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AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

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lovin the weapon mod.


but why did you go with prl stats? they r rubbish and unrealistic.

i tried changing the stats but it did not do anything. the weapon config folder seems to be useless for weapon stats.


They're actually not just PLR's stats, they're also mine, I've extensively modified them from the original base. The reason your changes don't appear to be doing anything is because the weapon stat bars in inventory are broken, most of the time they do not reflect the actual statistics of the weapon as it behaves in the game.


Yeah, PLR weapon statistics suck. All the assault rifles are identical essentially, among other things. I really like the Mosin Nagant though.


Well, that's because most firearms of the same caliber, operation and barrel length are essentially identical. Modelling real-world ballistics using GSC's system is next to impossible but we can get pretty close. I've tried the best I can to keep weapons of similar caliber and configuration performing almost identically with changes to overall accuracy and durability based on quality of manufacture of their real-world counterparts ie. the TOZ-34 hitting as hard as the TOZ-66 but with better accuracy and reliability.


Also, crashes still happen. I get through bar okay but when I just got out of X18 witht he docuemnts and went through the gates directly from Dark Valley to Cordon, I crash whenever I approach the Bandit carpark.


Check your error log and see what it says regarding the crash. If it's my mod, I can probably fix it but not if it's something buried in the main AMK mod code.


Could you possibly add another feature in an update later on that allows you to complete the storyline quickly, with minimal hastle? As in, the documents and Strelok's flash drive are in a cupboard in the Agroprom building, X18's documents are with Borov and the brain scorcher deactivates the minute you make it to the Monolith base at the top of the hill. Also, could you make the exosuits not suck?


The items would require a lot of messing with all.spawn, which I currently cannot decompile. Exos and other armor will be improved in the next release, beyond the reduction in armor degradation silverpower came up with.


I don't think you should include the multiple AK variants in from Arsenal Mod, and mainly focus on the new/special weapons. Though it is still only part of the pack, with more weapons coming out later it would seem. However, I do like the repair kits alot.


silverpower and I have talked about the multiple AK variants and most of them will probably not make the cut since they're far too identical even visually. Glad you like the repair kits, I felt they were necessary at this point.


Yah, I made Exosuits really strong. Figured they should be the best, either those or Military Stalker suits.


Still waiting with eagerness for the next release, while I continue to iron out the kinks of AMK. Now I'm getting crashes at the bloodsucker village at the Army Warehouses. The crash log is saying that it cant find the "susat-amk-n" texture. Really irritating how half the mod issues I seem to be having are tied into missing scope textures that either vanish along the way or were never there to begin with. Blame the installer or something, I guess. I'm also having trouble finding this file anywhere, so I'm a little stuck atm.


I was really hoping that Claysoft's patch had eliminated this problem, as I haven't run into it myself in ages. As I remember it standardized the names for all possible video resolutions to the same thing. Looking at my weapon.ltx files in the V1 release, none of the weapons still use the susat-amk-n texture, it's all susat-amk now. So technically that shouldn't be happening at all. Which makes it a lot more irritating.


This is some awesome work, some things I noticed.


When I entered the bar, I got some crashes due to missing textures. L85, some crosshair, and some gun name I forgot. The textures where in the textures\wpn folder, but they had a suffix of "-n". I deleted the "-n" and the game picked them up fine.


Okay that's starting to sound like maybe you guys don't have Claysoft's patch, that standardizes the scope textures so there's no more -n or -w suffix on the filename. If your textures have those it will definitely cause a problem since it's looking for them without the -n or -w nonsense.


Also, I love seeing the different weapons on NPCs. Some placement is odd, there are lots of MP5s still about. I can't help but think a high-end SMG like that wouldn't be so common, more bizons, mac10s, and tec9s would be more fitting. The placement of unique weapons is awesome. I got this awesome AK74su from Bes, and the tactical AK in Strelok's stash is neat too. The sounds are great, and the textures are great too. The weapons all look professional, the don't stand out as amateur or modded in.


