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What do you want to be included in the next versions of AMK Mod


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oh yeah and i want 24 hour intervials between blowouts

more mutants!!!!especially zombies :)

playstaion network ID sasha87

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less ammo drops. seriously i end up with thousands of rounds of assorted 9mm pistol ammo. and i slaughter every single enemy in every level. this will hopefully make me actually use my 3 million ru once in a while.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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I think the problem is the number of enemies, not the amount of ammo.


I have never seen anybody carry more than 100 rounds of ammo, and that's not a lot really.


It's just one fault of STALKER that there are hundreds of people everywhere.

yeah i was hoping that in stalker meeting humans would be a rare moment. more mutants more mutants MORE MUTANTS!!!!!

too many bandits.

hhmmmm. oohhh im thinking large mutant hordes. and the bar gets assaulted by various zombies a lot!

playstaion network ID sasha87

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Nice shadows....... ;)

that groza has a sexy camo pattern B)

playstaion network ID sasha87

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i always keep a handgun on me at all times. usp compact FTW!


ANOTHER golden rule i have for my self is to never tke more than two primary weapons with me on long tracks. helps with the inventory managment.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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I tried all of artifacts transmutation. Mana's Beads and Droplets both have 3 advanced types. Others got 4 advanced types. I hope each kinds of artifact can have 4 advanced types. Additionally, I suggest to use Crystal to replace Droplets because Droplets is low level artifact. Crystal is more suitable.


I don't know this is a good idea or bad one. How about to make the ability of those advanced artifacts more pure ?

For example, the ability of Mana's beads is 5% of bullet proof. Its advanced types will increase bullet proof only. No other abilities such as health recover or burn protection.


I placed 5 Elder glassbeads on my belt, and I am almost invulnerable, even in master difficulty. Maybe this should be fixed.


Some high level artifacts have no advanced types. I hope AMK team can put them into next version. Put Crystal, Night Star, Moonlight, Mica, Spring, Bettary in.


There are no artifacts which give explosion protection. this should be added into some advance artifacts.


The Sunlight artifact is inexistent, and this fake receipt costs 30000RU. I think this should be deleted.


i think it can be expanded. like the jellyfish could have 4 transmutations, goldfish 3, mica 4. etc

playstaion network ID sasha87

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I compared the latest version of Oblivion Lost ( 2.0 ) and AMK Mod EN ( 2.0.94 ). Here is my evaluation and score.

1. Difficulty

Oblivion Lost = child's play ( master difficulty ) 70 points

AMK Mod = real tough 95 points

2. Texture

Oblivion Lost = can be better 80 points

AMK Mod = good 90 points

3. Crashes ( Stability )

Oblivion Lost = almost zero, never happened 100 points

AMK Mod = frequently and randomly 50 points

4. Loading speed

Oblivion Lost = fast 95 points

AMK Mod = normal 85 points

5. Contents

Oblivion Lost = similar with original game 70 points

AMK Mod = news system is cool 95 points

6. Treasure ( Stash system )

Oblivion Lost = original vanilla only, very boring 65 points

AMK Mod = random items and stashes is the best 95 points

7. AI

Oblivion Lost = throw grenades and heal only 75 points

AMK Mod = Just like everything Marked One did 100 points

8. Spawn setting

Oblivion Lost = not bad 85 points

AMK Mod = sometimes too many and cause crashes 70 points

9. Corpse remove

Oblivion Lost = no problem 95 points

AMK Mod = everybody knows it 70 points

10. Expectation

Oblivion Lost = try to make it better 80 points

AMK Mod = fan always 100 points


Total Oblivion Lost = 815 points

AMK Mod = 850 points


I knew the next version of AMK Mod is going to add more utilities. I suggest AMK Team to solve those existing bugs and crashes first. That would be perfect.

There are several random crashes.

1. Access violation

2. Lua error ( c ctack overflow ; script error )

3. dBodyStateValide

4. controller ( lag seriously and crash. What a jinx ! )

both r childs play. but i agree that amk is a better experience. but barelly, i.e. the the stashes, news system, and spawn system.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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I think each faction should show up in other map area, too.

1. Ecologists won't want to stay in the bunker in Yantar forever. They may want to go out to collect artifacts and mutants' body part for research. To protect the bunker area, it would be good to spawn some Duty experts with exoskeleton armor and SVD on the top of the bunker. It's a nice place for snipe.


2. Mercs shows up in Wild Territory and Army Warehouse only. ( I know they showed up in condon, but it just is a tiny mission. ) They may want to spread their force and territory. Additionally, they have no headquarter. Give them one. Maybe the abandomed factory ( X18 ) in Dark Valley is a nice place for them ( after X18 Mission ). Military shows up in almost every maps, but they have no headquarter, either. It would be better to make Agroprom Base to be military headquarter after Marked One complete his job there. I would be cool to spawn Military experts with military skat-10 armor and AS Val ( PSO-1 scope added ). Aprogrom will have real badass now.


3. There should be much less or no zombied stalkers after turning off Psi-emission. I suggest AMK Team to change the spawn data about this. They don't have much reason to show up.


4. Duty and Freedom are blood feuds to each other. They should have squads to assult each other's headquarter more frequently.


5. Each faction should have scout team to patrol nearby area of their base. Those scouts can use PDA news system to warn their faction.

there is still the brain scorcher in red forest that can pump out fresh zeds.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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I just had some ideas. Well, ideas that partially came from the SIMBION mod (which in turn, likely came from another mod). After trying it and giving up crash after crash after crash, I think I saw all I needed to see. Some ideas seemed fresh enough that I thought I might mention them here.


1. SIMBION, for one, added something I'd never seen in any other mod - They filled in the missing gaps and gave natural body parts to most of the originally excluded mutants. We've seen the Burer's hand from Dwarfs, sure enough (3000 RU value), but SIMBION expanded it to Claws from a Cat (300 RU), Broken PDAs on the bodies of Izloms (1500 RU), Chimera Meat from Chimeras (5000 RU), Brains from a Psuedogiant (8000 RU), and Dogtags from the Controllers (10000 RU). Only the Tushkanos were still bare all the time, but they could have a little something too, perhaps their ears, tails or teeth? They also gave them a far higher, more natural chance to drop them, most Mutants were dropping their stuff about 50% of the time, while some of the stronger mutants had higher drop rates, and it felt like Psuedogiants and Controllers always dropped theirs. Why not, I figure. Gotta get paid for taking those badasses down, especially with their incredible strength now. Makes a good case for playing with harder Bloodsuckers/Chimeras turned on.


2. SIMBION also had Horror Time, separate from the Blowouts. This is from the ABC mod, I think. The Skies get darker but more clear, and the wailing starts. Starts with some of those Psi-hallucinations like from the Scorcher, then starts spawning zombies (not the Stalker kind, just plain rotted and translucent) within your immediate vicinity one at a time (usually right next to you). Also spawns more mutants as soon as it starts. That'd be fun to have in AMK as well.


3. Exoskeletons. Only one or two other mods I've seen have done this, and I dunno if SIMBION had it either, but I think its time to restore running to them. I dont even think its truly intended for all of them to be so slow, merely yet another overlooked and unfinished aspect of Stalker. Only the first and most basic Exoskeleton type is supposed to hinder running. Higher grade ones classified themselves in the descriptions as higher generation models. The 2nd Generation models said that the design defects that hindered mobility were half done away with, and the 3rd Generation model description claims that the defects are entirely gone. So why can't I run yet in one, while that NPC wearing one always books it like mad during a blowout? They know something we don't, or do we?


or how about we just cut off the parts we need with knife!!??

playstaion network ID sasha87

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