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[SoC] Вопросы по SDK


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Всем привет, надеюсь на помощь.

Имеется трабла. У меня была локация. Я ее делал, мб сектора делал, не помню.

Потом я изменил террейн в 3Д максе и заменил на него тот, который был на локации. Про сектора я конечно забыл.

Скомпилил, зашел в игру... и... Я проваливаюсь сквозь землю. Нету террейна. Ну я сразу подумал на сектора.

Зашел в ЛЕ. Sectors - remove default а потом create default я сделал. Все стало красным, кроме... Да-да, кроме террейна.

Что это такое? Как лечить?

Заранее спасибо...

Мод "Жесть"

В команду Two Team ("Жесть") требуется моделлер.

Ссылка на комментарий


Можно, конечно, попробовать очистить список объектов в командном листе, и создать новый, но...

Тут, скорее, дело не в секторах, а настройках террейна или АИ-сетке. Не совсем понятно выражение "Я проваливаюсь сквозь землю"...

Если после загрузки уровня ГГ оказывается, так сказать, в "безвоздушном пространстве" (видны только облака и ХУД), то тут дело в АИ-сетке и сборке all.spawn'a.

Если же видны все объекты на карте, кроме террейна, то проблема в настройках террейна (шейдеры, материалы).

А сами по себе сектора не могут привести к "провалу" сквозь террейн. К тому же, если объект на локации (в данном случае, террейн) не находиться хотя бы в дефолтном секторе, то СДК не сбилдит локацию для последующей компиляции...

Ссылка на комментарий

Если же видны все объекты на карте, кроме террейна, то проблема в настройках террейна (шейдеры, материалы).

Именно. И при создании сектора террейн не становится красным.

Но с шейдерами все нормально

Мод "Жесть"

В команду Two Team ("Жесть") требуется моделлер.

Ссылка на комментарий

Please HELP ME!!!

'xrCore' build 2215, Apr 25 2005


! Cannot find library xrEPropsB.dll

* loading script class_registrator.script

* loading script smart_terrain.script

* loading script se_switcher.script

* loading script se_stalker.script

* loading script se_artefact.script

* loading script se_car.script

* loading script se_monster.script

* loading script game_registrator.script

"LevelBuilder v4.1" beta build

Compilation date: Apr 25 2005


Startup time: 15:25:33


* New phase started: Processing level graphs

! There is no ai-map for the level monster_tests! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level jim_agro! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level stohe_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level jim_dark! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level $debug$\y_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_al_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_al_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level krondor_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level zmey_selo2! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level zmey_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_lab! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_ai_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level ivan_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l01_escape_ph_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l02_garbage_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l03u_agroprom_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l07_military_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l17_radar_underground_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l12_stancia_2ch_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l12_stancia_1ch_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l18_pripyat_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level selo2! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level vovan_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_oles! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level k01_darkscape_ct! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l24_sarcofag_mental! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test1! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level selo3! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level wik_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l08u_brainlab_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l04_darkvalley_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level agro_under! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l23_soznanie_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level doc_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level plecha_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l04_darkvalley_ct! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test_new! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level stason_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level bar_arena! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level koan_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l07_military_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level haron_selo_towers! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l17_radar_underground_r! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l06_rostok_demo! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l05_bar_hw! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l03_agroprom_hw! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l03u_agr_underground_hw! (level is not included into the game graph)

level 1 l01_escape

level 2 l02_garbage

level 3 l03_agroprom

level 4 l03u_agr_underground

level 5 l04_darkvalley

level 6 l04u_labx18

level 7 l05_bar

level 8 l06_rostok

level 9 l08_yantar

level 10 l08u_brainlab

level 11 l07_military

! Graph doesn't correspond to the cross table

***STOP*** file 'P:\xrAI\xr_graph_merge.cpp', line 106.

***Reason***: *** Assertion failed ***

Expression: false

Graph doesn't correspond to the cross table

***STOP*** file '(null)', line 0.

***Reason***: *** Internal Error ***

Saved dump file to 'logs\xrSE_Factory_VIKman_05-28-11_15-26-12.mdmp'


вот такая вот фигня при подключении lost_vilage с помощью враппера при сборке ИИ графов

сдк переустанавливал, не помогло

С чего бы он начал ругаться на ВС???

