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Установил Сдк, настроил по инструкции, получил вылет

Expression : F
Function	 : I:\xray-svn\xrCore\ELocatorAPI.cpp
File		 : I:\xray-svn\xrCore\ELocatorAPI.cpp
Line		 : 63
Description : Can't open file:
Arguments	 : fs.ltx

Создал батник, опять тот же вылет. Установил openal, не помогло. Полазил поиском, и понял, что файла fs.ltx просто нет. Поделитесь файлом, и подскажите путь где он должен лежать.СПС.

SDK 0.4

Изменено пользователем ColR_iT

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ХЕЛП! В баре добавил пару дверей, и при компиляции уровня, ловлю

* Detected CPU: AuthenticAMD , F15/M15/S2, 2010.00 mhz, 5-clk 'rdtsc'

* CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, 3DNow!, SSE, SSE2

Initializing File System...
FS: 45119 files cached, 5126Kb memory used.
'xrCore' build -729635, 000 0 0000

Loading DLL: xrSE_Factory.dll
"LevelBuilder v4.1" beta build
Compilation date: 000 0 0000

Startup time: 07:29:20
! There is no cross table for the level l01_escape! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l02_garbage! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l03_agroprom! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l03u_agr_underground! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l04u_labx18! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l05_bar! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l06_rostok! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l08_yantar! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l08u_brainlab! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level monster_tests! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level jim_agro! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level stohe_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level jim_dark! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level $debug$\y_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_al_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_al_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l07_military! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level krondor_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level zmey_selo2! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level zmey_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_lab! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_ai_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level ivan_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l01_escape_ph_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l02_garbage_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l03u_agroprom_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l07_military_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l10_radar! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l17_radar_underground_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l12_stancia_2ch_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l12_stancia_1ch_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l18_pripyat_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level selo2! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l11_pripyat! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level vovan_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_oles! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level k01_darkscape_ct! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l24_sarcofag_mental! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test1! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level selo3! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l12_stancia! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level wik_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l08u_brainlab_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l04_darkvalley_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level agro_under! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l23_soznanie_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level doc_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level plecha_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l04_darkvalley_ct! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test_new! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l12u_sarcofag! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level stason_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level bar_arena! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level koan_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l07_military_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level haron_selo_towers! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l17_radar_underground_r! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l06_rostok_demo! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l05_bar_hw! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l03_agroprom_hw! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l03u_agr_underground_hw! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l12u_control_monolith! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l12_stancia_2! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no graph for the level marsh! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no graph for the level zaton! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no graph for the level jupiter! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no graph for the level pripyat! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no graph for the level cs_agroprom_underground! (level is not included into the game graph)
level 5 l04_darkvalley
level 20 l10u_bunker
level 22 atp_for_test22
level 23 peshera
level 24 puzir
level 25 aver
level 26 av_peshera
level 27 limansk
level 28 hospital
level 29 generators
level 30 warlab
level 31 red_forest
level 32 lost_village
level 34 dead_city
level 38 jupiter_underground
level 39 labx8
level 41 predbannik
level 42 garbage_old
level 43 yantar_old
level 44 swamp_old
Script debugger succesfully restarted.
* loading script _G.script
* loading script class_registrator.script
* loading script smart_terrain.script
* loading script se_respawn.script
* loading script se_switcher.script
* loading script se_stalker.script
* loading script se_car.script
