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AMK Mod - General Discussion


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Just wanted to say thanks for the incredible mod, and the English forum too :D I hope more English speakers join up, the registration process is in Russian which may scare some off.


Any info on what is due for the next version of AMK?


Just wanted to say thanks for the incredible mod, and the English forum too :D I hope more English speakers join up, the registration process is in Russian which may scare some off.


Any info on what is due for the next version of AMK?

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A big "thank you" to the whole AMK Team for supplying us with the greatest mod ever (for Stalker). I am from Switzerland and I am very excited about the new English forum. Although we can speak English now I think I should have chosen Russian as my 3rd foreign language rather than "Latin" -.-

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Yeah great mod guys, I appreciate all the work, testing etc that you guys have done, this is THE BEST mod for Stalker!!!

I'm afraid I can't say 'thank you' as I did literally nothing to the mod itself...

But I hope my work and the work of AMK-EN Team has made the mod a bit better for English community :)

АМК 1.4 не запускается на международной версии S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

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Вожу иностранцев в Зону. Дорого.

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Hi everyone, welcome to AMK Forums! You can discuss general stuff about the mod here :)

АМК 1.4 не запускается на международной версии S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

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Вожу иностранцев в Зону. Дорого.

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Other than the initial CTD issues I had with AMK EN 2.0, the mod has been awesome. The DNS system really breathes new life into the game (I love investigating reported mutant sightings and killing em), the custom artefacts are really fun to find (I'm still trying to figure out how to make them), and all the little add ons really make it a complete package. My friend and I both have AMK EN 2.0 rev .77 and we've had very different things happen on our playthroughs. He had a military chopper attack the rookie camp hahaha. All in all, amazing mod. As I've said before, this is how STALKER should have been released.


@Vizzy - Simply translating the game has brought joy to many English-speaking people playing the mod. That's nothing to just brush off. And you fixed the get_lines CTD, which, trust me, resulted in A LOT of cursing in the direction of my computer monitor.

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@Vizzy - Simply translating the game has brought joy to many English-speaking people playing the mod. That's nothing to just brush off. And you fixed the get_lines CTD, which, trust me, resulted in A LOT of cursing in the direction of my computer monitor.



I agree with that :) When i first tried to play AMK it was all in Russian, and that put me off, because not understanding it takes a lot away from the atmosphere of the game. The voices and none-gameplay-centric parts I'm ok with, because it does need that localization to ground it in reality. Well done Vizzy (and all those that helped him)!


Also a big thank you to AMK for opening up an English section, and doing a lot of translations for buttons etc ( i see it changing ;) ) I hope we can all work together to raise the bar so high for mods (for S.T.A.L.K.E.R esp) that there is no bar.

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I expect that this has probably been answered somewhere else, but does AMK include a fix for the 'people spawn in the camp fire' problem?

Spawn? Never heard of that :mellow: They don't die near the campfires, but I'm not sure about spawning...

АМК 1.4 не запускается на международной версии S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

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Вожу иностранцев в Зону. Дорого.

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i got a problem with the friendly npc stalkers all turning hostile if i accidentally shoot one in the rookie camp, if i do this they all turn hostile all over all maps, any way to change this? cuz now i have to friggen restart the game...

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i got a problem with the friendly npc stalkers all turning hostile if i accidentally shoot one in the rookie camp, if i do this they all turn hostile all over all maps, any way to change this? cuz now i have to friggen restart the game...

No, I'm afraid you can't change that, because you mess up your reputation if you shoot good stalkers.

АМК 1.4 не запускается на международной версии S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

Вот лекарство! Устанавливать в корневую директорию игры.

Моя группа по АМК ВКонтакте.

Вожу иностранцев в Зону. Дорого.

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Spawn? Never heard of that :mellow: They don't die near the campfires, but I'm not sure about spawning...


Vizzy, I've had it happen occasionally, usually it's in the Car Park. Sometimes if I return to the room where Nimble was being held captive, there'll be stacks of dead bandits actually on top of the firepit like someone's trying to use them as kindling.

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they does not spawns in campfire

NPC's go there in offline...


Well that's really odd, because I have campfire damage turned off. And I am certain of that, I watched a Duty guy stand in one for an entire blowout without dying.

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