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Люди, проблема вот с таким вылетом

[error]Expression : assertion failed

[error]Function : b_BuildTexture::Vflip

[error]File : d:\xray-svn\xrlc\build.h

[error]Line : 30

[error]Description : pSurface



Только не говорите что бы я использовал поиск, так как я уже все способы перепробывал, через разные конвертеры пробовал все текстуры в .tga переделывать, всё бестолку. Может ли кто то ещё детальнее объяснить как с этим вылетом бороться, или дать ссылку на папку textures в которой уже все текстуры переформатированы?

Поделиться этим сообщением

Ссылка на сообщение

Весь лог вот такой

* Detected CPU: AuthenticAMD , F15/M11/S1, 2552.00 mhz, 8-clk 'rdtsc'

* CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, 3DNow!, SSE, SSE2


Initializing File System...

FS: 49083 files cached, 6276Kb memory used.

Init FileSystem 1.005212 sec

'xrCore' build 0, (null)


"LevelBuilder v4.1" beta build

Compilation date: Apr 10 2007


Startup time: 13:33:26


* New phase started: Reading project [testers_mp_rostok]...

| | version: 17


* New phase started: Converting data structures...

| Vertices...

| | * vertices: 362849

| Faces...

| | * faces: 653925

| Models and References

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0000' - v(732/732), f(1383/1383)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0001' - v(1158/1158), f(1740/1740)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0002' - v(1343/1343), f(1974/1974)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0003' - v(732/732), f(1383/1383)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0004' - v(1158/1158), f(1740/1740)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0005' - v(3595/3595), f(6891/6891)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0006' - v(2758/2758), f(10399/10399)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0007' - v(343/343), f(426/426)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0008' - v(1919/1919), f(3635/3635)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0009' - v(197/197), f(250/250)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0010' - v(1108/1108), f(1634/1634)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0011' - v(270/270), f(465/465)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0012' - v(1876/1876), f(3572/3572)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0013' - v(1823/1823), f(3459/3459)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0014' - v(306/306), f(520/520)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0015' - v(288/288), f(489/489)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0016' - v(2758/2758), f(5308/5308)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0017' - v(4434/4434), f(8142/8142)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0018' - v(4993/4993), f(9223/9223)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0019' - v(4793/4793), f(8791/8791)

| Other transfer...

| | * materials: 335

| | * shaders: 18

| | * shaders_xrlc: 14

| | * glows: 40

| | * portals: 4

| | * LODs: 20

| Loading lights...

| | *lighting*: HEMI: 196 lights

| | *lighting*: SUN: 49 lights

| | *lighting*: STATIC: 30 lights

| | * d-lights: 31

| Processing textures...

* ImageLibrary version: 2.5.4

* 25 supported formats

| | processing: rawdata\textures\glow\glow_red2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\glow\glow_white.thm

| | - loading: glow\glow_white

| | processing: rawdata\textures\glow\glow_04.thm

| | - loading: glow\glow_04

| | processing: rawdata\textures\grnd\grnd_zemlya_iov.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_forestwall1.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_forestwall1

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_beton_iov_dirt_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_stena_ch_14.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_beton_pod_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_beton_pod_03.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_beton_stena_iov.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_bort_j01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_br2_iov.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_ros_wall_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_stena_05b_j.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_stena_07_a_j.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_stena_ch_12.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_stena_ch_15.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_walls1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_walls_out_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_white_wall_a.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_zabor_iov.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wind\wind_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wind\wind_03.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wind\wind_99.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wind\wind_factory.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_doski_1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_jasik2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_jasik.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_plank6.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_walls8_1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_zabor_iov.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_pol_t_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_pot_gr.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_roof1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_schiffer1_dark.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_schiffer2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_walls7.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_walls9a.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\door\door_j01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\glas\glas_dirt.thm

| | - loading: glas\glas_dirt

| | processing: rawdata\textures\glas\glas_gr02.thm

| | - loading: glas\glas_gr02

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_angar_a_b.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_arm_2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_big_konteyneri.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_bochka_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_bochka_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_bochka_03_r.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_fence2.thm

| | - loading: mtl\mtl_fence2

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_fence2n.thm

| | - loading: mtl\mtl_fence2n

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_fence4.thm

| | - loading: mtl\mtl_fence4

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_garage_gate_01a_r.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_gate_j01a.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_lampa_pod_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_luk_ch_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_metall_02_a.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_metall_02_b.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_pod_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_rja_iov_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_rust_dark_iov.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_stena_ch_04.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_trub_gr.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_truba_ch_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_truba_ch_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_truba_ch.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_truba_ql02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_tubes3.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_ventil_pod_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_walls10.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_walls11_tail.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_walls1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_walls2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_walls7.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_walls9.thm

| | - loading: mtl\mtl_walls9

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_walls9a.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_z_trba.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_barbwire3.thm

