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What do you want to be included in the next versions of AMK Mod


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I played Oblivion Lost before, and there is a interesting feature in it. Artifacts can be put to the first slot and used as weapons. ( Create a man-made anomaly at any position by actor. The size and power of anomaly is based on the level of artifact. For example, Dopelit = small burner , Fireball = medium burner , Crystal = Large burner. They are used as weapons, so other npc will change their attitude to enemy if they walked into the anomaly you made. )

This feature has been removed from Oblivion Lost as of version 2.0 which is due to be released Saturday, 4/26/2008. Reason being as you already stated: npc's do not acknowledge the presence of an anomaly created by the player which can have unwanted consequences.

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* the ability to attach a bayonet to your assault rifle and being able to use it as a melee weapon.. krav maga style


* optional scopes especialy for the PSO-1 ( only becuase i am rather conservative when it comes to authenticity vs functionality) sorry :P

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That would be awesome, a melee function, instead of having to switch between the knife and guns. Sort of like how it's done in the Halo series

I don't think that's possible, but I'm not entirely sure...

АМК 1.4 не запускается на международной версии S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

Вот лекарство! Устанавливать в корневую директорию игры.

Моя группа по АМК ВКонтакте.

Вожу иностранцев в Зону. Дорого.

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1. I would like to see the drunk effect when you are tired instead of being hit by a gun shot like it is now, also that you have the drunk effect all the time until you sleep and wake up.


2. The possibility to sleep longer then just 5 hoers, the nights get rely long if you need to go to sleep at 09:00 and wake up at 02:00...at least for me when I'm using a different in game time cycle.


3. I have noticed that the AI tries to loot body's that lies in a anomaly, that results in that they die to...i have seen up to 10 AI in one anomaly due to that they try to loot the stiff :lol:


By the way, when you install AMK and chose the option "Visible Anomaly's" some is still invisible...it's easily fixed by copying contents in "misc0" in to the "misc" folder. No problem but you maybe want to fix this in the next installer.


Once again thanks for a awesome mod :)

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MP5 in stalker or reality is used as a pistol. I agree with that. However, I think MP5 should be able to add a scope.

Check this link :



Unfortunely, It is unable to see the scope is added or not from those screenshot.


When I was installing AMK mod, there was two binocular selections. I tried both of them, but I don't know what is their difference. Completely the same. In original Stalker any creature can be marked while using binocular. In AMK mod this function is removed.


I tried to upgrade my artifacts ( put them into anomolies ) these days. There is no problem to put them into anomolies, but it's a big problem when the transmutation completes. Sometimes it shows their position on your minimap, but you can find nothing ( I lost two Moon Dummy !!! :( ) Sometimes artifacts fly to very very high position in the sky ( especially Pellicle, Skin, and Scale ). It's impossible to take them back.


Additionally, I think there is something wrong about the PDA information. Moon Dummy can't be put into electro anymore.

It should be another anomoly. One of the information Snitch sell to you is incorrect, either. I put Moonlight into burner, but nothing happened. ( Gee, this information worth 30000 RU ?! )


The problems of corpse still exist. Just like a curse. I think nobody would like to see corpses full of their map and screen to make their game lag. This is a critical problem.

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First off I would like to thank and congratulate the whole AMK team for this fantastic mod, it has single-handedly made S.T.A.L.K.E.R. more frenetic and addictive than ever for a growing number of fans. I have a couple of suggestions for your mod. One issue the vanilla game or any mod I have encountered thus far is the issue of water. A simple thing, but completely essential to human survival; especially in high-stress combat situations. How do STALKERs gather and store water? When you think about it, battles could potentially be fought over such a resource in an ecological disaster area such as Chernobyl. Sure, there are plenty of energy drinks and vodka around, but you definitely couldnt keep going off just that. Adding some sort of hydration / dehydration system to the game would be a good way to enforce the "survival" aspects of the game. Maybe each "habited" area (Rookie Camp, Bar, Freedom Base, etc.) has a cistern to gather rain water for consumption. While it is possible that outside merchants could ship water supplies into the zone, you just dont see evidence of any sort pertaining to this fundamental part of life. Something to think about.

