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AMK MOD with AMK-EN 2.0

Yes, it's here...

It's not perfect, and never was meant to be, but I hope you like it. It's not a release candidate anymore.

New features:

Download and see for yourselves! ;)


Known issues:

Some dialogs are still weird. That is because I don't have much time at the moment, and it appears to be the case with the rest of the team.

Most is understandable, though. Those that are hard to understand are not very important anyway.


From this moment all complaints about the pre-release versions aren't accepted.

Also, I don't have a massive amount of time, so DO post your bugreports, but don't load the whole forum with your reports and complaints.


Thanks to all the members of the team, the testers and others who have contributed. Special thanks to xStream and Kanyhalos.


Hope you like it.



Thanx a lot ! Is this save-game compatible with the last version?

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Thanx a lot ! Is this save-game compatible with the last version?

Should be, but I recommend everyone to start a new game just in case.

АМК 1.4 не запускается на международной версии S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

Вот лекарство! Устанавливать в корневую директорию игры.

Моя группа по АМК ВКонтакте.

Вожу иностранцев в Зону. Дорого.

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If you have already downloaded the installer, please redownload. There was a bug in the installer.


АМК 1.4 не запускается на международной версии S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

Вот лекарство! Устанавливать в корневую директорию игры.

Моя группа по АМК ВКонтакте.

Вожу иностранцев в Зону. Дорого.

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If you have already downloaded the installer, please redownload. There was a bug in the installer.



Vizzy, I think this one is messed up too. I just did a clean install with it, in w_fn2000.ltx it has this for scope_texture:


scope_texture = wpn\FN2000-ÀÌÊ-T ;SUSAT-AMK-W


Unfortunately, the name of the texture in textures\wpn is FN2000-ÀÌÊ-N.dds


I'm pretty sure it'll CTD like that. All the other scoped weapon files appear to be the same way. Bizarrely enough, my mod seems to fix this without having to rename any of the textures.

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Vizzy, I think this one is messed up too. I just did a clean install with it, in w_fn2000.ltx it has this for scope_texture:


scope_texture = wpn\FN2000-ÀÌÊ-T ;SUSAT-AMK-W


Unfortunately, the name of the texture in textures\wpn is FN2000-ÀÌÊ-N.dds


I'm pretty sure it'll CTD like that. All the other scoped weapon files appear to be the same way. Bizarrely enough, my mod seems to fix this without having to rename any of the textures.

I didn't edit any of the weapons' configs. That's Kanyhalos's pack, which was tested by me and BAC9 and it seemed to work OK.

АМК 1.4 не запускается на международной версии S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

Вот лекарство! Устанавливать в корневую директорию игры.

Моя группа по АМК ВКонтакте.

Вожу иностранцев в Зону. Дорого.

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I didn't edit any of the weapons' configs. That's Kanyhalos's pack, which was tested by me and BAC9 and it seemed to work OK.


Eh, it's probably the installer more than Kanyhalos' pack, but the program that creates the installer is complicated so I'm not surprised. It looks like the installer is just messing up on which files to install. Besides, it's easy enough to work around for now. Learning experience and all that.

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Eh, it's probably the installer more than Kanyhalos' pack, but the program that creates the installer is complicated so I'm not surprised. It looks like the installer is just messing up on which files to install. Besides, it's easy enough to work around for now. Learning experience and all that.

It seems that textures are just generally mocked up with the installer. Just before the release I've tried to make the installer install ALLL textures for all resolutions at the same time (that must fix the problem), but I havn't had much time yet...

I will release a new version of installer later. In a week and a bit absoulte latest.

For the moment I recommend everyone to upgrade from Rcx to Release, as RCs are much more buggy.

АМК 1.4 не запускается на международной версии S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

Вот лекарство! Устанавливать в корневую директорию игры.

Моя группа по АМК ВКонтакте.

Вожу иностранцев в Зону. Дорого.

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Updated installer

This is a slightly altered version of installer which installs all crosshair textures for all resolutions at the same time to reduce the risk of CTDs.