| | - loading: prop\prop_barbwire3

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_barometr.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_dangerbox.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_door2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_elec_door_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_elec_door_01_wall.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_elec_kran_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_elec_kran_a.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_elec_kran_b.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_electricalunit1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_fake_kollision.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_fake_ladder.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_grate1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_lampa_galogen.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_lamppost1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_lamppost1a.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_lamppost1b.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_musor_01_1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_provod_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_roadborder_j2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_trainwheel1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_vac_2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_beton_ch_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_beton_ch_12.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_beton_ch_15.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\grnd\grnd_dry_gr.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wind\wind_gr04.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wind\wind_gr10.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\grnd\grnd_dirt_dark.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\fx\fx_wood_fire.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_ventil_pod_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_walls14.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_agit.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_electroengine1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_grate5.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_lampa_g.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_lampa_g_red2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_lamppost2a.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_musor_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_briks_iov_dirt_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\water\water_pool1.thm

| | - loading: water\water_pool1




[error]Expression : assertion failed

[error]Function : b_BuildTexture::Vflip

[error]File : d:\xray-svn\xrlc\build.h

[error]Line : 30

[error]Description : pSurface



stack trace:




Поделиться этим сообщением

Ссылка на сообщение
Тысячу раз писали уже! Поиск знаешь что такое? Английский учил? Там ведь все написано. Создай TGA для water_pool1 и потом в сдк тнм для water_pool1

Ну во первых, про поиск я вообще то написал, язык хорошо знаю. Текстуры то есть, только не в импорте, я просто не до конца написал, там после добовления, этих недостающих текстур, карта начинает собираться, но остонавливаеться на "| Precalculating : base hemisphere ..." и так висит часами, весь лог такой

* Detected CPU: AuthenticAMD , F15/M11/S1, 2552.00 mhz, 8-clk 'rdtsc'

* CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, 3DNow!, SSE, SSE2


Initializing File System...

FS: 57673 files cached, 7125Kb memory used.

Init FileSystem 1.193509 sec

'xrCore' build 0, (null)


"LevelBuilder v4.1" beta build

Compilation date: Apr 10 2007


Startup time: 15:03:49


* New phase started: Reading project [testers_mp_rostok]...

| | version: 17


* New phase started: Converting data structures...

| Vertices...

| | * vertices: 365330

| Faces...

| | * faces: 658557

| Models and References

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0000' - v(732/732), f(1383/1383)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0001' - v(1158/1158), f(1740/1740)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0002' - v(1343/1343), f(1974/1974)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0003' - v(732/732), f(1383/1383)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0004' - v(1158/1158), f(1740/1740)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0005' - v(3595/3595), f(6891/6891)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0006' - v(2758/2758), f(10399/10399)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0007' - v(343/343), f(426/426)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0008' - v(1919/1919), f(3635/3635)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0009' - v(197/197), f(250/250)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0010' - v(1108/1108), f(1634/1634)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0011' - v(270/270), f(465/465)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0012' - v(1876/1876), f(3572/3572)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0013' - v(1823/1823), f(3459/3459)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0014' - v(306/306), f(520/520)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0015' - v(288/288), f(489/489)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0016' - v(2758/2758), f(5308/5308)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0017' - v(4434/4434), f(8142/8142)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0018' - v(4993/4993), f(9223/9223)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\testers_mp_rostok\testers_mp_rostok_lod0019' - v(4793/4793), f(8791/8791)

| Other transfer...

| | * materials: 337

| | * shaders: 18

| | * shaders_xrlc: 14

| | * glows: 40

| | * portals: 4

| | * LODs: 20

| Loading lights...

| | *lighting*: HEMI: 196 lights

| | *lighting*: SUN: 49 lights

| | *lighting*: STATIC: 30 lights

| | * d-lights: 31

| Processing textures...

* ImageLibrary version: 2.5.4

* 25 supported formats

| | processing: rawdata\textures\glow\glow_red2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\glow\glow_white.thm

| | - loading: glow\glow_white

| | processing: rawdata\textures\glow\glow_04.thm

| | - loading: glow\glow_04

| | processing: rawdata\textures\grnd\grnd_zemlya_iov.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_forestwall1.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_forestwall1

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_stena_ch_14.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_beton_iov_dirt_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_beton_ch_15.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_beton_pod_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_beton_pod_03.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_beton_stena_iov.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_bort_j01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_br2_iov.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_ros_wall_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_stena_05b_j.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_stena_07_a_j.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_stena_ch_12.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_stena_ch_15.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_walls1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_walls_out_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_white_wall_a.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_zabor_iov.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wind\wind_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wind\wind_03.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wind\wind_99.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wind\wind_factory.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_doski_1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_jasik2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_jasik.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_plank6.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_walls8_1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_zabor_iov.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_pol_t_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_pot_gr.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_roof1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_schiffer1_dark.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_schiffer2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_walls7.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_walls9a.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\door\door_j01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\glas\glas_dirt.thm

| | - loading: glas\glas_dirt

| | processing: rawdata\textures\glas\glas_gr02.thm

| | - loading: glas\glas_gr02

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_angar_a_b.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_arm_2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_big_konteyneri.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_bochka_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_bochka_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_bochka_03_r.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_fence2.thm

| | - loading: mtl\mtl_fence2

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_fence2n.thm

| | - loading: mtl\mtl_fence2n

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_fence4.thm

| | - loading: mtl\mtl_fence4

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_garage_gate_01a_r.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_gate_j01a.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_lampa_pod_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_luk_ch_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_metall_02_a.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_metall_02_b.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_pod_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_rja_iov_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_rust_dark_iov.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_stena_ch_04.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_trub_gr.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_truba_ch_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_truba_ch_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_truba_ch.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_truba_ql02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_tubes3.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_ventil_pod_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_walls10.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_walls11_tail.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_walls1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_walls2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_walls7.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_walls9.thm

