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Если есть тотал командер, то делай через него. Будет проще.

Ты создал папку converter. Вот через тотал командер зайди в эту папку и в командной строке тотала вводи нужные команды. Все будет получаться.

Только в командах не надо ставить квадратные скобки.


Если хочешь через команду cmd делать, то это делается так:

Пуск\Выполнить, там вводишь cmd. Высветится черное окно.

Если все делал по инструкции из шапки, то папка converter у тебя лежит на диске С в Program Files\X-Ray SDK\converter.

В этом черном окне пишешь.

cd\ нажимаешь Enter - это переведет команды на диск С, Enter перенесет на другую строчку.

На следующей строке пишешь

cd C:\Program Files\X-Ray SDK\converter нажимаешь Enter

Все ты задал путь до папки с конвертером. И можно вводить команды.


А еще можно создать батник.

Создаешь новый файл с расширением .bat

В нем записываешь нужную команду и сохраняешь в папке с конвертером.

Потом просто два раза нажимаешь на этот файл и команда выполняется. Так можно насоздавать батников на все команды и не парится с введением пути до папки.




Изменено пользователем Kostya V

Кто весел - тот смеется, кто хочет - тот добьется, кто ищет - тот всегда найдет!

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Тут у меня в общем такая проблема возникла:

Я загнал в СДК Свалку1935 от мода all-chаnges(это де еще 21 новая лока), начал расставлять объекты по уровню.После того, как закончил пересобрал аи-карту.Затем делаю make`и и при сборке(build) левела вот такая ошибочка:

Are you sure to build level? - Yes.
Building started...
Capturing unused face...
*ERROR: Scene has '314425' non associated face!
- scene object: 'props\objects\musor\ekskavator' [O:'props\objects\musor\ekskavator', M:'']
- scene object: 'props\objects\musor\ekskavator' [O:'props\objects\musor\ekskavator', M:'']
- scene object: 'props\objects\musor\trash_uazik_02' [O:'props\objects\musor\trash_uazik_02', M:'']
- scene object: 'props\objects\musor\trash_transformator_1' [O:'props\objects\musor\trash_transformator_1', M:'']
- scene object: 'props\objects\musor\trash_transformator_1_0000' [O:'props\objects\musor\trash_transformator_1', M:'']
- scene object: 'props\objects\musor\trash_traktor_1' [O:'props\objects\musor\trash_traktor_1', M:'']
- scene object: 'props\objects\musor\trash_tank_br_lod' [O:'props\objects\musor\trash_tank_br_lod', M:'']
- scene object: 'props\objects\musor\trash_pricep_bochka_lod' [O:'props\objects\musor\trash_pricep_bochka_lod', M:'']
- scene object: 'props\objects\musor\trash_pricep_bochka_lod_0000' [O:'props\objects\musor\trash_pricep_bochka_lod', M:'']
......................................(СДК перечисляет все расставленные мною объекты)
Validation FAILED!
ERROR: Validation failed. Invalid scene.



Неужели теперь убирать все обжекты? :unsure:

Изменено пользователем БАТЯ-STALKER
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А поиск юзануть? Вот нашёл ответ на такой же вопрос за три секунды - смотреть

Эх... лень матушка...

Изменено пользователем banderos
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Пацаны, у меня в СДК (в левел эдиторе) объекты ставятся на сетку (а она выше террайна), когда я хочу поставить их на террайн. Как сделать так чтоб объекты ставились туда куда я хочу, а не на сетку, находящуюся выше?

зы обьяснюсь понятнее : как сделать чтобы в левел эдиторе объекты ставелись везде , а не только на сетке?

Изменено пользователем DANTE 23
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флажок у объекта "Used AI locations"


Плагины Total Commander для работы с игровыми архивами:

Архиваторный плагин (для работы с одиночным архивом): link1 link2

Системный плагин (для распаковки установленной игры): link1 link2


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Посмотри здесь

или здесь

на одной из иллюстраций видно этот флажок.


Плагины Total Commander для работы с игровыми архивами:

Архиваторный плагин (для работы с одиночным архивом): link1 link2

Системный плагин (для распаковки установленной игры): link1 link2


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Этот флажок для игры нужен.



