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AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

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What files would I have to edit to increase the damage of the Mosin?


Because I noticed that it was slightly underpowered.


And on another note, anyone know what files I would need to edit to increase the probability of STALKERs and bandits spawning with Mosins?


Huh huh, I could have fun with this



Is that right, Sasha? Hmm, ok. (tunes down the .357 rounds to just under .45s, but keeps the increase of power on the Desert Eagles, and reduces the recoil of the .357 model)


As for the Mosin, go into gamedata/config/weapons. Here, you'll find the configs for every weapon (including the BTR enemy vehicle) and all the ammo in the weapons.ltx Remember, the Mosin & Scoped Mosin are different weapons, so they have their own configs. Best to edit both if you plan to. Look for the "hit_power" line and adjust the number next to it. Naturally, higher = more damage.

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Aha! Thank you. And predictably enough, yep, it was an L-85.


Expression : fatal error

Function : CRender::texture_load

File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrRender\Texture.cpp

Line : 295

Description : <no expression>

Arguments : Can't find texture 'wpn\l-85-amk'


What do I have to do to fix this? Whaet folders should I look in?



For this, they can be found in gamedata/textures/wpn . Sounds like you're missing the "L-85-AMK.dds" texture file. This seems to be a common crash issue with others, more related to AMK than Arsenal itself. Try fully installing AMK then Arsenal in a different location than where Stalker is now on your computer, then check the textures folder there. If L-85-AMK.dds is there, should be as simple as copying it over to the original location.


EDIT: Or you could see if mine works just as well. There's also supposed to be a L-85-AMK-W.dds and a L-85-AMK-T.dds file there, if neither of these are there either.

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Is that right, Sasha? Hmm, ok. (tunes down the .357 rounds to just under .45s, but keeps the increase of power on the Desert Eagles, and reduces the recoil of the .357 model)


As for the Mosin, go into gamedata/config/weapons. Here, you'll find the configs for every weapon (including the BTR enemy vehicle) and all the ammo in the weapons.ltx Remember, the Mosin & Scoped Mosin are different weapons, so they have their own configs. Best to edit both if you plan to. Look for the "hit_power" line and adjust the number next to it. Naturally, higher = more damage.

.357 recoil is worse than a .45 not much but noticible. too much poweder for such small caliber.


@skullhunter what happened to the recolored ammo boxes?

playstaion network ID sasha87

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Great mod and no problems with it so far, except.....now I seem to be able to heal myself with food. Which kinda unbalances it a bit, you're never short of health.

Can anyone tell me what I have to change to put it back to the original AMK settings?

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Is that right, Sasha? Hmm, ok. (tunes down the .357 rounds to just under .45s, but keeps the increase of power on the Desert Eagles, and reduces the recoil of the .357 model)


As for the Mosin, go into gamedata/config/weapons. Here, you'll find the configs for every weapon (including the BTR enemy vehicle) and all the ammo in the weapons.ltx Remember, the Mosin & Scoped Mosin are different weapons, so they have their own configs. Best to edit both if you plan to. Look for the "hit_power" line and adjust the number next to it. Naturally, higher = more damage.


I adjusted the numbers next to them in this order: 1.10, 1.20, 1.35, 1.50


I assume these are the damages that the different rounds for it will do.


I made sure to edit both of the files.

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Dammnit, again.


Same error. I think I need the l-85 texture, not the l-85 D or T. Im going to install AMK to some other folder and see if i can find the L-85 texture.




Nevermind, I didn't try yours. I'll try yours, then see what happens

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Blood brilliant.


The L-85 is fixed. But may I inquire as to what the fuck a Hakko 15 is?


Expression : fatal error

Function : CRender::texture_load

File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrRender\Texture.cpp

Line : 295

Description : <no expression>

Arguments : Can't find texture 'wpn\hakko-15ch-b-amk'


Wonderful. I've found a hakko-15ch-n-amk and a hakko-15ch-t-amk, just no b-amk.


Is the B a different file, or do I just need to rename one of them to B?

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I adjusted the numbers next to them in this order: 1.10, 1.20, 1.35, 1.50


I assume these are the damages that the different rounds for it will do.


I made sure to edit both of the files.


Actually damage from different rounds is determined by the entries for the ammo in weapons.ltx. And with those settings, you've made the Mosin the most powerful sniper weapon in the game except for the Gauss rifle :) I'm really sorry that you're still having those pain in the ass problems with the AMK scope textures.


Mad Hamish, if you go into config/misc/items.ltx, in the "Food" section, set the values for eat_health to 0.00 for kolbasa, conserva and bread.


