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AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

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So far, so good. However, there's another issue. Nothing to do with this patch, its been a long outstanding issue I've simply forgotten. I'm not even sure if this has to do with Arsenal, AMK, or Stalker itself.


The maximum resolution my screen can handle is 1680x1050. However, this issue keeps me from using it - The resolution in the game is optimized sure, however the issue has to do with my inventory. When I open up my inventory in this resolution, I find the bottom two rows of the inventory grid unclickable. Clicking them does nothing. Pretty annoying when you're trying to pop an anti-rad at 30% health only to find you cant touch the sunnavabitch (WHY is there no hotbutton for this anyway?).


Granted, I dont think this has to do with AMK Arsenal. Just saying.


So far, looking at the weapon choices many of the enemies are using, and it makes sense once again. I've also noticed that many NPCs are now DEADLY accurate. Not like they're aimbots or anything, but maybe now I'll actually take damage in the longrun. Soldiers are real good with their rifles now, as they should be. This playthrough should pose a solid challenge, no matter what suit I wear.


I think I've seen some stuff about the resolution incompatibility affecting other mods and their inventory setup. Not sure how to fix it though.


I'm glad we've managed to hammer out all the problems with weapon selections. I've noticed in recent playtests that they are a lot deadlier, not perfect, but definitely more dangerous than usual. Hopefully the new armor descriptions will help you make good choices for protection :)


Well, if there's no other problems that pop up, there's only going to be one more patch and it will be a very small one; EggChen finished adding the P90 shells to the base AMK particle file so the next release will only be three small files. After that I'll bundle all of it together into a full download version and then I'll be working on V2 full time.

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Hey, I been following this mod for a while and it's certainly going well, I'm just about to try 1.31 which should make it even better. Just a couple of things I had been thinking about though.


1) Only one character (that i know of) spawns with a pkm. Now the pkm is a powerful weapon, but in real life every military squad would have atleast one, correct? So is there a way to implement that into stalker without unbalancing the game? Same with RPGs as well now i think of it.


2) Someone said something about wanting a third weapon slot for a pistol. Would it be possible to make pistols go into the grenade or perhaps even binocular slot? There would of course be problems putting it in the binocular slot, but i don't see why it couldnt be done.


3) Would you consider implementing "custom" ammunition? What I mean is say, rounds that stalkers have notched to fragment more easily, or even incendiary or explosive rounds. There's a million different things one could do to make a standard bullet more powerful in certain situations, and in the zone especially, i would assume all sorts of ammuntion would be found.


And as far as the inventory screen problem goes, I get it too, but my resolution's only 1360x768! Also it happened with oblivion lost as well, so i assume it'd be a AMK problem (since oblivion lost was based on amk for certain parts i believe)


keep up the good work skullhunter and co. :D

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1. Well, I think the idea here is that the PKM is a rather strong example LMG and Russian to boot, but it would seem that most stalkers prefer conventional sized firearms over heavy weapons. The description for the RPG even states this, as it seems a key for survival in the zone is mobility, likely to stand a chance against the fast mutants.


2. Grenades and Binoculars have a slot??? This is a solid idea, but I think it would have been done already if it were truly possible within reason.


3. Various mods have implemented different types of custom rounds. Some mods put in Incendiary/Radioactive/Napalm grenades of sorts. This mod already has several sorts of various ammo types, more than I'm sure some would really bother with.

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1. Well, I think the idea here is that the PKM is a rather strong example LMG and Russian to boot, but it would seem that most stalkers prefer conventional sized firearms over heavy weapons. The description for the RPG even states this, as it seems a key for survival in the zone is mobility, likely to stand a chance against the fast mutants.


2. Grenades and Binoculars have a slot??? This is a solid idea, but I think it would have been done already if it were truly possible within reason.


3. Various mods have implemented different types of custom rounds. Some mods put in Incendiary/Radioactive/Napalm grenades of sorts. This mod already has several sorts of various ammo types, more than I'm sure some would really bother with.


