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AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

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Thanks mattwla, I've got the rework of Army Warehouses on my to-do list for this weekend. I should have a patch ready by monday that will address all of the issues I've seen with V1 so far. Also, did you notice if anyone in Army Warehouses was walking around with a PKM machinegun?


I should also have some results from testing the new weapon prioritization attempts, some adjusted weapon probabilities, new loadouts for the respawn characters and updated weapon and armor descriptions.


Yeah the guy with they yellow exo-suit at the entry to the freedom base has one. You should put the RPK-74 in your next release.

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Yeah the guy with they yellow exo-suit at the entry to the freedom base has one. You should put the RPK-74 in your next release.


Excellent, that's exactly what I was trying for. Now, since I actually got back in here after not being able to for days, I have some interesting news :)


We're patched up to Version 1.2 now. From the readme:


AMK Arsenal Patch to 1.2 release for AMK Arsenal 1.0


Fixes in this patch release:


Fixes from patch 1.1 -


SKAT-10 armor restored


Combat Chaser (unique Winchester 1300) description restored


Features added:


Comprehensive weapon classes - Now NPCs won't behave like idiots and keep their crappy sawed-off shotgun or TEC-9 equipped when you hand them something nicer, like the LR300. All available weapons have been divided up into new rank classifications according to ef_weapon_type and now NPC weapon choices will actually make frickin' sense for a change.


NPC weapon radius adjustment - weapons now have a better system of min_radius and max_radius, allowing NPCs to switch to appropriate weapon types based on range-to-target. Yes, this does mean that if someone with a sniper rifle is aware of you, they can target you at greater distances and it also means that in close combat they will switch to more appropriate weapons if they're present in the NPCs inventory. Now you'll be shot at by guys using the right weapons for how far away you are. :)


Fixes only in this patch -


All scope texture resolutions to try and stop missing texture crashes.


Correction to tags in string_table_enc_weapons.xml(thanks to kme and Tristan for figuring it out)




Unzip this archive into your S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl folder. Okay any overwrites of existing files. It is possible that the patch may take effect immediately without the need to start a new game but I cannot guarantee this 100%.


Yes, you read that right. silverpower and I cracked the weapon selection problems. No more NPCs thinking that shotguns and assault rifles are exactly the same. Even better, we've rigged it so that if they come across a better weapon of the same type (pistol, shotgun, smg, etc.) they'll switch to the better one instead of keeping their current weapon. I think you'll dig it.


AMK Arsenal Patch to V1.2


I'll be working on the adjustments and updates to weapon randomization this week and then some fine-tuning on weapon stats. That stuff will be in the next patch. After that I'll be working on V2 which will include selected content from Arsenal RC1. Also, IceBurner has joined the team and will be doing some new textures for us for ammo boxes and their icons.

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Came across the 1.2 patch by pure chance while these boards were down, and tested it out. Actually, I patched to 1.2 in the middle of a saved game. It still worked! Not only are NPCs smarter about using the better weapons I bring them, but now you can see what weapon they're using in their trade windows along with any others they hold (previously, the weapons they would use would not appear. If they accepted and selected a new weapon that you gave/traded them, it would vanish from their inventory.) They seem to favor AK74SUs over even the best shotguns I give them, but thats a minor gripe if anything. As for the textures, the patch sure did it - no texture related crashes since (had one that was sound related, but that was easily fixed).


Finally beat the game with AMK and Arsenal in tow. I see that 1.2 also cured that horrible gamestopper (the one where the Army Warehouse area is completely FUBAR'd immediately after turning off the Brain Scorcher). That killed a saved game for me and nearly cut me off again, but then I found the 1.2 patch and all was good with the world again. Had a real blast the whole way through.


