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What do you want to be included in the next versions of AMK Mod


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DEFINATELY more weapons/armor-especially those new weapons being added by various Russian modders. More drivable vehicles-and the ability to use the machine on the the APC or even *gasp* a drivable tank! :)



More of an emphasis on factions-rise through Duty's ranks by leading raids on various Freedom bases, or become Lukash's "enforcer" by assassinating important Dutyers. Try to make it feel like you're a part of the faction. Maybe even the chance to rebuild Strelok's group from your selection of stalkers that accompany you on raids, or attack Duty/Freedom on your orders, etc.


Perhaps that could be accomplished by tying dialogue to scripts governing faction relations? I'm no modder (as you can likely tell by my list of wishes above :wink:) but say you did it like:


Condition:select topic "attackDuty"

Effect: Relations with Duty = -100

Effect: Strelock_member_1 (this will be someone you recruited)and strelok_member_2 goto location: Bar/Duty outpost@ Garbage


^Just a concept, as you can tell from the way it looks nothing like the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. scripts :)


Wow. I think I overdid it. :blink:

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1. I think Marked One should know about himself more. 4 bars of health, armor, radiation, and stamina are not enough. I

suggest AMK team to add bars to show hunger, sleepiness. It may be good to show telepathy bar, too. One more thng,

It will be good to show the bar of drunkeness. Alcoholism sometimes kills Marked One.


2. Is there any methods to lock the scroll bar of inventory when it was loaded plenty items ? When I want to eat some

bread or unload pistols. The scroll bar always back to the top automatically when I do what I just said. This original

function is a pain in the ass. Totally useless and inconvenient. Waste lots of time.


3. Create more unique weapon inventory icons. Some weapons have no unique ones such as Gauss, Fn 2000, HK G36,

and Vintorez. I saw there were data of unique Sig550 ( light 2.2kg ), SVD, and SVU in unique_items.ltx, but I never saw

in game. Neither the unique RG-6 ( M203 grenade ).

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1. I think Marked One should know about himself more. 4 bars of health, armor, radiation, and stamina are not enough. I

suggest AMK team to add bars to show hunger, sleepiness. It may be good to show telepathy bar, too. One more thng,

It will be good to show the bar of drunkeness. Alcoholism sometimes kills Marked One.


No No No.


Hud should disappear when drunk. Also anomalies should become harder to see when under the influence.

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Here's something I'm surprised someone hasn't mentioned yet.


People shrug off handguns after a while, opting for something else in the 2ndary slot instead (Shotgun, SMG). This makes sense, but Handguns are still seen all over enemy bodies to the very end. I always keep a .44 ACP sidearm on me at all times just in case, but it just doesn't get much use. So why not make some handguns dual wieldable? Its a simple concept but might run into issues with the X-Ray engine itself I imagine. How might it work? Would one be forced to match up two of the same handgun? Must they be both fired at once (getting them to fire separately might be much more complex, as well as reloading)? Would it look like the Marked One was holding both handguns with both hands at once? (Four arms, heheh). This way Handguns might see some fun use, but again, I bet this is too difficult to implement.


Another thing I wish about Stalker.....even on Master difficulty, I find myself weighed down quickly. I'm a bit of a packrat, an avid scavenger, and always wish to be prepared. This causes my ammo stock to stay rather bulky. After a while, I find..........there's simply not enough to shoot. There are times where I find that there's simply not enough danger. Not enough Soldiers at that checkpoint to really make me think twice before tossing in that F1, not enough bandits to stand in the way of saving those stalkers they're shooting, not enough of those tushkanos (rats?) chasing after me to really feel like a swarm. Dog packs in their current numbers seem proper tho, and those Pseudo-Dog packs are downright intimidating if there's no high ground to seek. But for the most part, I find that in this game, there's safety in numbers and those numbers generally aren't high enough, cause nothing's safe from me! (Sorry, but contrary to a previous post, Marked One IS John Rambo with some skill and even more luck.......maybe even Arnold Schwartzenegger in "Commando") So perhaps there could be an option to up the numbers of regular spawns of certain enemies to really up the ante? a x2 or x3 mod, or maybe the spawns get higher as you progress farther in the game? After a skirmish or two against the Military, you'd think they'd really come after you in higher numbers. Also, the Bandits should know and fear your name, and travel in higher numbers and decent-geared parties just in case (or perhaps preparing for revenge?) Some mutants like the tushkanos need reinforcements, and zombification in its current state shouldn't have been enough to keep away many truly ambitious stalkers - I'd say far more fools should have fallen victim to the Scorcher and joined their ranks. There's enough Electro-Chimeras tho, heheh. Bad enough their damage shield range is insane, but it seems to go right though my resistances (bug?).