Randomization is still a work in progress. We're still trying to find a more efficient way to accomplish it given the limitations of xml. I see you found two of the surprises I left, but there's still one more out there so keep your eyes open...


Great work on the weapon descriptions too. Very entertaining and informative. I also like how at a glance I can check caliber, special features, and compatible upgrades.


Couldn't have done it without silverpower. The new format just works so much better. Armor will be getting the same treatment in the next release.


Now I am taking a week off from working on anything but bugfixes and then I'll start on V2. silverpower and I have got our final cut of weapons that will be in the next release and we also have some things we need to test out as far as NPC weapon priorities. Naturally I'll be around here, on the GSC board and in #stalkerdev as regularly as possible.

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When I entered the bar, I got some crashes due to missing textures. L85, some crosshair, and some gun name I forgot. The textures where in the textures\wpn folder, but they had a suffix of "-n". I deleted the "-n" and the game picked them up fine.





........Delete the "-n", eh? But its asking for it specifically. I wonder if it'll still work..... (goes off to experiment)

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I was really hoping that Claysoft's patch had eliminated this problem, as I haven't run into it myself in ages. As I remember it standardized the names for all possible video resolutions to the same thing. Looking at my weapon.ltx files in the V1 release, none of the weapons still use the susat-amk-n texture, it's all susat-amk now. So technically that shouldn't be happening at all. Which makes it a lot more irritating.




Okay that's starting to sound like maybe you guys don't have Claysoft's patch, that standardizes the scope textures so there's no more -n or -w suffix on the filename. If your textures have those it will definitely cause a problem since it's looking for them without the -n or -w nonsense.



Claysoft.........Claysoft...........Hmm, nope, doesn't ring a bell. (starts looking around for this patch......) Did this patch just fix the scope texture name issues in general or was it part of a bigger patch? (is reminded of the AMK-EN 2.094 patch that -seems- to install effortlessly, until the title screen still says 2.092) Just to be sure of what I'm looking for.

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Claysoft.........Claysoft...........Hmm, nope, doesn't ring a bell. (starts looking around for this patch......) Did this patch just fix the scope texture name issues in general or was it part of a bigger patch? (is reminded of the AMK-EN 2.094 patch that -seems- to install effortlessly, until the title screen still says 2.092) Just to be sure of what I'm looking for.


This is what Tugatoga posted on GSC:




This was posted with the link


This is a slightly altered version of installer which installs all crosshair textures for all resolutions at the same time to reduce the risk of CTDs.

Please redownload and reinstall your AMK using this.

Links to the old installer are no longer available.

You don't have to start a new game or anything like that.

Sorry for the inconvenience of having to redownload the installer


This was below the post above on the AMK ENG forum


Hi everyone.

The solution to the installer problem for now is:

Don't install Kanyhalos's pack, as it contains only one weapon config only for one resolution.

If this doesn't help, I practically don't know what to do...





Here's the .94 patch


Then after you install the new AMK 2.0 setup, the .94 patch, and then the Arsenal pack it should work."

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@skullhunter. barrel lenght on the weapons are diffrent. lr300 has a 287.5mm barrel while the l85 has an 518mm barrel.

making the sig550 actually the most powerfull of the 5.56mm class while the lr300 is the weakest. ak47 would be the second most powerfull class followed by the 9X39mm class of assault rifles.

this is what i do.

