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AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

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Yeah, I have, I think it might be related to the death messages the news script uses but I'm not sure. I've also seen it when NPCs kill other NPCs.




I have it and I am planning on including his smoothed SPAS-12 using Siro's skin and my normal maps. I haven't taken a look at the Winchester yet.

the winchester is a must.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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Tiny little progress update. I've managed to get the newer FN P90 (although I'm not sure I like the animations right now), the TEC-9, the Kriss Super V and the MAC-10 working in-game. I've also created two versions of the MAC-10, in 9mm and .45 ACP, with a slightly adjusted skin for the 9mm one (so now it says "9MM AUTO" instead of "45 AUTO") and separate suppressors for both of them.


But, my best moment so far was getting the portable repair kits working :)


So, now even if you're far from a trader, you can use a kit to repair your armor and weapons, although they only fix a bit of the damage every time you use one. A tradeoff for them not being as expensive as getting a trader to do it.


There's still lots of work to do, but so far it's going well.

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Tiny little progress update. I've managed to get the newer FN P90 (although I'm not sure I like the animations right now), the TEC-9, the Kriss Super V and the MAC-10 working in-game. I've also created two versions of the MAC-10, in 9mm and .45 ACP, with a slightly adjusted skin for the 9mm one (so now it says "9MM AUTO" instead of "45 AUTO") and separate suppressors for both of them.


But, my best moment so far was getting the portable repair kits working :)


So, now even if you're far from a trader, you can use a kit to repair your armor and weapons, although they only fix a bit of the damage every time you use one. A tradeoff for them not being as expensive as getting a trader to do it.


There's still lots of work to do, but so far it's going well.

you can call the 9mm version as mac11.though the mac11 is designed for the 9mm short round. has a mag capacity of 32 while the .45 has a mag cap of 30.



for refrence photos for the skins.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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you can call the 9mm version as mac11.though the mac11 is designed for the 9mm short round. has a mag capacity of 32 while the .45 has a mag cap of 30.



for refrence photos for the skins.


Skin is all ready done and bump mapped. Magazine capacities are all ready adjusted, fire modes fixed to semi- and full-auto only since they were set for 1, 2 and 3 round burst as well as full-auto for some reason I can't fathom. Rate of fire has also been adjusted to proper settings, descriptions are written and the 9x19mm version is all ready in the hands of some of the (random) car park bandits. I've no plans for the .380 ACP version since its dimensions are noticeably different than the MAC-10. Tomorrow I'll be doing entirely new skins for both suppressors based off the Gemtech company's designs. I'm actually pondering doing away with the "universal suppressor that fits all guns" nonsense and instead making suppressors for specific calibers/weapons.

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Skin is all ready done and bump mapped. Magazine capacities are all ready adjusted, fire modes fixed to semi- and full-auto only since they were set for 1, 2 and 3 round burst as well as full-auto for some reason I can't fathom. Rate of fire has also been adjusted to proper settings, descriptions are written and the 9x19mm version is all ready in the hands of some of the (random) car park bandits. I've no plans for the .380 ACP version since its dimensions are noticeably different than the MAC-10. Tomorrow I'll be doing entirely new skins for both suppressors based off the Gemtech company's designs. I'm actually pondering doing away with the "universal suppressor that fits all guns" nonsense and instead making suppressors for specific calibers/weapons.
two thumbs up.


though suppressed weapons that fire super sonic rounds need sub sonic ammo. then again u probably know this already.


oh when is the next release

playstaion network ID sasha87

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two thumbs up.


though suppressed weapons that fire super sonic rounds need sub sonic ammo. then again u probably know this already.


oh when is the next release


There is a possibility that I can modify non-subsonic rounds to make a suppressor less efficient. I'll look into it. For right now, next release will be once I have all the new weapons that I want to include and they've all been added to the appropriate traders and the randomization setup and when I've finished all the skins I plan to do. It might be a while, but it'll be really good when it's done.

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There is a possibility that I can modify non-subsonic rounds to make a suppressor less efficient. I'll look into it. For right now, next release will be once I have all the new weapons that I want to include and they've all been added to the appropriate traders and the randomization setup and when I've finished all the skins I plan to do. It might be a while, but it'll be really good when it's done.


anyway if you need help with information or pictures of weapons i'll be glad to be of assistance.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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Hey how about a satchel charge and the russian equivalent of claymores? We also need an RPG-18.

yeah rpg-18 is a better alternative than the bulky rpg-7. much lighter and packs a bigger punch. but there are better alternatives.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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yeah rpg-18 is a better alternative than the bulky rpg-7. much lighter and packs a bigger punch. but there are better alternatives.


