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AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

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I'm still debating the silencer retex. As I said, it's bound to the weapon_upgrade.dds because it's using the default Stalker silencer for some godsawful reason. I could alter the model, bind it to a new dds file, but I'd have to increase the texture size to a ridiculous five megs to get even close to the detail I was able to do using Sureshot's tex as a base. Today I think I'm going to take a crack at making a completely new texture for the TEC-9, the current one is a bit lackluster.

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Perhaps I dont understand the magnitude of the file size issue. Compared to how big this game is alone, a 5 meg file doesn't concern me too much. Is it because your Arsenal release so far is only 15 megs? Or will a 5 Meg texture in game noticably lower FPS performance? Cause I for one would love the chance to see some true quality texture.


I guess its the X-Ray engine, but only god & GSC knows why, virtually every skin I've seen for Stalker guns great or bad still look like they've had their detail eaten away by sitting in a Fruit Punch for a week. Skins here often feel TOO worn out, stained and dirty. Only real hi-res beauty that comes to mind atm for Stalker is that new MP7 some guy made. I'll get the link in a moment.


Sure, there's the realism bit of having been out in the Zone for god knows how long, of all things. Still, for the prices people charge, you'd think you'd be getting that G36 fresh out of the case, instead of looking like its paint job is losing the war against acid rain.


Ahh, here's the link. MP7 PDW And of course, I see all too late that you've already included an MP7A3 in your release, so much for my reading comprehension skills :P Well, if your version isnt a direct port of this, I suppose some comparisons could be made.


In this release it looks and performs excellently.......probably TOO good, might have to be toned down somehow. I eagerly await to try this one in your next release. I loved it so much, I tried using this one in AMK along with your weapons (unsucessfully). I was just unsure of the ammo capacity size of that weapon. In this version, its only 15 rounds, but in Half Life 2, its 45. World.guns.ru says the official sizes are either 20 or 40 round magazines. Being as this is supposedly the successor to the MP5 and being in the same class as the P90 (its being made to directly compete with it), I'd say that perhaps the 40 round clip size would be appropriate in this case with a similar fire rate to the P90 and slightly less accuracy & damage for using the 9x19 rounds. On the other hand, the weaker ammunition type could result in less recoil. If a trader sells this, it better be pricey, perhaps 25% more expensive than the P90 for taking advantage of a more common, commonly dropped round. I'd love to know what your take on the weapon in-game might be.


Yeah, I really like this, can you tell? :P

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Perhaps I dont understand the magnitude of the file size issue. Compared to how big this game is alone, a 5 meg file doesn't concern me too much. Is it because your Arsenal release so far is only 15 megs? Or will a 5 Meg texture in game noticably lower FPS performance? Cause I for one would love the chance to see some true quality texture.


Well the other problem that actually kills the idea is, the silencer model is hardcoded in the weapon model file. I've tried changing it to point to a new model which is essentially the same one just with a different skin and the game crashes every time. :( So unfortunately, it's a no-go for now unless someone makes an entirely new P90 model using a non-default silencer that also isn't the same as the one I have set up for the MAC-10 and MP7. Unfortunately this also means I can't do individual skins for the 9mm and .45ACP MAC-10s or the MP7. Ah well, less work for me I suppose.


In this release it looks and performs excellently.......probably TOO good, might have to be toned down somehow. I eagerly await to try this one in your next release. I loved it so much, I tried using this one in AMK along with your weapons (unsucessfully). I was just unsure of the ammo capacity size of that weapon. In this version, its only 15 rounds, but in Half Life 2, its 45. World.guns.ru says the official sizes are either 20 or 40 round magazines.


I think that might be because the one that was released was using the standard 9mm ammo types. Mine is using 4x30 HK. I also went with the 20 round magazine since that's what the model portrays. The 40 round one sticks out noticeably from the bottom of the grip.


On the other hand, the weaker ammunition type could result in less recoil. If a trader sells this, it better be pricey, perhaps 25% more expensive than the P90 for taking advantage of a more common, commonly dropped round. I'd love to know what your take on the weapon in-game might be.


I definitely made it expensive. It does saw through armor pretty well but it sucks at long range. Still tweaking both that and the P90.


Yeah, I really like this, can you tell? :P


Well you may dig this too :)


AMK Arsenal can has splash screen


Just something I came up with today. The sling looks a little wonky to me but I like the rest of it. Thoughts?


