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AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

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As I understand it, the AI simply checks the NPC's inventory for a weapon, picks the best one with ammo, and equips the NPC with it.


So yeah, NPCs with pistols will still use them, and NPCs with bigger weapons will revert back to pistols if they lose their main weapon.

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So, how's 2.0 coming along?

You mean the new AMK-EN? Look in the nightly builds to get the latest one :)

АМК 1.4 не запускается на международной версии S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

Вот лекарство! Устанавливать в корневую директорию игры.

Моя группа по АМК ВКонтакте.

Вожу иностранцев в Зону. Дорого.

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You mean the new AMK-EN? Look in the nightly builds to get the latest one :)


You do have common sense, right? If I was talking about AMK 2.0, I would talk about it in the AMK General discussion thread, not in the AMK Weapon Add On thread.

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OH SHIT, Radius? k


Wait first you said radius then you said range. Did you mean radius? I tried it but it didn't seem to be working. Do I need to start a new game?

Изменено пользователем Lucan
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I would have liked this mod to come to full fruition. There's still lots of us who think that the decision by GSC to make left-handed guns for someone who clearly shoots right-handed was pretty awful, and better replacement gun models with the casings ejecting in the correct direction could help that.


There's also the fact that with all the different factions and stalkers from various different countries would bring in a huge diversity of armaments with them. People want the right tools for the right jobs, and sometimes they trust certain gun manufacturers more than others--both of these reasons why more kinds of guns would enter the Zone. The AMK Arsenal mod in my view would have been a nice step in that direction.


Here's hoping it gets picked up again, or at least the AMK 2.0 team allows for an option to install an updated version for AMK 2.0.

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Yeah, I really hope this mod is eventually finished.


If not, then we should at least try to balance the current release of the mod (which I play with and enjoy) a bit better, and maybe try and incorporate it into AMK 2.0.

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Master Bates,


I haven't tried this Arsenal mod myself (though I plan to), but does it change the "standard weapons" of the factions? By "standard weapons" I mean which weapons are most commonly used by which factions. In the vanilla game, Duty's standard firearms are the AN-94 and OC-14 Groza, Freedom and Mercenaries use the LR-300 and SIG 550, Ecologists use the L85A2, while Bandits stick to MP5s, BM-16s, and AKS-74Us. I'd like to know what the new "standard weapons" are for the AMK Arsenal mod. I would agree with you that including and balancing this mod for AMK 2.0 would be a welcome addition.


Personally I think that there were some very questionable weapon assignment choices in the vanilla game. Some of the worst cases are the weapons assigned to the bandits--MP5s and AKS-74Us are principal weapons of police units and special forces/second-line military personnel, not likely to be the stuff bandits would get their hands on.


If anything, I think Bandits would prefer guns suited for either long-range assassinations, intimidation value, short-range firepower, concealability, and overall use mostly outdated weapons. Here's my list of weapons they could use, all of which could fit the aforementioned themes. Information on each of these can be found at this site.


1) Pistols and Machine Pistols

Makarov PM, Makarov PMM, Fort 12, Tokarev TT, OTs-33 Pernach, Beretta 92FS, Desert Eagle, Skorpion Vz.61, TEC-9, Mini Uzi, MAC-10, MAC-11


2) SMGs


PPSh-41, PP-19 Bizon (elite bandits only), Uzi.


3) Shotguns


TOZ-34, BM-16, Winchester 1300 (basically anything sawed-off, or found in a hunter's hands, or easily concealed for easier mugging)


4) Rifles


SR-3 "Vikhr," 9A-91 (these compact assault rifles are for elite Bandits only, but useful for their short-ranged but lethal 9x39 mm round), AK-47 (the most illegally manufactured firearm in the world), Scoped Mosin Nagant 1890, VSS Vintorez (for elite bandit snipers only who hunt you down at night and try to assassinate you).


I think a weapons list like this for the Bandits would be more thematic and less of a weapon set that speaks of "any and all low-tier guns thrown at them." It would also make more sense if most rookie or experienced bandits equipped with pistols, or machine pistols, or outdated SMGs just "sprayed-and-prayed," in other words, just set their guns to full automatic fire and try shooting wildly to hit you. They're small-time gangsters who mostly rely on strength of numbers to win their battles, not hardened Stalkers or well-disciplined soldiers who take their time to aim and hit you.