Servalion, the problem with NPCs respawning with vanilla Stalker weapons will be handled in the patch I'm working on. Hopefully. If successful it will also include our fixes for weapon priorities. I made the MAC-10s cheaper than good quality pistols because of their low quality and because they're more widespread. I'll also see what I can do about the ragdoll settings, if anything.


Sasha, I'm still working on more ammo boxes. I may just end up entirely reworking them, I'm not sure yet.

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Actually damage from different rounds is determined by the entries for the ammo in weapons.ltx. And with those settings, you've made the Mosin the most powerful sniper weapon in the game except for the Gauss rifle :) I'm really sorry that you're still having those pain in the ass problems with the AMK scope textures.


Mad Hamish, if you go into config/misc/items.ltx, in the "Food" section, set the values for eat_health to 0.00 for kolbasa, conserva and bread.


Servalion, the problem with NPCs respawning with vanilla Stalker weapons will be handled in the patch I'm working on. Hopefully. If successful it will also include our fixes for weapon priorities. I made the MAC-10s cheaper than good quality pistols because of their low quality and because they're more widespread. I'll also see what I can do about the ragdoll settings, if anything.


Sasha, I'm still working on more ammo boxes. I may just end up entirely reworking them, I'm not sure yet.

two thumbs up!


oh can you reduce the ammount of ammo dropped by enemies to OL stats.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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Actually damage from different rounds is determined by the entries for the ammo in weapons.ltx. And with those settings, you've made the Mosin the most powerful sniper weapon in the game except for the Gauss rifle :) I'm really sorry that you're still having those pain in the ass problems with the AMK scope textures.


Mad Hamish, if you go into config/misc/items.ltx, in the "Food" section, set the values for eat_health to 0.00 for kolbasa, conserva and bread.


Servalion, the problem with NPCs respawning with vanilla Stalker weapons will be handled in the patch I'm working on. Hopefully. If successful it will also include our fixes for weapon priorities. I made the MAC-10s cheaper than good quality pistols because of their low quality and because they're more widespread. I'll also see what I can do about the ragdoll settings, if anything.


Sasha, I'm still working on more ammo boxes. I may just end up entirely reworking them, I'm not sure yet.


Oh no, it's not the scopes now. It's some bastard pistol (I'm assuiming it's a pistol) called the Hakko 15. I'm missing some texture or another for it. I have the -t and -n textures.


You know what would be helpful, would be if someone could post a download link to their AMK wpn textures folder. This person would be someone who gets no texture related crashes. Then I could just copy all the textures from there to my textures/wpns folder.


Also, upon hearing I had just made the Mosin the equivlant of a small nuclear missile, I changed it to:


hit_power = 0.95, 1.00, 1.15, 1.35


That oughta be better.

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Oh no, it's not the scopes now. It's some bastard pistol (I'm assuiming it's a pistol) called the Hakko 15. I'm missing some texture or another for it. I have the -t and -n textures.


Unfortunately that is another scope texture. I can't remember off the top of my head which gun uses it, possibly the G36


You know what would be helpful, would be if someone could post a download link to their AMK wpn textures folder. This person would be someone who gets no texture related crashes. Then I could just copy all the textures from there to my textures/wpns folder.


I'll see if I can get that done later, my internet connection is for shit today.


Also, upon hearing I had just made the Mosin the equivlant of a small nuclear missile, I changed it to:


hit_power = 0.95, 1.00, 1.15, 1.35


That oughta be better.


Well, the way it works is this: each number corresponds to a movement state. I think it's walking, stationary, crouch and low crouch. Less movement = more damage to target.

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I shall pull an "Enemy at the gates" in Stalingra-I mean Pripyat <3


And thanks for doing so: it really is a great mod, it just seems to have gotten rid of some of my files (I never had a persistant CTD that had to do with textures before using AMK)


Also, I love what you did with the DUTY northern checkpoint guards. Through my binoculars I saw a DUTY guy with a Saiga 12C behind the sandbags. x3

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I shall pull an "Enemy at the gates" in Stalingra-I mean Pripyat <3


And thanks for doing so: it really is a great mod, it just seems to have gotten rid of some of my files (I never had a persistant CTD that had to do with textures before using AMK)


Also, I love what you did with the DUTY northern checkpoint guards. Through my binoculars I saw a DUTY guy with a Saiga 12C behind the sandbags. x3


I decided to give them more of a fighting chance against the swarms of mutants that seem to come out of both Wild Territory and Army Warehouses.


Right now I'm at the rookie camp, handing out guns. So far I've gifted them a couple of MAC-10s in 9mm, an AK-74U, an AK-47, a Mosin, an MP5 and a Groza. Those checkpoint soldiers are in for a nasty surprise.