* loading script se_zones.script
* loading script se_item.script
* loading script se_artefact.script
* loading script se_monster.script
* loading script game_registrator.script
| | [l04_darkvalley][actor][level_prefix_actor] : position changed from [277.332001][0.166665][-277.370148] -> [187.600006][0.118988][-277.199982]
| | [l10u_bunker][actor][l10u_radar_bunker_actor] : position changed from [1.257076][-2.692517][-118.279968] -> [1.400002][-7.450798][-89.599998]
| | [l10u_bunker][explosive_tank][l10u_radar_bunker_explosive_tank] : position changed from [-22.713339][-6.241171][27.568012] -> [-22.400002][-6.391775][28.000000]
| | [l10u_bunker][explosive_barrel][l10u_radar_bunker_explosive_barrel_0000] : position changed from [10.977178][-33.985226][-24.069557] -> [9.799995][-23.696390][-8.400002]
| | [l10u_bunker][ammo_9x39_ap][l10u_radar_bunker_ammo_9x39_ap] : position changed from [-42.521267][-34.326496][-37.107178] -> [-42.000000][-23.251368][-26.599998]
| | [l10u_bunker][ammo_9x39_ap][l10u_radar_bunker_ammo_9x39_ap_0000] : position changed from [-42.562279][-34.329395][-36.796482] -> [-42.000000][-23.251368][-26.599998]
| | [l10u_bunker][ammo_9x39_ap][l10u_radar_bunker_ammo_9x39_ap_0001] : position changed from [-42.457302][-34.326401][-37.398712] -> [-42.000000][-23.251368][-26.599998]
| | [l10u_bunker][ammo_vog-25p][l10u_radar_bunker_ammo_vog-25p] : position changed from [-42.568493][-34.329395][-36.455544] -> [-42.000000][-23.251368][-26.599998]
| | [l10u_bunker][ammo_vog-25p][l10u_radar_bunker_ammo_vog-25p_0000] : position changed from [-42.934155][-34.329395][-36.899998] -> [-42.000000][-23.251368][-26.599998]
| | [l10u_bunker][ammo_vog-25][l10u_radar_bunker_ammo_vog-25] : position changed from [-42.777542][-34.326866][-37.189007] -> [-42.000000][-23.251368][-26.599998]
| | [atp_for_test22][dog_normal][_dog_normal_0003] : position changed from [79.501427][-3.573537][-129.800491] -> [79.099976][-4.451946][-129.500000]
| | [atp_for_test22][bread][_bread] : position changed from [111.946487][-1.273541][-24.509064] -> [112.699982][-6.154097][-25.200012]
| | [atp_for_test22][guitar_a][_guitar_a] : position changed from [170.654648][-6.373743][-24.025496] -> [170.799988][-6.492818][-24.500000]
| | [atp_for_test22][conserva][_conserva] : position changed from [106.129639][-6.806560][-5.209262] -> [107.099976][-6.467935][-4.200012]
| | [atp_for_test22][conserva][_conserva_0000] : position changed from [106.034760][-6.806560][-5.562481] -> [107.099976][-6.057160][-4.899994]
| | [atp_for_test22][conserva][_conserva_0001] : position changed from [105.804710][-6.806560][-5.559898] -> [106.399994][-6.603498][-7.000000]
| | [atp_for_test22][conserva][_conserva_0002] : position changed from [106.278130][-6.806560][-5.417930] -> [107.099976][-6.057160][-4.899994]
| | [atp_for_test22][conserva][_conserva_0003] : position changed from [105.652954][-6.806560][-5.367293] -> [104.299988][-7.128293][-5.600006]
| | [atp_for_test22][conserva][_conserva_0004] : position changed from [106.323486][-6.806560][-4.966098] -> [107.099976][-6.467935][-4.200012]
| | [atp_for_test22][conserva][_conserva_0005] : position changed from [106.056610][-6.806560][-5.825970] -> [106.399994][-6.603498][-7.000000]
| | [atp_for_test22][vodka][_vodka_0000] : position changed from [105.928757][-6.344099][-7.001606] -> [106.399994][-6.603498][-7.000000]
| | [atp_for_test22][vodka][_vodka_0001] : position changed from [106.002747][-6.254099][-7.393877] -> [106.399994][-6.603498][-7.700012]
| | [atp_for_test22][vodka][_vodka_0002] : position changed from [106.003677][-6.236099][-7.267570] -> [106.399994][-6.603498][-7.000000]
| | [puzir][inventory_box][puzir_inventory_box_0001] : position changed from [199.656235][-2.807464][70.310532] -> [199.500000][-2.965906][71.399994]
| | [aver][inventory_box][aver_inventory_box_0006] : position changed from [-64.784042][-1.911756][-285.823151] -> [-63.699982][-2.214333][-285.599976]
| | [aver][inventory_box][aver_inventory_box_0007] : position changed from [156.109070][0.685044][-220.889908] -> [156.099976][-0.449619][-219.799988]
| | [av_peshera][inventory_box][av_peshera_inventory_box_0001] : position changed from [-315.917969][42.624207][190.875488] -> [-315.700012][42.620808][192.500000]
| | [generators][inventory_box][generators_inventory_box] : position changed from [-95.470001][38.120853][-467.373566] -> [-94.500000][37.776085][-466.199982]
| | [warlab][inventory_box][warlab_inventory_box] : position changed from [32.494553][-2.586660][-0.837766] -> [32.199997][-3.154272][-2.100006]
| | [warlab][inventory_box][warlab_inventory_box_0000] : position changed from [32.475555][-2.586660][-11.797768] -> [32.199997][-3.154272][-10.500004]
| | [red_forest][inventory_box][red_inventory_box] : position changed from [-169.954239][1.835938][-281.927185] -> [-168.000000][0.132676][-281.399994]
| | [red_forest][m_poltergeist_strong_flame][red_m_poltergeist_strong_flame] : position changed from [-125.568138][-5.071331][-45.961056] -> [-125.299995][-6.255129][-45.500000]
| | [red_forest][wpn_val][red_wpn_val] : position changed from [-97.301682][-0.061072][-196.290573] -> [-97.299995][-0.827239][-198.100006]
| | [red_forest][inventory_box][red_inventory_box_0000] : position changed from [-96.857719][-0.061109][-201.517197] -> [-96.599991][-0.827239][-203.699982]
| | [lost_village][wpn_pb][lost_village_wpn_pb] : position changed from [88.438316][8.493042][-36.713474] -> [88.899994][8.072943][-36.400002]
| | [lost_village][vodka][lost_village_vodka] : position changed from [88.111412][8.475316][-36.861816] -> [88.899994][8.072943][-37.100002]
| | [lost_village][conserva][lost_village_conserva] : position changed from [88.372101][8.475053][-36.387157] -> [88.899994][8.072943][-36.400002]
| | [lost_village][conserva][lost_village_conserva_0000] : position changed from [88.098892][8.475307][-36.386627] -> [88.899994][8.072943][-36.400002]
***STOP*** file 'P:\xrSE_Factory\xrServer_Object_Base.cpp', line 306.
***Reason***: *** Assertion failed ***
Expression: (m_tClassID == CLSID_SPECTATOR) || (size > sizeof(size))
cannot read object, which is not successfully saved :(
***STOP*** file '(null)', line 0.
***Reason***: *** Internal Error ***
Saved dump file to 'logs\xrSE_Factory_Ins_04-14-13_07-30-08.mdmp'