9X18mm class is in the low .30 to mid .30

9X19mm is in the high .30 or low .40

.45cal is in the mid.50 or high .50

5.45mm is in the low .40 high.40

5.56mm is in the high .40 to high .50

9X39mm is in the low.70 to high .70

7.62X39mm is in the high .60 to low .70

7.62X54mm is in 2.00 range [ i.e. mosin nagant.] svu wuold be 1.75 and svd 1.85.

taking in to account the action of the weapon is also important. open or closed bolt. semi auto or bolt action.


silencers i subtract .05 for sonic rounds and .02 for subsonic.

buckshot i change the pellet count to 21 since a 2 3/4 inch shell with 6mm shot contains 21 pellets.


accuracy becoms an issue with stalker since the longest distance ive since was 280m. that becoms a serius issue with most of the weapons since most of them are rated at 200m+ for effective accuracy.


yeah i noticed my weapons took more bullets to kill a boar so the effects did take place. no more over powered pistols and underpowered sniper rifles.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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For starters, let me say great job on the mod. It really adds some variety. I was able to pry a Mosin from the cold, dead hands of a carpark bandit, and a TOZ-66 from the trailer next to Tolik. Noticed that Major Kutsenov had an OSS-33. He stuck it in my face when I first walked up to the bridge. Noticed that Wolf and Fox had AK-47s.


But I also noticed one small thing: you might want to turn down the probablity of bandits and STALKERs having MP5s, and maybe increase the probablity of a Bizon or a TEC-9. Just because, well, now with all these low to medium grade, cheap, and common SMGs, I don't see why I ran into a group of bandits and three out of four of them had MP5s.


Other then that, really good mod. Can't wait for V2.

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Quite a bit of work there :P Might try some of those gun damage ranges, since I've reapplied the stronger armor I used before.


As for the correct installer.......hmm. Decided to take your word for it, although this installer & the .94 patch are identical in size to the previous ones. I DID however keep installing Kanyhalo's pack so maybe that was the real issue. In any case, this should fix me once and for all.


As for the randomization, I enjoy it highly as well. Managed to get me a MAC-10 9mm from the car park bandits myself. The MP5 issue's quite notorious here. NPCs love it to death beyond reason. I can keep throwing Abakans or NATO rifles into the hands of a user and they almost never use it over an MP5. Annoys me to no end. Not sure how to fix this one.

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I replayed it and managed to bypass the crashing areas, and I really like what you did with the LR-300, but I finsihed the Duty missions and Petrenko dosen't have my SKAT-10 :(. Did you do something to it or is it a bug, or should I just wait?

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Heheh, I have made it my mission to arm STALKERs in need. Here is what I have got done so far:


-Gave a STALKER in a STALKER suit a Mosin (he had a TOZ-34 sawn off before)


-Gave a STALKER in a rookie jacket a Mosin (he head a Makarov before)


-Gave a STALKR in a rookie jacket an AK-47 & over 2oo rounds of ammo for it (he had a Makarov before)


-Gave a STALKER in a rookie jacket a TEC-9 (he had a silenced PB-69 before)


-Gave a STALKER in a STALKR suit a TOZ-65 (he had a sawn-off BM-16 before)


Thanks to your mod, I have been able to acomplish this. Great work!



And just one suggestion: maybe make it a bit more common for rookies to spawn with the Mosin, and maybe make it rare for veterans to spawn with the scoped Mosin.





Oh wonderful. When I get close to the truck at the entrance to the northern DUTY checkpoint in the bar, I crash with this error:


XR_3DA.exe caused BREAKPOINT in module "C:\Program Files\THQ\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl\bin\xrCore.dll" at 001B:00587D15, xrDebug::backend()+165 byte(s)


And below that, in the other little Xray box is this:



ESI=005B22A8 EDI=00587DE0 FLG=00000212

EBP=0013860C ESP=00137600 EIP=00587D15

CS=001B DS=0023 SS=0023 ES=0023 FS=003B GS=00



Anyone know what's wrong?

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Lucan, check the last few lines in your error log. Usually it'll give a specific reason, like it can't find a file.


Lithe, I figured out what the problem is and I've got a quick patch for everybody.




Replace the outfit.ltx file in gamedata/config/misc with this one and it'll restore the SKAT-10 armor.


Servalion, silverpower and I are working on a fix for the weapon priority issue. It makes me crazy too, that NPCs will usually ditch great rifles for cheap submachineguns.