Please redownload and reinstall your AMK using this.

Links to the old installer are no longer available.

You don't have to start a new game or anything like that.

Sorry for the inconvenience of having to redownload the installer



АМК 1.4 не запускается на международной версии S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

Вот лекарство! Устанавливать в корневую директорию игры.

Моя группа по АМК ВКонтакте.

Вожу иностранцев в Зону. Дорого.

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Hi everyone.

The solution to the installer problem for now is:

Don't install Kanyhalos's pack, as it contains only one weapon config only for one resolution.

If this doesn't help, I practically don't know what to do...

АМК 1.4 не запускается на международной версии S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

Вот лекарство! Устанавливать в корневую директорию игры.

Моя группа по АМК ВКонтакте.

Вожу иностранцев в Зону. Дорого.

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Hi guys... i'm pretty sure that i've been able to fix all the little problem that the Setup was still having (and even something more then that :P )

In the FIX PACK I made some changes to the weapon config files (it's just the line about the scope texture) so that it will be much easier

to make no weapon addon (or just rebalancing weapons config files) without having to get mad with the different crosshair's name that

the original setup was using during install.

So now there's only a single .LTX file good for all resolution (it's the Setup that it's renaming the right set of crosshairs using

the names that are written in the config files).


scope_texture = wpn\G-36-AMK ; wpn\G-36-AMK_1024-N


This is just an example of the kind of lines that i used in config files, while on the contrary, till now we could have :


scope_texture = wpn\G-36-AMK_800-N

scope_texture = wpn\G-36-AMK_1024-N

scope_texture = wpn\G-36-AMK_1280-T

scope_texture = wpn\G-36-AMK_1440-W

... and so on... 8 different line , 1 for each resolution... and that's why it was hard to use a side-mod working for rebalancing.


AMK-EN 2.0.94-FIX for FINAL version


This is a fix add-on for AMK Mod 1.4 English translation FINAL.

It HAVE TO be installed only after AMK 1.4 (English version - FINAL).

As soon as we can it will be added to the official Setup.



Here to you the fixes and addictions that you'll have :

-Fixed the problem with different crosshairs resolutions ;

-Fixed the weight and AI Pack issues when choosing the "Ragdoll" option ;

-Fixed option for binocular's frames showing enemies ;

-Fixed the right binocular icon ;

-Fixed issues with anomalies visibility option ;

-Fixed the Russian Bar dialogs ;

-Fixed the option for weaker mutants (Flesh,Bloodsucker and El.Chimera) ;

-Fixed some vanilla's error in task_manager ;

-Fixed (Finally, I hope) recipes texts for anomalies used in transmutations ;

-Fixed the mission "Eliminate the duty squad" (By NatVac's ZRP) ;

-Fixed bug with mutants receiving damage from Blowout even Indoor (By Kanya) ;

-Added option to remove corpses after 12 hours (default 36) ;

-Added option to change the Sleep-time selection in-game to 2-5-9 hours ;

-Added WIDE crosshairs for VAL and RPG .


Realized by ClaySoft'65

(with a lot of thanks to Kanyhalos)




-= MIRROR =-





P.S. Vizzy... i'm working on fully integratng what i did into the original Setup script and i'll let you have asap.

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I think there is something wrong about 2.0.94. I installed 2.0.92 first and installed 2.0.94 patch later. However, the version information ar the bottom of the start menu is still 2.0.92. Is this normal ?


Another thing :


Added option to remove corpses after 12 hours (default 36)


This feature didn't work. I spent over 12 hours in Garbage then I went back to Condon. Corpses were still there. Neither one of them were removed. I want to know which file that AMK team used to control body remove time. In other mods the remove time was controlled by stalkers.ltx and monsters.ltx, but I didn't discover either of them in " creatures " folder.


P.S. I started a new game.

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I haven't played stalker for some time, because I had to fix my computer. What are the things I need to play this mod? The current version claims to be 1.4, rev. 22, but some of the other topics are saying it's 1.4.1. Are they the same, or are they different?