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Ссылка на сообщение

Подскажите в каком файле хранятся настройки SDK 4?

Перемещение влево/вправо вверх/вниз пропало наглухо!

Проблема в том что при нажатии шифт и лкм камера двигается вперёд, шифт и пкм назад. Это крайне не удобно. Переустановка не помогает.

Поделиться этим сообщением

Ссылка на сообщение

Подскажите, чего нехватает: @2588\xrai -m log

* Detected CPU: AuthenticAMD , F15/M15/S2, 2009.00 mhz, 5-clk 'rdtsc'
* CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, 3DNow!, SSE, SSE2

Initializing File System...
FS: 50044 files cached, 5511Kb memory used.
'xrCore' build -729635, 000 0 0000

Loading DLL: xrSE_Factory.dll
"LevelBuilder v4.1" beta build
Compilation date: 000 0 0000

Startup time: 07:46:50

* New phase started: Processing level graphs
! There is no cross table for the level l01_escape! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l02_garbage! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l03_agroprom! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l03u_agr_underground! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l04u_labx18! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l05_bar! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l06_rostok! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l08_yantar! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l08u_brainlab! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l07_military! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l10_radar! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l12_stancia! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l12u_sarcofag! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l12u_control_monolith! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l12_stancia_2! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l10u_bunker! (level is not included into the game graph)
level 5 l04_darkvalley
Script debugger succesfully restarted.
* loading script _G.script
* loading script class_registrator.script
* loading script smart_terrain.script
* loading script se_respawn.script
* loading script se_switcher.script
* loading script se_stalker.script
* loading script se_car.script
* loading script se_zones.script
* loading script se_item.script
* loading script se_artefact.script
* loading script se_monster.script
* loading script game_registrator.script

* New phase started: Adding interconnection points
Cannot find level with level_id 2. Connection point will not be generated!
Cannot find level with level_id 6. Connection point will not be generated!

* New phase started: Saving graph being merged

* New phase started: Freeing resources being allocated

Изменено пользователем ins33

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Ссылка на сообщение

Склеил все уровни графпоитами и переходами, переместил\удалил спавн элементы находящиеся не на AI сетке. Короче, исправил всё что было в логах компилятора.


Собираю game.graph

@2588\xrai -m

* Detected CPU: AuthenticAMD , F15/M15/S2, 2009.00 mhz, 5-clk 'rdtsc'
* CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, 3DNow!, SSE, SSE2

Initializing File System...
FS: 64392 files cached, 7177Kb memory used.
'xrCore' build -729635, 000 0 0000

Loading DLL: xrSE_Factory.dll
"LevelBuilder v4.1" beta build
Compilation date: 000 0 0000