и перезалейте пожалуйста патч для сдк, на gameru троян!


Добавлено через 10 мин.:


просто попробуй переделать террэйн, я думаю что дело не в шейдерах, а в Game Material назнач materials\earth


Добавлено через 2 мин.:

Скажите пожалуста, какие параметры MinDist, MaxDist и MaxDistAI нужно назначить для новых звуков для монстров?

Бери пример с собаки или кровососи)) :ok5:

Изменено пользователем VIKman
Ссылка на комментарий


Бери пример с собаки или кровососи))

А как посмотреть какие комментарии прописаны в звуковом файле? Если бы знал как то просто посмотрел бы параметры.


Используй это

Изменено пользователем Cyclone
Ссылка на комментарий



'xrCore' build 2215, Apr 25 2005


! Cannot find library xrEPropsB.dll

* loading script class_registrator.script

* loading script smart_terrain.script

* loading script se_switcher.script

* loading script se_stalker.script

* loading script se_artefact.script

* loading script se_car.script

* loading script se_monster.script

* loading script game_registrator.script

"LevelBuilder v4.1" beta build

Compilation date: Apr 25 2005


Startup time: 16:36:14

! There is no ai-map for the level monster_tests! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level jim_agro! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level stohe_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level jim_dark! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level $debug$\y_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_al_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_al_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level krondor_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level zmey_selo2! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level zmey_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_lab! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_ai_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level ivan_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l01_escape_ph_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l02_garbage_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l03u_agroprom_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l07_military_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l17_radar_underground_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l12_stancia_2ch_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l12_stancia_1ch_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l18_pripyat_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level selo2! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level vovan_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_oles! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level k01_darkscape_ct! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l24_sarcofag_mental! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test1! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level selo3! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level wik_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l08u_brainlab_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l04_darkvalley_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level agro_under! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l23_soznanie_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level doc_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level plecha_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l04_darkvalley_ct! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test_new! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level stason_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level bar_arena! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level koan_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l07_military_test! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level haron_selo_towers! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l17_radar_underground_r! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l06_rostok_demo! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l05_bar_hw! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l03_agroprom_hw! (level is not included into the game graph)

! There is no ai-map for the level l03u_agr_underground_hw! (level is not included into the game graph)

level 1 l01_escape

level 2 l02_garbage

level 3 l03_agroprom

level 4 l03u_agr_underground

level 5 l04_darkvalley

level 6 l04u_labx18

level 7 l05_bar

level 8 l06_rostok

level 9 l08_yantar

level 10 l08u_brainlab

level 11 l07_military

level 13 l10_radar

level 14 l11_pripyat

level 15 l12_stancia

level 16 l12u_sarcofag

level 17 l12u_control_monolith

level 19 l12_stancia_2

level 20 l10u_bunker

level 21 lost_village

level 22 deadcity

level 23 promzone

* Navigation info : 595499 nodes, 10057 sectors, 39650 edges

| | [][smart_terrain][esc_respawn_inventory_box_0000] : position changed from [-212.228470][-19.857691][-141.877960] -> [-211.399994][-20.020472][-142.100006]

| | [][smart_terrain][esc_respawn_inventory_box_0001] : position changed from [-118.984505][-29.900000][-390.841705] -> [-118.300003][-30.047827][-390.600006]

| | [][smart_terrain][esc_respawn_inventory_box_0003] : position changed from [60.924278][-0.339917][155.849762] -> [60.199993][-0.315673][156.099991]

