131)

level 16 l11_pripyat

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

level 17 stancia

level 18 generators

level 19 warlab

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

! cannot open config file gamedata\config\stalker_custom_data.ltx

level 33 marsh


* New phase started: Adding interconnection points

Level escape_1842 with id 1 has VALID connection point exit_escape_1842_02,

which references to graph point exit_darkvalley_03 on the level l04_darkvalley with id 5


Level escape_1842 with id 1 has VALID connection point exit_escape_1842_03,

which references to graph point exit_marsh_01 on the level marsh with id 33


Level garbage_old with id 2 has an INVALID connection point exit_garbage_old_01,

which references to graph point exit_escape_1842_01 on the level escape_1842 with id 1


***STOP*** file 'P:\xrAI\xr_graph_merge.cpp', line 591.

***Reason***: *** Assertion failed ***

Expression: M != (*K).second->m_tVertexMap.end()


***STOP*** file '(null)', line 0.

***Reason***: *** Internal Error ***

Saved dump file to 'logs\xrSE_Factory_Саня_05-03-11_17-24-32.mdmp'



Уже по несколько раз переделывал и пересоздавал графы не помагает!


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И еще вопрос не по теме:

Нету ни у кого модель чновца из ЧН в броне ЧН-3а?

Мне для своего мода надо.

Я пробовал сам сделать, но почему-то с нпс, к которому приклеплена модель,

Не высвечивается группировка при наведении на него и пули сквозь него летят.

Подскажите че за баг или дайте ссылку на модель.

Зарание спасибо.



Добавлено через 3 мин.:

А кстати, если надо кому лока пишите в ЛС

Там лока ток в формате СДК

Если кому интересно перекомпилить в уровень скину на обменик

Не доставай меня, а то врежу!

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Не оставляйте без внимания, знающие, мой пост пожалуйста. Очень нужна помощь.



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У меня почему-то в Мертвом Городе сохраняюсь и зависает когда пытаюсь загрузить сохранение

Ну как зависает, не загруается а висит картинка последняя.

Я час ждал и сейв не начал загружаться все висит

А когда закрываю игру на панели и загружаю сейв снова все идет..

Помогите, в чем проблема!?


Не доставай меня, а то врежу!

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Капрал Хикс

Я попробую.

Не кому нужен acdc.pl к СМП?

Он все спавн секции распределяет в way и alife

Тоесть без alife_lxx_unknown.ltx

Не доставай меня, а то врежу!

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Ребята, помогите пожалуйсто, тут 2 вопроса. Во певых, я подключил 2 локации к ТЧ, всё запускается, работает, но где то минут через 2-5 игра вылетает и без лога, кто знает, что это такое и как это исправить? И во вторых что с этим ACDC? Он кароче распаковывает вроде нормально, но запаковывает этот же спавн не правильно, вес получается меньше и соответсвенно он что то не запаковывает, из за чего игра вообще не запускается. Правда я не уверен, может он расспаковывает неправильно. Помогите, заранее спасибо.

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HellRatz, тебе надо проверить свой левел.спавн, тебе об этом прямым текстом пишется. Что (какую локацию), к чему и чем ты подключаешь, мы что здесь все телепаты? Если подключаешь локацию из ЧН\ЗП в ТЧ, то перечитай туторы и эту тему.

TORR, проверь спавн на уровне, у меня были проблемы из-за аномалий, может быть и из-за костров. Посмотри в лог, там вполне может быть причина зависа.

Вообще-то, в комплекте к SMP идет рабочий acdc...

Тимыч, а самому трудно? Если надо подключить пару локаций к оригиналу (не из ЧН\ЗП) - это не так трудно сделать, да и вообще, кто мешает взять пак и отключить ненужные локации?

Ulman, то же самое - проверь спавн. Во-вторых, у тебя неправильно прописаны секции в acdc.pl, ориентируйся на свой game.graph\all.spawn а не на "эти"...

Цензура ограничивает творчество © by me
Ссылка на комментарий
dimos, дак я уже несколько раз переделывал, всё равно вылет. И можешь помочь с этими секциями, а то я не знаю чего там ещё может быть неправильно.
Ссылка на комментарий
dimos дак в том-то и дело, Что спавн чистый. Пытаюсь подключить локацию hiding_road, выложенную тут ранее к СПМ паку. Проверил спавн, в спавне вообще нету такого объекта barrel_01010 что-то там.
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