Also, might there be alternative methods for getting some artifact recipes? Some recipes are gotten through various quests, but I find that various aspects of AMK makes these quests impossible to finish or even start, making me miss out on some much anticipated items that I'd been preparing for.


Another vote here for the "Duty Bribe" idea. It would seem that probably an Electro-Chimera or a huge pack of mutants wiped out the Warrant Officer before I was through with Agroprom, killing the game, literally (any attempt to approach the Duty Checkpoint in Garbage crashes the game, I'm forced to start over.). The sooner I can get the gate open, the better. I myself would truly appreciate being able to visit the Bar before Agroprom to get quests for certain NPCs ASAP. I find in AMK that once I reach the bar, certain people suddenly dont have a job for me (The guy there that offers the quest to kill the traitor simply never did. Best guess - traitor was already dead).


One last request. I dont know how this will effect the game. However, often I see nice artifacts WELL out of reach, such as a tasty Night Star beyond the fences in Agroprom. Sure, I could alter my game files to be able to pick up items from 25m away, but thats nuts and I'd rather not. Besides, there's a LOT of hidden items in places out of plain view in this game, some very tasty random secrets that aren't always there and require some thoughtful and careful jumps (I edited my jump speed up to 9, so now I jump like a Snork, very fun). Ever check those toilet stalls in Agroprom or X-16? You might find some grenades up on the top of it! Sometimes there's a hidden Scientist suit hidden above the elevator in X-16, as well as a Groza potentially hidden up in the bathroom stalls just by Ghost. And not to forget the possible SEVA suit right at the level changer.........bah, I'm getting off track.


Getting back on track.......There's some very interesting goodies that are often hidden or accumulate with time in specific spots outside, beyond the restrictions of the fences or invisible walls that form the level borders. There's a great series of Youtube videos of a hardcore player on the Oblivion Lost mod dedicated to showing these secret spots, but some are extremely difficult to reach thanks to invisible walls. Is there any way to remove the invisible walls that reinforce fences in areas like the Cordon/DarkValley/Agroprom/Army Warehouses/Red Forest? I find that its very easy to jump over the fence by the dogs in the Bar. It goes on almost forever (you see a highly unfinished version of almost all of the Wild territory, as well as a long field of road and nothingness which ends only just where Yantar should begin on the PDA map. Only real reason to do this is because apparently somewhere in that vast field is a massive cache of artifacts that piles higher with every blowout that happens in the Bar, wish I could find it, but the Youtube video is there. This treasure spot might not be there every game). But the invisible barrier prevents me from getting over the fence in the Dark Valley to find a cool secret over the hill behind the Bandit HQ. Likewise, I can't figure out how to get past the fence borders in Red Valley to potentially find even more. The Youtube video claims there's a weak spot in the fence just by the Darkvalley to Cordon level changer, but I just cant find it. Removing the invisible borders should be enough to find nearly all these secret goods. Sure, the absence of invisible walls might get some people stuck if they get curious, but like myself, higher jump power solves this issue almost every time. We have the ability to Freeplay, now how about the power to Freeroam? :P

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I tried all of artifacts transmutation. Mana's Beads and Droplets both have 3 advanced types. Others got 4 advanced types. I hope each kinds of artifact can have 4 advanced types. Additionally, I suggest to use Crystal to replace Droplets because Droplets is low level artifact. Crystal is more suitable.


I don't know this is a good idea or bad one. How about to make the ability of those advanced artifacts more pure ?

For example, the ability of Mana's beads is 5% of bullet proof. Its advanced types will increase bullet proof only. No other abilities such as health recover or burn protection.


I placed 5 Elder glassbeads on my belt, and I am almost invulnerable, even in master difficulty. Maybe this should be fixed.


Some high level artifacts have no advanced types. I hope AMK team can put them into next version. Put Crystal, Night Star, Moonlight, Mica, Spring, Bettary in.


There are no artifacts which give explosion protection. this should be added into some advance artifacts.


The Sunlight artifact is inexistent, and this fake receipt costs 30000RU. I think this should be deleted.

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I tried all of artifacts transmutation. Mana's Beads and Droplets both have 3 advanced types. Others got 4 advanced types. I hope each kinds of artifact can have 4 advanced types. Additionally, I suggest to use Crystal to replace Droplets because Droplets is low level artifact. Crystal is more suitable.


I don't know this is a good idea or bad one. How about to make the ability of those advanced artifacts more pure ?

For example, the ability of Mana's beads is 5% of bullet proof. Its advanced types will increase bullet proof only. No other abilities such as health recover or burn protection.


