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AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

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i dont know about the bm-16. i fired long barreled shotties and i remember the spread was tighter than that. 50m the grouping was slightly smaller than that 30m pic. and the bm-16 is one of the longest shotties out there.


and i guess you wont take up my offer about me doing the weapon prices eh skullhunter. it's cool.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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I submitted some potential sounds for use with the Arsenal mod, some recommended for existing guns, and some of the new ones. What I'm trying to make clear in my head is that I imagine that quite a few of the new guns will now have their own ammunition caliber to use. Although realistic, this bothers me some, because that means more firearms that I "must" carry at all times to get the most out of random drops. When I played this latest release of Arsenal, I found myself carrying all 3 Desert Eagles (well, ok, 3 out of 4, the .357, The Hunter's Fist, and the one in the middle) not knowing when or if their ammo would start randomly dropping. Unfortunately, I never made it that far.


So I was just curious of that out of the growing number of new weapons with this mod, how many use their own ammo type and aren't compatible with existing ammo? This way I can plan ahead. Also, how many of these ammo types can be dropped, and how many are store-bought only?


Also, something I noticed but for some reason always forgot to mention, the Modified Saiga shotgun for some reason won't recognize or chamber SCIMTR shot ammunition. It'll take all 5 other types, just not that. This is why I always chose the regular Saiga instead, because it could detect and accept all 6. Also, a fully automatic shotgun, gawdamn. Can't see me needing all that until a Bloodsucker at full strength, then a constant wall of buckshot would sound handy for turning it into peppersteak. But then again, maybe it was made with just that intention :P

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I submitted some potential sounds for use with the Arsenal mod, some recommended for existing guns, and some of the new ones. What I'm trying to make clear in my head is that I imagine that quite a few of the new guns will now have their own ammunition caliber to use. Although realistic, this bothers me some, because that means more firearms that I "must" carry at all times to get the most out of random drops. When I played this latest release of Arsenal, I found myself carrying all 3 Desert Eagles (well, ok, 3 out of 4, the .357, The Hunter's Fist, and the one in the middle) not knowing when or if their ammo would start randomly dropping. Unfortunately, I never made it that far.


So I was just curious of that out of the growing number of new weapons with this mod, how many use their own ammo type and aren't compatible with existing ammo? This way I can plan ahead. Also, how many of these ammo types can be dropped, and how many are store-bought only?


Also, something I noticed but for some reason always forgot to mention, the Modified Saiga shotgun for some reason won't recognize or chamber SCIMTR shot ammunition. It'll take all 5 other types, just not that. This is why I always chose the regular Saiga instead, because it could detect and accept all 6. Also, a fully automatic shotgun, gawdamn. Can't see me needing all that until a Bloodsucker at full strength, then a constant wall of buckshot would sound handy for turning it into peppersteak. But then again, maybe it was made with just that intention :P

carrying that many weapons is somthing u should never do unless you want to be overwhelemed by " teh omg what do i need and what i don't". try to carry only two primary and one or two secondary weapons with u. that's all u need. plus most of of the new weapons do use the available vanilla ammo.plus use those weapons where ammo for em is plentiful like the garbage level and cordon where 9x18 and 12g are very common. the enemy fodder like tec-9 and mac smg's u can just pick em up use em and drop em. also try to establish good stash points in between levels so u wont backtrack ten thousand times cause u stocked piled your backpack with trash. inventory managment is your best friend.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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I submitted some potential sounds for use with the Arsenal mod, some recommended for existing guns, and some of the new ones. What I'm trying to make clear in my head is that I imagine that quite a few of the new guns will now have their own ammunition caliber to use. Although realistic, this bothers me some, because that means more firearms that I "must" carry at all times to get the most out of random drops. When I played this latest release of Arsenal, I found myself carrying all 3 Desert Eagles (well, ok, 3 out of 4, the .357, The Hunter's Fist, and the one in the middle) not knowing when or if their ammo would start randomly dropping. Unfortunately, I never made it that far.


I will be adding those weapons and all the new ones and their ammunition to the randomization scheme, so look for more ammo drops in the future. Right now ammo for those guns can only be purchased, not found.


So I was just curious of that out of the growing number of new weapons with this mod, how many use their own ammo type and aren't compatible with existing ammo? This way I can plan ahead. Also, how many of these ammo types can be dropped, and how many are store-bought only?


Also, something I noticed but for some reason always forgot to mention, the Modified Saiga shotgun for some reason won't recognize or chamber SCIMTR shot ammunition. It'll take all 5 other types, just not that.


Damn, thanks man, I must've missed that. I'll fix it tonight.