Startup time: 15:37:07

* New phase started: Processing level graphs
level 1 l01_escape
Script debugger succesfully restarted.
* loading script _G.script
* loading script class_registrator.script
* loading script smart_terrain.script
* loading script se_respawn.script
* loading script se_switcher.script
* loading script se_stalker.script
* loading script se_car.script
* loading script se_zones.script
* loading script se_item.script
* loading script se_artefact.script
* loading script se_monster.script
* loading script game_registrator.script
level 2 l02_garbage
level 3 l03_agroprom
level 4 l03u_agr_underground
level 5 l04_darkvalley
level 6 l04u_labx18
level 7 l05_bar
level 8 l06_rostok
level 9 l08_yantar
level 10 l08u_brainlab
level 11 l07_military
level 12 l10_radar
level 13 l11_pripyat
level 14 l12_stancia
level 15 l12u_sarcofag
level 16 l12u_control_monolith
level 17 l12_stancia_2
level 18 l10u_bunker
level 19 atp_for_test22
level 20 peshera
level 21 puzir
level 22 aver
level 23 av_peshera
level 24 limansk
level 25 hospital
level 26 generators
level 27 warlab
level 28 red_forest
level 29 lost_village
level 30 marsh
level 31 dead_city
level 32 zaton
level 33 jupiter
level 34 pripyat
level 35 jupiter_underground
level 36 labx8
level 37 cs_agroprom_underground
level 38 predbannik
level 39 garbage_old
level 40 yantar_old
level 41 swamp_old

* New phase started: Adding interconnection points
Level l01_escape with id 1 has VALID connection point l01_escape_graph_point_0,
which references to graph point garbage_old_graph_point_4164 on the level garbage_old with id 39

Level l01_escape with id 1 has VALID connection point l01_escape_graph_point_208,
which references to graph point garbage_old_graph_point_4187 on the level garbage_old with id 39

Level l01_escape with id 1 has VALID connection point l01_escape_graph_point_67,
which references to graph point marsh_graph_point_3581 on the level marsh with id 30

Level l01_escape with id 1 has VALID connection point l01_escape_graph_point_6701,
which references to graph point predbannik_graph_point_3870 on the level predbannik with id 38

Level l01_escape with id 1 has VALID connection point l01_escape_graph_point_6702,
which references to graph point garbage_old_graph_point_0112 on the level garbage_old with id 39

Level l01_escape with id 1 has VALID connection point l01_escape_graph_point_6703,
which references to graph point cs_agroprom_underground_graph_point on the level cs_agroprom_underground with id 37

Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point l02_garbage_graph_point_252,
which references to graph point garbage_old_graph_point_4238 on the level garbage_old with id 39

Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point l02_garbage_graph_point_253,
which references to graph point l03_agroprom_graph_point_703 on the level l03_agroprom with id 3

Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point l02_garbage_graph_point_256,
which references to graph point l04_darkvalley_graph_point_861 on the level l04_darkvalley with id 5

Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point l02_garbage_graph_point_368,
which references to graph point aver_graph_point_2910 on the level aver with id 22

Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point l02_garbage_graph_point_415,
which references to graph point l05_bar_graph_point_1308 on the level l05_bar with id 7

Level l03_agroprom with id 3 has VALID connection point l03_agroprom_graph_point_415,
which references to graph point cs_agroprom_underground_graph_point_3857 on the level cs_agroprom_underground with id 37

Level l03_agroprom with id 3 has VALID connection point l03_agroprom_graph_point_450,
which references to graph point marsh_graph_point_3483 on the level marsh with id 30

Level l03_agroprom with id 3 has VALID connection point l03_agroprom_graph_point_568,
which references to graph point garbage_old_graph_point_4067 on the level garbage_old with id 39

Level l03_agroprom with id 3 has VALID connection point l03_agroprom_graph_point_654,
which references to graph point l03u_agr_underground_graph_point_718 on the level l03u_agr_underground with id 4

Level l03_agroprom with id 3 has VALID connection point l03_agroprom_graph_point_703,
which references to graph point l02_garbage_graph_point_253 on the level l02_garbage with id 2

Level l03u_agr_underground with id 4 has VALID connection point l03u_agr_underground_graph_point_718,
which references to graph point l03_agroprom_graph_point_654 on the level l03_agroprom with id 3

Level l04_darkvalley with id 5 has VALID connection point l04_darkvalley_graph_point_811,
which references to graph point l04u_labx18_graph_point_1167 on the level l04u_labx18 with id 6

Level l04_darkvalley with id 5 has VALID connection point l04_darkvalley_graph_point_861,
which references to graph point l02_garbage_graph_point_256 on the level l02_garbage with id 2

Level l04_darkvalley with id 5 has VALID connection point level_prefix_graph_point,
which references to graph point aver_graph_point_2909 on the level aver with id 22