Come to think of it, way too many people in the Zone use the AKS-74U in the wrong places. Since it has a shortened barrel and a higher firing rate than its parent rifle the AK-74, it really is optimized for CQB and room clearing, not in the wide open fields that many areas of the Zone in SoC are composed of. In real life, people will use the right weapons for the right jobs, and sticking so many soldiers with a short-range weapon when they're supposed to be fighting in terrain favouring long-range shots really doesn't make much sense.


The only places I think where AKS-74Us would be appropriate would be the Agroprom Underground, the Military Soldiers who come after you in X18 and the Bandit base just above it since that location is all indoors, the military guards posted indoors at the Agroprom Western Facility, and maybe inside the Duty base (since Duty favours Warsaw Pact weapons and the Duty base at the Bar favours short-ranged combat anyhow.


I spoke with WodkaGT once, and while he doesn't like the AMK Arsenal mod, he is at least willing to entertain the possibility of tweaking the Desert Eagle's stats to more realistic values and giving that pistol its own unique ammo, which is something that really should have been done for unmodded SoC.

Изменено пользователем Mazryonh
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Most of the factions' default weapons are the same, with the exceptions of the military and the bandits. The military mostly use the same weapons that they do by default, except for soldiers in buildings and underground areas who, in my experience, are usually equipped with AKS-74Us and Bizons. The bandits are equipped with a motley and completely random assortment of weapons - mostly cheap and readily-availible ones such as Tec-9s, MAC-10s, various shotguns and the occasional Mosin-Nagant, with higher-quality (and occasionally downright deadly if you aren't expecting them) guns found in the hands of more experienced bandits every one in a while.


EDIT: Incidentally, I kind of like your idea for the bandits' availible weapons. However, since they're implied to be a large number of small, unassociated groups rather than a single unified faction like in Clear Sky, standardizing weapons across the board for all of them seems a little wierd. There's no way not to do that as far as I know, though, so I guess we'll live with it.

Изменено пользователем Master Bates
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Master Bates,


Okay, this AMK Arsenal mod is looking better and better. Are you using it with the English version of AMK 1.4.1?


Another weapon-related problem I think this mod could fix is how widespread the H&K MP5 chambered for 9x19mm is in the unmodded game. Waaayyy too many Loners and Bandits use it, and what's worse is that many NPCs will equip it instead of using their old weapons in the AI script for AMK 1.4. Realistically, while it might be good for killing small packs of Blind Dogs or hordes of Tushkano (two things I've used it for myself), its low stopping power, short-ranged nature, and poor penetration of body armour would all work against it in the Zone, not to mention its low capacity magazine compared to the PPSh-41 and Bizon, something that could save your life when fighting many weaker mutants at once. I wouldn't pity the poor stalker who gets caught with the MP5 against a pack of Snorks, a gang of Bloodsuckers, or a few Chimeras--you really should have packed a better weapon, bud.


Besides, as I said before, the MP5 is primarily used as a Police weapon--its presence in the military is pretty rare. At most I think the H&K MP5 would be used by the Mercenaries--it's light, compact, and useful for room-clearing or CQB, but not for long-ranged combat against more heavily-armoured humans or tougher mutants, and the Mercenaries use Western weapons almost exclusively. Another group of users could include the Freedom base guards on the inside of the base in the Army Warehouses level, mainly for killing Blind Dogs that end up on the inside, but even that's questionable, since the Freedom base has lots of wide-open spaces.


Some other western SMGs useful for the Zone could include the H&K UMP (it fires .45 ACP rounds, much better stopping power for tougher mutants and armoured humans), the MP5/10 (chambered for the 10x25mm round, resulting in much better stopping power and better long-range shots), the Calico M960 (50 or 100 rounds of 9x19mm is much better than the MP5's 30), and the MP9.


As famous as the FN P90 is, I don't think it would be very useful in the Zone. Bigger mutants aren't scared in the least by 5.7 mm holes--using them against bloodsuckers, snorks, or pseudogiants would likely cause them to bleed out after 3 hours, but not before they caught up with you and bit your head off.