Lucan, are you sure it was an OTS-33? Not only is Kunetsov not supposed to have that, NOBODY in Cordon should have one. They don't show up in NPC hands until Dark Valley. But it wouldn't be the first time I've seen NPCs show up with weapons they shouldn't have.



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one thing i noticed is the amount of ammunition enemies drop now. after the car park i had 220 pieces of assorted ammo.

i had to increase my weight becuase of this. any chance of a patch that reduces ammo drops to say OL stats?


on a funny side in agroprom the stalkers completly slaughtered the military withj out me firing a single shot.

stalkers had mp5k and the mil had bizons. hahhahahaha.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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It looked a whole hell lot like an OSS-33. It was eathier that or a Berreta O.o.


It was too big and slender for a Makarov.


And I must say, the army guys really do love their new PP-19s. They enjoyed them so much that they couldn't help emptying a whole magazine into my dead corpse when I went back to aprogram.



Also, I'll go check for more. Do I have to click anything other then "show error" to see the end of the error log, or do I just look around once I click that?



But, to be honest, you should give the military a higher chance to spawn with an AK-74M/S (what the game calls an AK-74) then anything else. And really, only officers should carry the AK-74SU


You could give Bizons to Spetsnaz as their "pistol" rather then a Fort 12 (and I think you did, or the guys I ran into were just army guys dressed up like spetsnaz, because I ran into a wall of 9x18mm lead from two apperantly Spetsnaz guys while escaping the research complex)


Also, I've started to notice the abundence of some weapons, and I like it. For instance, because of the bar crash, last night I headed back into aprogram. Ahead of me, with their backs turned were two bandits. One had a Mosin that was strapped on his back, I couldn't tell what the other had. I shot the non-mosin wieilding one first, and the other sprinted behind a bus, then stepped out to take a potshot at me with the mosin. I shot him while he was working the bolt. I have noticed that bandits and rookies really like mosins. I actually got a rookie to use a mosin when he had an MP5. It only happened once, and I could never get anyone else to do it. I think it may have been a bug.


EDIT: If worst comes to worst, you could try to move the SMGs to the class WPN_USP, or the high-class pistols if the NPCs really are being persistant buggers about trading in their MP5 for a Saiga 12C

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Oh dear.


The xray error report thing refuses to pop up.


Now, I have two guesses


1.Some scope texture is being an asshole


or, two, which is unlikley:


2. The DUTY gaurd holding a Saiga 12C is making me crash. I say unlikley because I have a Saiga 12C, and my game was running just fine until this point.

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Well, I gotta say, I've been running the game with Arsenal now and I am quite impressed. Everything feels good and smooth. Any crashes I have are non-scope related (just attached a SUSAT to an LR 300 to be sure) and are bypassed simply by reloading and trying again. Few minor things tho.


For once, the Desert Eagle .357 is weaker than the USP or Colt1911? Didn't see that one coming. Upped the power of it to a proper level.


I loved the challenge of being surprised by Mosin users! I managed to find a SKAT-9M early on, and they STILL hurt like hell. But the bandits on respawning all seem to be carrying AK74/SUs, Bizons, or MP5s. Why do bandits only the first time around have Mosins? They should certainly keep using more.


This guy in the rookie camp guarding the eastern entrance (the first line of defense against unruly soldiers, lol) REALLY loves his TOZ-34. TOO much. So much so, he wont use anything else, although he's taken a Winchester but wont switch to it. Or SPAS. Or likely this extra Saiga I just nabbed. He's also uninterested in picking up even a SKAT-9M to put on. What a prude.


Upped the damage some on the MACs. The MAC-10 .45 version should have its value boosted to be made more expensive. Sure the .45 handguns are stronger, they're worth way more than the MAC to a trader, and something about that doesnt seem right. Boosted the power of the Mosin to 1.10 (those surplus rounds still take some work to down enemies, but this benefits Mosin-using foes even more). Sharply decreased impulse on 9x39 rounds, and dropped the impulse of the non-surplus sniper ammo to 0 (creates an often strong, overpowering sense of hopelessness as the foe simply drops to the ground) EDIT: Upped impulse just slightly in hopes that a headshot will at least visibly knock the head back.


