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I have a request... is there anyone that could translate in English the Readme.doc from Weather Mod by NightVz, pls ?

Hey! I returned to make this job.



Dynamic Weather Mod for AMK от NightVz

0. It's made for Russian AMKmod 1.4 v22, so if you want to install it not on AMK, you'll may have certain problems...



1. Function and features of this mode.


This modification to "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl" changes some ingame-settings. Main purpose of this mode was wishes to get off from too grey, monotonous and expressionless weather of AMKmode, to enlarge dynamic range of colours and illuminations, to realize really different weather phases.

Toward this end was made new group of weather configs, ensuring enough realistic and rather сolour-saturated picture.

These configs are using for static (DX8) and dynamic (DX9) illumination. All round the day heavinly bodies moves naturally for DX9-render.


2. Features of this mode, concerned with "AMK dynamic weather"


This mode doesn't change original weather of AMK-mode, but it makes alternative presets for 5 configurations: sunny weather (weather_default_clear), cloudy weather (weather_default_pasmurno), rainy weather (weather_default_rain), cloud bursty weather (weather_default_groza). Also Yantar-config itself was returned (weather_default_yantar). Not like original Stalker, now it's full preset.


3. Random and definete weather.


AMK thinks that each-hour-weather changes on four base configuration files - weather_default_clear, weather_default_pasmurno, weather_default_rain, weather_default_groza. Pseudorandom weather changes are provided during game-day, using variety of different changes, which were made in these files. In this version of mode, except of resettings of parameters of changed weather phases, was realized middle solution, which provides in presets "weather-windows" during their action weather is definete in good time.


Presets "September".


There're four "weather-windows" - sunrise, sunset, midday and clear moonlight weather. During these time parts weathers configs of all four base types are the same and on them clear "nice" weather is guarantly provided. During other time of day weather is "random", but set on a rather higher chance of getting clear weather.


Presets "October".


There're three "weather-windows" - sunrise, sunset and clear moonlight weather. They are in 3 from 4 configs, except weather_default_groza. During other time of day weather is "random", but set on a higher chance of getting clear weather.


Presets "Depressive".


There're three "weather-windows" - heavy wogs during sunsets and sunrises, also "window" of clear moonlight weather in all configs, except weather_default_groza. During other time of day weather is "random", but set on a higher chance of getting cloudy and rainy weather.


Presets "Mist".


It's the same as "Depressive", but has more heavy "white" wogs and VERY big chances of getting cloudy and rainy weather.


4. Installation.


Extract archive. Copy "gamedata" folder from Base\Common_Files\ to game root-catalogue. Copy to same folder catalogue "gamedata" from ONE folder of new weather configurations (for example, folder "gamedata" from Base\DX9\Presets\2.October\).

For uniformity for all players is strongly recommended to copy into …\Documents and Settings\All Users\Документы\STALKER-SHOC\ one of "user.ltx" files, which are attached to this mode. They're located in folders Base\DX9\User.ltx\и Base\DX8(9)\User.ltx\, for DX9 and DX8 renders. Also there're three files attached on each picture (configures set on "bright" - clear contrasting, "default" - medium, "Dark" - gently darked). After starting a new game you should change setting of video and resolution at your discetion.


Attention! Before mode installation you must delete all textures in folder …\gamedata\textures\sky\... otherwise normal image can not be.


5. Support.


In this mode was made rather dark, but acceptavle for normal gameplay nights. If you can't understand what happens on your screen, redispose your monitor settings.


To this modification is attached "Test of tues visibility". Upper part is all white (255.255.255) with barely evident inscription "A M K". If you see all three letters - it's excellent result, two - rather good, one - satisfactory. Lower part is all black (0.0.0), alsowith barely evident inscription "A M K". For comfortable playing you should see even two letters on black part.


If inscription on black isn't noticing, you should increase brightness of monitor until you can see one of the letters.


If inscription on white isn't noticing, you should decrease contrast until you can see one of the letters.


During your installation of this mode you should repeat this monitor-settings-changes twice.