Level l04u_labx18 with id 6 has VALID connection point l04u_labx18_graph_point_1167,
which references to graph point l04_darkvalley_graph_point_811 on the level l04_darkvalley with id 5

Level l05_bar with id 7 has VALID connection point l05_bar_graph_point_1308,
which references to graph point l02_garbage_graph_point_415 on the level l02_garbage with id 2

Level l05_bar with id 7 has VALID connection point l05_bar_graph_point_1309,
which references to graph point l06_rostok_graph_point_1438 on the level l06_rostok with id 8

Level l05_bar with id 7 has VALID connection point l05_bar_graph_point_1310,
which references to graph point l07_military_graph_point_1863 on the level l07_military with id 11

Level l06_rostok with id 8 has VALID connection point l06_rostok_graph_point_1438,
which references to graph point l05_bar_graph_point_1309 on the level l05_bar with id 7

Level l06_rostok with id 8 has VALID connection point l06_rostok_graph_point_1439,
which references to graph point l08_yantar_graph_point_1529 on the level l08_yantar with id 9

Level l08_yantar with id 9 has VALID connection point l08_yantar_graph_point_1461,
which references to graph point l08u_brainlab_graph_point_1540 on the level l08u_brainlab with id 10

Level l08_yantar with id 9 has VALID connection point l08_yantar_graph_point_1528,
which references to graph point l10_radar_graph_point_2116 on the level l10_radar with id 12

Level l08_yantar with id 9 has VALID connection point l08_yantar_graph_point_1529,
which references to graph point l06_rostok_graph_point_1439 on the level l06_rostok with id 8

Level l08_yantar with id 9 has VALID connection point l08_yantar_graph_point_1530,
which references to graph point av_peshera_graph_point_2988 on the level av_peshera with id 23

Level l08_yantar with id 9 has VALID connection point l08_yantar_graph_point_1531,
which references to graph point dead_city_graph_point_3589 on the level dead_city with id 31

Level l08u_brainlab with id 10 has VALID connection point l08u_brainlab_graph_point_1540,
which references to graph point l08_yantar_graph_point_1461 on the level l08_yantar with id 9

Level l07_military with id 11 has VALID connection point l07_military_graph_point_1547,
which references to graph point l10_radar_graph_point_1867 on the level l10_radar with id 12

Level l07_military with id 11 has VALID connection point l07_military_graph_point_1811,
which references to graph point yantar_old_graph_point_4339 on the level yantar_old with id 40

Level l07_military with id 11 has VALID connection point l07_military_graph_point_1849,
which references to graph point lost_village_graph_point_3336 on the level lost_village with id 29

Level l07_military with id 11 has VALID connection point l07_military_graph_point_1863,
which references to graph point l05_bar_graph_point_1310 on the level l05_bar with id 7

Level l10_radar with id 12 has VALID connection point l10_radar_graph_point_1865,
which references to graph point l11_pripyat_graph_point_2271 on the level l11_pripyat with id 13

Level l10_radar with id 12 has VALID connection point l10_radar_graph_point_1867,
which references to graph point l07_military_graph_point_1547 on the level l07_military with id 11

Level l10_radar with id 12 has VALID connection point l10_radar_graph_point_1977,
which references to graph point graph_point_101 on the level l10u_bunker with id 18

Level l10_radar with id 12 has VALID connection point l10_radar_graph_point_2116,
which references to graph point l08_yantar_graph_point_1528 on the level l08_yantar with id 9

Level l11_pripyat with id 13 has VALID connection point l11_pripyat_graph_point_2271,
which references to graph point l10_radar_graph_point_1865 on the level l10_radar with id 12

Level l11_pripyat with id 13 has VALID connection point l11_pripyat_graph_point_2273,
which references to graph point pripyat_graph_point_3773 on the level pripyat with id 34

Level l11_pripyat with id 13 has VALID connection point l11_pripyat_graph_point_2274,
which references to graph point l12_stancia_graph_point_2400 on the level l12_stancia with id 14

Level l12_stancia with id 14 has VALID connection point l12_stancia_graph_point_2363,
which references to graph point generators_graph_point_3121 on the level generators with id 26

Level l12_stancia with id 14 has VALID connection point l12_stancia_graph_point_2400,
which references to graph point l11_pripyat_graph_point_2274 on the level l11_pripyat with id 13

Level l12_stancia with id 14 has VALID connection point l12_stancia_graph_point_2401,
which references to graph point l12u_sarcofag_graph_point_2466 on the level l12u_sarcofag with id 15