I placed 5 Elder glassbeads on my belt, and I am almost invulnerable, even in master difficulty. Maybe this should be fixed.


Some high level artifacts have no advanced types. I hope AMK team can put them into next version. Put Crystal, Night Star, Moonlight, Mica, Spring, Bettary in.


There are no artifacts which give explosion protection. this should be added into some advance artifacts.


The Sunlight artifact is inexistent, and this fake receipt costs 30000RU. I think this should be deleted.


i think it can be expanded. like the jellyfish could have 4 transmutations, goldfish 3, mica 4. etc

playstaion network ID sasha87

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I compared the latest version of Oblivion Lost ( 2.0 ) and AMK Mod EN ( 2.0.94 ). Here is my evaluation and score.

1. Difficulty

Oblivion Lost = child's play ( master difficulty ) 70 points

AMK Mod = real tough 95 points

2. Texture

Oblivion Lost = can be better 80 points

AMK Mod = good 90 points

3. Crashes ( Stability )

Oblivion Lost = almost zero, never happened 100 points

AMK Mod = frequently and randomly 50 points

4. Loading speed

Oblivion Lost = fast 95 points

AMK Mod = normal 85 points

5. Contents

Oblivion Lost = similar with original game 70 points

AMK Mod = news system is cool 95 points

6. Treasure ( Stash system )

Oblivion Lost = original vanilla only, very boring 65 points

AMK Mod = random items and stashes is the best 95 points

7. AI

Oblivion Lost = throw grenades and heal only 75 points

AMK Mod = Just like everything Marked One did 100 points

8. Spawn setting

Oblivion Lost = not bad 85 points

AMK Mod = sometimes too many and cause crashes 70 points

9. Corpse remove

Oblivion Lost = no problem 95 points

AMK Mod = everybody knows it 70 points

10. Expectation

Oblivion Lost = try to make it better 80 points

AMK Mod = fan always 100 points


Total Oblivion Lost = 815 points

AMK Mod = 850 points


I knew the next version of AMK Mod is going to add more utilities. I suggest AMK Team to solve those existing bugs and crashes first. That would be perfect.

There are several random crashes.

1. Access violation

2. Lua error ( c ctack overflow ; script error )

3. dBodyStateValide

4. controller ( lag seriously and crash. What a jinx ! )

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I compared the latest version of Oblivion Lost ( 2.0 ) and AMK Mod EN ( 2.0.94 ). Here is my evaluation and score.

1. Difficulty

Oblivion Lost = child's play ( master difficulty ) 70 points

AMK Mod = real tough 95 points

2. Texture

Oblivion Lost = can be better 80 points

AMK Mod = good 90 points

3. Crashes ( Stability )

Oblivion Lost = almost zero, never happened 100 points

AMK Mod = frequently and randomly 50 points

4. Loading speed

Oblivion Lost = fast 95 points

AMK Mod = normal 85 points

5. Contents

Oblivion Lost = similar with original game 70 points

AMK Mod = news system is cool 95 points

6. Treasure ( Stash system )

Oblivion Lost = original vanilla only, very boring 65 points

AMK Mod = random items and stashes is the best 95 points

7. AI

Oblivion Lost = throw grenades and heal only 75 points

AMK Mod = Just like everything Marked One did 100 points

8. Spawn setting

Oblivion Lost = not bad 85 points

AMK Mod = sometimes too many and cause crashes 70 points

9. Corpse remove

Oblivion Lost = no problem 95 points

AMK Mod = everybody knows it 70 points

10. Expectation

Oblivion Lost = try to make it better 80 points

AMK Mod = fan always 100 points


Total Oblivion Lost = 815 points

AMK Mod = 850 points


I knew the next version of AMK Mod is going to add more utilities. I suggest AMK Team to solve those existing bugs and crashes first. That would be perfect.

There are several random crashes.

1. Access violation

2. Lua error ( c ctack overflow ; script error )

3. dBodyStateValide

4. controller ( lag seriously and crash. What a jinx ! )

both r childs play. but i agree that amk is a better experience. but barelly, i.e. the the stashes, news system, and spawn system.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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I think each faction should show up in other map area, too.

1. Ecologists won't want to stay in the bunker in Yantar forever. They may want to go out to collect artifacts and mutants' body part for research. To protect the bunker area, it would be good to spawn some Duty experts with exoskeleton armor and SVD on the top of the bunker. It's a nice place for snipe.