| | - loading: mtl\mtl_walls9

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_walls9a.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_z_trba.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_barbwire3.thm

| | - loading: prop\prop_barbwire3

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_barometr.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_dangerbox.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_door2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_elec_door_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_elec_door_01_wall.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_elec_kran_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_elec_kran_a.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_elec_kran_b.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_electricalunit1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_fake_kollision.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_fake_ladder.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_grate1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_lampa_galogen.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_lamppost1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_lamppost1a.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_lamppost1b.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_musor_01_1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_provod_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_roadborder_j2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_trainwheel1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_vac_2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_beton_ch_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_beton_ch_12.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\grnd\grnd_dry_gr.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wind\wind_gr04.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wind\wind_gr10.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\grnd\grnd_dirt_dark.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_agit.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_electroengine1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_grate5.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_lampa_g.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_lampa_g_red2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_lamppost2a.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_musor_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_briks_iov_dirt_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\fx\fx_wood_fire.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_ventil_pod_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_walls14.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\water\water_pool1.thm

| | - loading: water\water_pool1

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_sheet.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\lights\lights_ray1.thm

| | - loading: lights\lights_ray1

| | processing: rawdata\textures\glow\glow_yellow.thm

| | - loading: glow\glow_yellow

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_roof2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_walls18_grysz.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_roof_red_iov.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_vagon_iov.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_trash_1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_br_hr_iov.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\veh\veh_kamaz_u_br.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_walls8.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_stena_ch_03.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_walls8.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_chair1a.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_walls7.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_electricalunit3.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_barbwire2.thm

| | - loading: prop\prop_barbwire2

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_box1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_crate1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_roadblock1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_plank6_bar.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_bo4ka_big_iov.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_musor_iov.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_bochka_05.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_bochka_04.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_walls16.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_walls17.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_osnova.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_bochka_06.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_bochka_06a.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\veh\veh_ekskavator.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\veh\veh_ekskavator_kovsh.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_vagon_iov2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_beton_stena_iov_hi.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_chair1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_monolith.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_luk_n.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\glow\glow_galogen.thm

| | - loading: glow\glow_galogen

| | processing: rawdata\textures\veh\veh_avtobus_laz.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\veh\veh_zil.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\ston\ston_brick_trub2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_bark_a_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_bark_a_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_fuflo.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_fuflo

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_spil.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_vetkabig.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_vetkabig

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_vetkasux2.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_vetkasux2

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_bark_sosna_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_bark_sosna_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_sosna.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_sosna

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_sosna_sux.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_sosna_sux

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_vetkagreen1.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_vetkagreen1

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_vetkagreen5.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_vetkagreen5

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_bark_sux_mox.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_orex.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_orex

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_elka.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_elka

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_dub.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_dub

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_dub_bark.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\veh\veh_buldozer.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\veh\veh_buldozer_kovsh.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\veh\veh_uazik.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\terrain\terrain_mp_rostok.thm

| | - loading: terrain\terrain_mp_rostok

| | processing: rawdata\textures\act\act_skeleton.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wm\wm_dirt_04.thm

| | - loading: wm\wm_dirt_04

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wm\wm_graz5.thm

| | - loading: wm\wm_graz5

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wm\wm_graz1.thm

| | - loading: wm\wm_graz1

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wm\wm_rza_potek1.thm

| | - loading: wm\wm_rza_potek1

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wm\wm_pl_5.thm

| | - loading: wm\wm_pl_5

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wm\wm_nauka.thm

| | - loading: wm\wm_nauka

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wm\wm_musor_pol1.thm

| | - loading: wm\wm_musor_pol1

| Post-process materials...

| | * sizes: V(60),F(112)


* New phase started: Optimizing...

| Processing...

| Processing... (0 verts removed)

| Processing... (0 verts removed)

| Processing... (185 verts removed)

| Processing... (193 verts removed)

| Removing degenerated/duplicated faces...

| Adjacency check...

| Cleanup...

| | 5887 vertices removed. (359443 left)

| | 407 faces removed. (658150 left)

| Processing...

| | *** 3273 junctions and 9 long edges found.


* New phase started: Adaptive HT...

| Tesselating...

| Tesselating...

| Precalculating...

| Converting faces...

| Models...

| Building search tree...

| Precalculating : base hemisphere ...



Изменено пользователем Ulman

Поделиться этим сообщением

Ссылка на сообщение

Понятно, буду ждать. Только ещё один вопрос, при открытии карты в LE нехватает много моделей, например Can't find model file 'dynamics\equipment_cache\equipment_rucksack_01_case.ogf'. Вот их по этому адресу, в какую папку засовывать?


Поделиться этим сообщением

Ссылка на сообщение

Положил всё по правильному адресу в gamedata, всё равно пишет что их там нет.

Поделиться этим сообщением

Ссылка на сообщение

Не, это от ЧН, тогда тоже такая проблема может быть?