Here are links:






Thanks to All testers

Thanks to Vizzy for helping me in translation.

Thanks to bac9_flcl for сhecking this text on mistakes.


*доедает камень, весело вертя шлангом противогаза* © Stalker_Zip

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Hey! I returned to make this job.


Thx a lot, Shadow.... i'm just repackaging the Weather mod for the AMK-EN modification of the AMK_MOD.SCRIPT, that is a little modified,

so there souldn't be any problem with the old news that we removed from the script, while the files that are in the mod itself still contained

those lines, cause they were based on the script from rev. 22 Russian.


I'll add here the link for the download ( if i can find the right Russian button for edit ;) ), or maybe i'll write another post :P .


See you later.



EDIT : here it is the link :

AMK Weather Mod 0.99 - Modified for AMK-EN release



Well, guys, i forgot a couple of little things too :

1.- In my Repack there's a translated English Readme by Shadowtony.

2.- I changed the Sky4CE included in the release and now you'll have in the archive the newest release of it, version 1.78.

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Guys , this is not "compatible" at all... it only have one of the different "set" of files that are different for each resolution

You could choose in the setup, so using this files, if you haven't the same exact resolution that diehard2222 was

using you'll get CTD cause the game cannot find the scope texture that is linked into this files.


Well, it works for me - 1024x768.


I did notice it was a hacked job though - for example PLR greatly decreased weapon zoom on aim, and in this version some weapons have normal, some reduced, and some no zoom at all.


I'll try contacting PLR and asking him if he'd like to make a compatible version himself.

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i would really like to see a diffrent inventory screen. like the beta biulds of stalker where you have to put the ammunition and items on to the belt in order to use em.


also with the ammo boxes and items. i really dont like what gsc did with em where one box holds thousands of rounds. or 10 grenades taking up one grid. i beleive going back to the beta biuld would make stalker or even amk a bit more immersive. where you need the space, you need to think about the space and what you should carry. cause this whole magic back pack is really not cool.

psn id: sasha87

fav games: stalker and cod4.

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I agree!! I think something along the lines of the SystemShock 2 / Deus Ex inventory would be good - where you can shuffle things around to make room and maybe even open up more squares according to various factors such as wearing exo armour or utilising strength giving properties from artifacts etc. - you could even have a system like Boiling Point where your weight carrying ability gradually increases as you actually carry more weight and over time.

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Heya guys.

A newbie question.. I am very useless at modding, so could anyone help me combine this one with AMK 1.4 (and NightVz's Weather Mod)?


Useful for people who are tired of trying to save the NPCs!



I've actually managed to install it 'on top' of AMK, and everything seems to works so far. I think I found an AMK compatible mod. XD

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Has anyone uploaded the Marauder addon to another free, no registration download site? Ifolder won't let me register....it pulls up the registration screen again every time I click finished with Registration.....maybe I'm not reading the numbers correctly....

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I agree!! I think something along the lines of the SystemShock 2 / Deus Ex inventory would be good - where you can shuffle things around to make room and maybe even open up more squares according to various factors such as wearing exo armour or utilising strength giving properties from artifacts etc. - you could even have a system like Boiling Point where your weight carrying ability gradually increases as you actually carry more weight and over time.


I disagree. I hated Deus Ex's arbitrary inventory squares*. Weight should be the only limiting factor for how much you can carry unless you can find a better way to abstract bulk.


Personally I think it would be cool to have a system where you carry containers nested in containers. Each container has a max weight and bulk capacity. A naked person would only be able to cary what he has in his hands, But a stalker with cargo pants, a backpack, A tactical harness, and holsers, would be able to carry as much weight as he can lift. This however is probably to complicated for the engine to handle, and as it stands I like the way it is.



*I have a Gep gun, a Sniper rifle, A pistol, Dartgun, Assault rifle, Autoshotgun, Dtooth Sword, Medkit, and Biocell. And I can't carry one lousy grenade. Also each stack had a max size and once you reached the max you could not open a new stack.

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