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AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

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Reposted from GSC Game World forum by request:


Well after years of working on very little, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. has inspired me to roll up my sleeves and get back to it. This idea started off as a simple rework of the two Desert Eagle pistols in the game, then it enveloped the Saiga-12 model first introduced to us by BAC9-FLCL (plus Siro's Hunting Saiga-12 skin for it) and the full-sized BM-16 shotgun and now I'm eagerly awaiting the loads of new weapons currently being created by the Russian S.T.A.L.K.E.R. community as well as other talented folks like King Friday.


Why an add-on for AMK? Well, I dig it. Plus their ui_equipment image has so much extra room for new weapon icons it's not even funny. And variety is good. Even if weapons are so similar that they're mechanically and ballistically identical, they still look different. Some people like AKs, some people like M4s, and so on. Having a greater variety of weapons will definitely add to the immersion factor.


This is what I've got for you so far. The two Desert Eagles have been converted to use .44 Magnum and .50 AE ammo, respectively, their inventory descriptions have been rewritten and the two new ammo types have been added to the game, plus they now have two different and distinct firing sounds that better match the guns they're based on. The BM-16 shotgun is integrated into the game and has its own inventory icon, but I'm still working out the accuracy and damage for it, plus I need to adjust its position in the HUD. The Saiga-12c shotgun is also implemented, using Siro's skin with a custom inventory icon to match it plus his inventory description. I've also edited the all.spawn so the Big Ben (now the .50 AE Desert Eagle) in the breakable box in Rostok now has two boxes of .50 AE with it instead of two boxes of 9x39mm. I'm also going to see about implementing portable repair kits for weapons and armor, for those times when you're so far out in the Zone you just can't realistically make it back to a trader. I'd have more but I've only really been working on it seriously for two days.


Any possible suggestions or any work someone would like included in this add-on are of course appreciated. And of course if anyone would like to help me test things out, I'd be more than happy to accept volunteers.


Oh and it's going to be called AMK ARSENAL. Simple and to the point. Lots and lots of guns for lots and lots of carnage.


A2 release download has been pulled pending completion of AMK Arsenal 1.0, which is based on the latest available AMK-EN build. Until release, here's the trailer for the mod.


AMK Arsenal Trailer


Get AMK Arsenal V1 here and here


AMK Arsenal Patch to V 1.2


AMK Arsenal Patch to V 1.31

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Bump with screenies :)


Inventory view of both DE pistols:



Inventory view of both types of .44 Magnum ammo:



Inventory view of both types of .50 AE ammo:



Wolf at the rookie camp with his new toy:



Another shot of the Saiga, warning, big image:


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Good work :good:


Getting there. I still haven't made it to Rostok yet to find out if the ammo swap in that box worked correctly though. I'm currently stuck underground in Agroprom in the middle of a blowout. But on the plus side, Wolf conveniently got himself killed during the military raid on the rookie camp (he caught some helicopter rockets that were meant for me) so now I've got the Saiga and the .50 DE. :)

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You know what would be awesome for the arsenal? Trip mines. Those would be sweet in some of the situations I've been in when you need just a little time to recover, but the enemy is hot on your tail. Of course, the strategic advantage is pretty much exclusively in buildings and tight corridors.


The only other thing I can think of a bolt-action hunting rifle, like a remington or something. It might actually make the whole thing look more authentic, not something so far-fetched (gauss rifle, anyone?).

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I finally made it to Rostok after a savegame-corrupting crash that set me back a whole day. Fortunately I made up the time lost and went straight from Bar to Wild Territory, smoked all the mercenaries that got in my way and then found... ...the box.




And what's in the box? Something good?




Yes, definitely something good.




So it seems the edits to the all.spawn are working and they should continue to work since I'm limiting myself to only editing the contents of unscripted boxes with xrSpawner.


I'm still trying to figure out why the full size BM16 shotgun is less accurate and damaging than the sawed-off though. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Also the Saiga12 is less accurate and damaging than the Winchester 1300, also not what I think it should be. I don't quite seem to completely have the hang of weapon code editing just yet. If anyone feels like helping me out, let me know and I'll upload the mod somewhere so you can have a look at it. Next I'm going to try and integrate Lucian's randomized weapons into AMK, that I at least understand how it works.

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Could I take a look at the mod, skullhunter? I may be a noob at this, but I could try out the mod and see how well it works.


Sure thing. I just need to iron out some more stuff, working on my own version of Lucian's random weapons with his help. I want to get the randomization for Cordon finished and see how it all fits together.