Other stuff, I'm extending the weapon randomization and tested it, a slight miscalculation has resulted in half the bandits in Garbage running around with .357 Magnum Desert Eagles. Gonna have to fix that, methinks. On the plus side, the bandits that end up hanging out at the checkpoint in Cordon right before Garbage are now carrying the right guns.

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LOL @ the thought of every other Bandit going Dirty Harry.


Nice new screen, which weapon is that? Looks like the most compact AK-er......what IS that?. Good to hear about the MP7 tho. A 20 round clip should be ok. Its enough for a Groza, after all. Also good to hear about the P90, cause its accuracy knocks out anything found before the Bar. Seriously, even without iron-sighting its dead on. After reading through several guides and such I pretty much started altering the stats myself anyways.


First tweaking individual weapons then learning the ammo types. Noticed a "[ammo_12x76_zhekan]" in the stat listings, but I couldn't find anything obvious representing the original slug round. Are these the same? Also, I found that with the damage upped on most guns and with improved accuracy, many of my guns fell short on range. Many seemed reduced to somewhat medium distance and even then I wasn't always seeing bullet puffs. Piercing factor also got me thinking so I pretty much tweaked lots of stuff to my likings (Buckshot dispersion lowered to 8 to test, pellet amount increased 12, dispersion of darts back down to 0.8, Slugs (Zhekan?) & Hydra slightly less accurate at 1.0 dispersion, notched up the damage by about 0.2 on SCIMTR rounds to give superior advantage over buck) Also weakened the 9x39 rounds back to proper levels. I kept hearing "SVUs suck" and seeing the Vintorez do gonzo damage at the cost of crappy mileage, so I put it back in its place but gave it strong piercing factor. Once I get an SVU or SVD in my hands, I'll see how that performs now as well.


A shame to hear about the lack of ability for individual skins for these weapons but I guess we can make do with what we have. Speaking of what we have, so many weapons, so much ammo...........man, I'm gonna need more to shoot :P Put in a suggestion among many for in the request for AMK 2.1 topic to add more spawns and mobs. Now one thing would truly make my experience complete - adding custom choice sounds for the weapons. Unfortunately its far harder to do here than when I played CS:S. Simply porting some .wavs to .oggs weren't enough, now I have to use the SDK to do it? Unfortunately, I've no experience with such programs and wouldn't even know where to start. In any case, great to hear of the mod's progress coming along. This initial release has also altered my playstyle. With this overly accurate P90, I'd found no need for all these AK74Us I'd been finding, so I'd just take them back to starter camp, load each with some ammo and dropping them into the hands of eager rookies. That should get them ready.

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just cruised around gsc forum. weapons mod is now at 150 weapons! :wacko2:



Whaaaaa??? Bloody hell, I better go see this. Thats freaking nuts!


But of course, so many weapons cant possibly have a purpose, heh. Quantity vs Quality? Also, hell of a lot of ammo/weapons to be tweaked.

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LOL @ the thought of every other Bandit going Dirty Harry.


Well, not exactly Dirty Harry, the poor sods couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with them. They're actually a lot more dangerous now with their MAC-10s and TEC-9s, which seem to feed their compulsion to just unload on anything that moves. Practice ducking behind cover. You'll need it. Sometimes they have suppressors too, so you may not even hear them until the bullets are bouncing off stuff near you :)


Nice new screen, which weapon is that? Looks like the most compact AK-er......what IS that?.


That is a Tromix conversion Saiga-12 shotgun.


Good to hear about the MP7 tho. A 20 round clip should be ok. Its enough for a Groza, after all. Also good to hear about the P90, cause its accuracy knocks out anything found before the Bar. Seriously, even without iron-sighting its dead on. After reading through several guides and such I pretty much started altering the stats myself anyways.


Now that I've got a bunch of new stuff added, I'm going to start working on weapon and ammo stats again. The P90 was WAY too accurate in the alpha test (scoring one-shot kills on railway soldiers from the top of the abandoned mill nearby) and I need to reduce the damage while maintaining its ability to shred armor.


First tweaking individual weapons then learning the ammo types. Noticed a "[ammo_12x76_zhekan]" in the stat listings, but I couldn't find anything obvious representing the original slug round. Are these the same?