2. Mercs shows up in Wild Territory and Army Warehouse only. ( I know they showed up in condon, but it just is a tiny mission. ) They may want to spread their force and territory. Additionally, they have no headquarter. Give them one. Maybe the abandomed factory ( X18 ) in Dark Valley is a nice place for them ( after X18 Mission ). Military shows up in almost every maps, but they have no headquarter, either. It would be better to make Agroprom Base to be military headquarter after Marked One complete his job there. I would be cool to spawn Military experts with military skat-10 armor and AS Val ( PSO-1 scope added ). Aprogrom will have real badass now.


3. There should be much less or no zombied stalkers after turning off Psi-emission. I suggest AMK Team to change the spawn data about this. They don't have much reason to show up.


4. Duty and Freedom are blood feuds to each other. They should have squads to assult each other's headquarter more frequently.


5. Each faction should have scout team to patrol nearby area of their base. Those scouts can use PDA news system to warn their faction.

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I think each faction should show up in other map area, too.

1. Ecologists won't want to stay in the bunker in Yantar forever. They may want to go out to collect artifacts and mutants' body part for research. To protect the bunker area, it would be good to spawn some Duty experts with exoskeleton armor and SVD on the top of the bunker. It's a nice place for snipe.


2. Mercs shows up in Wild Territory and Army Warehouse only. ( I know they showed up in condon, but it just is a tiny mission. ) They may want to spread their force and territory. Additionally, they have no headquarter. Give them one. Maybe the abandomed factory ( X18 ) in Dark Valley is a nice place for them ( after X18 Mission ). Military shows up in almost every maps, but they have no headquarter, either. It would be better to make Agroprom Base to be military headquarter after Marked One complete his job there. I would be cool to spawn Military experts with military skat-10 armor and AS Val ( PSO-1 scope added ). Aprogrom will have real badass now.


3. There should be much less or no zombied stalkers after turning off Psi-emission. I suggest AMK Team to change the spawn data about this. They don't have much reason to show up.


4. Duty and Freedom are blood feuds to each other. They should have squads to assult each other's headquarter more frequently.


5. Each faction should have scout team to patrol nearby area of their base. Those scouts can use PDA news system to warn their faction.

there is still the brain scorcher in red forest that can pump out fresh zeds.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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I just had some ideas. Well, ideas that partially came from the SIMBION mod (which in turn, likely came from another mod). After trying it and giving up crash after crash after crash, I think I saw all I needed to see. Some ideas seemed fresh enough that I thought I might mention them here.


1. SIMBION, for one, added something I'd never seen in any other mod - They filled in the missing gaps and gave natural body parts to most of the originally excluded mutants. We've seen the Burer's hand from Dwarfs, sure enough (3000 RU value), but SIMBION expanded it to Claws from a Cat (300 RU), Broken PDAs on the bodies of Izloms (1500 RU), Chimera Meat from Chimeras (5000 RU), Brains from a Psuedogiant (8000 RU), and Dogtags from the Controllers (10000 RU). Only the Tushkanos were still bare all the time, but they could have a little something too, perhaps their ears, tails or teeth? They also gave them a far higher, more natural chance to drop them, most Mutants were dropping their stuff about 50% of the time, while some of the stronger mutants had higher drop rates, and it felt like Psuedogiants and Controllers always dropped theirs. Why not, I figure. Gotta get paid for taking those badasses down, especially with their incredible strength now. Makes a good case for playing with harder Bloodsuckers/Chimeras turned on.


2. SIMBION also had Horror Time, separate from the Blowouts. This is from the ABC mod, I think. The Skies get darker but more clear, and the wailing starts. Starts with some of those Psi-hallucinations like from the Scorcher, then starts spawning zombies (not the Stalker kind, just plain rotted and translucent) within your immediate vicinity one at a time (usually right next to you). Also spawns more mutants as soon as it starts. That'd be fun to have in AMK as well.


3. Exoskeletons. Only one or two other mods I've seen have done this, and I dunno if SIMBION had it either, but I think its time to restore running to them. I dont even think its truly intended for all of them to be so slow, merely yet another overlooked and unfinished aspect of Stalker. Only the first and most basic Exoskeleton type is supposed to hinder running. Higher grade ones classified themselves in the descriptions as higher generation models. The 2nd Generation models said that the design defects that hindered mobility were half done away with, and the 3rd Generation model description claims that the defects are entirely gone. So why can't I run yet in one, while that NPC wearing one always books it like mad during a blowout? They know something we don't, or do we?