This is why I always chose the regular Saiga instead, because it could detect and accept all 6. Also, a fully automatic shotgun, gawdamn. Can't see me needing all that until a Bloodsucker at full strength, then a constant wall of buckshot would sound handy for turning it into peppersteak. But then again, maybe it was made with just that intention :P


That's pretty much exactly what it's for. For close range firepower nothing really matches it. Usually I carry at least three weapons or more depending on whether or not I've gotten my hands on an exoskeleton. A short shotgun like the TOZ-34 sawed off or the Winchester, a submachinegun, a good assault rifle like the Abakan and sometimes a sniper rifle (best way to deal with those pesky Controllers and Electrochimeras). The only reason I've dropped the Saiga12 modified during my current playthrough is because I need to test out the Benelli, which is currently sold by the Barman.


Now I gotta go do some texture work, the bump maps for the LR300 replacement need fixing.


Update: Damn I'm good. Not only do I have the LR300 bumpmaps fixed, it's seamlessly integrated with AMK Arsenal, including the right-side shell ejection. I'm currently using the AMK-compatible particle.xr file for that effect but with any luck EggChen will have his own particles completed soon so I can use his instead. EggChen's particles should also include the proper bottom ejection for the P90 as well. Also, I fixed the little problem with the Saiga12c modified not having the right ammo setup; it looks like I might have accidentally deleted the SCIMTR ammo from the ammo types section when I originally worked it up in unique_items.ltx.


Tomorrow I think I'll tackle the Bizon SMG and see what I can do with that.

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New update, oldschool style.






And yes, near the opposite side of Strelok's melon from his handy noggin light, that is a spent cartridge ejecting from the right side of the gun. Apparently the AMK-compatible particles from the new LR300 work for the AK-47 also, which is why I decided to incorporate it into the mod today. Also, I've upgraded the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. AK-47 with full bumpmaps. However I am considering using sickn3ss' Realistic AK-47 skin, so I'll test that one tomorrow and see how it looks instead of the original skin.

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New update, oldschool style.






And yes, near the opposite side of Strelok's melon from his handy noggin light, that is a spent cartridge ejecting from the right side of the gun. Apparently the AMK-compatible particles from the new LR300 work for the AK-47 also, which is why I decided to incorporate it into the mod today. Also, I've upgraded the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. AK-47 with full bumpmaps. However I am considering using sickn3ss' Realistic AK-47 skin, so I'll test that one tomorrow and see how it looks instead of the original skin.

no akm?

playstaion network ID sasha87

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New update, oldschool style.






And yes, near the opposite side of Strelok's melon from his handy noggin light, that is a spent cartridge ejecting from the right side of the gun. Apparently the AMK-compatible particles from the new LR300 work for the AK-47 also, which is why I decided to incorporate it into the mod today. Also, I've upgraded the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. AK-47 with full bumpmaps. However I am considering using sickn3ss' Realistic AK-47 skin, so I'll test that one tomorrow and see how it looks instead of the original skin.



Nice model, looking forward to seeing it ingame.

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no akm?


If there's an AKM that's been released and it's not from some other game's retail content, I can add it. I don't remember seeing one in the Zenobian mod, but I'll take another look when I get a chance.


I decided to go with sickn3ss' realistic AK47 skin, after making one small adjustment to fix a texturing error on the handguard that turned part of the wood solid black. I've also replaced the default AK74SU hud model with KingFriday's new hud model and he's said that he will try and have a world model to match it in the near future.


The AK47 is now in the hands of random Stalkers and bandits. Weapon randomization for Garbage is complete, including the Duty blockpost guys before the level changer to the Bar. Next randomized area will be Agroprom. That's all for now.

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If there's an AKM that's been released and it's not from some other game's retail content, I can add it. I don't remember seeing one in the Zenobian mod, but I'll take another look when I get a chance.


I decided to go with sickn3ss' realistic AK47 skin, after making one small adjustment to fix a texturing error on the handguard that turned part of the wood solid black. I've also replaced the default AK74SU hud model with KingFriday's new hud model and he's said that he will try and have a world model to match it in the near future.


The AK47 is now in the hands of random Stalkers and bandits. Weapon randomization for Garbage is complete, including the Duty blockpost guys before the level changer to the Bar. Next randomized area will be Agroprom. That's all for now.

bandits w/ ak47's eh. bring it on. so whats the ETA for the next release?

playstaion network ID sasha87

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Heheh, sounds about right. Didn't see why AK-47s were more accessible in any other mod until now, really. They're all over the world, after all.