Поделиться этим сообщением

Ссылка на сообщение

Люди, извините, уже надоел, но у меня опять вылет при сборке, вот весь лог

* Detected CPU: AuthenticAMD , F15/M11/S1, 2552.00 mhz, 8-clk 'rdtsc'

* CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, 3DNow!, SSE, SSE2


Initializing File System...

FS: 64569 files cached, 7798Kb memory used.

Init FileSystem 39.601753 sec

'xrCore' build 0, (null)


CRT heap 0x01350000

Process heap 0x00140000

"LevelBuilder v4.1" beta build

Compilation date: Apr 27 2007


Startup time: 19:11:32


* New phase started: Reading project [marsh]...

| | version: 17


* New phase started: Converting data structures...

| Vertices...

| | * vertices: 946400

| Faces...

| | * faces: 1638866

| Models and References

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0000' - v(350/350), f(416/416)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0001' - v(599/599), f(680/680)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0002' - v(276/276), f(457/457)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0003' - v(338/338), f(634/634)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0004' - v(366/366), f(682/682)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0005' - v(225/225), f(426/426)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0006' - v(268/268), f(512/512)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0007' - v(427/427), f(430/430)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0008' - v(294/294), f(488/488)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0009' - v(258/258), f(433/433)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0010' - v(965/965), f(1340/1340)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0011' - v(185/185), f(186/186)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0012' - v(301/301), f(292/292)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0013' - v(376/376), f(741/741)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0014' - v(2480/2480), f(4791/4791)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0015' - v(312/312), f(505/505)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0016' - v(442/442), f(442/442)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0017' - v(526/526), f(518/518)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0018' - v(239/239), f(244/244)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0019' - v(304/304), f(300/300)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0020' - v(269/269), f(259/259)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0021' - v(472/472), f(472/472)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0022' - v(418/418), f(408/408)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0023' - v(224/224), f(444/444)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0024' - v(238/238), f(460/460)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0025' - v(561/561), f(790/790)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0026' - v(890/890), f(872/872)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0027' - v(164/164), f(168/168)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0028' - v(495/495), f(483/483)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0029' - v(458/458), f(450/450)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0030' - v(97/97), f(179/179)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0031' - v(794/794), f(756/756)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0032' - v(346/346), f(338/338)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0033' - v(544/544), f(515/515)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0034' - v(466/466), f(466/466)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0035' - v(2480/2480), f(4791/4791)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0036' - v(2128/2128), f(4799/4799)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0037' - v(253/253), f(251/251)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0038' - v(1701/1701), f(3478/3478)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0039' - v(7/7), f(10/10)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0040' - v(4/4), f(4/4)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0041' - v(1823/1823), f(3439/3439)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0042' - v(263/263), f(513/513)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0043' - v(4/4), f(4/4)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0044' - v(983/983), f(2167/2167)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0045' - v(142/142), f(140/140)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0046' - v(227/227), f(241/241)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0047' - v(2092/2092), f(2058/2058)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0048' - v(239/239), f(474/474)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0049' - v(540/540), f(694/694)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0050' - v(218/218), f(227/227)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0051' - v(439/439), f(427/427)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0052' - v(329/329), f(383/383)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0053' - v(280/280), f(518/518)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0054' - v(352/352), f(662/662)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0055' - v(987/987), f(2109/2109)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0056' - v(4754/4754), f(9226/9226)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0057' - v(331/331), f(608/608)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0058' - v(776/776), f(750/750)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0059' - v(321/321), f(321/321)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0060' - v(323/323), f(321/321)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0061' - v(497/497), f(566/566)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0062' - v(91/91), f(115/115)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0063' - v(330/330), f(536/536)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0064' - v(312/312), f(505/505)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0065' - v(238/238), f(442/442)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0066' - v(161/161), f(182/182)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0067' - v(349/349), f(333/333)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0068' - v(905/905), f(1806/1806)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0069' - v(1443/1443), f(2732/2732)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0070' - v(1504/1504), f(2914/2914)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0071' - v(438/438), f(810/810)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0072' - v(227/227), f(407/407)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0073' - v(350/350), f(644/644)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0074' - v(1004/1004), f(1550/1550)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0075' - v(392/392), f(730/730)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0076' - v(299/299), f(544/544)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0077' - v(218/218), f(412/412)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0078' - v(2889/2889), f(5444/5444)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0079' - v(294/294), f(481/481)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0080' - v(3168/3168), f(5533/5533)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0081' - v(1028/1028), f(1752/1752)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0082' - v(4179/4179), f(7555/7555)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0083' - v(454/454), f(437/437)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0084' - v(1012/1012), f(1987/1987)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0085' - v(1352/1352), f(2629/2629)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0086' - v(2018/2018), f(3800/3800)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0087' - v(1507/1507), f(2927/2927)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0088' - v(1890/1890), f(3581/3581)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0089' - v(218/218), f(412/412)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0090' - v(1499/1499), f(2910/2910)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0091' - v(7/7), f(10/10)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0092' - v(2818/2818), f(5524/5524)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0093' - v(3455/3455), f(6059/6059)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0094' - v(1253/1253), f(2230/2230)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0095' - v(1076/1076), f(1596/1596)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0096' - v(392/392), f(730/730)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0097' - v(1919/1919), f(3615/3615)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0098' - v(1904/1904), f(3583/3583)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0099' - v(1401/1401), f(2610/2610)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0100' - v(6/6), f(8/8)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0101' - v(2018/2018), f(3800/3800)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0102' - v(2128/2128), f(4796/4796)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0103' - v(4997/4997), f(8215/8215)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0104' - v(1036/1036), f(1978/1978)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0105' - v(3769/3769), f(6535/6535)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0106' - v(3373/3373), f(5877/5877)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0107' - v(5252/5252), f(10158/10158)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0108' - v(3303/3303), f(6194/6194)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0109' - v(636/636), f(1057/1057)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0110' - v(1091/1091), f(1574/1574)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0111' - v(312/312), f(505/505)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0112' - v(161/161), f(227/227)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0113' - v(227/227), f(314/314)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0114' - v(188/188), f(234/234)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0115' - v(1875/1875), f(3549/3549)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0116' - v(566/566), f(881/881)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0117' - v(2435/2435), f(3688/3688)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0118' - v(1220/1220), f(2176/2176)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0119' - v(280/280), f(518/518)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0120' - v(2018/2018), f(3800/3800)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0121' - v(1317/1317), f(2618/2618)