Note how he said military. Because, it is true that every sqaud has a automatic rifleman (RPK) and a machine-gunner (PKM). As for RPGs, I think the military uses the RPG-22 now. Much lighter and smaller then the RPG-7.




Errr, houstoun, we have a problem.


Expression : I

Function : CInifile::Load

File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp

Line : 166

Description : Can't find include file:

Arguments : ak47_sk1.ltx


It crashes with this on start up.

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Errr, houstoun, we have a problem.


Expression : I

Function : CInifile::Load

File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp

Line : 166

Description : Can't find include file:

Arguments : ak47_sk1.ltx


It crashes with this on start up.


That's the ltx file for the AK-47 rifle. If you've installed the previous versions, it should still be there. If it isn't, you should probably download V1, V1.2 and V1.31 and install them in that order.

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Certain files seem to vanish from time to time, dunno how that happens.


As for some of the random crashing, I finally got a bug report that gives a strange reason. I've gotten this before....




[error]Expression : fatal error

[error]Function : CInifile::r_string

[error]File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp

[error]Line : 352

[error]Description : <no expression>

[error]Arguments : Can't find variable ammo_mag_size in [wpn_addon_grenade_launcher]




(looks at the weapons.ltx) Hmm. Compared to the M203 grenade launcher add-on, the config settings for these don't list an "ammo_mag_size", nor was I aware that they ever needed to. Stranger still, I wasn't even close to using one. Quite as contrary as it gets, I was not attempting to use a grenade of any sort, nor did I have any in my inventory save for an F1. I was using a Vintorez, putting down a snork in X18 when the crash happened. I dont even have a GP-25 addon in my inventory, nor on any gun, and I'm pretty sure there's none to be found within the lab. I do have a Groza, and found & fired a vog-25 from it, but this was done and over before I zoned into the lab.


Its like the game's just giving excuses to slap me down now, and bad ones at that.


(manually edits the launcher addons to add "ammo_mag_size = 1 ; clip (magazine) size") Dunno if that'll do anything, since these crashes were rather random, but guess I'll see.


EDIT: Well, not sure that accomplished much. Still getting random crashes, so far without explanation. At least nothing stating the above issue.

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1. Well, I think the idea here is that the PKM is a rather strong example LMG and Russian to boot, but it would seem that most stalkers prefer conventional sized firearms over heavy weapons. The description for the RPG even states this, as it seems a key for survival in the zone is mobility, likely to stand a chance against the fast mutants.


2. Grenades and Binoculars have a slot??? This is a solid idea, but I think it would have been done already if it were truly possible within reason.


3. Various mods have implemented different types of custom rounds. Some mods put in Incendiary/Radioactive/Napalm grenades of sorts. This mod already has several sorts of various ammo types, more than I'm sure some would really bother with.


1. Lucan already said pretty much what I was going to say, but ingame, how many weapons do you carry? I know I can have up to four at any one time, and that's with a 70kg limit! If mobility is truly a issue (and I agree it should be) then perhaps something should be done to give a player a reason to only carry an AK with two clips of ammo. Probably goes beyond the breadth of this mod but cutting down NPC spawns and lowering endurance would help greatly.


2. I was just pouring over some config files and saw something I thought related to it. Ill have a play around and see what can be done.


3. Yeah I've seen those mods, but look more at place in a C&C game than stalker. I'm talking down and dirty, totally illegal "homebrew" bullets. The notched bullets is one example, where they fracture almost instantly upon hitting a target doing massive unarmoured damage. But yes I see what you're saying about already having enough ammo types :D

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Beat the game with AMK Arsenal again, and running through previous areas I just noticed a serious flaw. The corpses wont go away.


Maybe some do, but not all of them (not talking about important NPCs either), and they dont go away fast enough. I just backtracked through Wild Territory, and there's the usual lot of bodies, although the construction site swarmed of death. There's a dead group of soldiers just into the Wild Territory from the Bar that I can recall being there since about midway through the game (Their names are the same, so I'm sure). But when I got to Yantar, I was shocked to see so many dead bodies! Piles of them placed here and there, some in trios or quads, and a couple by the dozen. The gate to the factory area had about two dozen bodies strewn across the way! The effect was very noticable too - framerate quickly dropped from the overload. Did the latest patch break the corpse poofing?