Still trying to figure out Command Prompt so I can successfully modify these sounds for the game, but I'm such a newb at that stuff, heh. Got the Hex Editor part down tho. You've been getting my latest mails?

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Heheh, sounds about right. Didn't see why AK-47s were more accessible in any other mod until now, really. They're all over the world, after all.


Still trying to figure out Command Prompt so I can successfully modify these sounds for the game, but I'm such a newb at that stuff, heh. Got the Hex Editor part down tho. You've been getting my latest mails?


Indeed, the AK-47 really needed to be spread around the Zone a bit.


I did get your email, command prompt stuff can be a pain but unfortunately the fixoggcs thing is necessary to get the sounds working in-game. Alternately you can send them to me and I can do that part if you still have trouble.


Added the Bizon smg today, changed a few stats to bring it more into line with the other guns. I'm slowly catching up to all the guns that have been released in a form I can actually incorporate into the mod. Not sure which ones I'll add next; I've got the Steyr TMP, the OTS-33 and the MP5K before I'm run out of new stuff until Dester's pack is released. For now, sleep. Tomorrow, more mod work since it's my day off.

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Got the OTS-33 and MP5K working and discovered that I'd stupidly left the Bizon out of mp_ranks.ltx, leaving a good number of the soldiers at Agroprom defenseless in the face of an electrochimera that decided they looked tastier than Mole's group of stalkers and caused bandits to flee in terror from me directly into the waiting jaws of a hungry bloodsucker (except the one that ran into the electra-filled hallway and got fried). Next up is the TMP and then it's all work on randomization, trader inventory and skins/bump maps until Dester's pack comes out. I've added some of the better skins from the community like Millenia's Abakan and Groza skins and Siro's SPAS-12. Not sure if I'm going to get any work done tomorrow, spending time with the family before I go back to work on Thursday.

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Wow, it seems this could grow to be a truly monumental project. Do you do armors too?


Anyway, I would like to congratulate you on your works so far, and although I don't have access to my copy of Salker as of now, from what i've seen it is amazing. From my limited knowledge it is quite difficult modwise to add new weapons into the Zone. And though I am excited about this for many of the same reasons you are, variety and what not, I have an idea that this could tie in with a completely new game mechanic. Although i'm not entrely sure this will be possible, or if i'm even correct, but my idea is thusly:


There is a special group of elite Stalkers that occasionally come into the zone. These are the supposedly secret-organization or govornment funded guys who come in from outside the zone loaded with the best/prototype equipment to complete some mysterious objective. These guys, they show up in these special suits and come with advanced weapons and give no regard to ordinary Stalkers much like mercs and gun them down, but if you manage to kill them, you get, among other things, a one of a kind weapon and suit. Might even work it in as a part of some quest, i.e. "Marked One, some pricks have come in with superheavy gear and are causing trouble all over the place. I need you to take them down." Not only would killing them gain you gratitude and respect from the rest of the stalker community (and any rewards thereof which it would entail) but, say, and advanced rifle or upgraded suit. You don't really need a new model for the suit, maybe just a retexture of an original to look high tech, but the weapon i'm thinking would be in the style of this:









Also an excellent one would be the gun he is using at 1:50 into this video:


You know what I mean right? Awesome and very futuristic, but it's still ballistics based. Maybe even some pulse weapons. The FN F2000 or similiar would be their basic assault rifle. These are the guys even experienced zoners fear. Now, you see what I mean but i'm not sure if these models can be worked in, as they are from CS:S. And I doubt the Stalker section of fpsbanana has anything even approaching this... I don't know much about modelling but can we make use of this at all? I hope so...

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Hit a little bit of a wall today trying to get the Agroprom Spetznaz guys outfitted right. I wanted some of them to use the Abakan, some the Saiga12c, but all of them with OTS-33s for backup. Unfortunately they seem to like the OTS-33 better than the Saiga thanks to the screwed up weapon ranking system. Currently thinking about trying to change the weapon type of the Saiga from WP_LR300 to WP_VAL and see if that fixes it. I'll run some experiments tomorrow when I get back from work.

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Hit a little bit of a wall today trying to get the Agroprom Spetznaz guys outfitted right. I wanted some of them to use the Abakan, some the Saiga12c, but all of them with OTS-33s for backup. Unfortunately they seem to like the OTS-33 better than the Saiga thanks to the screwed up weapon ranking system. Currently thinking about trying to change the weapon type of the Saiga from WP_LR300 to WP_VAL and see if that fixes it. I'll run some experiments tomorrow when I get back from work.

yeah it's a vanilla bug. i notice this on bandits. some of them prefer their pistols ov er primary weapons.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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