LOVE the model replacements for the AK74SU Custom & Strelok's AK-74. Fine pieces of work. This Kobra sight's an interesting touch. However, the zoom's almost nil when sighting with these. I know these sights dont magnify, but I upped the zoom just a little.


Speaking of Stelok's AK-74, it was..........boggling to get the Modified Saiga 12C so soon. I guess it makes sense, but I got it ages before anyone offered to sell one. Still, I'm having fun with it. Modified the Saiga config to accept a PSO-1 scope, even though the texture's missing in-game (grants a big, black rectangle where the scope should be that's covered in "saiga_addons.dds" text). Makes it a strong semi-/automatic rifle with slugs, darts & Hydra-Shok. Also upped the pellet count to 21 as per Sasha's suggestion. WOW. *BA-BA-BA-BA-BAMF* *Pseudo-giant dies*


I also enjoy arming fellow stalkers in need. Plenty of nice new weaponry thats abundant to place in their arms. Funny how there's still so many pistol users. I often give them the suits I find more than I sell them. (If only we could sell the suits straight to the NPCs to make things quicker, but they wouldnt be able to afford most of them anyways. Maybe if they had 10000 RU each....) BIG surprise as to how cheap the AK47 is, although it makes sense. Don't think any other mod makes them so easily accessible. Gave a Mosin to a guy at the Garbage car park and he's been holding the fort exceptionally well since Bes walked off (he's now with those scamming loners at the Dark Valley farm so I gotta play nice). I like Strelok's AK-74 so much, Barin can live! (until he dies by hands other than mine). I haven't even been to the Army Warehouses yet and this is my favorite mod yet!


REALLY loving Strelok's AK-74! *fires off some rounds* Hey, I know that sound :P


One thing I really do miss tho was Kanyhalo's reworking of the ragdoll & the physics. Seems like only he got the gravity right. Everywhere else when bodies fall from significant hights, they slow to the point where I could run faster than they fall, which is stupid. (Counter-Strike: Source with vanilla physics suffered the same issue. Bodies slumped down rather stiff-like rather than falling, and falling bodies moved through the air like molasses) When I'd throw a grenade with Kany's physics, bodies really flew. That was fun. I'd try to replicate his settings if only I knew where to make the edits.

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Well, I gotta say, I've been running the game with Arsenal now and I am quite impressed. Everything feels good and smooth. Any crashes I have are non-scope related (just attached a SUSAT to an LR 300 to be sure) and are bypassed simply by reloading and trying again. Few minor things tho.


For once, the Desert Eagle .357 is weaker than the USP or Colt1911? Didn't see that one coming. Upped the power of it to a proper level.


I loved the challenge of being surprised by Mosin users! I managed to find a SKAT-9M early on, and they STILL hurt like hell. But the bandits on respawning all seem to be carrying AK74/SUs, Bizons, or MP5s. Why do bandits only the first time around have Mosins? They should certainly keep using more.


This guy in the rookie camp guarding the eastern entrance (the first line of defense against unruly soldiers, lol) REALLY loves his TOZ-34. TOO much. So much so, he wont use anything else, although he's taken a Winchester but wont switch to it. Or SPAS. Or likely this extra Saiga I just nabbed. He's also uninterested in picking up even a SKAT-9M to put on. What a prude.


Upped the damage some on the MACs. The MAC-10 .45 version should have its value boosted to be made more expensive. Sure the .45 handguns are stronger, they're worth way more than the MAC to a trader, and something about that doesnt seem right. Boosted the power of the Mosin to 1.10 (those surplus rounds still take some work to down enemies, but this benefits Mosin-using foes even more). Sharply decreased impulse on 9x39 rounds, and dropped the impulse of the non-surplus sniper ammo to 0 (creates an often strong, overpowering sense of hopelessness as the foe simply drops to the ground) EDIT: Upped impulse just slightly in hopes that a headshot will at least visibly knock the head back.


