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AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP


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More realistic guns? Fantastic.


One thing though - have you changed ammo in weapons.ltx? AFAIK even PLR didn't do it and some values there can be quite silly(Especially impact). I made a custom one myself, but this could only be properly done by someone who edited guns as well(As the values there are multipliers - so other than pierce and impair they should all be 1?).

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Enjoy deciding what the hell devs wanted to achieve with it :) It has 9 pellets like size 0, and in description it says 6mm shot which is size 4 which is 24 pellets. Not to mention what the heck is Zhekan and Dart. I think it's supposed to be Foster and Brenneke slugs respectively. But for dart it could also be a Sabot. It's really messed up...

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I do hope they're crappy, pistol ammo(Well except 5.7) has no AP value whatseover.

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are u sure about that.



The fact that it's "thinner" won't help it much because it's simply not designed to pierce armor. Handguns are practically never used by the military and civilians/policemen don't have to worry about armor at all. They do have to worry about overpenetration and property damage instead, that's why there's no armor-piercing version of most handgun calibers in the first place.


Most handgun bullets are stopped by IIA class body armor(On 1-4 scale that's 1.5). Compare this to what people wear in the Zone.


I am not saying that you are invincible to handgun fire in a body armor, the specification allow for up to 44mm deformation before it counts as "pierced", that's sure to cause internal bleeding and crack/break bones. But all things considered, in STALKER a grunt should be able to take 3-4 before dying. Military stalkers and exosuits even more.

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@silverpower: I agree with you, but remember, we(Or rather, Skullhunter) need to take all the complicity of real life and write it down in a few values.


400M effective range. for an smg.


I'd like to see it's accuracy at 400m with 200mm barrel lenght...

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I always wondered about Strelok's 74, is it even possible to do a modification like that?

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What did you do to piss off the military so much?

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Uh, guys, are you sure PLR was rebalancing this? Just one look at weapons.ltx reveals all kind of oddities. Pistol cartridges with tracers, hydroshock(Hydra-shok?) and frangible rounds with increased k_pierce, AP ammo with better k_impair than FMJ, PAB-9 which is better than SP-6(All 9x39mm series does insane amounts of damage in general, it's just a bullet people), k_impulse being 1 or even more...

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Yeah, I'm working on it :P


What's the difference between P90 and P90Zenobian?

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Also, IMO, get rid of the pistol use by distance, but pistol use by weapon. It would incorrparate both distance and something else. If someone is using a sub machine gun, or a shot gun, assualt rifle, or machine gun, they should never switch to their pistol. Ever.


It's min_radius and max_radius in ltx. I changed it all for myself, but I also changed a shitload of other things so I don't think you'd want the files.


And I feel like it's a stupid question but... what's so great about that screenshot? Except for the amount of bodies.

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Sorry, when it comes to fixing crashes I only know how to rename texture files.


Anyway, it seems I'm fed up with SoC for now... so if anyone's interested, here's the realistic weapons mod for AMK I've been making the entire time. I guess you might even say it's finished. List of full modifications is in the readyou.




Now what to play next...

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You mean you don't want them change to pistols at short range? Just set the min range for all weapons to 0.

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As I understand it, the AI simply checks the NPC's inventory for a weapon, picks the best one with ammo, and equips the NPC with it.


So yeah, NPCs with pistols will still use them, and NPCs with bigger weapons will revert back to pistols if they lose their main weapon.

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I do mean radius, sorry for the confusion. I believe that yes, you do need to start a new game.

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