Level l12u_sarcofag with id 15 has VALID connection point l12u_sarcofag_graph_point_2466,
which references to graph point l12_stancia_graph_point_2401 on the level l12_stancia with id 14

Level l12u_sarcofag with id 15 has VALID connection point l12u_sarcofag_graph_point_2467,
which references to graph point l12u_control_monolith_graph_point_2467 on the level l12u_control_monolith with id 16

Level l12u_control_monolith with id 16 has VALID connection point l12u_control_monolith_graph_point_2467,
which references to graph point l12u_sarcofag_graph_point_2467 on the level l12u_sarcofag with id 15

Level l12u_control_monolith with id 16 has VALID connection point l12u_control_monolith_graph_point_2470,
which references to graph point l12_stancia_2_graph_point_2660 on the level l12_stancia_2 with id 17

Level l12_stancia_2 with id 17 has VALID connection point l12_stancia_2_graph_point_2660,
which references to graph point l12u_control_monolith_graph_point_2470 on the level l12u_control_monolith with id 16

Level l10u_bunker with id 18 has VALID connection point graph_point_101,
which references to graph point l10_radar_graph_point_1977 on the level l10_radar with id 12

Level atp_for_test22 with id 19 has VALID connection point atp_for_test22_graph_point_2809,
which references to graph point dead_city_graph_point_3650 on the level dead_city with id 31

Level atp_for_test22 with id 19 has VALID connection point atp_for_test22_graph_point_2852,
which references to graph point lost_village_graph_point_3329 on the level lost_village with id 29

Level peshera with id 20 has VALID connection point peshera_graph_point_2880,
which references to graph point red_forest_graph_point_3325 on the level red_forest with id 28

Level puzir with id 21 has VALID connection point puzir_graph_point_2880,
which references to graph point red_forest_graph_point_3275 on the level red_forest with id 28

Level aver with id 22 has VALID connection point aver_graph_point_2905,
which references to graph point yantar_old_graph_point_4338 on the level yantar_old with id 40

Level aver with id 22 has VALID connection point aver_graph_point_2909,
which references to graph point l04_darkvalley_graph_point_1000 on the level l04_darkvalley with id 5

Level aver with id 22 has VALID connection point aver_graph_point_2910,
which references to graph point l02_garbage_graph_point_368 on the level l02_garbage with id 2

Level av_peshera with id 23 has VALID connection point av_peshera_graph_point_2988,
which references to graph point l08_yantar_graph_point_1530 on the level l08_yantar with id 9

Level limansk with id 24 has VALID connection point limansk_graph_point_2994,
which references to graph point dead_city_graph_point_3598 on the level dead_city with id 31

Level limansk with id 24 has VALID connection point limansk_graph_point_3009,
which references to graph point red_forest_graph_point_3238 on the level red_forest with id 28

Level limansk with id 24 has VALID connection point limansk_graph_point_3027,
which references to graph point hospital_graph_point_3066 on the level hospital with id 25

Level hospital with id 25 has VALID connection point hospital_graph_point_3065,
which references to graph point generators_graph_point_3118 on the level generators with id 26

Level hospital with id 25 has VALID connection point hospital_graph_point_3066,
which references to graph point limansk_graph_point_3027 on the level limansk with id 24

Level generators with id 26 has VALID connection point generators_graph_point_3118,
which references to graph point hospital_graph_point_3065 on the level hospital with id 25

Level generators with id 26 has VALID connection point generators_graph_point_3121,
which references to graph point l12_stancia_graph_point_2363 on the level l12_stancia with id 14

Level generators with id 26 has VALID connection point generators_graph_point_3142,
which references to graph point warlab_graph_point_3223 on the level warlab with id 27

Level warlab with id 27 has VALID connection point warlab_graph_point_3223,
which references to graph point generators_graph_point_3142 on the level generators with id 26

Level red_forest with id 28 has VALID connection point red_forest_graph_point_3238,
which references to graph point limansk_graph_point_3009 on the level limansk with id 24

Level red_forest with id 28 has VALID connection point red_forest_graph_point_3270,
which references to graph point lost_village_graph_point_3324 on the level lost_village with id 29

Level red_forest with id 28 has VALID connection point red_forest_graph_point_3275,
which references to graph point puzir_graph_point_2880 on the level puzir with id 21

Level red_forest with id 28 has VALID connection point red_forest_graph_point_3325,
which references to graph point peshera_graph_point_2880 on the level peshera with id 20

Level lost_village with id 29 has VALID connection point lost_village_graph_point_3324,
which references to graph point red_forest_graph_point_3270 on the level red_forest with id 28