В ЛЕ наверху экрана есть маленькие кнопочки, это там где "чайник" и т.д. Вот надо один из них нажать, чтобы объекты стали ставится на землю. Называется он Object Snap Toggle. Если что-то не получится, попробуй поэкспериментировать с этими значками.


Кто весел - тот смеется, кто хочет - тот добьется, кто ищет - тот всегда найдет!

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Kostya V,

я просто знаю точно, что этот же флажок можно ставить скриптами. Его действие - привязка объекта при спавне к ближайшему левелвертексу. Если флажок установить, то предмет заспавнится строго на земле, если снять, то предмет заспавнится в воздухе, а потом только упадёт на землю.


ЗЫ: хотя это сказывается уже на игре, а здесь надо привязку именно в редакторе, так что это наверное в самом деле не то, что нужно.

Изменено пользователем malandrinus

Плагины Total Commander для работы с игровыми архивами:

Архиваторный плагин (для работы с одиночным архивом): link1 link2

Системный плагин (для распаковки установленной игры): link1 link2


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У меня ошибка при сборке game.graph AI Wripper от byBardak

Вот лог:

* Detected CPU: GenuineIntel Pentium-III, F6/M7/S10, 2666.00 mhz, 31-clk 'rdtsc'

* CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2


Initializing File System...

FS: 38117 files cached, 4293Kb memory used.

'xrCore' build -729635, 000 0 0000


Loading DLL: xrSE_Factory.dll

"LevelBuilder v4.1" beta build

Compilation date: 000 0 0000


Startup time: 16:29:46


* New phase started: Processing level graphs

! There is no ai-map for the level l23_final_battle! (level is not included into the game graph)

level 1 l01_escape

Script debugger succesfully restarted.

* loading script _G.script

* loading script class_registrator.script

* loading script smart_terrain.script

* loading script se_respawn.script

* loading script se_switcher.script

* loading script se_stalker.script

* loading script se_car.script

* loading script se_zones.script

* loading script se_item.script

* loading script se_artefact.script

* loading script se_monster.script

* loading script game_registrator.script

level 2 l02_garbage

level 3 l03_agroprom

level 4 l03u_agr_underground

level 5 l04_darkvalley

level 6 l04u_labx18

level 7 l05_bar

level 8 l06_rostok

level 9 l08_yantar

level 10 l08u_brainlab

level 11 l07_military

level 12 l10_radar

level 13 l11_pripyat

level 14 l12_stancia

level 15 l12u_sarcofag

level 16 l12u_control_monolith

level 17 l12_stancia_2

level 18 l10u_bunker

Graph for the level l10u_bunker doesn't correspond to the graph points from Level Editor! (132 : 131)

level 20 l17_disers

level 21 l14_rostok

Graph for the level l14_rostok doesn't correspond to the graph points from Level Editor! (560 : 559)

level 22 l18_lost_village

Graph for the level l18_lost_village doesn't correspond to the graph points from Level Editor! (360 : 359)

level 23 l20_zatons

level 24 l21_jupiter

level 25 l19_marsh

level 26 l22_red_forest

level 27 l23_limansk

level 28 l24_hospital

level 29 l31_jupiter_under

level 30 l16_rembasa

level 31 l27_laborx8

level 32 l25_darkline

level 33 l29_pripwest


* New phase started: Adding interconnection points

Level l01_escape with id 1 has VALID connection point connect_disers_1,

which references to graph point connect_escape_1 on the level l17_disers with id 20


Level l01_escape with id 1 has VALID connection point escape_to_lost_village,

which references to graph point lost_village_to_escape on the level l18_lost_village with id 22


Level l01_escape with id 1 has VALID connection point escape_to_marsh,

which references to graph point marsh_to_escape on the level l19_marsh with id 25


Cannot find level with level_id -1. Connection point will not be generated!