* Navigation info : 382663 nodes, 9003 sectors, 34817 edges

| | [][smart_terrain][gar_respawn_inventory_box_0000] : position changed from [-67.750679][2.002249][9.492465] -> [-67.200005][0.967287][8.399994]

| | [][smart_terrain][gar_respawn_inventory_box_0001] : position changed from [-63.832542][-2.351707][-215.421677] -> [-63.000004][-2.522032][-215.600006]

| | [][smart_terrain][gar_respawn_inventory_box_0002] : position changed from [-226.252792][-7.645792][-132.164246] -> [-225.399994][-8.353933][-132.300003]

| | [][smart_terrain][gar_respawn_inventory_box_0003] : position changed from [48.168457][1.418473][241.416245] -> [48.299995][0.447324][240.099991]

* Navigation info : 437421 nodes, 7191 sectors, 28975 edges

| | [][smart_terrain][agr_respawn_inventory_0001] : position changed from [13.237453][4.975006][2.268669] -> [11.899999][-0.006900][2.800000]

| | [][smart_terrain][agr2_bandit_st] : position changed from [-76.819603][1.981936][12.621646] -> [-75.599998][2.235468][12.600000]

* Navigation info : 4932 nodes, 565 sectors, 1635 edges

* Navigation info : 390125 nodes, 9256 sectors, 35008 edges

| | [

][smart_terrain][val_respawn_inventory_box_0000] : position changed from [140.709854][0.860874][-235.167755] -> [141.399994][0.222766][-235.199966]

| | [

][smart_terrain][val_respawn_inventory_box_0001] : position changed from [35.771923][4.876759][-84.523895] -> [36.400002][4.535289][-84.699974]

* Navigation info : 7581 nodes, 421 sectors, 1209 edges

| | [][stalker][dar_stalker0000_0000] : position changed from [24.412210][-14.627719][77.047318] -> [19.599998][-16.345886][75.599998]

* Navigation info : 99539 nodes, 4206 sectors, 14848 edges

| | [][smart_terrain][bar_visitors] : position changed from [141.743118][0.149969][68.549957] -> [140.700012][-0.012026][69.300011]

| | [][smart_terrain][bar_respawn_inventory_box_0000] : position changed from [225.941925][-4.188015][133.040527] -> [224.700012][-5.260128][132.300003]

| | [][smart_terrain][bar_respawn_inventory_box_0001] : position changed from [193.826767][1.471730][119.042221] -> [194.600006][-0.006561][120.400009]

* Navigation info : 67713 nodes, 3634 sectors, 12346 edges

| | [][stalker][bar_spy_killer_2] : position changed from [-203.589172][0.150000][63.707283] -> [-204.400009][0.076345][65.099998]

| | [][smart_terrain][ros_respawn_inventory_box_0000] : position changed from [-239.434219][9.513714][55.475903] -> [-238.699997][9.359112][55.299999]

| | [][smart_terrain][ros_respawn_inventory_box_0001] : position changed from [-252.158325][0.651978][16.685566] -> [-251.300003][1.222804][16.100000]

| | [][smart_terrain][ros_respawn_inventory_box_0002] : position changed from [-231.278625][0.346174][146.033249] -> [-231.000000][0.098665][147.000000]

* Navigation info : 141471 nodes, 6046 sectors, 22250 edges

* Navigation info : 8008 nodes, 575 sectors, 1653 edges

* Navigation info : 418268 nodes, 7320 sectors, 27923 edges

| | [][smart_terrain][mil_inventory_respawn_000] : position changed from [-57.542564][-10.665318][32.296124] -> [-57.399994][-10.714224][31.500002]

| | [][smart_terrain][mil_inventory_respawn_001] : position changed from [-92.477203][-19.510096][222.807190] -> [-92.399994][-20.564356][221.899994]

| | [][smart_terrain][mil_inventory_respawn_002] : position changed from [-192.664261][-15.406441][372.279694] -> [-191.799988][-16.035957][371.699982]

| | [][smart_terrain][mil_inventory_respawn_003] : position changed from [101.657318][0.291262][302.244171] -> [100.800003][-0.189106][303.100006]

| | [][smart_terrain][mil_inventory_respawn_004] : position changed from [-233.224655][-12.523403][56.115078] -> [-233.099991][-12.663299][55.299999]