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Hey everyone. I heard about this mod, so I decided to try it out.

After downloading the final version installer and the patch, I started up S.T.A.L.K.E.R: SoC and started a new game. Things went pretty smoothly until I got to Wolf and asked for the first mission. Before I recived the knife, pistol and two clips, the game crashed. (I'm using the lastest version of STALKER, 1.5)


Any reason as to why this happened? I have no other mods installed.

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Hey everyone. I heard about this mod, so I decided to try it out.

After downloading the final version installer and the patch, I started up S.T.A.L.K.E.R: SoC and started a new game. Things went pretty smoothly until I got to Wolf and asked for the first mission. Before I recived the knife, pistol and two clips, the game crashed. (I'm using the lastest version of STALKER, 1.5)


Any reason as to why this happened? I have no other mods installed.


I think that crash is happening because AMK is only compatible with 1.0004 - I think someone made a 1.0005 compatibility patch but I don't know where it is or if it works.

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can someone help? i have downloaded the full mod on the first page, first post


(its says rev.92, do i need any more patches)


please help


can someone explain this to me?


so the mod only works for 1.0004 for the STALKER vanillla game right?


anything else vital i need to know? thanks

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The Amk team isn´t fair to the users... I asked them a question about fixing a problem in the game that causes an instant crash and they didn´t even made an effort to answer it... It even happened that they used to delete my question. I´m not anymore able to pass the point, where I saved the game so it does´t make sense to continue. What do we learn from that? There will be no more active help to technical issues and there´s no effort to bring out a final patch that fixes the last bugs. That means it´s not worth any more playing it. If you create something you have to bring it to the end, what the creators seem to misunderstand...

I´m really disappointed ...

Преследует душа по зоне, не опытного новичка. Там за спиной его холодный вдох и выдох, оставил запись он наверняка.
Но есть примета зоны: "Не ходи, той-же тропой обратно,
не то погибнешь сталкер в аномалии или исчезнешь невозвратно.
Мораль, того, проста, и заруби её ´се на носу: Проходишь сталкер ОП 2.1 на "реализме", почаще сохраняй игру!     

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Doom, mod AMK 1.4.1 does not contain any errors that lead to the collapse of the system. There are just few shortcomings in mod, a correction of which is described in detail in the relevant topics. I have the right to assert this because I played this mod from beginning to end for many times and I think it's the world's best mod for the Stalker game. And I personally, along with other experts in fashion, has helped to lot of users to solve their problems and failures.


All other mods are not linked with the AMK team, as they are created by the same independent users like you. We have provided them a place in our forum for posting their mods, but do not assume any responsibility for their mistakes, failures and unwillingness to help users of their mods.


Your posts may be removed for several reasons. Here are two of them:

1. They contain a question that has already been answered.

2. They do not comply with forum's and/or topic's rules.


... even if you don't see me.{C}{C}



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Doom, you have one deleted post from the NLC6 mod topic... These are absolutely different things with AMK mod. It is independent working out.

But you are partially right... The help to technical issues of AMK mod stopped. Both English version and Russian.

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There´s the "well known problem" that makes freeplay unenjoyable. You come back from Radar to Military Base. Several bloodsuckers are spawned. And after you or the AI kills the third one the game crashes. There´s no working cure I could get for that not to forget I had to ask three times without any responses and to go searching in other forums what seemed to end in a fail... There´re also still bugs with the chimera which occur not that often, but still appear to be annoying in respect to a crash... Things just shouldn´t happen even though the appear only two-three times while playing...

And yes, some questions related to that theme were also deleted... I´m sure I used the search engine well ;-)

Преследует душа по зоне, не опытного новичка. Там за спиной его холодный вдох и выдох, оставил запись он наверняка.
Но есть примета зоны: "Не ходи, той-же тропой обратно,
не то погибнешь сталкер в аномалии или исчезнешь невозвратно.
Мораль, того, проста, и заруби её ´се на носу: Проходишь сталкер ОП 2.1 на "реализме", почаще сохраняй игру!     

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