Level l01_escape with id 1 has VALID connection point escape_to_zaton,

which references to graph point zaton_to_escape on the level l20_zatons with id 23


Level l01_escape with id 1 has VALID connection point exit_escape_01,

which references to graph point exit_garbage_01 on the level l02_garbage with id 2


Level l01_escape with id 1 has VALID connection point exit_escape_02,

which references to graph point gar_sim_exit on the level l02_garbage with id 2


Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point cheat_graph_to_bar,

which references to graph point cheat_graph_to_garbage on the level l05_bar with id 7


Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point exit_garbage_01,

which references to graph point exit_escape_01 on the level l01_escape with id 1


Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point exit_garbage_03,

which references to graph point exit_agroprom_02 on the level l03_agroprom with id 3


Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point exit_garbage_04,

which references to graph point exit_bar_01 on the level l05_bar with id 7


Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point exit_garbage_05,

which references to graph point exit_darkvalley_01 on the level l04_darkvalley with id 5


Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point gar_sim_exit,

which references to graph point exit_escape_02 on the level l01_escape with id 1


Level l03_agroprom with id 3 has VALID connection point exit_agroprom_02,

which references to graph point exit_garbage_03 on the level l02_garbage with id 2


Level l03_agroprom with id 3 has VALID connection point exit_agroprom_04,

which references to graph point exit_agr_underground_01 on the level l03u_agr_underground with id 4


Level l03u_agr_underground with id 4 has VALID connection point exit_agr_underground_01,

which references to graph point exit_agroprom_04 on the level l03_agroprom with id 3


Level l04_darkvalley with id 5 has VALID connection point exit_darkvalley_01,

which references to graph point exit_garbage_05 on the level l02_garbage with id 2


Level l04_darkvalley with id 5 has VALID connection point exit_darkvalley_04,

which references to graph point exit_labx18_01 on the level l04u_labx18 with id 6


Level l04u_labx18 with id 6 has VALID connection point exit_labx18_01,

which references to graph point exit_darkvalley_04 on the level l04_darkvalley with id 5


Level l05_bar with id 7 has VALID connection point cheat_graph_to_garbage,

which references to graph point cheat_graph_to_bar on the level l02_garbage with id 2


Level l05_bar with id 7 has VALID connection point exit_bar_01,

which references to graph point exit_garbage_04 on the level l02_garbage with id 2


Level l05_bar with id 7 has VALID connection point exit_bar_02,

which references to graph point exit_military_01 on the level l07_military with id 11


Level l05_bar with id 7 has VALID connection point exit_bar_03,

which references to graph point exit_rostok_01 on the level l06_rostok with id 8


Level l06_rostok with id 8 has VALID connection point exit_rostok_01,

which references to graph point exit_bar_03 on the level l05_bar with id 7


Level l06_rostok with id 8 has VALID connection point exit_rostok_02,

which references to graph point exit_yantar_01 on the level l08_yantar with id 9


Level l08_yantar with id 9 has VALID connection point exit_radar_01,

which references to graph point exit_yantar_01 on the level l10_radar with id 12


Level l08_yantar with id 9 has VALID connection point exit_yantar_01,

which references to graph point exit_rostok_02 on the level l06_rostok with id 8


Level l08_yantar with id 9 has VALID connection point exit_yantar_02,

which references to graph point exit_brainlab_01 on the level l08u_brainlab with id 10


Level l08u_brainlab with id 10 has VALID connection point exit_brainlab_01,

which references to graph point exit_yantar_02 on the level l08_yantar with id 9


Level l07_military with id 11 has VALID connection point exit_military_01,

which references to graph point exit_bar_02 on the level l05_bar with id 7


Level l07_military with id 11 has VALID connection point exit_military_02,

which references to graph point exit_radar_01 on the level l10_radar with id 12


Level l10_radar with id 12 has VALID connection point exit_radar_01,

which references to graph point exit_military_02 on the level l07_military with id 11


Level l10_radar with id 12 has VALID connection point exit_radar_02,

which references to graph point exit_pripyat_01 on the level l11_pripyat with id 13


Level l10_radar with id 12 has VALID connection point exit_radar_03,

which references to graph point exit_bunker_01 on the level l10u_bunker with id 18


Level l10_radar with id 12 has VALID connection point exit_yantar_01,

which references to graph point exit_radar_01 on the level l08_yantar with id 9


Level l11_pripyat with id 13 has VALID connection point exit_pripyat_01,

which references to graph point exit_radar_02 on the level l10_radar with id 12


Level l11_pripyat with id 13 has VALID connection point exit_pripyat_02,

which references to graph point exit_stancia_01 on the level l12_stancia with id 14