One thing upset me though. While doing the usual weapon config tweaking and damage observation, I came across a curiously named file - "hk416_sk1.ltx"


I got skippy upon seeing the name of one of my more liked modern guns, but was disappointed upon reaching Chernobyl and not seeing it even there. Now that I realize it, I dont even see any texture files for the gun. I assume this was part of the full Arsenal mod and you forgot to remove this one little bit from this partial release? Oh, you tease! :(

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One thing upset me though. While doing the usual weapon config tweaking and damage observation, I came across a curiously named file - "hk416_sk1.ltx"


I got skippy upon seeing the name of one of my more liked modern guns, but was disappointed upon reaching Chernobyl and not seeing it even there. Now that I realize it, I dont even see any texture files for the gun. I assume this was part of the full Arsenal mod and you forgot to remove this one little bit from this partial release? Oh, you tease! :(


Actually, that's no mistake. :)


The HK416 is in V1. It's a unique and there's a slight possibility that you've all ready gone past the point where it would show up. And rest assured, all the needed files are present.


Also, glad that Army Warehouses is unscrewed for you. I will likely continue to track down and eliminate whatever bugs I can.


As far as the preference for AKS-754Us, they rank higher than combat shotguns simply due to ammo capacity and longer range. But it's encouraging that the new weapon class setup is working well.


If anybody has any questions, I'm heading over to IRC #stalkerdev on GameSurge.

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Hmm, is that right? Makes me wanna fire it back up and try and find it.......Although........you said a slight possibility........slight...........well, I beat the game and I'm back in Pripyat, so I'd say I'm definitely past that point. However, I hope you're not hinting that its at Chernobyl, cause when I tried to go back afterwards, I zoned into a MAJOR shock. I guess I simply never beat the game using AMK or Vanilla Stalker, cause that whole blowout event really spiced things up. Problem is, hours later, after I've stamped out the Conciousness, I head back there and the super blowout's STILL going on, and with no way out behind me, I'm dead in seconds (not like I'd have ever made it to the zone changer anyways. This blowout's stupid lethal).


So yeah, I hope its before Chernobyl. If not..............well, time to tweak that Exosuit up to 500%+ vs Radiation and gather a couple hundred medkits. Hmm. Actually, is there a way to make the super blowout only last a certain amount of time to remedy this issue? Say, like 5 minutes? More than enough time to kill anyone who tries to withstand it the first time through and force the player inside, but by the time they make it through it all and come back, the area's safe to enter, perhaps. I mean, come on. A permanent blowout? But then again.....(remembers the doors locking in the secret lab)........I wonder if its even possible to go through a 2nd time....

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Hmm, is that right? Makes me wanna fire it back up and try and find it.......Although........you said a slight possibility........slight...........well, I beat the game and I'm back in Pripyat, so I'd say I'm definitely past that point.


Okay, I'll narrow it down a bit, but you might have to go back to a much earlier savegame. It's in Wild Territory and if you're in Pripyat, you've probably all ready killed the guy who would have spawned with it. :(


I haven't encountered the continual super-blowout you mentioned, but I'll see if there's any way to shut it off for good.

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Okay, I'll narrow it down a bit, but you might have to go back to a much earlier savegame. It's in Wild Territory and if you're in Pripyat, you've probably all ready killed the guy who would have spawned with it. :(


I haven't encountered the continual super-blowout you mentioned, but I'll see if there's any way to shut it off for good.

the sniper!!!th


meh one lousy rifle is not worth it.


i hope some glitches will be fixed.

like the spas 12 does not eject shells.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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Theres a major Monolith guy below the Pripyat church called Charon or something. The area he's in is kinda like Bar. maybe you could make it like monolith HQ or something and put a cool gun on him. I love the fact that after all this time the worlds are still interesting and atmospheric and there is still stuff I didn't and still rpobably don't know about...

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Well, Charon is either like their Barman or their leader/champion, cause he's pretty unique. Only mob in the game that I know that has regularly carries a VSS Vintorez. Fortunately, he never seems to notice you too well when you encounter him, even after all the gunfire upstairs - good thing too, cause he could put you down quick with that thing.


