DigGil 0 Опубликовано 21 Февраля 2009 Поделиться Опубликовано 21 Февраля 2009 Originally I've registered here to ask if there was a compatible vehicles mod for AMK, then I saw a thread about that in this forum ( ) but now, while installing firstly AMK 1.4.1 following the instructions: Vizzy wrote in http://amk-team.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=3283: However, if you want to test out whatever the latest features are, firstly download Russian version of AMK 1.4.1 with the latest patches, then after you have installed AMK, download the latest nightly build of AMK-EN and put it in your STALKER folder. I found a problem: I think my computer doesn't understand Cyrillic in applications. If it were written with the Cyrillic alphabet I could translate with Google Translator like I do to translate this website, this way I can't. What should I do or what mean each option? Thanks in advance! Ссылка на комментарий
kokkai 97 Опубликовано 21 Февраля 2009 Поделиться Опубликовано 21 Февраля 2009 Here is the translation of all the options. Basic files of AMK mod. Choose the resolution of monitor which is used by you in game - (here are all of resolutions) The frequency of blowout approximately once in 12 hours approximately once in 24 hours approximately once in 30 hours New interface selection map below right map above left AMK inventory Weather change new weather (dx8) new weather with long distance of detailed representation (dx8) new weather (dx9) new weather with long distance of detailed representation (dx9) Post effect after hitting main character enable disable Settings of binocular frames are enabled frames are disabled Old hit marks Three anomalies’ changing visible invisible invisible without sound No radiation visibility AK machine gun sound from 2215 ”Vintorez” and ”Val” - new sound Change of max portable weight without change 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg Meal treatment enable disable Change of re-spawn once in 8-12 hours once in 12-24 hours once in 24-32 hours New loading screens Mini PDA Switch off red spots on radar Switch off damage by fire Change background design AMK menu with the phrase ”Every day brings more fun into our life!” default Ссылка на комментарий
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