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AMK Mod - General Discussion


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For those who wonder why everything has gone so quiet (no patches, news etc.) - it's because AMK-EN 2.0-RC2 is coming with some more fixes and translated bar dialogs. I'm not going to say when, but certainly in the shortest time possible. RC2 is hopefully going to be the last release candidate, which will bring us to the final version of AMK-EN 2.0. I hope that it will come out before AMK 1.4.1, otherwise we would have to stop our work on translation of AMK 1.4 and work on 1.4.1.

Also, I might release a small patch tomorrow, which fixes some issues with dynamic news.

That's some updates for you so you know the project is living and advancing :)


АМК 1.4 не запускается на международной версии S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

Вот лекарство! Устанавливать в корневую директорию игры.

Моя группа по АМК ВКонтакте.

Вожу иностранцев в Зону. Дорого.

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Thanks for the update!


Before I place a stash I'd like to know what the npc's are capable of doing to find it, especially since you can't pick stashes back up once they've been placed. Can you specify what npc's can do and maybe provide some general tips on placing stashes?


Also, can you add rucksacks for sale to all of the trader's inventories? I haven't used the one Sidorovich gives to us yet because I'm not sure when I'll be able to get another one.

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AMK-EN 2.0.81-RC2

There it is for you.

Big thanks to xStream, all members of the team and all those who posted bugreports.

Install on top of RC1.



Full install will be available later.

АМК 1.4 не запускается на международной версии S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

Вот лекарство! Устанавливать в корневую директорию игры.

Моя группа по АМК ВКонтакте.

Вожу иностранцев в Зону. Дорого.

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do we have to start a new game to see these changes?

Your welcome ;)

No, I don't think you have to start a new game.

АМК 1.4 не запускается на международной версии S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

Вот лекарство! Устанавливать в корневую директорию игры.

Моя группа по АМК ВКонтакте.

Вожу иностранцев в Зону. Дорого.

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AMK 1.4.22 with AMK-EN 2.0.81-RC2 - Full Install available

This is the complete pack install. You don't have to use it if you already have AMK 1.4.22 with AMK-EN 2.0-RC1 and you used the patch to RC2.

Nothing new except for AMK-EN 2.0.81-RC2 was included.

Please post all your bugreports in the relative thread in this forum. They really do help, without your bugreports I wouldn't have been able to find and fix all those annoying little errors.





АМК 1.4 не запускается на международной версии S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

Вот лекарство! Устанавливать в корневую директорию игры.

Моя группа по АМК ВКонтакте.

Вожу иностранцев в Зону. Дорого.

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I don't want to sound like a nagger, but shouldn't the patch be on the general Info? I only discovered this patch just now.

Thanks, I've put it in the right thread now. :)

АМК 1.4 не запускается на международной версии S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

Вот лекарство! Устанавливать в корневую директорию игры.

Моя группа по АМК ВКонтакте.

Вожу иностранцев в Зону. Дорого.

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Hi all


First off thanks for a great mod props to the AMK (en) mod team.


I have a question though (i hope this is the right thread)


I had some problems with the visible/invisable anomalies


That was solved by copy/paste the 2 files form the \gamedata\config\minsc0 into the \gamedata\config\minc folder (cheers for the fix)


I'm still walking into anomalies however because at night they are realy hard to see as wel as walking into radiated areas because the geiger counter and anomaly

detector souns are scripted out.


Call me a wimp but i would realy, realy, REALY! like these back.


I just dont know wich files i should edit to do that any help you guys could give would be greatly appreciated.



thanks in advance,

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The detection device sounds are still there - you just need to equip one of the devices first!


There are three detectors: one for radiation and two for anomalies. Once you equip them to your belt the sounds will come back.


Ah.. that would explain a lot.


see i figured the detector that you can buy form the trader would fix this.. i just didnt know you needed to actualy equip the item

i thought having it in the inventory screen would suffice (like with the psi-helmet prototype in the default game ) so i never tried equipping it..


my appologies for asking, i feel like a dunce now :unsure:


thank you for taking the time and explaining..

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Ok right off the bat I would like to share my short experience with this mod


Now I’ve played S.T.A.L.K.E.R front to back I finished the game several times at master level with ease. I have also tried several mods and found them little challenging at best

Most mods try to compensate this factor by upping the monsters spawn and I figured

AMK would be pretty much the same and that I could handle it at master level..




At master level the AI kicks my ass harder then DevilMayCry 4 so after a couple of hours getting killed trying to get to the military base trough the tunnels bellow Agroprom I decided that maybe it would a smart idea to lower the difficulty setting a notch. so I lowered it to Veteran only to find that I was still getting killed every 15 minutes or so..


getting shot up so bad I actually dropped my trusted and much loved mp5 a couple of times!!