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Let me begin by giving my thanks for creating this mod in the first place. The Stalker experience could hardly be better! But with the advent of Clear Sky close at hand, I have generated a list of ideas and thoughts that would be good to implement should the AMK team decide to pursue their mod with the new game. This is a complete list of my ideas relating to this to date, and should I get any more, will post them here. That is, if I can find the "Edit"button in russian ^.^


In my oppinion, the StalkerNET system is probably the single greatest idea you have implemented to date. It shows that things are really going on in the zone and that despite being a irradiated wasteland is the most living, breathing game world i've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. That with the enhanced A-Life really brings it out in this game. Although the blowout randomly juggling anomalies can screw it up for some stalkers, it's still a pretty good idea. I would improve Anomaly detection though, as it is a bit suspect. Also, I once was hiding out from a blowout in Bar, when Zhurik, the door guard (also known as the "I SAID COME IN, DON'T STAND THERE!" guy) was apaprently effected while inside by it, but that's not the problem I wanted to talk about. The problem was that someone said over StalkerNET a bit later that Zhurik's distress call set them into a trap. But I checked the Log and he made no such distress signal. Do not every message get through to the player for some reason? Is it a bug? It's not a really big thing, but I am just wondring what else i'm missing... Another problem with this new A-Life I notice is that Stakers who are a mile away or so when you do something will still hear and report it, or so I am told... How does this work exactly?


And what about using the StalkerNET yourself? Maybe to request services or so, like "Hey you, meet me here etc."? I'm not sure what for, but it would be interesting. See what could be done with it.


I love how you use the dynamic AI, but it still ahs much potential. For example, are Stalkers really aware of things they learn off StalkNET? I mean of other things. Like if dogs were reported in an area, would they avoid that area? Also, I think I should get recognition for my actions. I was recently in Pripyat singlehandedly taking on the Monolish hordes. One guy who was near me kept saying over StalkerNET, "I saw some Stalker, killed a few monolith." Again and again for about a half hour. I was puzzled. Not once did he say, "Wow, theres this one man army of a Stalker clearing Pripyat of Monolith freaks practically on his lonesome." I think other npcs should take note of the killcount you make and give a message informing others. Then you might get famous! Maybe when I return to Bar after that, people will cheer me and say, "Hey Marked One, Vodka on me!" or something like that. I like the fact that already people leave gifts for you at Barman, but it's very far and few-between. Quite rare when that happens... But it lends a dynamic storytelling element to it, no? I have this idea that ties into that, and the new Clear Sky faction system. Maybe, based on an NPCs actions in a cerain battle for territory, that NPC becomes famous and you hear about him. Completely dynamically, based on his actions during conflict. And then, when you ask a Stalker who nhas heard, "Anything new?" he will tell you certain NPC did this and that based entirely on dynamic news. It would be cool if this would have more far-reaching implicatins as well, because then the Zone would have an evolving history and specific names for people and dates and what not, but I can't expand on that right now. Maybe the opposite could happen too, where if you crouch behind a barrel all the time and fire what, six shots they will call you a coward and your reputation will go down.


And if i'm not mistaken, I saw a screenshot of people capturing a Bandit in clear sky, he had his hands in the air and everything. maybe this could be worked into a gameplay emchanic, possibly with less that lethal ammo if you want to take prisoners... Always interesting prospects.


One large idea that I have is Stalker convoys of up to two dozen people, moving into an area and clearing it with a purpose. You always see a few Duty in Dark Valley just sitting there on an expedition or whatever, but they are usually torn up by boars or the like. I like the fact that in present AMK people mvoe around, and army patrols do raids and stuff, but they don't actually make any agressive or purposeful action for an area or anything. I want to see bands of stalkers fighting for and eventually inhabiting an area of the Zone, say Dark Valley. The stalkers would drive the Bandits from their base and weed them out, then take up position inside the old factory that used to be Borov's hideout and inhabit it like say, the Bar. If this happens, this area of the zone gets somewhat 'domesticated' i.e. radiation fades a bit, anomalies lessen and it becomes more habitable. Maybe the guys would even send out people to clear any dangerous wildlife to make it true home sweet home. But then there might be contested areas. The bandits might want their base back and constantly attack that area in order to recapture it.


That brings me on to another idea. I think there would be these wandering stalkers of the Trader faction as possibly part of a detatchment. They would act and function like regular Stalkers but they would also have a lot of stuff to sell, repair gear and other useful things. They would often travel with one of the aforementioned convoys in order to possibly make a fortune deeper within the zone, where it is quite far from civilization. Say, one of these wandering merchants makes it to Pripyat, he and his escort clear the area of Monolith and he sets up shop in what previously was the Monolith church. He would act as a sort of focal point for that area. Stalkers would come in, rest around him, sell artifacts to him and what not, and the church becomes the bar of Pripyat in a sense. It would also encourage more Stalkers to come, as the patrols would keep the area relatively clear. Anyway, I think it would be good for both the dynamic element and to have a place to offload gear and repair stuff deeper in the zone.