| | * Loading model: 'levels\marsh\marsh_lod0122' - v(1890/1890), f(3581/3581)

| Other transfer...

| | * materials: 332

| | * shaders: 18

| | * shaders_xrlc: 12

| | * glows: 11

| | * portals: 0

| | * LODs: 123

| Loading lights...

| | *lighting*: HEMI: 196 lights

| | *lighting*: SUN: 49 lights

| | *lighting*: STATIC: 52 lights

| | * d-lights: 53

| Processing textures...

* ImageLibrary version: 3.9.3

* 27 supported formats

| | processing: rawdata\textures\glow\glow_red2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\glow\glow_white.thm

| | - loading: glow\glow_white

| | processing: rawdata\textures\glow\glow_04.thm

| | - loading: glow\glow_04

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_fake_nosun.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_walls_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_girder_reil.thm

| | - loading: mtl\mtl_girder_reil

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_girder_reil_a.thm

| | - loading: mtl\mtl_girder_reil_a

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_girder_reil_b.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_elektro.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_provod_03.thm

| | - loading: prop\prop_provod_03

| | processing: rawdata\textures\water\water_water.thm

| | - loading: water\water_water

| | processing: rawdata\textures\roof\roof_metal_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\roof\roof_schiffer_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_bark_a_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_spil.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\veh\veh_bochka_pricep.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\veh\veh_uazik.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\veh\veh_vagon1_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\veh\veh_vagoni_cpm.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\act\act_ryukzak.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\briks\briks_big_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\briks\briks_br2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\briks\briks_dirt_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\briks\briks_inside_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_beton_5.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_beton_lom.thm

| | - loading: crete\crete_beton_lom

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_beton_pod_03.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_debris_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_dirt_1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_pol_brown_1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_walls_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\door\door_wood_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\grnd\grnd_dirt_dust_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\grnd\grnd_dry_gr_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\grnd\grnd_land_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\grnd\grnd_rocks_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_angar_a_b.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_arm_2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_barrel_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_barrel_big.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_bochka_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_bochka_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_bochka_03_r.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_bochka_06.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_floor_fence_01.thm

| | - loading: mtl\mtl_floor_fence_01

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_fly_polosa.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_luk_ch_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_luk_ch_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_pod_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_rja_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_rja_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_rja_blue.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_rja_green.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_rust_dark.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_stena_ch_04.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_truba_ch_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_truba_factory.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_truba_pod_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_truba_ql02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_tubes3.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_tubes7.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_ventil_pod_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_ventil_pod_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_walls10.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_walls8.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_walls9a.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_walls9b.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_bag.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_barbwire3.thm

| | - loading: prop\prop_barbwire3

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_barometr.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_bed1.thm

| | - loading: prop\prop_bed1

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_bed1a.thm

| | - loading: prop\prop_bed1a

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_dangerbox.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_electricalunit4.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_electroengine1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_fake_kollision.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_fake_ladder.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_governmentbox_1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_lampa_g_red2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_mask_setka.thm

| | - loading: prop\prop_mask_setka

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_mattress1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_safe_1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_shlang_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_sigaret.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_transformer_dw.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\veh\veh_zaz968.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wall\wall_ceiling_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wall\wall_walls_paint_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_board_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_board_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_border_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_collect.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_doski2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_fence_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_jasik.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_old.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_plank6.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_spil_1_old.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_stolb.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_table_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_table_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_table_03.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\grnd\grnd_train_road.thm

| | - loading: grnd\grnd_train_road

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_railway_1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_provod_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\grnd\grnd_rocks_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_bochka_05.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_shkaf.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_audio_video.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_provod_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_shitok.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_vagon_gr.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\roof\roof_smola.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wall\wall_wallpaper_03.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_walls8.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_fence_01.thm

| | - loading: mtl\mtl_fence_01

| | processing: rawdata\textures\fx\fx_wood_fire.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\grnd\grnd_concrete_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\veh\veh_zaz_gorb.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\roof\roof_metal_01_holes.thm