Yes, zhekan is the original slug round, based on the Foster rifled slug I think.


Also, I found that with the damage upped on most guns and with improved accuracy, many of my guns fell short on range. Many seemed reduced to somewhat medium distance and even then I wasn't always seeing bullet puffs.


That seriously needs work. I noticed this while I was trying to shoot railway soldiers with dart rounds. They didn't even seem to notice they were being fired at, until I switched to the MAC-10 and tossed a few rounds at them. To which I say "WTF, 9mm has a longer range than a shotgun slug?". This is one of the things that has me considering merging PLR's weapon settings with the mod instead of having them as a optional addon.


notched up the damage by about 0.2 on SCIMTR rounds to give superior advantage over buck)


One of the advantages the SCIMTR rounds have over buckshot is they cause horrific bleeding damage. Even if an enemy isn't initially killed sometimes they'll quickly drop from blood loss.


A shame to hear about the lack of ability for individual skins for these weapons but I guess we can make do with what we have.


It seems that the only thing that will lack individuality is addon/upgrades for weapons (scopes, suppressors and grenade launchers). So I have had to make one generic suppressor skin for all the different ones currently available (9mm MAC-10, .45 ACP MAC-10 and 4x30 HK MP7). As far as the weapons themselves, they have no such limitation. I was able to make a corrected skin for the 9mm MAC-10 while keeping the original for the .45 ACP version.


Now one thing would truly make my experience complete - adding custom choice sounds for the weapons. Unfortunately its far harder to do here than when I played CS:S. Simply porting some .wavs to .oggs weren't enough, now I have to use the SDK to do it? Unfortunately, I've no experience with such programs and wouldn't even know where to start.


The SDK is actually not necessary. I added custom sounds for the DEs without it. There's a few steps involved but it's not terribly complicated. Message me your email and I'll send you the tutorial I found.


In any case, great to hear of the mod's progress coming along. This initial release has also altered my playstyle. With this overly accurate P90, I'd found no need for all these AK74Us I'd been finding, so I'd just take them back to starter camp, load each with some ammo and dropping them into the hands of eager rookies. That should get them ready.


It gets them ready for everything but the helicopter.


The last time I loaded the rookies up with stolen AKs, after they butchered the soldiers that came up the checkpoint road, the helicopter showed up and strafed the place to hell, then another group of soldiers moved in and mopped up. It was insane, it went on for almost an hour real-time while I hid out in one of the underground shelters and shot anything that came down the stairs wearing a military uniform.


On the plus side, I did get a ton of cash from Sidorovich after I sold all the guns that were lying around afterwards.

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i got my computor back 2 wekks ago thats good right :)


here you go. that will take you to the page.


and it ticks me off when my little bro gets here and talks about pointless crap. rapidshare and my busted pc.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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here you go. that will take you to the page.


and it ticks me off when my little bro gets here and talks about pointless crap. rapidshare and my busted pc.



Haha, figured that didn't quite fit in :P Thx for the link, too

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Well, not exactly Dirty Harry, the poor sods couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with them. They're actually a lot more dangerous now with their MAC-10s and TEC-9s, which seem to feed their compulsion to just unload on anything that moves. Practice ducking behind cover. You'll need it. Sometimes they have suppressors too, so you may not even hear them until the bullets are bouncing off stuff near you :)


Now that sounds more like it. (Gangsta rap suddenly starts playing in my head) This should add some challenge. Now all thats left is to rework the AI so they can get in cars and get passengers in the backseat and players will be too shocked to run away in time from the drive-by.




That is a Tromix conversion Saiga-12 shotgun.


Ahh, the American version? Interesting.




Now that I've got a bunch of new stuff added, I'm going to start working on weapon and ammo stats again. The P90 was WAY too accurate in the alpha test (scoring one-shot kills on railway soldiers from the top of the abandoned mill nearby) and I need to reduce the damage while maintaining its ability to shred armor.


