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What do you want to be included in the next versions of AMK Mod


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It would be great if you guys manage to create the main player's shadow in the first person view. I know you can... you're Gods of modding ;)


Ahm.....there is a shadow in the first person view......



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Only in DX8. If you use DX9 renderer, the first person shadow disappears


No...i play surely with DX9 and fully dynamic lights. There is a shadow.



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I think its is possible with autosaving if you pass such a doctor. And corrupt quicksaves. But by the way how do you imagine the one day waiting system? The player can not play a whole day long or what?



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Of course 1 day ingame time ;) (Same system as the sleeping bag, just longer) You'll wake up 1 day after your accident... Maybe not a fixed timeframe, but depending on the degree of your wounds (caused by mutants, gunfire or anomalies)



I think it would be pretty frustrating for a lot of players. And there are some places where you have to die much times at master difficulty until you pass through it. STALKER isn't the game for doctor systems like Hellgate London or something. I is just another setting. There would be logically issues like if your body is disappeared in an anomaly. It is surely a nice idea but it wouldnt really work.



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Yeah, I see your point.


But I still think something has to be done concerning death. It just isn't realistic as it is now... Death should be implemented into the actual gameplay, e.g as in PREY, where you were sent into another world and you could reappear in the "real" world. Of course this wouldn't fit into Stalker's setting, but it's not good as it is now...


It would be nice to make STALKER more realistic. But you have to include the playability into your vision of an realistic game. If you cant save your game and die in a diffcult mission what you are 2 hours on it wont be really nice. Death should be something really seirous for the player but i dont think that somebody can include this into STALKER. I would looking forward to this but i have no idea how to realize this.



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