Level l12_stancia with id 14 has VALID connection point exit_stancia_01,

which references to graph point exit_pripyat_02 on the level l11_pripyat with id 13


Level l12u_sarcofag with id 15 has VALID connection point exit_sarcofag_01,

which references to graph point exit_stancia_02 on the level l12_stancia with id 14


Level l12u_sarcofag with id 15 has VALID connection point exit_sarcofag_02,

which references to graph point exit_control_monolith_01 on the level l12u_control_monolith with id 16


Level l12u_control_monolith with id 16 has VALID connection point exit_control_monolith_01,

which references to graph point exit_sarcofag_02 on the level l12u_sarcofag with id 15


Level l12u_control_monolith with id 16 has VALID connection point exit_control_monolith_02,

which references to graph point exit_stancia2_01 on the level l12_stancia_2 with id 17


Level l12_stancia_2 with id 17 has VALID connection point exit_stancia2_01,

which references to graph point exit_control_monolith_02 on the level l12u_control_monolith with id 16


Level l10u_bunker with id 18 has VALID connection point exit_bunker_01,

which references to graph point exit_radar_03 on the level l10_radar with id 12


Level l17_disers with id 20 has VALID connection point connect_escape_1,

which references to graph point connect_disers_1 on the level l01_escape with id 1


Level l14_rostok with id 21 has VALID connection point rostok_to_escape_1,

which references to graph point escape_to_rostok_1 on the level l01_escape with id 1


Level l14_rostok with id 21 has VALID connection point rostok_to_rembasa,

which references to graph point rembasa_to_rostok on the level l16_rembasa with id 30


Level l18_lost_village with id 22 has VALID connection point lost_village_to_escape,

which references to graph point escape_to_lost_village on the level l01_escape with id 1


Level l20_zatons with id 23 has VALID connection point zaton_to_escape,

which references to graph point escape_to_zaton on the level l01_escape with id 1


Level l20_zatons with id 23 has VALID connection point zaton_to_jupiter,

which references to graph point jupiter_to_zaton on the level l21_jupiter with id 24


Level l20_zatons with id 23 has VALID connection point zaton_to_marsh,

which references to graph point marsh_to_zaton on the level l19_marsh with id 25


Level l21_jupiter with id 24 has VALID connection point jup_to_jup_und,

which references to graph point jup_und_to_jup on the level l31_jupiter_under with id 29


Level l21_jupiter with id 24 has VALID connection point jupiter_to_pripyat_d,

which references to graph point pripyat_d_to_jupiter on the level l29_pripwest with id 33


Level l21_jupiter with id 24 has an INVALID connection point jupiter_to_red_forest,

which references to graph point jupiter_to_red_forest on the level l22_red_forest with id 26


***STOP*** file 'P:\xrAI\xr_graph_merge.cpp', line 591.

***Reason***: *** Assertion failed ***

Expression: M != (*K).second->m_tVertexMap.end()


***STOP*** file '(null)', line 0.

***Reason***: *** Internal Error ***

Saved dump file to 'logs\xrSE_Factory_DiXares_04-21-10_16-31-18.mdmp'




Ссылка на комментарий


Level l21_jupiter with id 24 has an INVALID connection point jupiter_to_red_forest,

which references to graph point jupiter_to_red_forest on the level l22_red_forest with id 26

Неправильный коннекшн поинт jupiter_to_red_forest. Надо исправить... Изменено пользователем bill_gates
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У меня опять ошибка при сборке all.spawn AI Wripper от by Bardak.

Вот лог:

* Detected CPU: GenuineIntel Pentium-III, F6/M7/S10, 2666.00 mhz, 32-clk 'rdtsc'

* CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2


Initializing File System...

FS: 39946 files cached, 4470Kb memory used.