Hmm. The Wild Territory Sniper, eh? Well, as long as he dropped the gun, that shouldnt be an issue. It wasn't an extra gun on his body, I hope. As long as he dropped it, its probably still there, and there's ways of getting it still, cause I dont think it fell off his platform and onto the ground below....


EDIT: Well, I reloaded AMK Arsenal (Was test-driving OL Arsenal) and went over to the Wild Territory. A funny thing happened, the sniper was still there, reeling in pain, wounded on the ground. After what must have been a full week. I also found one of those random item tins beside him. Seeing as how I had cheat to get up there (increased jump speed to 20), I dont see why that tin should be there. Anyways, I put the sniper down, but he didnt have it. I also checked every body in the zone, but nothing. I did however manage to find a dead loner with a couple of LR 300s, some med kits, and a few units short of SEVEN THOUSAND 5.56x45m. I was surprised that it would spawn on a non-random NPC that could vanish-..............


Wait a minute........I can't find Wolfhound's corpse. Thats it, isn't it? Either that or one of the mercs that's initially with him, or one of the Ecologists, cause they're all gone too.

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Also, my primary impressions of Oblivion Lost Arsenal so far......hmm. Well, I have to take into consideration that its an alpha addon, and that not the official implementation of it (some guy found out how to put the two together, but it sure wasn't Kanyhalos yet). Virtually all the new guns must be bought from traders. Some of them replace the regular guns, and some gun models pull it off rather well (Fort 12, Walther P99, SIG Sauer 220, hell, basically all the handguns).


Guns higher than handguns however can leave much to be desired. Many of these guns are basically the very same gun, so the variants get old quick and merely serve to cause confusion. Crazy amounts of guns that use the 7.62x39 rounds, a caliber that never shows up in OL outside of traders and the very rare AK-using loner. Thats gonna have to start dropping from enemies in OL 2.2 or its gonna be a serious flaw. SUSAT scopes have been replaced with ACOGs which have turned out to be very effective, maybe too much so (Scope Zoom's at least on par with the Sniper versions of the Unique weapons). Masses of new gun models that use the 5.56x45 rounds, but I see few if any for the 5.45x39. Lots of the American rifles are sold by Sidorovich, a location far from any source of 5.56x45 rounds (naturally, he doesn't sell any). A major problem is that the description for most of these new additions are extremely minimal, not even specifying which caliber most are. Its mainly up to common sense and trial & error here.


I'm not gonna focus too much on how each rifle performed, because it didn't matter - the vast majority of guns have nearly identical configs. When you add in several dozens of new weapons, I guess making every rifle different is a pain, sure, but this is nuts. Nearly all handguns had a cam_dispersion setting of 1.5 with 0 cam_relax_speed, which makes handguns rediculously hard to make use of. Most rifles also had an odd tendency to recoil to the SIDES rather than upwards so much. Its like everything in full auto turned into something as hard to control as a light machine gun.


Some of these models I have mixed feelings about. The new base G36 rifle was a cool change. Well, the model could have been much better, but the sound and animations used were excellent. Of all the G36 variants, only the G36K looked really good, put the rest to shame. Thats one good thing about Arsenal that I can say - almost every gun has new sounds and animations, that must have taken a lot of work. That part was worth it though, cause now we have tons of new sounds and anims to enjoy. I was wondering how easy/hard it would be to port some of those over here into AMK. There's a couple of examples I could look through for references (KingFriday's AK-74U & SIG 552 were great additions and surprisingly easy to implement).

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If it weren't for the amount of work required and the reportedly poor quality of some of the models, I would say that you should add all of the Arsenal guns, if you made some of the NATO rifles and AK-100's really hard to find. After all, we already have some rare upgraded guns in vanilla (like the Groza that shoots AK rounds, all those sniper versions of NATO guns etc.).


As it is however, I guess it will be best to use only a select few of the Arsenal guns.