| | - loading: roof\roof_metal_01_holes

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_bochenok.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\act\act_himera.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\act\act_pseudodog.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\act\act_pseudodog_fur.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\act\act_stalker_nebo_1.thm

| | - loading: act\act_stalker_nebo_1

| | processing: rawdata\textures\act\act_stalker_nebo_2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\floor\floor_linoleum_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\glas\glas_dirt.thm

| | - loading: glas\glas_dirt

| | processing: rawdata\textures\glow\glow_galogen.thm

| | - loading: glow\glow_galogen

| | processing: rawdata\textures\grnd\grnd_leaves.thm

| | - loading: grnd\grnd_leaves

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_bochka_04.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_pod_green.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_tubes3b.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_agit.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_antena_pipes.thm

| | - loading: prop\prop_antena_pipes

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_bidon.thm

| | - loading: prop\prop_bidon

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_bike_wheel.thm

| | - loading: prop\prop_bike_wheel

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_blanket.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_blind01.thm

| | - loading: prop\prop_blind01

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_box_3.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_carpet.thm

| | - loading: prop\prop_carpet

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_clock1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_el_shkaf_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_electricalunit3.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_freez.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_instrument_1.thm

| | - loading: prop\prop_instrument_1

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_item2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_kitchen_stuff.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_konserva.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_lampa_g.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_lampa_galogen.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_map_2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_map.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_map_flag.thm

| | - loading: prop\prop_map_flag

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_plita.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_pribori_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_pribori_face_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_psyradar.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_pult4.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_safe.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_schetchik.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_signs.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_switch.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_trofy_board.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\sign\sign_hospital.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\tile\tile_white_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\vine\vine_dried_up.thm

| | - loading: vine\vine_dried_up

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wall\wall_wallpaper_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\water\water_studen.thm

| | - loading: water\water_studen

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_plank7.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_plank8.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_veranda_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_white_painted_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_wire.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_poster_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\veh\veh_kamaz_u_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_big_konteyneri.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_dub_bark.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\act\act_corp_stalker.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_vishka_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_beton_6.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\act\act_ryukzak_black.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_beton_4.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_musor_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\briks\briks_br1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_dangerbox_2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_cable_bobbin.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_woodenreel1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_grate_01.thm

| | - loading: prop\prop_grate_01

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wall\wall_stucco_04.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_beton_2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_stupeni_a.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_pod_01_stears.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_trainwheel1.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_floor_plate_03.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\veh\veh_train_diesel.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\sign\sign_radiation.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_ukazatel.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_fire.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wall\wall_wallpaper_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\veh\veh_kamaz_u_br.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\act\act_stalker.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wood\wood_tomb.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\mtl\mtl_high_tention_tower.thm

| | - loading: mtl\mtl_high_tention_tower

| | processing: rawdata\textures\fx\fx_lavahell.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\grnd\grnd_heat.thm

| | - loading: grnd\grnd_heat

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_musor_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_beton_7.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\wall\wall_stena_05b.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_walls10.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_fuflo.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_fuflo

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_vetkagreen3.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_vetkagreen3

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_vetkasux2.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_vetkasux2

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_bark_a_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_vetkabig.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_vetkabig

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_kamysh.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_kamysh

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_kamish_big_01.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_kamish_big_01

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_vetkagreen5.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_vetkagreen5

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_dub.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_dub

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_kamish_big_02.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_kamish_big_02

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_tina.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_tina

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_vetkasux1_v.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_vetkasux1_v

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_vetkagreen1.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_vetkagreen1

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_bark_sux_mox.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\veh\veh_traktor_br.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\veh\veh_uaz_2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\veh\veh_gaz_f.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\veh\veh_molokovoz.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_dub_red.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_dub_red

| | processing: rawdata\textures\act\act_corp_specnaz.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\act\act_corp_monolit.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\veh\veh_zil.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\veh\veh_moskvitch_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_bark_sosna_01.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_bark_sosna_02.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_sosna_low.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_sosna_low

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_sosna_sux.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_sosna_sux

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_sosna_sux_low.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_sosna_sux_low

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_elka_sux.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_elka_sux

| | processing: rawdata\textures\trees\trees_elka.thm

| | - loading: trees\trees_elka

| | processing: rawdata\textures\prop\prop_fake_dead.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\terrain\terrain_marsh.thm

| | - loading: terrain\terrain_marsh

| | processing: rawdata\textures\decal\decal_kostrishe.thm

| | - loading: decal\decal_kostrishe

| | processing: rawdata\textures\decal\decal_graz3.thm

| | - loading: decal\decal_graz3

| | processing: rawdata\textures\decal\decal_listja_vetki.thm

| | - loading: decal\decal_listja_vetki

| | processing: rawdata\textures\decal\decal_graz7.thm

| | - loading: decal\decal_graz7

| | processing: rawdata\textures\decal\decal_graz1.thm

| | - loading: decal\decal_graz1

| | processing: rawdata\textures\decal\decal_rza_potek.thm

| | - loading: decal\decal_rza_potek

| | processing: rawdata\textures\decal\decal_ro50210.thm

| | - loading: decal\decal_ro50210

| | processing: rawdata\textures\decal\decal_rza_a.thm

| | - loading: decal\decal_rza_a

| | processing: rawdata\textures\decal\decal_moh_1.thm

| | - loading: decal\decal_moh_1

| | processing: rawdata\textures\decal\decal_graz4.thm

| | - loading: decal\decal_graz4

| | processing: rawdata\textures\decal\decal_board_1.thm

| | - loading: decal\decal_board_1

| | processing: rawdata\textures\decal\decal_plakat_3.thm

| | - loading: decal\decal_plakat_3

| Post-process materials...