'xrCore' build -729635, 000 0 0000


Loading DLL: xrSE_Factory.dll

"LevelBuilder v4.1" beta build

Compilation date: 000 0 0000


Startup time: 12:58:41

! There is no ai-map for the level l23_final_battle! (level is not included into the game graph)

level 1 l01_escape

level 2 l02_garbage

level 3 l03_agroprom

level 4 l03u_agr_underground

level 5 l04_darkvalley

level 6 l04u_labx18

level 7 l05_bar

level 8 l06_rostok

level 9 l08_yantar

level 10 l08u_brainlab

level 11 l07_military

level 12 l10_radar

level 13 l11_pripyat

level 14 l12_stancia

level 15 l12u_sarcofag

level 16 l12u_control_monolith

level 17 l12_stancia_2

level 18 l10u_bunker

level 20 l17_disers

level 21 l14_rostok

level 22 l18_lost_village

level 23 l20_zatons

level 24 l21_jupiter

level 25 l19_marsh

level 26 l22_red_forest

level 27 l23_limansk

level 28 l24_hospital

level 29 l31_jupiter_under

level 30 l16_rembasa

level 31 l27_laborx8

level 32 l25_darkline

level 33 l29_pripwest

level 34 l38_darkscape

Script debugger succesfully restarted.

* loading script _G.script

* loading script class_registrator.script

* loading script smart_terrain.script

* loading script se_respawn.script

* loading script se_switcher.script

* loading script se_stalker.script

* loading script se_car.script

* loading script se_zones.script

* loading script se_item.script

* loading script se_artefact.script

* loading script se_monster.script

* loading script game_registrator.script

* loading script smart_terrain_params.script

* loading script xr_gulag.script

* loading script gulag_general.script

* loading script gulag_escape.script

* loading script gulag_garbage.script

* loading script gulag_agroprom.script

* loading script gulag_agroprom_underground.script

* loading script gulag_dark_valley.script

* loading script gulag_labx18.script

* loading script gulag_bar.script

* loading script gulag_military.script

* loading script gulag_radar.script

* loading script gulag_radar_u.script

* loading script gulag_yantar.script

* loading script gulag_pripyat.script

* loading script gulag_kishka.script

* loading script gulag_sarcofag.script

* loading script gulag_deadcity.script

* loading script xr_logic.script

| | [l01_escape][respawn][esc_respawn_inventory_box_0000] : position changed from [-212.228470][-19.857691][-141.877960] -> [-211.399994][-20.020472][-142.100006]

| | [l01_escape][respawn][esc_respawn_inventory_box_0001] : position changed from [-118.984505][-29.900000][-390.841705] -> [-118.300003][-30.047827][-390.600006]

| | [l01_escape][respawn][esc_respawn_inventory_box_0003] : position changed from [60.924278][-0.339917][155.849762] -> [60.199982][-0.315674][156.100006]

| | [l01_escape][af_gravi][level_prefix_af_gravi_0000] : position changed from [-40.659592][-9.596919][-82.120476] -> [-39.199997][-10.880720][-82.600006]

| | [l02_garbage][respawn][gar_respawn_inventory_box_0000] : position changed from [-67.750679][2.002249][9.492465] -> [-67.199997][0.967287][8.399994]

| | [l02_garbage][respawn][gar_respawn_inventory_box_0001] : position changed from [-63.832542][-2.351707][-215.421677] -> [-63.000000][-2.522031][-215.600006]

| | [l02_garbage][respawn][gar_respawn_inventory_box_0002] : position changed from [-226.252792][-7.645792][-132.164246] -> [-225.399994][-8.353933][-132.300003]

| | [l02_garbage][respawn][gar_respawn_inventory_box_0003] : position changed from [48.168457][1.418473][241.416245] -> [48.299988][0.447323][240.099976]

| | [l03_agroprom][respawn][agr_respawn_inventory_0001] : position changed from [13.237453][4.975006][2.268669] -> [11.900009][-0.006899][2.799988]

| | [l03_agroprom][smart_terrain][agr2_bandit_st] : position changed from [-76.819603][1.981936][12.621646] -> [-75.600006][2.235468][12.600006]

| | [l04_darkvalley][respawn][val_respawn_inventory_box_0000] : position changed from [140.709854][0.860874][-235.167755] -> [141.399994][0.222766][-235.199982]

