<DDD>mo$$ 0 Опубликовано 21 Апреля 2008 I think something that could be added(I posted a new topic about this a few minutes ago, but jsut in case no-onw saw it) is making your oh-so-cool mod available to the latest patch of STALKER, and not just version 1.0004. But patches latest than 1.0004 don't add something to singleplayer, that's why AMK1.4-mod is not maked for game version 1.0005 & latest. Ленин жил, Ленин жив, Ленин слушает SlipKnoT Поделиться этим сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
<DDD>mo$$ 0 Опубликовано 24 Апреля 2008 What happened with PKM (Пулемет Калашникова Модернизированный, "Kalashnikov's Machine gun Modernized")? Full Automatic pistol like Stechkin APS or more modern OTs-33 "Pernach" would be very useful weapon in the Zone, since there is plenty of 9x18mm Makarov ammo. Considering this, a PP-19 Bizon (Bison) SMG with its 64 rounds 9x18mm Makarov magazine would be great! It would be awesome to shoot down helicopters with Strela 2M (NATO codename SA-7b "Grail") man-portable SAM (I saw it in icon_all_weapons.dds extracted from the database)! First, we need some .ogf - models for this guns. But, second, Vizzy say (two posts back) that's some people trys to return this weapons. And I hope, thats they would did it! P.S. Where is you seen OTs-33 "Pernach"? I seen GSh-18, but not "Pernach"... Ленин жил, Ленин жив, Ленин слушает SlipKnoT Поделиться этим сообщением Ссылка на сообщение