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What do you want to be included in the next versions of AMK Mod


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1. Corpse decomposition.


2. Corpse decomposition.


3. Did I mention corpse decomposition?


4. Maybe make it so that factions (I.E DUTY) sometimes sends out little patrols of 4-6 men that will patrol a certain level (I.E DUTY patrol in Aprogram) and then return to base.


5. Factions capturing small piece of land (i.e the bandit hideout by the carpark in the garbage) and making it theirs.


6. Decrease the amount of mutants that spawn in some places

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I just had some ideas. Well, ideas that partially came from the SIMBION mod (which in turn, likely came from another mod). After trying it and giving up crash after crash after crash, I think I saw all I needed to see. Some ideas seemed fresh enough that I thought I might mention them here.


1. SIMBION, for one, added something I'd never seen in any other mod - They filled in the missing gaps and gave natural body parts to most of the originally excluded mutants. We've seen the Burer's hand from Dwarfs, sure enough (3000 RU value), but SIMBION expanded it to Claws from a Cat (300 RU), Broken PDAs on the bodies of Izloms (1500 RU), Chimera Meat from Chimeras (5000 RU), Brains from a Psuedogiant (8000 RU), and Dogtags from the Controllers (10000 RU). Only the Tushkanos were still bare all the time, but they could have a little something too, perhaps their ears, tails or teeth? They also gave them a far higher, more natural chance to drop them, most Mutants were dropping their stuff about 50% of the time, while some of the stronger mutants had higher drop rates, and it felt like Psuedogiants and Controllers always dropped theirs. Why not, I figure. Gotta get paid for taking those badasses down, especially with their incredible strength now. Makes a good case for playing with harder Bloodsuckers/Chimeras turned on.


2. SIMBION also had Horror Time, separate from the Blowouts. This is from the ABC mod, I think. The Skies get darker but more clear, and the wailing starts. Starts with some of those Psi-hallucinations like from the Scorcher, then starts spawning zombies (not the Stalker kind, just plain rotted and translucent) within your immediate vicinity one at a time (usually right next to you). Also spawns more mutants as soon as it starts. That'd be fun to have in AMK as well.


3. Exoskeletons. Only one or two other mods I've seen have done this, and I dunno if SIMBION had it either, but I think its time to restore running to them. I dont even think its truly intended for all of them to be so slow, merely yet another overlooked and unfinished aspect of Stalker. Only the first and most basic Exoskeleton type is supposed to hinder running. Higher grade ones classified themselves in the descriptions as higher generation models. The 2nd Generation models said that the design defects that hindered mobility were half done away with, and the 3rd Generation model description claims that the defects are entirely gone. So why can't I run yet in one, while that NPC wearing one always books it like mad during a blowout? They know something we don't, or do we?


1. I completly agree. I found it odd that some mutants had body parts you could take, and others didn't. I would love to see this implemented.


2. Ugh. No offence, but I hate horror time. It detracts from the gameplay in my opinon, and I really do not think it should be added.


3. I agree. I always wonder "WTF?" when the DUTY exoskelton people run like hell back into the DUTY base, but I move at a crawl.



Also, new suggestions from me:


1. Would it be possible to do away with the false reports? I.E The "Mutants attakced, barley repulsed, lost two of our number" and "Marked one, <insert generic name> stopped by. He sent thanks for killing <insert mutant>. He left something for you." I high tailed it all the way to Sidrovich before I found he left nothing D:<


2. Use kanyhalos's physics. While I do not like OL mod as a whole, I really did like the physics it used.


3. Make sure to include the L-85 texture in the next download. It likes to not include itself in most of the installs.


4. Try to stabilize it more. Sometimes it just goes *crash*


5. There are some persistant CTDs that pop up. Admittedly, I only got one, and it was with the L-85, but I've talked to others who have gotten some pretty bad peresitant CTDs. Seeing these fixed would be wonderous.

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Hey, do people actually leave gifts when they say they do? Because I've never been able to find them.


Anyway, another suggestion:


1. Don't get rid of blowouts in freeplay.

2. You know how NPCs advance and rank and by themselves new suits? Well, they should do the same with weapons. I.E: I found a guy in Cordon with a gasmask suit on, was a veteran, and had only a Makarov. I lol'ed. Really, they should by weapons for themselves as they advance in rank aswell. That way I won't have to supply experts in STALKER suits who have only TOZ-34s.

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Where do they leave them? I can never find them. And 3 rucksakcs would be great for me, because I simply cannot find any goddamned gifts whenever one gets left.


You also get gifts for psudoegiants, or so STALKERnet says.

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The traders have them. You will get a message from either Barman or Sid that there was a guy and left something for you, then you just visit one or other and there should be "You have something for me" option available.


I didn't get anything all the way up Dark Valley though, so it might be that you need to do Agroprom - or maybe it's based on your reputation. I dunno.


My reputation is excelent, I'm an expert, and I'm in freeplay. So I doubt it's that. I've never noticed that option. Next time it comes up, I'll check.

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