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What do you want to be included in the next versions of AMK Mod


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Hey, do people actually leave gifts when they say they do? Because I've never been able to find them.


Anyway, another suggestion:


1. Don't get rid of blowouts in freeplay.

2. You know how NPCs advance and rank and by themselves new suits? Well, they should do the same with weapons. I.E: I found a guy in Cordon with a gasmask suit on, was a veteran, and had only a Makarov. I lol'ed. Really, they should by weapons for themselves as they advance in rank aswell. That way I won't have to supply experts in STALKER suits who have only TOZ-34s.

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The traders have them. You will get a message from either Barman or Sid that there was a guy and left something for you, then you just visit one or other and there should be "You have something for me" option available.


I didn't get anything all the way up Dark Valley though, so it might be that you need to do Agroprom - or maybe it's based on your reputation. I dunno.

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The traders have them. You will get a message from either Barman or Sid that there was a guy and left something for you, then you just visit one or other and there should be "You have something for me" option available.


I didn't get anything all the way up Dark Valley though, so it might be that you need to do Agroprom - or maybe it's based on your reputation. I dunno.


My reputation is excelent, I'm an expert, and I'm in freeplay. So I doubt it's that. I've never noticed that option. Next time it comes up, I'll check.

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My ideas for the next release from the most stupid or idiotic to the least idiotic:


1- Ability to sell the canisters to Sid (if with the vehicles addon Sid sells cars why won't he buy the fuel?).


2- All weapons can be sold to Sidrovich, because before installing the Mod I used to win my day selling junk <_< ...


3- A nice portable radio we could buy from the Barman or Sid. The Radio would play playlists from a folder that the player prepared before the game starts. It would be attached to the belt like the anomaly detector to work. :lol:B) Maybe there could be some areas where the radio didn't worked well due being out of range radio station.

Изменено пользователем DigGil
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Okay, here's something that really and truly needs addressing. It's about the A-Life system and how it can randomly kill off quest-related NPCs. Normally this isn't much of a problem, but it becomes a real issue when early on in the game non-random NPCs who are the targets of quests (like Friar, Poker, Father Diodor, Smartass, Scarecrow, Master, etc.) are killed by the A-Life system before the player is able to reach those who will give out quests to target them.


During my last attempted playthrough, I tried to get the "Kill the Traitor" mission from Baldy, and could not get it for no particular reason (most likely because Smartass, the quest's target, had already been killed). During my current playthrough, I tried to get the "Find the weapon of the dutyer" quest but could not, most likely because Friar, the NPC who has the weapon in question, was most likely killed in a way that destroyed the weapon too (such as getting caught in a Whirligig or Vortex anomaly). I am sick and tired of having to reload or restart my game when I find that I can't receive or complete a quest or when I get a PDA message saying a quest-related NPC has died (it's even worse with bandit NPCs or the like, whose deaths are never listed in the PDA death messages).


My solution to this serious problem is simply to make all NPCs who either give out quests or are targets of quests themselves completely invulnerable to anything, A-Life or otherwise, except the player's attacks. This way the player will always be able to get and finish the quests associated with those NPCs. This is especially important with regards to the main quest, since you won't be able to get the two C-Consciousness endings if Guide is killed by the A-Life system before you can talk to him and get the quest to talk to the Doctor at Strelok's hideout in the Agroprom Underground.


I do not believe this is impossible; the AMK team has already made NPCs who were previously in areas where you couldn't use weapons, like Barkeep, Sakharov, or Sidorovich completely invulnerable. Extending this invulnerability to quest-related or quest-giving NPCs, with the exception of the player's attacks, shouldn't be impossible either.

Изменено пользователем Mazryonh
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Uh...that's not a mod-specific problem, that's been around since vanilla STALKER, and that randomness is in fact one of my favorite things about the game - the total 'absolutely-anyone-can-die' randomness than ensures that the game plays out differently every single time. Also, have you ever stopped to consider how unbalancing to the A-Life an invincible character would likely be? Sid, Barkeep, and Sakharov sit in their bunkers and don't actually directly contribute to Zone life - trading functions aside - so making them immortal doesn't really effect anything. Making ordinary Stalkers immortal, however - even quest-important ones - runs the risk of screwing things up even more seriously than just letting them die would.

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Master Bates,


I know it's part of the original STALKER, but I don't like how such a thing completely locks you out of certain quests or certain artifacts you can't get anywhere else.


Another bad example in my playthrough is how Friar, the target of the quest "Find the weapon of the Dutyer," either never spawned in or was killed in a way that destroyed the weapon he was carrying. Because I couldn't get that quest, I was locked out of Brome's "Old Glassbeads" artifact recipe, a highly necessary one to start the "Glassbeads" artifact series quests.


Also, for some reason Max at the Army Warehouses level got killed for no real reason while I was away. Without him you cannot complete the "kill the duty squad" mission (along with two others), and without that, Skinflint never stocks better stuff in his store, nor can you join Freedom (I think this would also mean that you're locked out of some artifact recipes as well, since I recently discovered that joining Duty gets you an artiface recipe). I would like it better if I could keep those options open, without having to restart the game each and every time something like this occurs.


Maybe if NPCs in a level you've never been in before were invulnerable to the A-Life system until you got there (kind of like how Professor Kruglov in Wild Territory always spawns in the first time you go there), it would make certain quests more achievable. Or, you could just have the NPCs in a level you've never been in before just not exist (at least, with respect to the A-life system) before you go to that level for the first time, kind of like how Kruglov and the mercenaries always spawn in when you first enter Wild Territory and cannot be killed by the A-life system until after you enter it once.

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I would like to stalker these weapons:


Weapons from Counter strike , Doom3 , CoD Modern Warfare 1 ,2 , WoW , or Black ops ... in COD5 is lot of weapons from Two Word War ,and Modern Warfare has weapons from modern era.


I looking foward when I play stalker with MP40 . <_< , or MP43 ...Sten ...


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