Speaking of repair, I have some thoughs on that regard as well. Maybe one could work in a "Toolbox" item, would weigh maybe 5kg and you could use it to repair any equipment in the field. But to use it, you would need "Scrap", basically parts from broken stuff. Double click the toolbox in your inventory, and up pops a menu. You click, "Disassemble Weapon in Primary Slot" and you lose the AK47 and gain some scrap. Ofcourse, the ammount of scrap you get to work with depends on the quality of the weapon, and not to mention effectiveness and size. You're going to get a lot more scrap out of a RPG than an MP5 for example. Anyway, you should be able to use the toolbox to take apaprt any weapon in the field and use those parts to repair existing weapons you have. This is to foster that "Survivalist" feeling of using what is around you. Alternatively, there could be these "Field Repair Kits" that, much like medpacks, come in 3 varietys. Basic, Military and Advanced. These are disposable, one-use repair kits that come with the replacement parts so you use them and then discard them, again much like medkits.


I also like the Artifact transmutation system alot, but think this could be expanded. I'm not sure how Clear Sky's upgrade system is going to work but I think it could be incorporated into it anyway. Remember the story of the "Ghost" suit, that one who wares it never had to have a medkit because everyhting healed on him like on a dog? Says he found it in an anomaly. Well maybe there might be armor enhancement recipies, like maybe leaving your armor to soak in the energies of an anomaly for a while. It would come out a bit battered, but gain a new property. Ofcourse, weapons would not work the same way. The only thing that will be accomplished when throwing your gun into an anomaly is that it will bash the internal mechanisms at the very least. But the Combat Chaser in Stalker apparently has a bit of the Gravi artifact attached ot the barrel which makes it more damaging so I'd think Artifacts might be used to upgrade the weapons, at least in part. Maybe you could weave pieces of an artifact in with armor upgrading too. Did they say you could upgrade not just weapons but armor too or will that have to be modded in? Oh well... My idea for upgrades is that there would be items which you would find in the zone likea rmor paltes and what not or buy from rare traders that would be used to attack to your armor in the upgrades menu when you visit a Trader or mechanic to upgrade your gear. For example, armor plates to increase bulletproof cap.


The squad system in Clear Sky intrigues me, because you are apparently given teammates that take cover and everything which raises the idea of Stalker companions. Practically every other RPG has them, and Stalker is at least partly RPG... And maybe it might be possible to join or even lead one of those squads or expeditions, with squad command keys and eveything. But that wold all depend on how flexible Clear Sky really is. Like for example, do stalkers take cover, just any cover or are there preordained cover points and scipted battles where that happens? I was thinking in these terms because there might be a button which you press, and your character says something akin to "Take cover!" And your compatriots intelligently seek the nearest piece. And maybe another order which tells your squad to hunker down for the night. If it's around a campfire they might sit, play guitar, stand guard etc.


Also, I think the stealth component should be expanded in this mod, seeing as silencers did practically nothing in vanilla. Maybe some advanced suits that emphasize stealth, reducing the sound of your footsteps and visibility. Maybe there might even be upgrades to enhance stealth. And maybe a targetting sytsem could be grafted into your armor, where those boxes that appear when you view a npc over logn range with your binoculars that identify their alliegance? Those might be transplanted directly to your normal HUD.


Also, I have an idea for an exciting new quest or event. There is a special group of elite Stalkers that occasionally come into the zone. These are the supposedly secret-organization or govornment funded guys who come in from outside the zone loaded with the best/prototype equipment to complete some mysterious objective. These guys, they show up in these special suits and come with advanced weapons and give no regard to ordinary Stalkers much like mercs and gun them down, but if you manage to kill them, you get, among other things, a one of a kind weapon and suit. Might even work it in as a part of some quest, i.e. "Marked One, some pricks have come in with superheavy gear and are causing trouble all over the place. I need you to take them down." Not only would killing them gain you gratitude and respect from the rest of the stalker community (and any rewards thereof which it would entail) but, say, and advanced rifle or upgraded suit.


I'm sorry if this seems a disorganized mess, but i'm struggling to both remember it all and write it all down in a compelling fashion. it seems a bit like rambling, but please feel free to organize or add ideas of your own. Would someone, hopefully an admin please put up a stickied thread or something containing all the ideas communiy members have in a concise and simple listed format?


Overall, and in closing, I would like there to be more options selectable in the AMK install menu for example belt size etc and a chocie in that menu to enable or disable any addons you might include.