| | [l04_darkvalley][respawn][val_respawn_inventory_box_0001] : position changed from [35.771923][4.876759][-84.523895] -> [36.399994][4.535289][-84.699951]

| | [l04u_labx18][stalker][dar_stalker0000_0000] : position changed from [24.412210][-14.627719][77.047318] -> [19.599995][-16.345886][75.599998]

| | [l05_bar][smart_terrain][bar_visitors] : position changed from [141.743118][0.149969][68.549957] -> [140.700012][-0.012026][69.300018]

| | [l05_bar][respawn][bar_respawn_inventory_box_0000] : position changed from [225.941925][-4.188015][133.040527] -> [224.699982][-5.260128][132.300018]

| | [l05_bar][respawn][bar_respawn_inventory_box_0001] : position changed from [193.826767][1.471730][119.042221] -> [194.600006][-0.006561][120.399994]

| | [l06_rostok][stalker][bar_spy_killer_2] : position changed from [-203.589172][0.150000][63.707283] -> [-204.399994][0.076344][65.100006]

| | [l06_rostok][respawn][ros_respawn_inventory_box_0000] : position changed from [-239.434219][9.513714][55.475903] -> [-238.699997][9.359112][55.299988]

| | [l06_rostok][respawn][ros_respawn_inventory_box_0001] : position changed from [-252.158325][0.651978][16.685566] -> [-251.300003][1.222803][16.100006]

| | [l06_rostok][respawn][ros_respawn_inventory_box_0002] : position changed from [-231.278625][0.346174][146.033249] -> [-231.000000][0.098665][146.999969]

| | [l07_military][respawn][mil_inventory_respawn_000] : position changed from [-57.542564][-10.665318][32.296124] -> [-57.399994][-10.714224][31.500000]

| | [l07_military][respawn][mil_inventory_respawn_001] : position changed from [-92.477203][-19.510096][222.807190] -> [-92.399994][-20.564356][221.900009]

| | [l07_military][respawn][mil_inventory_respawn_002] : position changed from [-192.664261][-15.406441][372.279694] -> [-191.799988][-16.035957][371.700012]

| | [l07_military][respawn][mil_inventory_respawn_003] : position changed from [101.657318][0.291262][302.244171] -> [100.799988][-0.189106][303.099976]

| | [l07_military][respawn][mil_inventory_respawn_004] : position changed from [-233.224655][-12.523403][56.115078] -> [-233.099991][-12.663298][55.300003]

| | [l12_stancia_2][stalker][aes2_monolit_stalker_0010] : position changed from [17.898825][28.349998][292.288544] -> [18.199997][28.191013][291.899994]

| | [l17_disers][esc_stalker_respawn_1][level_prefix_stalker_trader] : position changed from [245.212128][28.768482][150.745041] -> [245.000031][28.768021][149.100006]

| | [l17_disers][vodka][level_prefix_vodka] : position changed from [247.651245][28.768482][150.458191] -> [245.699982][28.751900][149.100006]

| | [l17_disers][vodka][level_prefix_vodka_0000] : position changed from [247.686066][28.768482][150.358032] -> [245.699982][28.751900][149.100006]

| | [l17_disers][vodka][level_prefix_vodka_0001] : position changed from [247.611618][28.768482][150.544495] -> [245.699982][28.751900][149.100006]

| | [l17_disers][vodka][level_prefix_vodka_0002] : position changed from [247.587540][28.768482][150.443344] -> [245.699982][28.751900][149.100006]

| | [l17_disers][vodka][level_prefix_vodka_0003] : position changed from [247.752243][28.768482][150.444260] -> [245.699982][28.751900][149.100006]

| | [l17_disers][antirad][level_prefix_antirad] : position changed from [245.959137][31.464481][154.354645] -> [242.899994][28.577257][154.000031]

| | [l17_disers][antirad][level_prefix_antirad_0000] : position changed from [246.140656][31.464481][154.458923] -> [242.899994][28.577257][154.000031]

| | [l17_disers][medkit][level_prefix_medkit] : position changed from [244.786636][29.806496][152.134491] -> [242.899994][28.574570][151.899994]