| | * sizes: V(60),F(112)


* New phase started: Optimizing...

| Processing...

| Processing... (0 verts removed)

| Processing... (0 verts removed)

| Processing... (13 verts removed)

| Processing... (19 verts removed)

| Processing... (139 verts removed)

| Processing... (139 verts removed)

| Processing... (221 verts removed)

| Processing... (221 verts removed)

| Processing... (221 verts removed)

| Processing... (883 verts removed)

| Removing degenerated/duplicated faces...

| | * ERROR: Invalid face. (A=0.000006,e0=0.255357,e1=0.217898,e2=0.473255)

| | * v0[-4.483220,4.258363,9.901382], v1[-4.482770,4.513720,9.901382], v2[-4.483654,4.040466,9.901381]

| | * ERROR: Invalid face. (A=0.000001,e0=3.456080,e1=3.456049,e2=6.912129)

| | * v0[350.688904,13.019431,531.430908], v1[347.233093,12.976307,531.431458], v2[354.144684,13.062555,531.430359]

| | * ERROR: Invalid face. (A=0.000001,e0=4.094275,e1=8.188580,e2=4.094305)

| | * v0[291.129181,12.418062,533.236816], v1[287.035156,12.373817,533.227234], v2[282.941101,12.329573,533.217651]




[error]Expression : fatal error

[error]Function : CBuild::PreOptimize

[error]File : I:\xray-svn\xrLC\xrPreOptimize.cpp

[error]Line : 132

[error]Description : <no expression>

[error]Arguments : * FATAL: 3 invalid faces. Compilation aborted



stack trace:


| Adjacency check...

| Cleanup...

| | 2864 vertices removed. (943536 left)

| | 55 faces removed. (1638811 left)

| Processing...

| | *** 8782 junctions and 1216 long edges found.


* New phase started: Adaptive HT...

| Tesselating...

| Tesselating...

| Working: 10000 verts created, 953535(now) / 943536(was) ...

| Working: 20000 verts created, 963535(now) / 943536(was) ...

| Precalculating...

| Converting faces...

| Models...

| Building search tree...

| Precalculating : base hemisphere ...

| Gathering lighting information...


* New phase started: Building normals...

| Processing...

| | ::compact:: 964310 verts removed

| | 795282 vertices was duplicated 'cause of SM groups

| Models...