Secondly, refinements could and should definitely be made to the weapons-handling practices shown in the default animations for reloading, etc. I am an Infantryman in the U.S. Army, and have observed the way STALKERs handle and utilize weapons in-game is at times bafflingly ineffecient and occasionally outright stupid. Simple things like fixing the animation of charging a weapon every time you get it out would immediately fix some "immersion-breaking" problems in the game currently. Reloading a weapon that has a round chambered 99.999% of the time does not require you to manually charge / cycle the action again to ready it. Im not saying every STALKER should be a Tom Clancy-grade tactical badass, but some common sense could be applied to the way weapons are implemented in the game. Dont get me wrong though, youve got a great mod going and I cannot wait to see where it goes in the future. I have already recommended AMK to everybody I know that plays STALKER. Let me know what yout think, I appreciate feedback! Good Hunting, STALKERs.

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Not really sure if this is the sort of thing for addon request or if it's more like a glitch in AMK:


Invisible anomalies - I am a BIG FAN of this whole concept because if they are able to be seen, what is dangerous about them!! So invisible anomalies is the way to go - AMK offers this option but you still get those electrical arcing anomalies completely visible all over the place - and also the falling powder effect here and there. In short I would personally like truely and completely invisible anomalies - as wild and pretty as you like once they're activated, but invisible and deadly up till then....

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One thing I always wanted in STALKER is a proper system for money.


Something which bugged me in vanilla STALKER was that you couldn't loot money from the bodies. Once you kill someone, their money just magically disappears. Combined with the fact that Stalkers wouldn't buy weapons/etc. from you this frustrated me so much that I increased my weight limit to 4000kg just so I won't be leaving tons of stuff lying everywhere.


AMK solved the "You can't sell AK to a Stalker but he will buy a sausage so loot sausages instead of weapons" issue, but the money is still a virtual currency which is completely unrealistic. So here's my idea, assuming it's doable:


- Make the money lootable from bodies.

- Decrease amount of money Stalkers carry(I.e. random number between 0 and 2000)

- Make bandits have money, probably less than Stalkers.

- Introduce money-item so that it can be put in stashes.


And while I'm at it:


- The fact that you sell all your items for half the price is ridiculous. Even assuming that Marked One wants to get rid of it quickly and doesn't haggle, 20% decrease in price would be enough.

- Prices rebalanced: AK-74U would be valuable for Sidorovich, but should be just a common gun for the Barman(Therefore worth less) and just junk for Skinflint(Therefore worth almost nothing); Ideally it should be possible to make (small)profit by buying a better gun "north" and hauling it all the way "south".

- If possible, make all the prices change +/-(1-10%) every Blowout to simulate changes in the economy(Some people buy a certain gun, or bring more of a certain artifact, or not, etc.).

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@ Deadlytigger


Could you please upload the merged Sanex+AMK files? Since Sanex's mod only consists of 20 files or so, this shouldn't take oo much space. I would really love to play AMK with Sanex's mod, but I have no clue about modding, so I can't merge them myself. Thanks a lot, and I hope you can help me!

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My two big requests:


1. "Dead" looking corpses - as I've described before I don't think gradual decay is necessary - just make the visual model of corspes look like they are dead - ie. grey/black blotchy skin, glazed over eyes, tattered and stained clothes. Making them look that way immediately when they fall would not be a problem IMO and the overall good effect would outweigh the initial wierdness.


2. Economy system - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make money harder to come by and items much more expensive!!! The game allows for a very wide tolerance in this respect - because you can take on quests selectively and pretty much take as long as you like, the economy system can be made to be very tight without a huge negative effect beyond making us all work at side quests a bit more - and if you don't want to mess about so much, maybe make it a selective option (HARD or EASY Economy) - tho I think people can just try to manage with scrounged gear as an alternative to working sidequests for money to buy stuff. The amount of tightness can be easily compensated in this fashion so don't hold back - MAKE IT TOUGH!!!

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less ammo drops. seriously i end up with thousands of rounds of assorted 9mm pistol ammo. and i slaughter every single enemy in every level. this will hopefully make me actually use my 3 million ru once in a while.

playstaion network ID sasha87

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I think the problem is the number of enemies, not the amount of ammo.


I have never seen anybody carry more than 100 rounds of ammo, and that's not a lot really.


It's just one fault of STALKER that there are hundreds of people everywhere.

yeah i was hoping that in stalker meeting humans would be a rare moment. more mutants more mutants MORE MUTANTS!!!!!

too many bandits.

hhmmmm. oohhh im thinking large mutant hordes. and the bar gets assaulted by various zombies a lot!

playstaion network ID sasha87

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