Level lost_village with id 29 has VALID connection point lost_village_graph_point_3329,
which references to graph point atp_for_test22_graph_point_2852 on the level atp_for_test22 with id 19

Level lost_village with id 29 has VALID connection point lost_village_graph_point_3336,
which references to graph point l07_military_graph_point_1849 on the level l07_military with id 11

Level marsh with id 30 has VALID connection point marsh_graph_point_3436,
which references to graph point swamp_old_graph_point_0001 on the level swamp_old with id 41

Level marsh with id 30 has VALID connection point marsh_graph_point_3483,
which references to graph point l03_agroprom_graph_point_450 on the level l03_agroprom with id 3

Level marsh with id 30 has VALID connection point marsh_graph_point_3581,
which references to graph point l01_escape_graph_point_67 on the level l01_escape with id 1

Level dead_city with id 31 has VALID connection point dead_city_graph_point_3589,
which references to graph point l08_yantar_graph_point_1531 on the level l08_yantar with id 9

Level dead_city with id 31 has VALID connection point dead_city_graph_point_3598,
which references to graph point limansk_graph_point_2994 on the level limansk with id 24

Level dead_city with id 31 has VALID connection point dead_city_graph_point_3650,
which references to graph point atp_for_test22_graph_point_2809 on the level atp_for_test22 with id 19

Level zaton with id 32 has VALID connection point zaton_graph_point_3660,
which references to graph point jupiter_graph_point_3700 on the level jupiter with id 33

Level jupiter with id 33 has VALID connection point jupiter_graph_point_3700,
which references to graph point zaton_graph_point_3660 on the level zaton with id 32

Level jupiter with id 33 has VALID connection point jupiter_graph_point_3747,
which references to graph point jupiter_underground_graph_point_3772 on the level jupiter_underground with id 35

Level pripyat with id 34 has VALID connection point pripyat_graph_point_3756,
which references to graph point pripyat_underground_graph_point on the level jupiter_underground with id 35

Level pripyat with id 34 has VALID connection point pripyat_graph_point_3762,
which references to graph point labx8_graph_point_3847 on the level labx8 with id 36

Level pripyat with id 34 has VALID connection point pripyat_graph_point_3773,
which references to graph point l11_pripyat_graph_point_2273 on the level l11_pripyat with id 13

Level jupiter_underground with id 35 has VALID connection point jupiter_underground_graph_point_3772,
which references to graph point jupiter_graph_point_3747 on the level jupiter with id 33

Level jupiter_underground with id 35 has VALID connection point pripyat_underground_graph_point,
which references to graph point pripyat_graph_point_3756 on the level pripyat with id 34

Level labx8 with id 36 has VALID connection point labx8_graph_point_3847,
which references to graph point pripyat_graph_point_3762 on the level pripyat with id 34

Level cs_agroprom_underground with id 37 has VALID connection point cs_agroprom_underground_graph_point,
which references to graph point l01_escape_graph_point_6703 on the level l01_escape with id 1

Level cs_agroprom_underground with id 37 has VALID connection point cs_agroprom_underground_graph_point_3857,
which references to graph point l03_agroprom_graph_point_415 on the level l03_agroprom with id 3

Level predbannik with id 38 has VALID connection point predbannik_graph_point_3870,
which references to graph point l01_escape_graph_point_6701 on the level l01_escape with id 1

Level garbage_old with id 39 has VALID connection point garbage_old_graph_point_4067,
which references to graph point l03_agroprom_graph_point_568 on the level l03_agroprom with id 3

Level garbage_old with id 39 has VALID connection point garbage_old_graph_point_4164,
which references to graph point l01_escape_graph_point_0 on the level l01_escape with id 1

Level garbage_old with id 39 has VALID connection point garbage_old_graph_point_4187,
which references to graph point l01_escape_graph_point_208 on the level l01_escape with id 1

Level garbage_old with id 39 has VALID connection point garbage_old_graph_point_4238,
which references to graph point l02_garbage_graph_point_252 on the level l02_garbage with id 2

Level yantar_old with id 40 has VALID connection point yantar_old_graph_point_4338,
which references to graph point aver_graph_point_2905 on the level aver with id 22

Level yantar_old with id 40 has VALID connection point yantar_old_graph_point_4339,
which references to graph point l07_military_graph_point_1811 on the level l07_military with id 11

Level swamp_old with id 41 has VALID connection point swamp_old_graph_point_0001,
which references to graph point marsh_graph_point_3436 on the level marsh with id 30