| | [l18_lost_village][af_ameba_slug][level_prefix_af_ameba_slug] : position changed from [-4.460992][3.391054][-45.113400] -> [-5.600000][8.288615][-46.200001]

| | [l18_lost_village][af_dummy_spring][level_prefix_af_dummy_spring] : position changed from [-4.793799][3.391054][-45.685684] -> [-6.300001][8.174455][-46.200001]

| | [l18_lost_village][af_ameba_mica][level_prefix_af_ameba_mica_0000] : position changed from [94.961800][9.932158][20.843784] -> [95.899994][9.560237][21.000000]

| | [l20_zatons][explosive_barrel][level_prefix_explosive_barrel] : position changed from [27.257530][4.578698][364.393860] -> [26.600037][4.447037][364.000000]

| | [l20_zatons][vodka][level_prefix_vodka] : position changed from [19.643461][-2.391844][173.988037] -> [18.900024][-2.479753][172.199951]

| | [l20_zatons][vodka][level_prefix_vodka_0000] : position changed from [20.101185][-2.526186][173.233124] -> [18.900024][-2.479753][172.199951]

| | [l20_zatons][energy_drink][level_prefix_energy_drink] : position changed from [19.352251][-2.334136][173.884430] -> [18.900024][-2.479753][172.199951]

| | [l20_zatons][conserva][level_prefix_conserva] : position changed from [19.211376][-2.311849][173.737869] -> [18.900024][-2.479753][172.199951]

| | [l20_zatons][antirad][level_prefix_antirad] : position changed from [19.787495][-2.405875][174.287888] -> [18.900024][-2.479753][172.199951]

| | [l20_zatons][antirad][level_prefix_antirad_0000] : position changed from [19.172529][-2.264545][174.402512] -> [17.500000][-2.140215][172.899963]

| | [l20_zatons][medkit_army][level_prefix_medkit_army] : position changed from [19.535685][-2.404385][173.311295] -> [18.900024][-2.479753][172.199951]

| | [l20_zatons][af_electra_moonlight][level_prefix_af_electra_moonlight] : position changed from [413.216064][-0.619674][231.971069] -> [413.000000][-5.428041][234.500000]

***STOP*** file 'p:\xrse_factory\net_utils.h', line 167.

***Reason***: *** Assertion failed ***

Expression: r_pos<=B.count


***STOP*** file '(null)', line 0.

***Reason***: *** Internal Error ***

Saved dump file to 'logs\xrSE_Factory_DiXares_04-22-10_12-59-34.mdmp'




Ошибку убрал, решил быстро, но теперь, после того как всё скомпилировалось, получаю вылет без лога.




И ещё одно:

Что за файлы level_sectors.AI?

Я их отрыл в Народной Солянке.

Может у меня вылет поэтому, что нет файлов этих?

Изменено пользователем TREWKO
Ссылка на комментарий

Пытаюсь работать в СДК на Висте. На удивление сами программы работаю хорошо, проблема возникла в неожиданном месте. В Actor Editor при попытке открыть любое Окно открытия (тоесть при попытке открыть окно, где надо выбрать модель (open, import и т.д) СДК останавливается, а при нажатии на экран происходит звон, как будто запрещённое окно или типа того. Сдк приходится вырубать. Есть идеи?

Сообщение от модератора n6260
1.Поставить ХР через виртуальную машину.

2. Под Вин7 (после танцев с бубнами) СДК вроде работает. Про настройку СДК под Висту - не слышал.

З.Ы. Родная среда для СДК - ХР.

Можно просто Shoker, форум АМК съел моё старое имя и не хочет отдавать о_О

Мастер аномалий на свою заднюю точку.

Ссылка на комментарий
f0reSt, как программа називается, и где ее скачать? Изменено пользователем PavelSnork
Жду ли я Сталкер 2? Хм...
Ссылка на комментарий

Такой вылет при коимпляции

Expression : THM

Function : CBuild::Load

File : D:\xray-svn\xrLC\Build_Load.cpp

Line : 282

Description : rawdata\textures\fbr\fbr_linoleum1.thm


Что делаьб? Я так понял, что в равдате текстурки какой то нет...



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