| | - 320 vertices duplicated

| | - 568 vertices duplicated

| | - 275 vertices duplicated

| | - 140 vertices duplicated

| | - 168 vertices duplicated

| | - 59 vertices duplicated

| | - 60 vertices duplicated

| | - 405 vertices duplicated

| | - 290 vertices duplicated

| | - 260 vertices duplicated

| | - 983 vertices duplicated

| | - 176 vertices duplicated

| | - 267 vertices duplicated

| | - 89 vertices duplicated

| | - 959 vertices duplicated

| | - 288 vertices duplicated

| | - 420 vertices duplicated

| | - 482 vertices duplicated

| | - 235 vertices duplicated

| | - 288 vertices duplicated

| | - 240 vertices duplicated

| | - 460 vertices duplicated

| | - 396 vertices duplicated

| | - 67 vertices duplicated

| | - 88 vertices duplicated

| | - 561 vertices duplicated

| | - 808 vertices duplicated

| | - 156 vertices duplicated

| | - 460 vertices duplicated

| | - 414 vertices duplicated

| | - 8 vertices duplicated

| | - 688 vertices duplicated

| | - 320 vertices duplicated

| | - 473 vertices duplicated

| | - 452 vertices duplicated

| | - 964 vertices duplicated

| | - 955 vertices duplicated

| | - 238 vertices duplicated

| | - 404 vertices duplicated

| | - 7 vertices duplicated

| | - 4 vertices duplicated

| | - 1119 vertices duplicated

| | - 65 vertices duplicated

| | - 4 vertices duplicated

| | - 452 vertices duplicated

| | - 130 vertices duplicated

| | - 206 vertices duplicated

| | - 1966 vertices duplicated

| | - 70 vertices duplicated

| | - 425 vertices duplicated

| | - 209 vertices duplicated

| | - 403 vertices duplicated

| | - 289 vertices duplicated

| | - 98 vertices duplicated

| | - 96 vertices duplicated

| | - 454 vertices duplicated

| | - 1859 vertices duplicated

| | - 76 vertices duplicated

| | - 720 vertices duplicated

| | - 280 vertices duplicated

| | - 280 vertices duplicated

| | - 449 vertices duplicated

| | - 81 vertices duplicated

| | - 305 vertices duplicated

| | - 292 vertices duplicated

| | - 53 vertices duplicated

| | - 145 vertices duplicated

| | - 316 vertices duplicated

| | - 239 vertices duplicated

| | - 739 vertices duplicated

| | - 255 vertices duplicated

| | - 175 vertices duplicated

| | - 111 vertices duplicated

| | - 197 vertices duplicated

| | - 870 vertices duplicated

| | - 186 vertices duplicated

| | - 159 vertices duplicated

| | - 61 vertices duplicated

| | - 629 vertices duplicated

| | - 276 vertices duplicated

| | - 1690 vertices duplicated

| | - 400 vertices duplicated

| | - 1155 vertices duplicated

| | - 411 vertices duplicated

| | - 314 vertices duplicated

| | - 407 vertices duplicated

| | - 1269 vertices duplicated

| | - 341 vertices duplicated

| | - 1113 vertices duplicated

| | - 63 vertices duplicated

| | - 293 vertices duplicated

| | - 7 vertices duplicated

| | - 792 vertices duplicated

| | - 1596 vertices duplicated

| | - 681 vertices duplicated

| | - 1110 vertices duplicated

| | - 189 vertices duplicated

| | - 1205 vertices duplicated

| | - 1203 vertices duplicated

| | - 537 vertices duplicated

| | - 6 vertices duplicated

| | - 1257 vertices duplicated

| | - 962 vertices duplicated

| | - 3342 vertices duplicated

| | - 795 vertices duplicated

| | - 1758 vertices duplicated

| | - 1668 vertices duplicated

| | - 2001 vertices duplicated

| | - 793 vertices duplicated

| | - 514 vertices duplicated

| | - 1084 vertices duplicated

| | - 293 vertices duplicated

| | - 130 vertices duplicated

| | - 195 vertices duplicated

| | - 161 vertices duplicated

| | - 1119 vertices duplicated

| | - 429 vertices duplicated

| | - 2273 vertices duplicated

| | - 696 vertices duplicated

| | - 96 vertices duplicated

| | - 1269 vertices duplicated

| | - 409 vertices duplicated

| | - 1110 vertices duplicated


* New phase started: Building collision database...


* New phase started: CFORM: creating...

| Sorting...

| Collecting faces...

| Collecting vertices...


* New phase started: CFORM: collision model...

| Items to process: 1545407

| | MultipleEdges: 1856 faces

| Models...

| Saving...


* New phase started: Building tangent-basis...

| Declarator...

| Building inputs...

| | duplication: was[1759592] / become[2030820] - 15.4%

| Calculating basis...


Я не пойму, что это такое. Собираю я локацию Болота через Bench_xrLC_extra_v34, так как там встречаються неправильные треугольники и посоветовали, так как большие локации будут валить стандартный.

Изменено пользователем Ulman

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Нет, лог целый, такой уже кто тописал в " Сообществе мапперов", но ответа там нет. А на счёт импорта, ну там какие то точки появляються за сеткой и всё. Просто ещё не сильно разобрался с этим всем.

Изменено пользователем Ulman

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CuJIbBEP, а каким образом тогда его с самого начал собрали, ведь я там фактически ничего не делал, добавил экскаватор, немного деревяшек, бетонный блок и мусорный бак?

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Понятно тогда. Только вот ещё вопрос, как то всё исправлять, просто я слышал что есть разные способы.

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kenver, ведь Bench_xrLC_extra_v34 обходит эти ошибки с треугольниками. И я предпологаю что это вылет из за большого размера локации.

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speczadanie, я не знаю как выходит у тебя, но у меня точно такая же проблема была, когда я в самом СДК не собрал карту, вероятно она была у тебя собрана с ошибками.

Scarabay, а можешь детальнее объяснить, как собрать карту ТЧ с помошью СДК ЗП?

Изменено пользователем Ulman

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speczadanie, я собирал вот по этому гайду, но там почему то пропущен шаг с "build" в самам СДК.

И ещё, люди, вот такая проблема


. Это я переношу модель из ЗП, и происходит при отсоединении костей в милке.

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speczadanie, попробуй вычислить все порталы, и пересоздать секторы(стереть базовые, создать базовые, проверка секторов).

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Немного не по теме, но всё же. Может ли кто то залить или дать ссылку на папку textures, в которой большое количество .thm файлов, а то очень много не хватает. Заранее спасибо.

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Люди, у меня при выборе текстуры вылетает вот такое "Access violation at address 40009720 in module "rtl60.bpl". Read of address A1D42603.". Вылетает и в LE, и в AE, и в PE. То есть, допустим, пытаюсь выбрать другую текстуру для чего либо и вместо списка вылетает это окно. Уже переустановил СДК, результата нет. Кто знает что это такое и что с ним делать?

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Люди, а как надо настроить материал стёклышка в прицеле, что бы он выглядил как на Тихаре, из Метро 2033?

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Доброго времени суток. Ткните меня, пожалуйста, носом в статью где разъясняется как окончательно настроить модель НПС в AE, а то все получилось, но вот после смерти НПС бревном падает на землю и валяется как деревянная кукла. Заранее прошу прощения, если это уже где то обсуждалось, но я не нашел.

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@Comador, точно, про эту статью и забыл, надо будет попробовать, хотя проблема немного другая, но может принцип такой же. А вот с мутантами как быть то?

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