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Well, what you could do is create configs for them, but dummy them out - use the PKM model for the MG-42, a Colt for the TT, and the AK-47 for PPSh-41. (I forget if you have this integrated or not...). You'll need to include renamed/hacked models, obviously. If people want to use these ports, then they can drop the models straight in (unless, of course, they renamed the bones; that might pose a problem). If they don't, then they can play with the placeholders instead.


The models are from Red Orchestra, by the way.


Wait, you can't just patch them in?

They're already made for STALKER aren't they?


Maybe I'm understating it in thinking that it's a 'copy paste', 'Guess and test' sort of thing.

Well I'm going to attempt my own merger, I really want the Tokarev.

Not right now though, I have to get up early tomorrow morning.


On a little side note;

I was at a gun show not too long ago and they had some Saigas for sale. All of them were in 20 gauge so I really wasn't interested.

They do get the Saiga 12s but they go fast and they get them in small amounts.

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I decided to give them more of a fighting chance against the swarms of mutants that seem to come out of both Wild Territory and Army Warehouses.


Right now I'm at the rookie camp, handing out guns. So far I've gifted them a couple of MAC-10s in 9mm, an AK-74U, an AK-47, a Mosin, an MP5 and a Groza. Those checkpoint soldiers are in for a nasty surprise.


Ehehe, this guy was by the checkpoint that you first enter the bar area with. And, the same guy that had the Saiga 12C had a gasmask suit. But I'm guessing that is not as much your work as it is xStream's work.


And holy god a Groza.


You should get a few more rounds to that guy so he might have 2-3 mags to use. The Groza in AMK kills everything. I mean it will rape a psudeogiant like Micheal Jackson rapes children. And bloodsuckers are roaches to be crushed with that weapon.

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Ehehe, this guy was by the checkpoint that you first enter the bar area with. And, the same guy that had the Saiga 12C had a gasmask suit. But I'm guessing that is not as much your work as it is xStream's work.


And holy god a Groza.


You should get a few more rounds to that guy so he might have 2-3 mags to use. The Groza in AMK kills everything. I mean it will rape a psudeogiant like Micheal Jackson rapes children. And bloodsuckers are roaches to be crushed with that weapon.


Yes, the armor upgrading of NPCs over time is all xStream's.


Also, remember that if you give/sell an NPC ammo for a weapon they have, the game will give them UNLIMITED ammo for the weapon they're using. I think the cutoff is 20 rounds, so always make sure to give them at least 20 or more. Also, if you give them improved ammo (Hydra-Shok, PB1, 7h14, etc) remember to give them standard ammo first. If you don't, I think they get confused.


Unfortunately for me, I can't find a Night Star so Sid will give me a rucksack, so I'm stuck hauling around Strelok's Custom AK, Bes' Custom AKS-74U, an RG-6, a 5.45mm Groza, a MAC-10 9mm and a scoped Mosin. There might even be a toaster in there somewhere, as well as enough ammo and bread to keep them all functioning for weeks.


Marked One is beginning to feel a bit fatigued.


Update, the Groza and other gift weapons did the newbies no good. They still got massacred by the soldiers. It's that corner in camp that they always cluster in, makes them an easy kill for one well-thrown grenade. All the heavy hitters were there when it went off, the rest of them stood no chance even with me sniping soldiers from the roof of the house near where Wolf usually stands.

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I noticed that they always stand there, too.


Sometimes I try to disperse them by throwing a grenade a bit away from them. Sometimes they run, sometimes they don't. It would be nice to see the AI grouping like that fixed, but I'm not sure it's possible.



And how's it going with those textures?

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I got to the Army Warehouses, some observations:


- EVERYONE has Desert Eagles! They should be a very very rare pistol used only by the only the most jaded NPCs, I found at least a dozen Desert Eagles, not very believable.

- You probably know this, but the unique items by the warehouses (combat chaser, balanced l85, etc.) do not have updated descriptions


There were some other things I noticed, I will post them as I remember. Awesome job still, but I think army warehouses could use some tweaking.

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I got to the Army Warehouses, some observations:


- EVERYONE has Desert Eagles! They should be a very very rare pistol used only by the only the most jaded NPCs, I found at least a dozen Desert Eagles, not very believable.

- You probably know this, but the unique items by the warehouses (combat chaser, balanced l85, etc.) do not have updated descriptions


There were some other things I noticed, I will post them as I remember. Awesome job still, but I think army warehouses could use some tweaking.


Thanks mattwla, I've got the rework of Army Warehouses on my to-do list for this weekend. I should have a patch ready by monday that will address all of the issues I've seen with V1 so far. Also, did you notice if anyone in Army Warehouses was walking around with a PKM machinegun?


I should also have some results from testing the new weapon prioritization attempts, some adjusted weapon probabilities, new loadouts for the respawn characters and updated weapon and armor descriptions.

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