Heh, speaking of accuracy, I was having some serious playback issues when using your mod (refer to my thread up above on stating "loving the game, but there's some flaws"). So I gotta try some other mods while awaiting your next release. The big one that caught my eye was the N.E.W.S.A release incorporated into SIMBION mod. I'd never heard of it before, and considering half of it is still in Russian, its no wonder. From what I can gather, this might be the biggest compilation the Russian mod community has to offer. Compiles most of the features from ABC, AMK, and another mod I was unfamiliar with. Has AMK's Stalker newsfeed system (although only in Russian so far), several new and unique quests (although also largely untranslated, good luck with those) and highly modified weaponry. All the skins for the existing weapons really look like they should, rather good compared to the original models. The N.E.W.S.A. bit also added in some retardedly overpowered weaponry and aid (Wolf hands you an insane full-auto D-Eagle altered to use 9x19 ammo, 20 round clip, very managable recoil & pin-point accuracy, drops solders in 2-3 hits while the MP5 needs 7-30 rounds Wolf also hands over an upgraded Stalker suit with the good NV from the get-go) But what caught my eye was the accuracy on most guns. They're suddenly all VERY accurate (however much less effective against armored opponents, hence the MP5's struggle, a shotgun might be better suited here.) Most AKs & NATO rifles have pinpoint accuracy, but the recoil's different. No longer simply forcing you upward, the recoil seems to stay set in a cone much like a buckshot's spread arc. When I PM ya, I'll try to send some of the Weapon stat files your way if you care to assess, its quite an interesting system. I also thought the soldier's endurance was a welcome change. Their vests for once aren't just for looks, and they can take plenty 9x18/19 rounds of either type, and even several of plain 5.45 ammo to the chest or back. The game crashed as I tried to enter the Garbage for the first time, but I was stocking up on explosives for the Agroprom battles and was pondering how tough the exoskeletons would be.



That seriously needs work. I noticed this while I was trying to shoot railway soldiers with dart rounds. They didn't even seem to notice they were being fired at, until I switched to the MAC-10 and tossed a few rounds at them. To which I say "WTF, 9mm has a longer range than a shotgun slug?". This is one of the things that has me considering merging PLR's weapon settings with the mod instead of having them as a optional addon.


I also said the same thing immediately. After seeing how virtually every gun had this issue, I finally turned on the distance display in game, never did that before. I took to noting the distance numbers under the crosshair. I think when these weapon stats were made, the distance in the stat files were assumed to be in direct relation to the distance detector, but I think they're very different. Therefore I just set almost all weapons to 50-200; 1000. Only to find Dart rounds still weren't flinching soldiers much. Guess the Darts were made less effective compared to Slugs. Dart models seem like they should have stronger piercing power tho, and better accuracy/range of course. But with the dispersion rate of the rounds, I found out why I REALLY wasn't hitting them, because the dispersion wasn't too different from buckshot, making these single rounds highly inaccurate. This explains why I wasn't seeing those bullet puffs sometime, because the round was landing completely somewhere else. That can easily be changed, but the SIMBION's Weapon files also fixes that well.




One of the advantages the SCIMTR rounds have over buckshot is they cause horrific bleeding damage. Even if an enemy isn't initially killed sometimes they'll quickly drop from blood loss.


Heh, I did notice that a few times. Guess the damage was fine, but I did jump up their piercing power to drive home the idea of razor thin blades slicing through it all. Truly gruesome.


It seems that the only thing that will lack individuality is addon/upgrades for weapons (scopes, suppressors and grenade launchers). So I have had to make one generic suppressor skin for all the different ones currently available (9mm MAC-10, .45 ACP MAC-10 and 4x30 HK MP7). As far as the weapons themselves, they have no such limitation. I was able to make a corrected skin for the 9mm MAC-10 while keeping the original for the .45 ACP version.


Oh sweet, thats much better. :D I had one thought tho. What about a suppressor for the Winchester? I can't see it working with any other shotgun ('cept Saiga, perhaps), but I've seen it on Mossbergs. "Why on a shotgun? Doesn't that defeat the purpose?" Not at all. Shotguns in certain situations could make use of one, at the least removing the muzzle flash and at best, tightening the arc spread of buckshot. Downside of course, is that a boomstick is a boomstick, and a suppressor can only do so much. Still, its funny to see a foe crumple with a loud "FUMB".




The SDK is actually not necessary. I added custom sounds for the DEs without it. There's a few steps involved but it's not terribly complicated. Message me your email and I'll send you the tutorial I found.


Oh THANK GOD. I'll send it right over, thanks again.


It gets them ready for everything but the helicopter.


Them and me both. :( At least now I know how to take down one of those things. Still, its all about evading that first sweep.


