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AMK Mod - General Discussion


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I see RC2 is out and up to patch .87 I think? Can anyone tell me what going to RC2 from RC1 .77 gives us?


I ask because I spent a LOT of time tweaking RC1 .77 - mainly just value changes such as rebalancing 5.45 and 5.56 ammo and touchups to npc damages - but also I made changes to environmental graphics etc. - so I'm very wary of starting again from scratch with RC2. I'm wanting an idea whether I'll be missing out too badly by just not going to RC2 or at least some idea how much of MY changes the upgrade will affect.

You don't have to go to RC2, even though it contains some crucial changes, because proper release is coming...

АМК 1.4 не запускается на международной версии S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

Вот лекарство! Устанавливать в корневую директорию игры.

Моя группа по АМК ВКонтакте.

Вожу иностранцев в Зону. Дорого.

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What will the new release have that "improves" over the current RC1/7x or RC2/8x game? I'm not having a dig - I'm genuinely keen to know but tired of digging thru forums in several different places to find info - I'd really like to just come here.

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I need an anomalie-detector.

Because sidorovitch in kordon doesnt buy an anomalie-detector i want to go to the bar. Can i go from the garbage-area to the bar-area without having the documents from the agroprom-Reseach?

You can try :)

АМК 1.4 не запускается на международной версии S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

Вот лекарство! Устанавливать в корневую директорию игры.

Моя группа по АМК ВКонтакте.

Вожу иностранцев в Зону. Дорого.

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Do i get difficult problems if i kill the guards at the garbage-area-side (gateway garbage-area<->bar-area) and then go to the bar-area?

You need to kill only central guard to open gates. You can use pickable explosives like jerrican with petrol.


*доедает камень, весело вертя шлангом противогаза* © Stalker_Zip

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Do i get difficult problems if i kill the guards at the garbage-area-side (gateway garbage-area<->bar-area) and then go to the bar-area?

I killed them once all with normal weapons. Nothing changed in the reputation and Duty was neutral too. Try to save your game and kill them.



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Do i get difficult problems if i kill the guards at the garbage-area-side (gateway garbage-area<->bar-area) and then go to the bar-area?

You shouldn't kill guards and open the gate, push on the right fold of gate and come in. But central guard will start to shoot. And then you will have trouble to go back to garbage. It's hard to open the gate and same guard will be enemy for you.

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It`s possible to sneak so that he doesn`t become an enemy. I did it several times. BTW, let the TOZ-34 help you!





(К этой фразе из C&C конечно больше всего из моей коллекции подошёл бы

концепт дирижабля Кирова, но за картинку размером с сообщение можно получить тапком)

Картинки пока нет


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Hi guys i am looking everywhere for some sort of help I will try here...........


I download the latest version of AMK with the EN patch etc but i run the game talk to the guy in Cordon at the start then if i try to accept the mission about finding the atifacts when i am goin to accept the mission the game crashes the same if i DONT accept the mission and go to talk to Wolf when i am accepting the mission from Wolf the game crashed.



Now do I need to Download the ORIGINAL AMK then put the latest version OR is already included in the latest patch ???


Also I am try to find the FIX for 10005 version I know sumoone done it but if Sombody would be so kind to post a link for me would be nice.


PLS let me know about this downloads i really want to play this game but CTD when accept missions.



thank you for the help.

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Hi guys i am looking everywhere for some sort of help I will try here...........


I download the latest version of AMK with the EN patch etc but i run the game talk to the guy in Cordon at the start then if i try to accept the mission about finding the atifacts when i am goin to accept the mission the game crashes the same if i DONT accept the mission and go to talk to Wolf when i am accepting the mission from Wolf the game crashed.



Now do I need to Download the ORIGINAL AMK then put the latest version OR is already included in the latest patch ???


Also I am try to find the FIX for 10005 version I know sumoone done it but if Sombody would be so kind to post a link for me would be nice.


PLS let me know about this downloads i really want to play this game but CTD when accept missions.



thank you for the help.

You should download AMK mod v.1.4 for patch 1.0004 only! Then rev.20_050308-1300 and then rev.22_090308-1052 both. It is obligatory.

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You should download AMK mod v.1.4 for patch 1.0004 only! Than rev.20_050308-1300 and than rev.22_090308-1052 both. It is obligatory.



thank you for your fast reply but i am very bad at this since there are so many updates out there i get confused.


the one i got is :AMK 1.4.22 with AMK-EN 2.0.81-RC2 -


Is this one the only one i need to download or do I need all the previus ones ??

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thank you for your fast reply but i am very bad at this since there are so many updates out there i get confused.


the one i got is :AMK 1.4.22 with AMK-EN 2.0.81-RC2 -


Is this one the only one i need to download or do I need all the previus ones ??

I'm not sure about english version. Ask anybody else.

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This might be a bit off-topic, but what tools are being used to make some of these modifications? Where can I find some of resources about mods and modding for AMK? I would be much obliged if anyone has any answers to these questions.


The most of this you can make with using an extractor, an all.spawn decompiler and Wordpad.



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AMK 1.4.1 is officially released.

The new AMK-EN 2.1 is coming soon.

АМК 1.4 не запускается на международной версии S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

Вот лекарство! Устанавливать в корневую директорию игры.

Моя группа по АМК ВКонтакте.

Вожу иностранцев в Зону. Дорого.

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