Koki 0 Опубликовано 22 Ноября 2008 Поделиться Опубликовано 22 Ноября 2008 So AMK doesn't change the time flow of the game. It's the default x10 multiplier(One IRL second is ten seconds in the game). So I unpacked alife.ltx and changed the value to 1x. I got to Garbage, I repelled the bandit raid, and then I suddenly fell asleep and woke eight hours later. I quickloaded and same thing happened. So I figured, the sleep factor works independetly of the time factor; Since I played the game for about three hours, if the 10x multiplier was on, I'd be awake for 30 hours which would cause Marked One to drop asleep where he stood. At least I think that's the cause. So the bottom line is, where can I edit the sleep deprivation factor? Ссылка на комментарий
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