* New phase started: Saving graph being merged

* New phase started: Freeing resources being allocated


Затем all.spawn

@2588\xrai -no_separator_check -noverbose -s


* Detected CPU: AuthenticAMD , F15/M15/S2, 2009.00 mhz, 5-clk 'rdtsc'
* CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, 3DNow!, SSE, SSE2

Initializing File System...
FS: 64392 files cached, 7177Kb memory used.
'xrCore' build -729635, 000 0 0000

Loading DLL: xrSE_Factory.dll
"LevelBuilder v4.1" beta build
Compilation date: 000 0 0000

Startup time: 15:10:23
level 1 l01_escape
level 2 l02_garbage
level 3 l03_agroprom
level 4 l03u_agr_underground
level 5 l04_darkvalley
level 6 l04u_labx18
level 7 l05_bar
level 8 l06_rostok
level 9 l08_yantar
level 10 l08u_brainlab
level 11 l07_military
level 12 l10_radar
level 13 l11_pripyat
level 14 l12_stancia
level 15 l12u_sarcofag
level 16 l12u_control_monolith
level 17 l12_stancia_2
level 18 l10u_bunker
level 19 atp_for_test22
level 20 peshera
level 21 puzir
level 22 aver
level 23 av_peshera
level 24 limansk
level 25 hospital
level 26 generators
level 27 warlab
level 28 red_forest
level 29 lost_village
level 30 marsh
level 31 dead_city
level 32 zaton
level 33 jupiter
level 34 pripyat
level 35 jupiter_underground
level 36 labx8
level 37 cs_agroprom_underground
level 38 predbannik
level 39 garbage_old
level 40 yantar_old
level 41 swamp_old
Script debugger succesfully restarted.
* loading script _G.script
* loading script class_registrator.script
* loading script smart_terrain.script
* loading script se_respawn.script
* loading script se_switcher.script
* loading script se_stalker.script
* loading script se_car.script
* loading script se_zones.script
* loading script se_item.script
* loading script se_artefact.script
* loading script se_monster.script
* loading script game_registrator.script
* loading script smart_terrain_params.script
* loading script xr_logic.script
* loading script xr_gulag.script
* loading script gulag_general.script
* loading script gulag_escape.script
* loading script gulag_garbage.script
* loading script gulag_agroprom.script
* loading script gulag_agroprom_underground.script
* loading script gulag_dark_valley.script
* loading script gulag_labx18.script
* loading script gulag_bar.script
* loading script gulag_military.script
* loading script gulag_radar.script
* loading script gulag_radar_u.script
* loading script gulag_yantar.script
* loading script gulag_pripyat.script
* loading script gulag_kishka.script
* loading script gulag_sarcofag.script
* loading script gulag_deadcity.script
* loading script gulag_predbannik.script
* loading script gulag_red_forest.script
* loading script gulag_marsh.script
* loading script gulag_garbadje_old.script
Actor is on the level predbannik
* loading script utils.script


Закинул game.graph, all.spawn (на выходе компилятора он был predbannik.spawn) в мод.
И игра крешится без лога в момент создания новой игры. А точнее через мгновение после выбора сложности.

Потом добавил все уровни из сдк в геймдату мода.
Ситуация не изменилась.
Подскажите, в чём может быть причина, и приблизительный алгоритм выявления\исправления данной проблемы.

П.С. Могу предположить, где могут быть ошибки? Но предполагаю, что они не критичны:
1) При сборке AI сетки, на некоторых локах в логе выскакивало, что-то типа:

* New phase started: Verifying level graph
AI-map is NOT valid :
cannot be reached from the node

Verifying level gamedata\levels\l12_stancia\ completed

Это не исправлял, т.к. сетку из мода менять не собираюсь.


2) Сброрку произвожу с правленным se_zones.script:

function is_single_player_game()
if not editor() then -- add
    if (_G.alife == nil) then
  return    (true)
    if (alife() ~= nil) then
  return    (true)
    if (_G.IsGameTypeSingle == nil) then
  return    (true)
    if (IsGameTypeSingle() == true) then
  return    (true)
    return  (false)
end -- add

Без неё в лог добавляются 4 строчки:

! [LUA]  0 : [C] [C](-1) :
! [LUA]  1 : [Lua] gamedata\scripts\se_zones.script(7) : is_single_player_game
! [LUA]  2 : [Lua] gamedata\scripts\se_zones.script(53) :
* trying to access variable alife, which doesn't exist, or to load script alife.script, which doesn't exist too

П.П.С. На 3 локах не было light, добавил по одному на каждую. Glow не ставил. Кстати, а, как до этого, кто-то смог сделать make game без light-a?


Решил расспаковать all.spawn...




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