* Navigation info : 227189 nodes, 9583 sectors, 35129 edges

* Navigation info : 261219 nodes, 8215 sectors, 28050 edges

* Navigation info : 477923 nodes, 6686 sectors, 25988 edges

* Navigation info : 10672 nodes, 724 sectors, 2245 edges

* Navigation info : 3982 nodes, 283 sectors, 792 edges

Object mon_physic_destroyable_object_0006, story id 1305

Object mon_physic_destroyable_object_0006, story id 1305

Object mon_stalker, story id 1307

Object mon_stalker, story id 1307

* Navigation info : 264577 nodes, 4854 sectors, 17142 edges

| | [][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0010] : position changed from [17.898825][28.349998][292.288544] -> [18.200001][28.191013][291.899994]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_walker3_0003] : position changed from [-36.024578][-34.331608][-20.464251] -> [-36.399998][-0.017265][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_walker3_0002] : position changed from [-36.369144][-34.245338][-28.071499] -> [-37.099998][-0.017265][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_walker3_0001] : position changed from [-36.373817][-34.245342][-34.146973] -> [-37.099998][-0.017265][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_walker2_0006] : position changed from [-15.305605][-34.197269][-36.890991] -> [-28.000000][0.138206][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_walker2_0005] : position changed from [-6.375432][-34.331638][-36.967312] -> [-12.599999][5.531108][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_walker2_0004] : position changed from [4.765486][-34.331638][-37.086422] -> [-12.599999][5.531108][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_walker2_0003] : position changed from [13.262213][-34.331638][-36.895477] -> [-12.599999][5.531108][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_walker2_0002] : position changed from [21.418823][-34.331615][-36.872257] -> [-12.599999][5.531108][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_walker2_0001] : position changed from [33.926022][-34.245338][-36.889183] -> [-12.599999][5.531108][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_walker_0006] : position changed from [30.877529][-34.331638][-12.926351] -> [-12.599999][5.531108][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_walker_0004] : position changed from [16.778240][-34.331638][-13.043890] -> [-12.599999][5.531108][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_walker_0003] : position changed from [14.281167][-34.335602][-19.006413] -> [-12.599999][5.531108][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_walker_0001] : position changed from [-29.298309][-34.343498][-18.137489] -> [-30.099998][0.080984][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_walker_0002] : position changed from [-23.415291][-34.343498][-18.604668] -> [-28.000000][0.138206][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_walker_0005] : position changed from [17.183424][-34.335392][-18.485126] -> [-12.599999][5.531108][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_monolith_post1] : position changed from [-36.524155][-34.331638][-13.638667] -> [-37.099998][-0.017265][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_monolith_post2] : position changed from [-36.286381][-34.331638][-12.453398] -> [-37.099998][-0.017265][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_camper_0001] : position changed from [42.696640][-34.327831][-24.366535] -> [42.700001][4.992358][67.900002]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_camper_0002] : position changed from [-15.088683][-34.327015][-42.518700] -> [-28.000000][0.138206][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_camper_0003] : position changed from [-42.099514][-34.326939][17.891869] -> [-42.000000][-0.032381][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_walker3_0004] : position changed from [-40.178253][-34.324165][-17.870987] -> [-39.899998][-0.026982][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_monolith_post3] : position changed from [-42.221359][-34.329391][-36.821846] -> [-42.000000][-0.032381][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_walker4_0002] : position changed from [-16.372398][-34.321800][27.870275] -> [-28.000000][0.138206][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_walker4_0003] : position changed from [-12.647985][-32.853439][20.269049] -> [-28.000000][0.138206][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_walker4_0004] : position changed from [-12.064254][-34.321808][27.193674] -> [-28.000000][0.138206][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_walker4_0005] : position changed from [-18.423386][-34.321800][22.592443] -> [-28.000000][0.138206][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_walker4_0001] : position changed from [-19.558641][-34.251877][26.023874] -> [-28.000000][0.138206][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker] : position changed from [17.663628][-41.749283][25.865932] -> [4.200000][5.384274][64.400002]

