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AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

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Lucan, no hard feelings; I just got annoyed at you and bit off your head. Sorry about that.


To everybody - I haven't seen Skull online in a while - this is probably because I'm no longer awake when he is, and his schedule got sent all out of whack.


I do, however, have some good news.


Arsenal Mod is being ported to X-Ray 1.5, which means that our mod can tag along.


We will, however, still lose some of the weapons currently in our SHOC version, specifically the remaining Zenobian weapons and the Gosuke weapons. In practice, this means that the machine pistols and some SMGs we have will be MIA, and so will the Mosin-Nagant, PKM and P90 (at least, until Gosuke does a rebuild for STCS). The Benelli entry gun will also be missing, as will the sawn-off '34 and full-length TOZ-66. The Saiga-12C has not been ported either - yet. Losing the machine pistols isn't as bad as it sounds, as they were badly scaled and animated to begin with - even the MAC-10 pistol design is not as small as it's depicted, and the mag's completely wrong. The TEC-9 also suffered from a bland and badly done model, as did the TMP. The MP5K and OTs-33 had flaws, too, but have already been replaced with superior models. (Hint: We'd like a port of the MAC-10, especially if they could do a carbine variation and/or port one with a proper two-stage suppressor unit. Same with the TMP and a better TEC-9.)


Work on AMK Arsenal V2 is proceeding, but slower than I'd like. And unless and until it's finished for SHOC, you can forget about it being ported to Clear Sky.

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LOL. Gotta say, I've never seen Sparrow get nearly that far. He's actually usually the first corpse I come across in the Bar. He's not usually dead at first of course, but he's dead soon afterwards, with no explanation. Someone wants his Unique Colt way too much.


As for the gigantic wave of mutants vs Freedom, I LOVE good fights like that. As long as it doesn't significantly lag up the computer or slow down, it puts all that ammo to good use and tests combat survival. Not to mention a nice surplus of mutant parts to sell. Now if only Tushkano, Pseudo-Giants, Chimeras & Controllers had parts to sell (really, why don't they?)


Yeah, heh heh, I just watch the rape through my Vintorez scope and shoot any Freedom who try to run.

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Uh, guys, are you sure PLR was rebalancing this? Just one look at weapons.ltx reveals all kind of oddities. Pistol cartridges with tracers, hydroshock(Hydra-shok?) and frangible rounds with increased k_pierce, AP ammo with better k_impair than FMJ, PAB-9 which is better than SP-6(All 9x39mm series does insane amounts of damage in general, it's just a bullet people), k_impulse being 1 or even more...

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Uh, guys, are you sure PLR was rebalancing this? Just one look at weapons.ltx reveals all kind of oddities. Pistol cartridges with tracers, hydroshock(Hydra-shok?) and frangible rounds with increased k_pierce, AP ammo with better k_impair than FMJ, PAB-9 which is better than SP-6(All 9x39mm series does insane amounts of damage in general, it's just a bullet people), k_impulse being 1 or even more...


PLR hasn't touched this; we just used it as a base at one point. 1.3's kind of a mess - sorry. To be honest, I don't remember how we balanced 1.x, but it's all over the place.

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The P90 (made by Gosuke, I believe) has a plainly visible reload animation, while Zenobian's P90 moves off to the bottom of the screen to reload, which is the easy way out of having to make a custom reload animation. Other than that, I don't know of any other differences, since I've never really used Zenobian's.

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Hmm, for some reason this mod removes portable stashes from trader's inventories. It cost me a custom Saiga 12C and a G36, because I dropped them on the arena rooftop and apperantly while I was away physics in the bar level fucked up and they get flung every which way, so now I can't find them. I know shit got flung around because I had my shotgun ammo in a pile and now it's spread all over the rooftop. Also, IMO, get rid of the pistol use by distance, but pistol use by weapon. It would incorrparate both distance and something else. If someone is using a sub machine gun, or a shot gun, assualt rifle, or machine gun, they should never switch to their pistol. Ever. Unless they loose their main firearm. However, if they are using a grenade launcher, RPG, or sniper, then they should change pistols based on distance. Because, face it, even if you were 3 meters away from an enemy in real life, and you had a fully loaded AK-74 + ammo for it and a Makarov, you'd use the AK-74. And if you wouldn't, then eathier you don't have said AK in your hands, or you're a loonie.




