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AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP


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Awesome stuff Skullhunter.


Also, contact PLR at the official STALKER forums if you need help balancing the .ltx files, I find his weapon balancing to be the most fun/believable.

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Skullhunter, how are you going about randomizing weapons? Is it an xml file with different probabilities for load outs a la Lucian's Random Wepaons mod, or your own thing? What I am getting at is, is it easy to tweak to my pleasure?


Everything sounds awesome man, I'm holding off on my next STALKER play through til this and the next AMK are released... can't wait!

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You might end up waiting for a long time there ;)


Meh, I expected long.... but just how long do you mean?


1. It is my dream to see Mosin rifle 1891/03 in Stalker, but it`s the biggest HUD challenge you can face... Reloading.. Bolt move that I like so much..



Scroll down to see a video with the Mosin in game, awesome animations and all. :D

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Well, it's gonna depend on whether or not you guys want a version with an incomplete weapon randomization scheme. While that may not seem like a big deal, it does mean that once you wipe out certain groups of NPCs, the next ones that spawn won't have the same weapon loadouts. I've all ready experienced this with the Cordon bandits at the car park; after you kill the first crowd that's holding Nimble hostage, the guys that show up later are all armed with their standard vanilla S.T.A.L.K.E.R. gear. That's because I haven't had the chance to change the xml files that control the loadouts for the different groups in the game (stalkers, bandits, mercs, soldiers, Duty and Freedom). Unfortunately it's a lot of files and a lot of NPCs left to change.


Lucian's Weapons Randomization mod randomized the load outs for the faction groups, would using that make life easier on you?

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Just remember that A2 is not built on the most recent release of AMK EN, so there may be bugs with it. silverpower and I are working as fast as we can on the next release of AMK Arsenal but we also want it to not suck so we're not rushing things. The Steyr TMP is in, which is the last of the new guns currently available that I plan on adding. I've also added a completely new skin for one of the unique weapons I made and I'm working on new icons for the Desert Eagle so they match the high resolution skin I did for them.


Wow, this is rather awesome.


Can't wait to give this a go, I've been holding off on my next Stalker run through for it!

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This is some awesome work, some things I noticed.


When I entered the bar, I got some crashes due to missing textures. L85, some crosshair, and some gun name I forgot. The textures where in the textures\wpn folder, but they had a suffix of "-n". I deleted the "-n" and the game picked them up fine.


Also, I love seeing the different weapons on NPCs. Some placement is odd, there are lots of MP5s still about. I can't help but think a high-end SMG like that wouldn't be so common, more bizons, mac10s, and tec9s would be more fitting. The placement of unique weapons is awesome. I got this awesome AK74su from Bes, and the tactical AK in Strelok's stash is neat too. The sounds are great, and the textures are great too. The weapons all look professional, the don't stand out as amateur or modded in.


Great work on the weapon descriptions too. Very entertaining and informative. I also like how at a glance I can check caliber, special features, and compatible upgrades.

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Oh dear.


The xray error report thing refuses to pop up.


Now, I have two guesses


1.Some scope texture is being an asshole


or, two, which is unlikley:


2. The DUTY gaurd holding a Saiga 12C is making me crash. I say unlikley because I have a Saiga 12C, and my game was running just fine until this point.


When it crashes, open up notepad and hit ctrl-v. It posts a very helpful readout.


Also, a question to Skullhunter. This may be more of a general Stalker question than an Arsenal question though. Does adding a suppressor to a gun have any downsides? Does it lower damage/accuracy/range at all?

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I got to the Army Warehouses, some observations:


- EVERYONE has Desert Eagles! They should be a very very rare pistol used only by the only the most jaded NPCs, I found at least a dozen Desert Eagles, not very believable.

- You probably know this, but the unique items by the warehouses (combat chaser, balanced l85, etc.) do not have updated descriptions


There were some other things I noticed, I will post them as I remember. Awesome job still, but I think army warehouses could use some tweaking.

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Now, another thought came to mind that I hadn't yet tried out. This one's more related to AMK itself than Arsenal.


Under AMK options, I've always enjoyed the option of Random stashes to get things going eventually much quicker than usual. I hope Oblivion Lost eventually puts it in. However, there's another option - "Random, rare stashes".


Now, originally, I figured that this meant what stash finds were random, but much less common to come across. I had an idea to test this, however. When you save Fox twice, he gives 1500 RU along with probably the only guaranteed stash as a reward, the one in the "Death Truck". So I saved the game just before accepting the reward, then reloaded some times to see what I could get (Common Skat-9M! Common Exo!) But then I thought to turn on the "Random, Rare Stashes" option. After a couple tries, I got something new - 2x Fiery Soul.


Until right then, I'd never seen artifact modificates in stashes before. So, Random Rare stashes either mean random stashes that include modificates and who knows what else, or that, and they're harder to come by. Can anyone confirm which of these it is?


As it is, I'm stockpiled on guns and ammo, so I'm set for a long time. Gonna leave it on Random, Rare Stashes to see what comes up. Would be interesting if it included unique guns in its drop table lineup, but I'm not counting on that.


They would be rarer to find and with better items inside. With that on, stashes = godly items inside. I found an RPG, 2 rockets, a modified Groza, an OICW, ammo, and grenades, all in one stash with that on... in Cordon. So, yeah, that answers that.

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