| | [][smart_terrain][sar_monolith_guard] : position changed from [7.076586][-34.323875][25.168972] -> [-12.599999][5.531108][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_monolith] : position changed from [0.287137][-34.331371][25.569286] -> [-12.599999][5.531108][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_monolith_0000] : position changed from [-0.812862][-34.330498][25.569286] -> [-12.599999][5.531108][54.599998]

| | [][stalker][mon_stalker_monolith_0001] : position changed from [1.387137][-34.331051][25.569286] -> [-12.599999][5.531108][54.599998]

| | [][m_poltergeist_e][mon_m_poltergeist_normal_flame] : position changed from [6.702047][-34.130749][18.090836] -> [-12.599999][5.531108][54.599998]

| | [][m_poltergeist_e][mon_m_poltergeist_normal_flame_0000] : position changed from [0.317219][-34.332542][9.204929] -> [-12.599999][5.531108][54.599998]

| | [][m_poltergeist_e][mon_m_poltergeist_normal_flame_0001] : position changed from [-6.195696][-34.326614][17.701712] -> [-12.599999][5.531108][54.599998]

| | [][explosive_fuelcan][mon_explosive_fuelcan] : position changed from [-35.764362][-34.331642][-22.987221] -> [-36.399998][-0.017265][54.599998]

* Navigation info : 8821 nodes, 569 sectors, 1619 edges

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0027] : position changed from [570.053467][25.149733][203.581345] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0028] : position changed from [567.531372][25.149733][200.302170] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0042] : position changed from [502.792511][18.355406][281.781403] -> [12.599998][-21.637861][56.000000]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0043] : position changed from [508.520172][18.355406][268.270386] -> [12.599998][-21.637861][56.000000]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0046] : position changed from [541.760742][18.355402][277.028687] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0047] : position changed from [548.810730][18.355404][275.600128] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_stalker_0030] : position changed from [863.152527][18.061949][122.087868] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_stalker_0032] : position changed from [900.222412][18.197952][121.395576] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0054] : position changed from [899.379211][8.374685][202.172134] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0055] : position changed from [867.117371][8.374685][208.033829] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0056] : position changed from [878.293335][8.374685][191.959564] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0062] : position changed from [888.119263][8.374674][149.029037] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0063] : position changed from [903.260925][8.374685][151.039841] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0064] : position changed from [871.836731][11.322634][125.971535] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0065] : position changed from [891.354980][10.822405][125.355270] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0066] : position changed from [909.619446][8.374680][131.679413] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0067] : position changed from [861.498535][8.374685][182.813538] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0068] : position changed from [873.938904][12.276714][175.330704] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0069] : position changed from [895.740662][12.924675][176.361832] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_stalker_0035] : position changed from [910.174133][18.197891][110.731201] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_stalker_0036] : position changed from [898.446899][12.924676][172.237106] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0070] : position changed from [731.709045][23.279320][98.372337] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0071] : position changed from [747.552734][23.279551][98.282692] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0073] : position changed from [760.047363][19.376844][102.087906] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0074] : position changed from [747.411255][19.376844][88.779381] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0075] : position changed from [744.328003][19.376839][122.404869] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0078] : position changed from [732.948853][19.376841][97.173195] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][m_snork_e][aes2_snork_strong] : position changed from [993.176819][11.172834][241.475006] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][m_snork_e][aes2_snork_strong_0000] : position changed from [993.208191][12.005905][325.285431] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][m_snork_e][aes2_snork_strong_0004] : position changed from [992.503540][11.616228][328.579224] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][m_snork_e][aes2_snork_strong_0009] : position changed from [997.775085][11.742647][327.510651] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][m_snork_e][aes2_snork_strong_0010] : position changed from [995.105774][11.585217][328.841339] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][m_snork_e][aes2_snork_strong_0011] : position changed from [991.734131][11.172842][239.710724] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][m_snork_e][aes2_snork_strong_0013] : position changed from [992.580872][11.172838][237.914444] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][m_snork_e][aes2_snork_strong_0014] : position changed from [995.699829][11.172838][240.115219] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0014] : position changed from [893.921692][15.249941][105.532043] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0021] : position changed from [892.481262][15.249941][105.550575] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0031] : position changed from [895.266418][15.249941][105.566475] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0033] : position changed from [876.316711][15.249941][105.348503] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0037] : position changed from [877.816589][15.249941][105.326202] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

| | [ ][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0040] : position changed from [879.133179][15.249941][105.309547] -> [22.399998][-23.171131][34.299999]