LOVE the model replacements for the AK74SU Custom & Strelok's AK-74. Fine pieces of work. This Kobra sight's an interesting touch. However, the zoom's almost nil when sighting with these. I know these sights dont magnify, but I upped the zoom just a little.


Speaking of Stelok's AK-74, it was..........boggling to get the Modified Saiga 12C so soon. I guess it makes sense, but I got it ages before anyone offered to sell one. Still, I'm having fun with it. Modified the Saiga config to accept a PSO-1 scope, even though the texture's missing in-game (grants a big, black rectangle where the scope should be that's covered in "saiga_addons.dds" text). Makes it a strong semi-/automatic rifle with slugs, darts & Hydra-Shok. Also upped the pellet count to 21 as per Sasha's suggestion. WOW. *BA-BA-BA-BA-BAMF* *Pseudo-giant dies*


I also enjoy arming fellow stalkers in need. Plenty of nice new weaponry thats abundant to place in their arms. Funny how there's still so many pistol users. I often give them the suits I find more than I sell them. (If only we could sell the suits straight to the NPCs to make things quicker, but they wouldnt be able to afford most of them anyways. Maybe if they had 10000 RU each....) BIG surprise as to how cheap the AK47 is, although it makes sense. Don't think any other mod makes them so easily accessible. Gave a Mosin to a guy at the Garbage car park and he's been holding the fort exceptionally well since Bes walked off (he's now with those scamming loners at the Dark Valley farm so I gotta play nice). I like Strelok's AK-74 so much, Barin can live! (until he dies by hands other than mine). I haven't even been to the Army Warehouses yet and this is my favorite mod yet!


REALLY loving Strelok's AK-74! *fires off some rounds* Hey, I know that sound :P


One thing I really do miss tho was Kanyhalo's reworking of the ragdoll & the physics. Seems like only he got the gravity right. Everywhere else when bodies fall from significant hights, they slow to the point where I could run faster than they fall, which is stupid. (Counter-Strike: Source with vanilla physics suffered the same issue. Bodies slumped down rather stiff-like rather than falling, and falling bodies moved through the air like molasses) When I'd throw a grenade with Kany's physics, bodies really flew. That was fun. I'd try to replicate his settings if only I knew where to make the edits.


What files would I have to edit to increase the damage of the Mosin?


Because I noticed that it was slightly underpowered.


And on another note, anyone know what files I would need to edit to increase the probability of STALKERs and bandits spawning with Mosins?


Huh huh, I could have fun with this

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Oh dear.


The xray error report thing refuses to pop up.


Now, I have two guesses


1.Some scope texture is being an asshole


or, two, which is unlikley:


2. The DUTY gaurd holding a Saiga 12C is making me crash. I say unlikley because I have a Saiga 12C, and my game was running just fine until this point.


When it crashes, open up notepad and hit ctrl-v. It posts a very helpful readout.


Also, a question to Skullhunter. This may be more of a general Stalker question than an Arsenal question though. Does adding a suppressor to a gun have any downsides? Does it lower damage/accuracy/range at all?

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When it crashes, open up notepad and hit ctrl-v. It posts a very helpful readout.


Also, a question to Skullhunter. This may be more of a general Stalker question than an Arsenal question though. Does adding a suppressor to a gun have any downsides? Does it lower damage/accuracy/range at all?


Aha! Thank you. And predictably enough, yep, it was an L-85.


Expression : fatal error

Function : CRender::texture_load

File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrRender\Texture.cpp

Line : 295

Description : <no expression>

Arguments : Can't find texture 'wpn\l-85-amk'


What do I have to do to fix this? Whaet folders should I look in?

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