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I just had some ideas. Well, ideas that partially came from the SIMBION mod (which in turn, likely came from another mod). After trying it and giving up crash after crash after crash, I think I saw all I needed to see. Some ideas seemed fresh enough that I thought I might mention them here.


1. SIMBION, for one, added something I'd never seen in any other mod - They filled in the missing gaps and gave natural body parts to most of the originally excluded mutants. We've seen the Burer's hand from Dwarfs, sure enough (3000 RU value), but SIMBION expanded it to Claws from a Cat (300 RU), Broken PDAs on the bodies of Izloms (1500 RU), Chimera Meat from Chimeras (5000 RU), Brains from a Psuedogiant (8000 RU), and Dogtags from the Controllers (10000 RU). Only the Tushkanos were still bare all the time, but they could have a little something too, perhaps their ears, tails or teeth? They also gave them a far higher, more natural chance to drop them, most Mutants were dropping their stuff about 50% of the time, while some of the stronger mutants had higher drop rates, and it felt like Psuedogiants and Controllers always dropped theirs. Why not, I figure. Gotta get paid for taking those badasses down, especially with their incredible strength now. Makes a good case for playing with harder Bloodsuckers/Chimeras turned on.


2. SIMBION also had Horror Time, separate from the Blowouts. This is from the ABC mod, I think. The Skies get darker but more clear, and the wailing starts. Starts with some of those Psi-hallucinations like from the Scorcher, then starts spawning zombies (not the Stalker kind, just plain rotted and translucent) within your immediate vicinity one at a time (usually right next to you). Also spawns more mutants as soon as it starts. That'd be fun to have in AMK as well.


3. Exoskeletons. Only one or two other mods I've seen have done this, and I dunno if SIMBION had it either, but I think its time to restore running to them. I dont even think its truly intended for all of them to be so slow, merely yet another overlooked and unfinished aspect of Stalker. Only the first and most basic Exoskeleton type is supposed to hinder running. Higher grade ones classified themselves in the descriptions as higher generation models. The 2nd Generation models said that the design defects that hindered mobility were half done away with, and the 3rd Generation model description claims that the defects are entirely gone. So why can't I run yet in one, while that NPC wearing one always books it like mad during a blowout? They know something we don't, or do we?


or how about we just cut off the parts we need with knife!!??

playstaion network ID sasha87

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less controllers, i guess, because i get this weird double-vision/windy howling sound that i think is due to a controller almost every time i change levels.. but sometimes i cant even find a controller anywhere.. so maybe that isn't the problem..

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I have a bunch of suggestions, all weapons.


In some future releases or add-ons I'd like to make a request for a new SMG.


That's the one that I'd like to see and use.


New handguns as well.


That one may require some more work if you want to make the rear stock removable or not.



Well, it looks fairly close to the SIG 220 but the ammunition is different.

A SIG 226 in Sig .357 would make my day.

Perhaps the same skin would work, just different ammunition, stats and ballistics.


There is also a lack of Revolvers.




Also are lacking some grenade launchers.






(it might be a bit of an odd request)





I'm completely satisfied with the shotguns.

I'm glad they made a Saiga 12!


Some rifles to think of;


http://world.guns.ru/assault/as12-e.htm (G3a3, G3A4)


Some 'sniper' rifles to think of;






What may be a bit interesting, and perhaps a cheap weapon to get in the beginning would be one of these;



These are all suggestions, not demands. Well except for the UMP-45, I'm demanding that one. :rolleyes:

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1. Corpse decomposition.


2. Corpse decomposition.


3. Did I mention corpse decomposition?


4. Maybe make it so that factions (I.E DUTY) sometimes sends out little patrols of 4-6 men that will patrol a certain level (I.E DUTY patrol in Aprogram) and then return to base.


5. Factions capturing small piece of land (i.e the bandit hideout by the carpark in the garbage) and making it theirs.


6. Decrease the amount of mutants that spawn in some places

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Hey all, new here.


If its not too much to ask, how about some visual variation regards the inhabitants and creatures of the zone? I know there are a few different texture packs out there that a handful of different skins for stalkers and creatures.

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I just had some ideas. Well, ideas that partially came from the SIMBION mod (which in turn, likely came from another mod). After trying it and giving up crash after crash after crash, I think I saw all I needed to see. Some ideas seemed fresh enough that I thought I might mention them here.