As the mod stands, the Desert Eagles are 99% finished (not 100% only because I still can't figure out how to retexture ammo boxes), the full-size BM16 shotgun is finished including the hud tweaking to position it right, the Saiga12c shotgun using Siro's skin is also completely implemented and there is a full-auto variant of it as well. For testing purposes I have all those guns available at Sidorovich's shop for very, very low prices. All of the rookie Stalkers in Cordon randomly spawn with either the PM pistol, sawed-off shotgun, the full size BM16 or some combination of those. Wolf randomly starts with a choice of the Saiga12c, AK74SU, AK47, HK MP5, Colt 1911, FN HP, Fort 12, PM pistol or a combination of those. Occasionally this does result in Stalkers having multiple weapons of the same type, usually with Wolf, but I'd expect an experienced Stalker to carry a backup. :) If it starts looking like too many guns will end up floating around Cordon, I may have to adjust the percentages more, lower the money you get from Stalkers for selling them guns, or both. Likely I'll have most NPCs set up with two or three weapon choices at most, with characters like Wolf being the exception.


So I'll let you know as soon as I have something that I don't consider embarrassingly bad :)


Oh and just to let you know, disregard the stats you see in the inventory for the weapons. They are set up properly, it's just the inventory acts weird sometimes and says they're less powerful/accurate than they actually are.

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Should be soon. I have a few new ammo types to test out yet. All Stalkers in Cordon have randomized weapons, all bandits are randomized as well as are the railway checkpoint soldiers. Unfortunately I haven't gotten around to randomizing the loadout of the other Stalker, Bandit and Soldier NPCs that arrive to replace killed NPCs or that enter the area on patrol. New ammo types being tested are 12 gauge flechette, 12 gauge Hydra-Shok slug and Mag-Safe style rounds for all pistol calibers from 9x18 up to .50 AE.

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Okay folks, the first test version of AMK Arsenal is ready to go, download link below:




Few things to keep in mind. One; please read the readme file. Two; this WILL overwrite files in your gamedata directory. Best way to test it is going to be if you're using either just AMK or AMK with any of the non-weapon-changing mods like NightVz's weather. Three; this is a work in progress and as I work on it I gain a better understanding of how weapon and ammo coding works, so while it is rough now it will improve. Four; enjoy it. :)


Now the three latest additions to the mod, the Hydra-Shok shotgun slugs and the .44 and .50 frangible rounds, I'd ask you to pay special attention to them. The slugs are meant to be an intermediate between the regular slug and the dart rounds. You won't be sniping anyone with your shotgun but up close they should be particularly lethal. Also, they only work in the Saiga12c right now (the semi-auto one, not the full-auto converted one) as I haven't modified all the other shotguns in the game yet to accept the new ammo. The frangible rounds have less range than their standard and hollowpoint alternatives and don't do as well against armor but should have much greater hitting power and you may also notice enemies dropping more often from blood loss after being shot. Again, this is all experimental right now, so any feedback will help me fine-tune things. Have fun!

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Disregard this message, that other update regarding the latest AMK-EN patch to .85, it makes Sidorovich vanish. Continue using the last one before .85.


Small update to the information, the latest critical patch AMK-EN 2.0.81 -> rev.85 does NOT disrupt anything in this mod. The files it installs are not ones that are used by my mod at all, so go get the critical patch at this post here:




and then install it immediately.

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silverpower, I'll message you with my email, I wouldn't mind taking a look at what you have and integrating it in my own work. I still have a lot of work ahead of me as far as reworking all the shotguns to take the 12-gauge Hydra-Shok slugs and then adding frangible rounds for all the pistols and some of the rifles, so all of their descriptions will have to be redone to reflect the additional ammo available for them.

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When I installed the mod, it completely screwed up my inventory icons. I mean, really, really, screwed it up. I'm running the latest of the amkmod, which I thought was the problem, but nope, it happens when I install ARSENAL. Even worse, it appears to be crashing the game.




[error]Expression : fatal error

[error]Function : CInifile::r_section

[error]File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp

[error]Line : 342

[error]Description : <no expression>

[error]Arguments : Can't open section 'wpn_saiga12c_m1' "


This usually happens when it's in the "synchronizing" stage, then BAM!, straight to the desktop.


Have any theories?

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Skullhunter - check your PMs, the shotguns are done.


And don't let your DDS plugin save ui_icons_equipment.dds with mipmaps - DXT5 is correct, having mipmaps isn't. It works for me, but that's because I'm running at max texture quality at the moment. Stalker assumes that items like this won't have mipmaps, and when they do, it doesn't know to scale them up to the correct size, so the icons look funny.


mistaza - try reinstalling AMK, upgrade it to rev.87, and then try installing Arsenal over that. That won't fix the icon issue - unless you know how to strip mipmaps from textures (DDS Converter can do it - DXT5, don't build mipmaps), of course. The CTDs should go away, though. :)

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