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Its a shame that most handguns are quickly forgotten by most, cause for the most part, Arsenal did wonders to their models. I can safely say that all the default guns that were replaced would be port-worthy (An odd quirk though, in Arsenal, the PB is replaced by a shortened barrel version, and is therefore no longer silenced). I didn't play far enough to get to check out any other new handguns besides the Glock 18C, which also looked rather good. Also, there's two separate configs for the Glock, both modeled as 18C, but one is semi-automatic and 3 shot burst (19 rounds), while the other is semi- and fully automatic (31 round extended magazine). I did away with that and made them both the fully automatic version, as I believe an 18C should have the automatic option on the fire select without the need of a conversion kit.


But yes, only select models should be considered. I vote for the G36K, a good and attractive model with solid sounds and animations backing it up. I generally favor something else over the default G36, since its vanilla animations feel clunky and stale, but this G36K model had me all over it. Its bare rail top also allowed for an ACOG add-on, and its description said its lower rail allowed for the addition of the HK USP's tactical searchlight (was that an actual attachment in Arsenal?)


I remember in the SIMBION mod, the Warrant Officer at the Garbage checkpoint had an AK-101 (5.56x45 NATO variant). It looked good, was more fun to use than I expected, and naturally was fully customizable with the Russian gun accessories. I wonder if the one in Arsenal is the very same?


While I remember it, ACOGs would be neat too. Forget SUSATs, these are where it's at :P Or perhaps have both, with ACOGs being significantly more pricey. I also wasn't made aware yet of the other different attachables Arsenal brought into the game. I think I'll go see what those were.


Also, I just noticed in AMK Arsenal, tracers dont show. They work fine in OL, but I turned them on on all ammo types to test, and I've seen none yet. Is this a particles.xr issue?


EDIT: Also just noticed at the Agroprom. Assaulting lots of soldiers head on, and was perplexed to see several of them firing their Fort-12s at me. I started inspecting them closer, and now see that they all had Bizons as well. Bandits seem to have no issue peppering away with Bizons (which likely dont have Forts anyways), this seems to be localized to soldiers. VERY odd favoritism.


Re-EDIT: Just downed another Fort-12 using soldier and found that he had a fully loaded AK-74U with about 70 extra rounds.


Sidorovich: "What IS this $#!T?!

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EDIT: Also just noticed at the Agroprom. Assaulting lots of soldiers head on, and was perplexed to see several of them firing their Fort-12s at me. I started inspecting them closer, and now see that they all had Bizons as well. Bandits seem to have no issue peppering away with Bizons (which likely dont have Forts anyways), this seems to be localized to soldiers. VERY odd favoritism.


Re-EDIT: Just downed another Fort-12 using soldier and found that he had a fully loaded AK-74U with about 70 extra rounds.


Sidorovich: "What IS this $#!T?!


Yeah, that's my fault, their pistol max_radius is set too high. 1.21 will fix this along with a major overhaul and expansion to weapon randomization. For now, if you want, open each of the ltx files for pistols and change the attribute for max_radius to 25 instead of 50. This includes the BM-16 sawn off and the short TOZ-34; the max_radius entry for the short TOZ-34 is at the bottom of the ltx file for the full size version. I'm also adjusting shotguns and SMG but this will cure the NPCs of the delusion that they're all at a pistol competition.

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Hmm, ok. Also, the Benelli Short has a max range of 75. Cut that one down too, right?


I'll make this easier until I get 1.21 done, and list all the changed weapons and the new max_radius for all of them.


