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AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

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Well, it's gonna depend on whether or not you guys want a version with an incomplete weapon randomization scheme. While that may not seem like a big deal, it does mean that once you wipe out certain groups of NPCs, the next ones that spawn won't have the same weapon loadouts. I've all ready experienced this with the Cordon bandits at the car park; after you kill the first crowd that's holding Nimble hostage, the guys that show up later are all armed with their standard vanilla S.T.A.L.K.E.R. gear. That's because I haven't had the chance to change the xml files that control the loadouts for the different groups in the game (stalkers, bandits, mercs, soldiers, Duty and Freedom). Unfortunately it's a lot of files and a lot of NPCs left to change.


Lucian's Weapons Randomization mod randomized the load outs for the faction groups, would using that make life easier on you?

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Lucian's Weapons Randomization mod randomized the load outs for the faction groups, would using that make life easier on you?


It would if I hadn't gone in a bit of a different direction from Lucian plus the weapon types that I'm using that he isn't. I appreciate the suggestion though.


On the plus side, I have three days off this week and I should be able to get a ton more work done then. So possible release after this next weekend.

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After playing the beta version you sent me, some notes, just in case I don't see you online tonight:


- The Zenobian weapons *badly* need the Dester/Zereset Static Lighting textures. They look *horrible* in static lighting - but Dester's texturing skills fixed this quite nicely.


- I'd forgotten how *slow* AMK made Stalker. Especially since randomized weapons are going to make for more work for the offline alife manager.


- Some of the prices seem a bit odd - the TOZ-66 full-length is more expensive than the TOZ-34 full-length, among other things. Sid's inventory looks a lot more sane, though, and I have to give you due credit for that. ^_^


- Please, please, *please* use the TOZ-66 from Zenobian's pack. Gosuke may have fixed the TOZ-34, but he didn't fix the TOZ-66. :/


- On that note, the TOZ-66 sawn-off should use a hacked model with a different skin - Teh Snake has a really good 'nasty sawn-off' skin, and I have a special-request skin I got made for me once, that puts lots of scratches and vise marks and shit on the sawn-off's barrel. The one you've included looks good on the full-length, though.


I'm going to go add the fixed skins and keep playing - I have no complaints about the current randomization so far, though. This is shaping up to be a very nice mod. ^_^


(BTW, it works on 2.0.94, though you might have to recheck some of the new weapon's settings to make sure that ragdoll behavior still looks right.)

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yeah in static lighting all the new weapons in OL are horrid glossy chrome looking. plus the stats on em are are redicukous. bizon is more powerfull than tmp, mac10 , and kriss super V? hell no!


Happy Birthday!

playstaion network ID sasha87

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I crashed again at the Bar, so back to OL for the moment. Sasha's got it right with that glossy chrome look. As for the Stats themselves, Dada's Balanced Weapons config fixed most of that. Naturally, I did more tweaking of my own. That OTS-33 is killer, I never even looked at the Bizon again. And the Mac-10's a forerunner for best 9x19mm gun. Its all about the high rpm with these two.


Great to hear that a possible release is just days away! Once its out I'll fire it up for sure, shouldn't crash this time (keeps fingers crossed). Should be interesting to see how AMK plays out with this. I'm planning on truly testing myself with some tweaks. I've been doing my own weapon balancing mostly these days, but now I've started tweaking armor too. I started making it so the stronger suits actually *gasp* protect you from physical damage for once. I hope your mod makes the enemy better armed :P Naturally, the suit changes apply to mobs as well, and since I flattened out the piercing ability of most firearms, they do their job well enough. Also added more HP to Stalker NPCs and different factions based on their rank, and you've got some guys that can take maybe a full OTS-33 clip before they go down. Exos are far from suckage now, now that nothing save a headshot is a guaranteed one-hit kill. They can take 2 solid SVD shots to the torso (7N1), but its likely the first shot's enough to bleed them out. This feels like it makes sense.


Also, I'm hooked on KingFriday's Sig-550. Such great sounds for everything. Can't wait to see how these skins compare. The weapons themselves too, naturally.

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Okay, I think we're on track for a release this week. Both Mosins are in, silverpower is helping me identify areas that need cleaning up, all the shotguns have received a massive overhaul to their accuracy, randomization is being refined and the last gun left to be added that's available, the Steyr TMP, should be integrated within the next couple of days. Tomorrow I work night shift so I won't be able to get anything done mod-wise but then I'm back to midshift on Tuesday.