This surprised me the way you take hits and suffer from using antirad is EXCELENT!


It was only after I lowered the difficulty setting to stalker that the game became playable again and I finally got hold of the briefcase from the institute and head out towards the bar

Then after I got to the garbage in front of me is a small army of bandits assaulting the factory

I figured I cut behind them and mow them down like I’d done a hundred times.


Wrong again they pinned me down behind the first largest tree I was doing more bullets then raindrops. They cut me down several times flushing me out using grenades outflanking me. Finally I realized to in order to live I had to do something I have never ever had to do

While playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R. I had to break and run!


All I have to say is AWESOME!!


The only way you are going to make it trough the game after installing AMK is by forgetting everything you think you now about stalking and learn to play again form scratch.


Props to the AMK Mod Teams!


You have succeed were others have tried!

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I have question about the 'Kill the Stalker' missions:


A feature of AMK is that the targets of these missions can pay for their life. Does this feature actually work? If it does work how do we get them to pay?


I've done half a dozen or so of these missions and I've yet to see any way to get them to pay.

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You can find this feature in action when you get mission from Barman to kill deserter in Agroprom.


*доедает камень, весело вертя шлангом противогаза* © Stalker_Zip

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I have played Stalker for a long time, and I tried several mods such as Oblivion Lost, ABC, Rebalanced, AMK, etc. Of course, AMK is No. 1. In other mods npcs don't search corpses. This is pretty cool.


I know a mod called Simbion ( ABC + AMK + сри ) . I installed this mod before, but the game crashed before I see Sidorovich's face. Therefore, I don't know this mod is good or bad.


Another point that I love AMK mod is the ranking system on PDA. The ranking is random. It is hard to reach the top. Npcs increase their score, too. I think this is very important to enjoy this game. In original stalker or other mods. Npcs' rank never change and you become No. 1 stalker easily. There is no competition. You will feel bored soon.

( Can anyone tell me how do AMK team make the ranking system randomly ? )


One more, the random stash is essential and AMK mod includes it. The stashes show on your minimap and always load the same items ? That is not reasonable !

( I also want to know how do AMK team do this ? )


Some problems are critical I think AMK team should fix them.

1. Dark valley looks like a mutant zoo. The amount and spawn rate have to be decreased. These problems sometimes

caused crashes and lag.


2. The corpse didn't remove in many maps ( Agroprom, Dark Valley, Wild Territory, Yantar ).


3. Npcs' AI in AMK mod is higher than other mods, but sometimes their actions confuse me. I don't know what are npcs'

standard to choose weapons and armor. I found almost every npcs prefer AK74, Abakan, Vintorze, and MP5. They

seem don't like NATO weapons such as LR300 and SIG550. I gave some good weapon and armor to a friendly npc,

and he kept using his MP5. This is unwise. Maybe AMK team can do something to force npc to show everything in his

inventory while trading. This will be easier to help them upgrade their firepower. ( Except their armor, I can't image

what they will kook like without armor. )


I turned Brain Scrocher off last night, and I found I can't use sleeping bag to sleep anymore. Blowout didn't happen anymore. Is this normal ?

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I love this mod because of the random world events. I mean, I have screenshots of some of them that includes observing large packs of animals that I thought I would never see together (15 snorks, anyone?) and harassing the military at the beginning of the game to get a decent weapon, only to RLH from a military chopper. This has expanded and elongated a fairly short game to a massively SWEET!!!! game. The English translation made it just that more awesome. Thanks for everything!!!

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Npcs' AI in AMK mod is higher than other mods, but sometimes their actions confuse me. I don't know what are npcs' standard to choose weapons and armor. I found almost every npcs prefer AK74, Abakan, Vintorze, and MP5. They seem don't like NATO weapons such as LR300 and SIG550.


frx44mr, I think that's actually the fault of the weapon classification in the game engine itself and might be impossible for any mod to fix.

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... and harassing the military at the beginning of the game to get a decent weapon, only to RLH from a military chopper.

Ha ha awesome! I never even made it close to the military outpost because the gun on the APC works now. That surprised me big time!

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I see RC2 is out and up to patch .87 I think? Can anyone tell me what going to RC2 from RC1 .77 gives us?


I ask because I spent a LOT of time tweaking RC1 .77 - mainly just value changes such as rebalancing 5.45 and 5.56 ammo and touchups to npc damages - but also I made changes to environmental graphics etc. - so I'm very wary of starting again from scratch with RC2. I'm wanting an idea whether I'll be missing out too badly by just not going to RC2 or at least some idea how much of MY changes the upgrade will affect.

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