AK74U - max_radius = 75


Benelli - max_radius = 25


Beretta - max_radius = 25


Bizon - max_radius = 50


BM-16 - max_radius = 25


BM-16 full - max_radius = 35


Colt 1911 - max_radius = 25


Desert Eagle - max_radius = 25


Desert Eagle .357 - max_radius = 25


Fort 12 - max_radius = 25


HPSA - max_radius = 25


Kriss Super V - max_radius = 50


MAC10 - max_radius = 50


MAC10 .45 - max_radius = 50


MP5 - max_radius = 50


MP7 - max_radius = 50


OTS33 - max_radius = 50


P90 - max_radius = 50


PB - max_radius = 25


PM - max_radius = 25


Saiga12 - max_radius = 35


Sig220 - max_radius = 25


TMP - max_radius = 50


SPAS12 - max_radius = 35


TEC-9 - max_radius = 50


TOZ-34 - max_radius = 35


TOZ-34 short - max_radius = 25


USP - max_radius = 25


Winchester1300 - max_radius = 25


Also managed to fix the Bandits with MP5s problem. Seems I missed a line in char_desc_garbage, but that's taken care of. I'm almost done with all the respawning NPCs and I'll see about finishing up the remaining areas in the game.

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Hey skull hunter, I am really enjoying the AMK with your arsenal add-on pack at the moment. Helps to breath a lot of new life into the game. The modellers and animators of the weapons did a great job, and I wasn’t expecting them to be all that great. But most of them are just as polished as the best vanilla stalker weapons. I love the rifles with reflex sights, you’ve done a great job of introducing those into the game.


A couple of things I noticed though which I modified myself, are that the Ingram MAC10s have been given 30 rounds magazine capacity, but you can clearly see on the models that those are the 16 round magazines. And I am assuming the .45 calibre version would have even less rounds in the mag.


Another is the Benelli short, it looks like it only has room for 4 rounds in the tubular magazine. You could get an extra in the barrel though so I guess its not too much of a problem. I just wondered if you had chosen those higher mag capacities for some other reason?


Also I do have another question, well its sort of a request if it is doable, and that’s to do with the weapon slots. I find that how AMKmod 1.4 allows the sawn-off and SMG’s into the pistol slot kinda makes some of the pistols a bit useless. I mean why equip a PM or Sig220 into slot 1 when you can have a SMG with much higher capacity magazine?


But at the same time having that secondary weapon is useful so you don’t have to keep switching weapons all the time in the inventory. Especially during combat.


So I wonder is it possible to add a third weapons slot with a new bindable key? Or could the same key be used to toggle between two weapons. Then we could leave the pistol slot just for pistols.


For instance:-


Numerical Key 2 (weapon slot 1) = Pistols only.

Numerical Key 3 (weapon slot 2) = Large Rifles, snipers etc.

Numerical Key # (weapon slot 3) = SMGs / rifle carbines and sawn off shotguns etc.


Its probably not possible, but its how I wished GSC had set-up the weapon slots in the first place.


Anyway thanks for add-on mod, I am really enjoying the crap out of it right now.

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A third weapon slot......now there's an idea. A refreshingly original one too. However, I bet it hasn't been done yet because its not possible. At the very least it would requite a new Inventory UI. Still, it sounds reasonable if possible. A sidearm, secondary & primary weapon. SMGs generally have higher capacity and fire rate on their side, but the handguns tend to be more powerful, if you're the type of stickler that cares about maximizing damage per round, and have no difficulty landing the shot. If handguns were made more powerful still, I bet some people would consider them.


Well, cleared Wild Territory, although Kruglov seems unsavable. There's always a Whirlygig (Mincer?) or Freezer in the way, usually by the tunnel. Checked every body in the area, nothing on that HK416. So I finally had it, and went digging in the files. Thats when I recalled that Skullhunter said there's a slight chance I missed him. Slight. Naturally if he was there with the initial spawns, there wouldn't be a "slight" chance, hell, there'd be none at all. Probably a later spawn-in, like at the Agroprom underground, where you wipe out the initial bandit gathering there, and then Friar shows up next respawn (wait a little longer, and Poker does too, both possible before you get the quest to kill either)


I now see the type of enemy I should be looking for. Time to own the heck out of Rostok until he shows up.

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