* Navigation info : 38387 nodes, 1426 sectors, 4876 edges

| | [][stalker][bun_stalker_monolith_0001] : position changed from [-25.368387][-17.300339][53.541153] -> [-9.100001][14.331836][49.699997]

| | [][stalker][bun_stalker_monolith_0006] : position changed from [-38.813423][-19.099855][52.070984] -> [-34.299999][2.110347][23.099998]

***STOP*** file 'P:\xrAI\level_spawn_constructor.cpp', line 209.

***Reason***: *** Assertion failed ***

Expression: !m_spawns.empty()

There are no spawn-points!

***STOP*** file '(null)', line 0.

***Reason***: *** Internal Error ***

Saved dump file to 'logs\xrSE_Factory_VIKman_05-30-11_16-37-06.mdmp'




Присоеденил Забытую деревню, Старую свалку и МГ вылет при сборке спавна враппером(((


Добавлено через 128 мин.:

Подскажите где взять качественные текстуры террейна - из игры расплывчатые

Ищи не в папке с левлом, а textures\terrain_LEVEL.dds

Ссылка на комментарий

Ветераны, как разобраться с такой аномалией?

Взял террейн от Генераторов из билда 1935...

Настройка шейдеров и материала такие:

terrain_frodo_gen_S (основной террейн)

Texture: terrain\terrain_frodo_gen



Game Mtl:materials\earth


terrain_frodo_gen_S1 (тропинка)

Texture: terrain\terrain_frodo_gen



Game Mtl:materials\earth






Use As Diffuse:V

Use As Bamp(R2):*


Terrain_frodo_gen_den и _mask:

Type:2D Texture



Use As Diffuse:*

Use As Bamp(R2):*




Так выглядит в СДК:


После сборки на R2 земля имеет шейдер какого то _grass а не stancia и без травы...


На статике уже видно что террейн тот который задумывался, но так же без травы... :huh:



Как с ней разобраться, уже голову сломал :wacko:

Изменено пользователем CuJIbBEP


Ссылка на комментарий


Надо сделать шейдерную маску террейна (название_локации_mask) и разукрасить её в соответствии с RGBA цветами. R (красный) - обычно используется для травы, G (зелёный)- обычно используется для асфальта, B (синий) - как правило используется для земли, A - альфа канал, его тоже можно использовать в маске террейна. Соответствие текстур (земли, травы, асфальта) определённому цвету можно посмотреть и отредактировать в SE SDK. Перед раскраской, советую посмотреть как это сделано на дефолтных локациях, и сделать аналогично.

Добавлю ещё такой момент, поскольку на статике эта маска террейна не используется движком, то и текстура выглядит так, как и в СДК.


По поводу отсутствия травы. Присутствуют ли в папке с локацией файлы: build_details.dds и level.details?

Если отсутствуют, то, видимо, необходимо сделать стадию компиляции xrDO_light.

Изменено пользователем banderos
Ссылка на комментарий
CuJIbBEP, я уже писал на другом форуме, залей куда-нибудь свой shaders.xr, текстуру террейна, маску террейна, детальную текстуру и сам террейн (объект).
Ссылка на комментарий

banderos, nike,спасибо за помощь, теперь все нормально.

Текстуру для террейна сделал из det-текстуры и использовал объект из исходников (как же я их мог проглядеть... :dash2:)

[spoiler= :) ]e16eeddc9a06t.jpg



Ссылка на комментарий

Создал локу под названием Dead и когда решил скомпилировать через батник компилятор ругается на то что локи нет!Что не так и как это исправить? :huh:





Запрещены изображения более чем 320x240

Изменено пользователем Cyclone
Я userbar01.jpg
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