Well the RPG-7 has the advantage of being reusable & has multiple different warheads (the FAE warhead would be awesome in game). What are the better alternatives you mean? Unless you mean western launchers I don't know which you could be reffering to.

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Well the RPG-7 has the advantage of being reusable & has multiple different warheads (the FAE warhead would be awesome in game). What are the better alternatives you mean? Unless you mean western launchers I don't know which you could be reffering to.


Panzerfaust 3 (Pzf 3) antitank grenade launcher (Germany)


heavy, but 500% more effctive than rpg-18.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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Another small update, apparently I haven't completely lost my texturing ability.






So, I think I will be going ahead with making specific suppressors for each caliber. I may even be able to puzzle out how to get past the inverted text thing that crops up with this particular model. Like a lot of UV maps, it has one texture for both sides of the main body so anything written on it gets mirrored on one side. I think I can get past it with a little photoshop trickery, I'll let you know how it goes.


Update: It doesn't go. No biggie, I'm finishing up the last of the detail work and tomorrow I'll see what I can do with this suppressor model.

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Another small update, apparently I haven't completely lost my texturing ability.






So, I think I will be going ahead with making specific suppressors for each caliber. I may even be able to puzzle out how to get past the inverted text thing that crops up with this particular model. Like a lot of UV maps, it has one texture for both sides of the main body so anything written on it gets mirrored on one side. I think I can get past it with a little photoshop trickery, I'll let you know how it goes.


Update: It doesn't go. No biggie, I'm finishing up the last of the detail work and tomorrow I'll see what I can do with this suppressor model.

oh my god!!!!!!! give me! give me! give me! :ok5:

playstaion network ID sasha87

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Now the MAC-10 skin isn't mine, I just did the suppressor. Not bad for my first go at doing metal textures with dodge and burn if I do say so myself.

it's a great first attempt.

any chance of a progrers report on the mod?

playstaion network ID sasha87

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it's a great first attempt.

any chance of a progrers report on the mod?


Lemme see what my list says.


The new P90, MP7A3, MAC-10 in .45 and 9mm, TEC-9, Kriss Super V, Benelli shotgun and TOZ-34 sawed-off are all in-game and working. MAC-10 in 9mm has its own skin and own individual suppressor and both are sold by Sidorovich and occasionally carried by newbie Stalkers and Bandits. TEC-9 and TOZ-34 short are sold by Sidorovich as well and also sometimes found in newbie hands. P90 has its own individual suppressor, but reskinning it looks impossible since it's using the original game's suppressor and texture and the texture is about a tenth of the resolution of the new suppressor. Upscaling the texture and renaming it to tie it to an altered version of the game suppressor will add a five meg texture file to the mod and I'm not sure I want to do that. Repair kits are partially working, but they don't appear to work on armor, trying to fix that but I'm not sure how just yet. Added a new kind of vodka just for fun. Currently I'm working on creating parallax maps for all the new textures and trying to figure out what controls the inventory of the bandits hiding out at the checkpoint before the level changer from Cordon to Garbage.

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Lemme see what my list says.


The new P90, MP7A3, MAC-10 in .45 and 9mm, TEC-9, Kriss Super V, Benelli shotgun and TOZ-34 sawed-off are all in-game and working. MAC-10 in 9mm has its own skin and own individual suppressor and both are sold by Sidorovich and occasionally carried by newbie Stalkers and Bandits. TEC-9 and TOZ-34 short are sold by Sidorovich as well and also sometimes found in newbie hands. P90 has its own individual suppressor, but reskinning it looks impossible since it's using the original game's suppressor and texture and the texture is about a tenth of the resolution of the new suppressor. Upscaling the texture and renaming it to tie it to an altered version of the game suppressor will add a five meg texture file to the mod and I'm not sure I want to do that. Repair kits are partially working, but they don't appear to work on armor, trying to fix that but I'm not sure how just yet. Added a new kind of vodka just for fun. Currently I'm working on creating parallax maps for all the new textures and trying to figure out what controls the inventory of the bandits hiding out at the checkpoint before the level changer from Cordon to Garbage.


here are some silencer pics





fn p90 w/ silencer

playstaion network ID sasha87

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