1. SIMBION, for one, added something I'd never seen in any other mod - They filled in the missing gaps and gave natural body parts to most of the originally excluded mutants. We've seen the Burer's hand from Dwarfs, sure enough (3000 RU value), but SIMBION expanded it to Claws from a Cat (300 RU), Broken PDAs on the bodies of Izloms (1500 RU), Chimera Meat from Chimeras (5000 RU), Brains from a Psuedogiant (8000 RU), and Dogtags from the Controllers (10000 RU). Only the Tushkanos were still bare all the time, but they could have a little something too, perhaps their ears, tails or teeth? They also gave them a far higher, more natural chance to drop them, most Mutants were dropping their stuff about 50% of the time, while some of the stronger mutants had higher drop rates, and it felt like Psuedogiants and Controllers always dropped theirs. Why not, I figure. Gotta get paid for taking those badasses down, especially with their incredible strength now. Makes a good case for playing with harder Bloodsuckers/Chimeras turned on.


2. SIMBION also had Horror Time, separate from the Blowouts. This is from the ABC mod, I think. The Skies get darker but more clear, and the wailing starts. Starts with some of those Psi-hallucinations like from the Scorcher, then starts spawning zombies (not the Stalker kind, just plain rotted and translucent) within your immediate vicinity one at a time (usually right next to you). Also spawns more mutants as soon as it starts. That'd be fun to have in AMK as well.


3. Exoskeletons. Only one or two other mods I've seen have done this, and I dunno if SIMBION had it either, but I think its time to restore running to them. I dont even think its truly intended for all of them to be so slow, merely yet another overlooked and unfinished aspect of Stalker. Only the first and most basic Exoskeleton type is supposed to hinder running. Higher grade ones classified themselves in the descriptions as higher generation models. The 2nd Generation models said that the design defects that hindered mobility were half done away with, and the 3rd Generation model description claims that the defects are entirely gone. So why can't I run yet in one, while that NPC wearing one always books it like mad during a blowout? They know something we don't, or do we?


1. I completly agree. I found it odd that some mutants had body parts you could take, and others didn't. I would love to see this implemented.


2. Ugh. No offence, but I hate horror time. It detracts from the gameplay in my opinon, and I really do not think it should be added.


3. I agree. I always wonder "WTF?" when the DUTY exoskelton people run like hell back into the DUTY base, but I move at a crawl.



Also, new suggestions from me:


1. Would it be possible to do away with the false reports? I.E The "Mutants attakced, barley repulsed, lost two of our number" and "Marked one, <insert generic name> stopped by. He sent thanks for killing <insert mutant>. He left something for you." I high tailed it all the way to Sidrovich before I found he left nothing D:<


2. Use kanyhalos's physics. While I do not like OL mod as a whole, I really did like the physics it used.


3. Make sure to include the L-85 texture in the next download. It likes to not include itself in most of the installs.


4. Try to stabilize it more. Sometimes it just goes *crash*


5. There are some persistant CTDs that pop up. Admittedly, I only got one, and it was with the L-85, but I've talked to others who have gotten some pretty bad peresitant CTDs. Seeing these fixed would be wonderous.

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Well, making running in exosuit possible is twenty seconds: /gamedata/config/misc/outfit.ltx; search for "sprint_allowed"; change to "true"; close and save.


More mutants, less people. Vanilla SoC was ridiculously crowded, AMK isn't much better, even with 30h NPC spawn. It's so goddamn tiring when you have to kill these goddamn bandits every time you want to go to Agroprom, or these fucking mercs in Wild Territory. Just for once I would like to come back to a map after 10 minutes of absence and not have it crawling with all kind of baddies again.


Maybe include a simplified version of Clear Sky's faction system - every major group(Stalkers, Military, Mercs, Bandits, Duty, Freedom, Monolith) would have a "strenght" value, from 0 to 100, with Stalkers being 1-100, Military 101-200, Bandits 201-300 and so on. Now every time when the game decides what to spawn, it would simply generate a random number between 0 and 700, and whatever it is, that's what spawns.

The main script is, every time a member of a faction dies, the faction loses one "ticket", and that ticket becomes a mutant ticket. So if you kill 100 bandits in Garbage, they will never spawn again; or if you never help your fellow Stalkers and watch them die just to get their equipment and stashes, you will end up with de-Stalkerified Zone. And, let's say, after every Blowout, all factions would get +10 tickets.

Of course there would be different values for all the areas(Only Stalkers, Bandits, and maybe Duty in Garbage; Only Freedom/Duty/Mercs in Army Warehouses; etc.).

Man, I'm rambling now.


An option to turn off random quests(The quests you get automatically when you enter an area) would be nice. OR make them without a time limit. OR make the reward receivable at both Barman and Sidorovich. Backtracking three maps(And getting MORE random quests in the process!) just to get a 3k and a vodka is not my idea of fun.

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