I found something very, very special.




:o. He was a Spetsnaz seargent


Also, I recomend editing the AKS-74p and (when it's added in) the AK-74M magazines to black rather than bakelite, because the -74M and -74p series use black magazines.

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Uh, I keep crashing. With this:


Expression : fatal error

Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error

File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\script_engine.cpp

Line : 73

Description : <no expression>

Arguments : LUA error: ...ow of chernobyl\gamedata\scripts\bind_stalker.script:208: attempt to concatenate field '?' (a nil value)


First what I did was, with my old version of AMK Arsenal, I thought I merged something wrong, so I got my AMK Gamedata folder, made it my gamedata, and then installed AMK Arsenal over that. I installed it up to 1.31, then copy-pasted my custom weapon randimization over the current weapon randimization. (the gameplay folder) Then I loaded up a autosave I had from my previous (messed up) Arsenal game (to the dark valley from Cordon) and crashed with this. Tried to load my cordon quicksave (right in the Dark Valley entrance tunnel) and again crashed. Now I have no idea what it could be, because I didn't merge anything over it this time, except for AMK Arsenal with AMK (which you're supposed to do.)


I'm wondering if I screwed up merging them togther, but if I did I think it wouldn't even start or I'd get a different error.

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Also, IMO, get rid of the pistol use by distance, but pistol use by weapon. It would incorrparate both distance and something else. If someone is using a sub machine gun, or a shot gun, assualt rifle, or machine gun, they should never switch to their pistol. Ever.


It's min_radius and max_radius in ltx. I changed it all for myself, but I also changed a shitload of other things so I don't think you'd want the files.


And I feel like it's a stupid question but... what's so great about that screenshot? Except for the amount of bodies.

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It's min_radius and max_radius in ltx. I changed it all for myself, but I also changed a shitload of other things so I don't think you'd want the files.


And I feel like it's a stupid question but... what's so great about that screenshot? Except for the amount of bodies.


The Spetsnaz has a mask on. I've never seen any soldier wearing blacklava before. Anyway, anyone know what my problem is?

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Sorry, when it comes to fixing crashes I only know how to rename texture files.


Anyway, it seems I'm fed up with SoC for now... so if anyone's interested, here's the realistic weapons mod for AMK I've been making the entire time. I guess you might even say it's finished. List of full modifications is in the readyou.




Now what to play next...

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And I feel like it's a stupid question but... what's so great about that screenshot?



Yeah, its that one sargeant. If you'll notice, near the beginning of the game, you have a minor and insignificant task of meeting up with a guy before the railroad bridge pass. This happens after you save Nimble and bring Sidorovich back the flash drive. Anyways, said guy is dead, but you supposedly pick up his PDA, which has a picture of all the Military types that can be found in game, including this masked guy.


However, the masked sargeant typically only shows up at the Dark Valley, directly after Lab X18. He's one of the last few guarding the area, just outside the abandoned factory gate.


Sorry I haven't been around guys, but RL and stuff caught up to me. That, and Left 4 Dead. To be honest, I haven't played either Stalker game in well over a month. Well, I guess I'll see what happens.

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What. Fox has been dead for you? Huh. I've saved him every time, but he always gets raped by Spetsnaz patrols after I save him.


Wait wait before the bridge pass?






Also, anyone know where people who leave gifts for you leave them? In Sid's and the Barman's place










Oh, you mean Tolik. If he's usually dead for you, you're doing something wrong. Or the dogs really hate him.




Mercs, mercs everywhere! This one got killed by Psudeodogs and snorks, I killed another one coming from the direction of the Dark Valley.




Here is said Merc.

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Question: What file is the setting for the pistol use based on range in, and how can I remove it without breaking the game? If I can't remove it, then how can I make it so that the NPCs never use pistols? Like set the max and min range to 0?

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Okay, so for clarification, if I want NPCs not to use pistols if they have assualt rifles, smgs, ect I go into the weapon file and set the min range to 0? Because I don't want NPCs who don't have assualt rifles but do have pistols to not use the pistols.

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