The last time I loaded the rookies up with stolen AKs, after they butchered the soldiers that came up the checkpoint road, the helicopter showed up and strafed the place to hell, then another group of soldiers moved in and mopped up. It was insane, it went on for almost an hour real-time while I hid out in one of the underground shelters and shot anything that came down the stairs wearing a military uniform.


That sounds pretty authentic, actually. Just one of the big things that makes AMK awesome.



Also, does Arsenal do anything to alter mutant spawn/spawn rates or change the AI at all? I've been struggling to find out why my games keep crashing with it and its basically boiling down to various story NPCs getting killed before I even get that far. Someone managed to take out the Barman or someone else important in the Bar before I even got out of Agroprom, how nutso is that?

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hello! that last paragraph finds yor problem. killing the barman or some important story npc's will cause ctd's.


p.s. the p90 has an accuracy rating of 200m on single shot. the distance between the bridge and farm is around 80m. too accurate? i dont think so.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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Haven't been here in a while. Looks like you've been working like a madman, Skullhunter. The screens that were posted looks very good. I hope you can finish this mod pretty soon.


Sasha, that link you posted for the Weapons Mod, it didn't lead to the page, it sort of plunked me down at the main page of the GSC forums. Is there a specific place to look? I tried using the search at the bottom, but so far it has been unsuccessful.

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Haven't been here in a while. Looks like you've been working like a madman, Skullhunter. The screens that were posted looks very good. I hope you can finish this mod pretty soon.


Sasha, that link you posted for the Weapons Mod, it didn't lead to the page, it sort of plunked me down at the main page of the GSC forums. Is there a specific place to look? I tried using the search at the bottom, but so far it has been unsuccessful.

it's in the mod discussion page.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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Okay, small update. I've converted all weapons over to use PLR's stats for AMK where appropriate. Weapons seem to be at their proper effectiveness now. The MAC-10 and TEC-9 are now properly inaccurate. Fire distances for all weapons are back where they should be. I've also made some fixes to the news script; general typo and grammar corrections. For instance, before we'd see stuff like this:




Now, we see it like this:




I've also slipped a few additional news items in here and there. You'll have to wait until the beta release to see them. :)


I'm going to try and do some more texture work tomorrow. For now I'm taking a break.

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For instance, before we'd see stuff like this:




Now, we see it like this:





HAH! About time! I was tired of all these random stalkers taking credit for my dirty work :P

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Okay, small update. I've converted all weapons over to use PLR's stats for AMK where appropriate. Weapons seem to be at their proper effectiveness now. The MAC-10 and TEC-9 are now properly inaccurate. Fire distances for all weapons are back where they should be. I've also made some fixes to the news script; general typo and grammar corrections. For instance, before we'd see stuff like this:




Now, we see it like this:




I've also slipped a few additional news items in here and there. You'll have to wait until the beta release to see them. :)


I'm going to try and do some more texture work tomorrow. For now I'm taking a break.

i always get a laugh at that. killed i many bandits. painfull it was for them.



cannot wait for the next test release.


now weapons prices. i can look em up on the net and see how much they cost in u.s. dollars and convert them to roubles for you. if you want.


ex; .44 desert eagle mk19 w/ 6" barrel in u.s. is 1,292.46. convert that to roubles and u get 30,576.372. well since stalker has no change, it would be 30,373.


here is my email alexp900@gmail.com and send me the weapons list.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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The next release isn't going to be a test. It's going to be an actual open beta release.


Today I finished my work on the shotguns and I've got some pretty positive results. No more sniping people with buckshot and missing them with slugs.


This is the patterning results with the cut down TOZ-34 shotgun:




Best performance is at 10 meters or less. At 20 meters, the shot has spread out too far to be effective in one shot and at 30 there's so much dispersal you'd be lucky to hit a pseudogiant with more than two or three pellets.


Now, the BM-16 full shotgun:




At 10 and 20 meters, the shot pattern is still tight enough to be reasonably effective, only at 30 meters and beyond does the pattern degrade to the point that a man-sized target would only be struck by one or two pellets.


So, shotguns are back where they should be. Close-range powerhouses but very inaccurate at long range unless using solid rounds, no longer capable of knocking someone off a rooftop with buckshot while inexplicably unable to hit at a distance with slugs and darts. Now I'm gonna go lay down, I've been sick as a dog all day.

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