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Beat the game with AMK Arsenal again, and running through previous areas I just noticed a serious flaw. The corpses wont go away.


Maybe some do, but not all of them (not talking about important NPCs either), and they dont go away fast enough. I just backtracked through Wild Territory, and there's the usual lot of bodies, although the construction site swarmed of death. There's a dead group of soldiers just into the Wild Territory from the Bar that I can recall being there since about midway through the game (Their names are the same, so I'm sure). But when I got to Yantar, I was shocked to see so many dead bodies! Piles of them placed here and there, some in trios or quads, and a couple by the dozen. The gate to the factory area had about two dozen bodies strewn across the way! The effect was very noticable too - framerate quickly dropped from the overload. Did the latest patch break the corpse poofing?

bodies should go away if they have nothing on em.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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The Weapons.ltx usually lists them all at the top....


Basically all the guns Arsenal brings to the game, aside from the stuff already in AMK, are 3 Desert Eagles of individual caliber (+1 Unique), the Saiga 12C, the AK-74SU Camo, the AK-47, AK-74 M1, two different Mac-10s, Steyr TMP, MP7, HK416, two Mosin-Nagants (scoped and not), the Benelly M3 Short, Tec-9,the Bizon, and the Kriss Super V


Hmm. Where's Skullhunter. Hopefully he's still checking to see if the forum's up. I dunno where he lurks again.

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Oooh yeah, I'm really digging those icons. What with the new images for ammo and artifacts, rather nice. Also, is that a new suit I see? Wonder what that is.


Also Sasha, I put AMK Arsenal back in to try it some more a little from my old saved game (Man, why does AMK load so much slower and stutter more than Oblivion Lost?!), and ran around the place inspecting bodies. They've all been long looted. Not an item on any of them. Also, I remembered something critical. The Flamethrower causes extreme lag. The particles spewed by it take too much of a toll on the game. Even when the flames hit the mark and vanish, the lag persists when I face the direction of where it hit, as if an invisible fire still burns there eternally, or at least until I zone out of the area. Well, thats what used to happen. This time though, something's different. If I fire the thing for more than half a second, the game crashes. Its THAT bad. Something tells me that it may have something to do with the particles file, cause I think I put in a custom one this time through. Even so, that doesn't explain why the bodies wont effing vanish. Any idea where I can lurk in the folder to find what controls that?

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Oooh yeah, I'm really digging those icons. What with the new images for ammo and artifacts, rather nice. Also, is that a new suit I see? Wonder what that is.


Also Sasha, I put AMK Arsenal back in to try it some more a little from my old saved game (Man, why does AMK load so much slower and stutter more than Oblivion Lost?!), and ran around the place inspecting bodies. They've all been long looted. Not an item on any of them. Also, I remembered something critical. The Flamethrower causes extreme lag. The particles spewed by it take too much of a toll on the game. Even when the flames hit the mark and vanish, the lag persists when I face the direction of where it hit, as if an invisible fire still burns there eternally, or at least until I zone out of the area. Well, thats what used to happen. This time though, something's different. If I fire the thing for more than half a second, the game crashes. Its THAT bad. Something tells me that it may have something to do with the particles file, cause I think I put in a custom one this time through. Even so, that doesn't explain why the bodies wont effing vanish. Any idea where I can lurk in the folder to find what controls that?

OL uses ZRP wich is basically an unofficial 1.1 patch. thats why it's so stable.

the other issue i have no clue about. never used tha5t P.O.S thrower.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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Anyone else still have problems with enemies using only their pistols? And not just the military. About 90% of of my firefights involve me be shot at exclusively with pistols. Even with the max radius at 1. Is the weapon selection feature broken? It's not exactly very realistic with a bunch of bandits trying to kill me with PMs, their MAC10s and Tec9s safely tucked away in their backpacks. And they never stand a chance againt the zones fauna.

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