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Downloading A2 right now. It sounds great, can't really say that I've been waiting for it since I found out about this mod today. I guess I should be active on GSC more often.


Just remember that A2 is not built on the most recent release of AMK EN, so there may be bugs with it. silverpower and I are working as fast as we can on the next release of AMK Arsenal but we also want it to not suck so we're not rushing things. The Steyr TMP is in, which is the last of the new guns currently available that I plan on adding. I've also added a completely new skin for one of the unique weapons I made and I'm working on new icons for the Desert Eagle so they match the high resolution skin I did for them.

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Just remember that A2 is not built on the most recent release of AMK EN, so there may be bugs with it. silverpower and I are working as fast as we can on the next release of AMK Arsenal but we also want it to not suck so we're not rushing things. The Steyr TMP is in, which is the last of the new guns currently available that I plan on adding. I've also added a completely new skin for one of the unique weapons I made and I'm working on new icons for the Desert Eagle so they match the high resolution skin I did for them.


Wow, this is rather awesome.


Can't wait to give this a go, I've been holding off on my next Stalker run through for it!

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consatantly refreshes page for new release




I've got the PKM in and I'm trying to get some of the Freedom guys to use them so they don't keep getting eaten by snorks.


I'm on night shift again for the next two days but I'll see what I can get done anyway. Some of the NPCs are resisting my attempts to randomize their loadouts. Also thinking about doing a teaser video for the mod, not sure about that yet.


Oh yeah, and I'm currently on #stalkerdev on GameSurge IRC. Only until about 1 or 2 am pacific though. Just saying because I see Servalion lurking there :)

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Okay, here's the teaser trailer for AMK Arsenal 1.0. Keep in mind that this is just a fraction of the new stuff available. I'm sorry it's taking so long to get out, but I really hope silverpower and I can have it all finalized by this Friday.


AMK Arsenal Trailer

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Just remember that A2 is not built on the most recent release of AMK EN, so there may be bugs with it. silverpower and I are working as fast as we can on the next release of AMK Arsenal but we also want it to not suck so we're not rushing things. The Steyr TMP is in, which is the last of the new guns currently available that I plan on adding. I've also added a completely new skin for one of the unique weapons I made and I'm working on new icons for the Desert Eagle so they match the high resolution skin I did for them.



Well I've had some random crashes, but they're very infrequent.


Fortunately for me they've happened after a quick save. :)


I'll be looking forward to the new release.

I really hope more weapons are released.


I think I jinxed it. Now it's crashing every 3 minutes.

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The new release appears to be on track for this weekend, either Friday or Saturday. Tomorrow when I get home from work, silverpower and I will get down to finishing everything up that needs finishing currently. Right now that's more adjustments to weapon randomization, implementing Hydra-shok rounds for all 9x19mm guns, ammo boxes (for the .357 mag, .44 mag, 7.62x54mm SP, 4.7x30mm HK), some minor cosmetic touches to the Mosin Nagant rifles (which now have full bump and parallax maps), some more dialog error cleanup and probably some other stuff that I've forgotten. After this, I'm taking a little break (except for bugfixes if needed) until the big Arsenal mod comes out or the next release of AMK-EN or both.

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The new release appears to be on track for this weekend, either Friday or Saturday. Tomorrow when I get home from work, silverpower and I will get down to finishing everything up that needs finishing currently. Right now that's more adjustments to weapon randomization, implementing Hydra-shok rounds for all 9x19mm guns, ammo boxes (for the .357 mag, .44 mag, 7.62x54mm SP, 4.7x30mm HK), some minor cosmetic touches to the Mosin Nagant rifles (which now have full bump and parallax maps), some more dialog error cleanup and probably some other stuff that I've forgotten. After this, I'm taking a little break (except for bugfixes if needed) until the big Arsenal mod comes out or the next release of AMK-EN or both.


Sounds good.

Mosin Nagant? I didn't get the rifle, I had it when I had OL mod installed but I switched to this one.

Where do I get that one?


I've noticed that some of the sentences with the barkeep and the person I think is called 'the Snitch' has some sentences in Russian. Did you know about that?

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