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:-) all of these weapons argues are correct, HK MP5a5 or whatever is a police waepon, P90 is designed to penetrate body armor class I to III and nothing more, AKSU is a 'Spetsnaz' and, maybe, O.M.O.N. weapon (altrougth elite army units are always trained to use whatever they can got)... but there is something like, let's say, game plausability. If weapon is in-game-plausable, both for me AND for NPC's, not too harsh and not too easy to win, then there is ingame balance. I can play wthout feeling frustrated. If it is not... 'Arsenal' mod have tons-of-Kalyashnikovs and they are all the same. Thus they are unusable, or just overcomplicating the game. Altering power and accuracy without altering ammo spec's and bullet balistisc is ridiculous. Why? An Abakan, for example, can be accurate as sniper rifle but at distances under 100 meters. Still they do not have same bullet/rifling/gunpowder etc. and the result is different. MP5 A5 is, probably, very accurate, but complete useles at distances over 100 meters. The 9mm has its material limitations. I do not want to say that I am ballistic expert or ex. spetsnaz, I just want to say that EVERY game is prety much limited in options when it tries to recreate 'real' world conditions. And it will be always like that. Some things cannot be done, and will never be able to achieve JUST because tihis is game. I think that there is a thin line which cannot be crossed, and this is game plausability. Why I am writting this? I have played 'Arsenal' for AMK and, besides a hundred or so weapons, there is nothing there. Ingame plausability is, IMO, comletely ruined. Just another mod to make me feel bad. Why should I play it then?! :-)

Изменено пользователем ahilej
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Ahilej, you're actually thinking of a completely different mod (one which is, as far as I know, totally incompatible with AMK anyway). The mod discussed in this thread doesn't add the several dozen nearly-identical AK variants of the other Arsenal mod. In fact, as I recall it only adds around two dozen or so weapons - if even that many - and all of them are at least reasonably plausible, with the possible exception of the P90, which is rare and only found in the hands of Mercs (or Stalkers who have looted dead Mercs).

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Aside from the points that Master Bates brought up, I think there's a lot that could be done to fill in the gaps in the weaponry in the vanilla game. There's also the fun factor--more guns equal more time spent playing to master them or to figure out how each work. Some guns would make the factions more unique, or at least make them less overpowered compared to the others.


For example, as I said before, a "starter package" from Sidorovich would have been nice to help the game be not too hard in the beginning. A Mosin Nagant 1890 rifle would be great for long distance shots within the Cordon, making it easier to take on Bandits and soldiers so early in the game. It's a bolt action rifle, so I don't think it would be at all unbalanced.


There's also the matter of NATO weapons and Warsaw Pact weapons not having matching guns to equal their roles. For instance, Freedom has no equivalent to the VSS Vintorez, the AS Val, the OT-14 Groza, and the SVD and SVU sniper rifles, all of which are used by Duty. Here's my suggestions as to which guns from NATO could match these Warsaw Pact weapons.


1) The Groza could be matched by the FN P90--both have very good armour penetrating capabilities, and handle very well at short ranges. While the FN P90 can't match the Groza's grenade launcher, it can shoot farther due to its round's better ballistics, can be suppressed (unlike the Groza in SoC), and can also mount a scope. Another potential match for the Groza is the Steyr AUG, which doesn't have the same stopping power or armour penetration factor of the Groza, but can use a 42 round magazine, a grenade launcher, and is a bullpup rifle.


2) The VSS Vintorez could be matched by the M14, which uses more powerful ammunition than the 5.56mm round, is capable of automatic fire, can be suppresed, and shoots farther with a larger magazine, though it doesn't hit as hard as the 9x39mm round does.


3) The SVD and SVU could be matched by several kinds of NATO rifles, such as the PSG-1, the DSR-1, etc. A bullpup sniper rifle recently unveiled is the "Stealth Recon Scout" although it's bolt-action, not semi-automatic.


I myself would like to see a clash of East and West not only in ideologies, but also on the battlefields of STALKER. Making this mod an official part of AMK could be great, since it's a nice balance of plausibility and variety.

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With regards to the repair kit not reliably repairing armour, the fix for that is:

In bind_stalker.script, go to this part


function actor_binder:on_item_drop (obj)


ngc_mod.itemuse(obj) --NGC_MOD ADDITIONAL




And move the ngc line below the AMK one


function actor_binder:on_item_drop (obj)



ngc_mod.itemuse(obj) --NGC_MOD ADDITIONAL



I'm guessing AMK does something to armour that messes up how the repair kit works.

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