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13 минут назад, CuJIbBEP сказал:

Вся геометрия для компиляции уже есть в буилде...

То-же самое и в ЗП.

  • Нравится 2


AMD FX-8370 (8 X 4.35GHz); RAM 16Gb; MSI GTX 1070 (8Gb).
Windows -10 PRO (х64)

Ссылка на комментарий
Скрытый текст

* Detected CPU: GenuineIntel Pentium-III, F6/M7/S10, 3047.00 mhz, 33-clk 'rdtsc'
* CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2

Initializing File System...
using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx
FS: 49862 files cached, 6690Kb memory used.
Init FileSystem 1.094375 sec
'xrCore' build 0, (null)

Loading DLL: xrSE_Factory.dll
'xrCore' build 0, (null)

"LevelBuilder v4.1" beta build
Compilation date: Sep 10 2014

Startup time: 17:43:33
* New phase started: Processing level graphs
    level  1 l01_escape
* loading script _G.script
* loading script lua_injections.script
* loading script class_registrator.script
* loading script smart_terrain.script
* loading script se_respawn.script
* loading script se_switcher.script
* loading script se_stalker.script
* loading script se_car.script
* loading script se_zones.script
* loading script se_item.script
* loading script se_artefact.script
* loading script se_monster.script
    level  2 l02_garbage
    level  3 l03_agroprom
    level  4 l03u_agr_underground
    level  5 l04_darkvalley
    level  6 l04u_labx18
    level  7 l05_bar
    level  8 l06_rostok
    level  9 l08_yantar
    level 10 l08u_brainlab
    level 11 l07_military
    level 13 l10_radar
    level 14 l11_pripyat
    level 15 l12_stancia
    level 16 l12u_sarcofag
    level 17 l12u_control_monolith
    level 19 l12_stancia_2
    level 20 l10u_bunker
    level 21 k01_darkscape
    level 22 l09_deadcity
    level 23 l10u_labx14
    level 24 l11u_pripyat
    level 25 l13_generators
    level 26 l13u_warlab
    level 27 l14_marsh
    level 28 l15_red_forest
    level 29 l16_limansk
    level 30 l17_hospital
    level 31 l17u_catacomb
    level 32 l18_foggy_thicket
    level 33 l18u_logovo
* New phase started: Adding interconnection points
Level l01_escape with id 1 has VALID connection point exit_esc_1,
which references to graph point exit_bol_1 on the level l14_marsh with id 27

Level l01_escape with id 1 has VALID connection point exit_esc_2,
which references to graph point exit_dars_1 on the level k01_darkscape with id 21

Level l01_escape with id 1 has VALID connection point exit_esc_to_sval,
which references to graph point exit_sval_to_esc on the level l02_garbage with id 2

Level l01_escape with id 1 has VALID connection point exit_esc_to_sval2,
which references to graph point exit_sval_to_esc2 on the level l02_garbage with id 2

Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point exit_sval_1,
which references to graph point exit_aver_2 on the level l18_foggy_thicket with id 32

Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point exit_sval_2,
which references to graph point exit_deds_4 on the level l09_deadcity with id 22

Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point exit_sval_3,
which references to graph point exit_ros_2 on the level l06_rostok with id 8

Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point exit_sval_to_agr,
which references to graph point exit_agr_to_sval on the level l03_agroprom with id 3

Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point exit_sval_to_bar,
which references to graph point exit_bar_to_sval on the level l05_bar with id 7

Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point exit_sval_to_dars,
which references to graph point exit_dars_to_sval on the level l04_darkvalley with id 5

Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point exit_sval_to_esc,
which references to graph point exit_esc_to_sval on the level l01_escape with id 1

Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point exit_sval_to_esc2,
which references to graph point exit_esc_to_sval2 on the level l01_escape with id 1

Level l03_agroprom with id 3 has VALID connection point exit_agr_1,
which references to graph point exit_bol_2 on the level l14_marsh with id 27

Level l03_agroprom with id 3 has VALID connection point exit_agr_2,
which references to graph point exit_yan_1 on the level l08_yantar with id 9

Level l03_agroprom with id 3 has VALID connection point exit_agr_to_agru,
which references to graph point exit_agru_to_agr on the level l03u_agr_underground with id 4

Level l03_agroprom with id 3 has VALID connection point exit_agr_to_sval,
which references to graph point exit_sval_to_agr on the level l02_garbage with id 2

Cannot find level with level_id -1. Connection point will not be generated!
Level l04_darkvalley with id 5 has VALID connection point exit_dars_to_sval,
which references to graph point exit_sval_to_dars on the level l02_garbage with id 2

Level l04_darkvalley with id 5 has VALID connection point exit_dars_to_x18,
which references to graph point exit_x18_to_dars on the level l04u_labx18 with id 6

Level l04_darkvalley with id 5 has VALID connection point exit_darv_1,
which references to graph point exit_dars_2 on the level k01_darkscape with id 21

Level l04_darkvalley with id 5 has VALID connection point exit_darv_2,
which references to graph point exit_prip_1 on the level l11_pripyat with id 14

Level l04_darkvalley with id 5 has VALID connection point exit_darv_3,
which references to graph point exit_aver_3 on the level l18_foggy_thicket with id 32

Level l04u_labx18 with id 6 has VALID connection point exit_x18_to_dars,
which references to graph point exit_dars_to_x18 on the level l04_darkvalley with id 5

Level l05_bar with id 7 has VALID connection point exit_bar_1,
which references to graph point exit_aver_1 on the level l18_foggy_thicket with id 32

Level l05_bar with id 7 has VALID connection point exit_bar_2,
which references to graph point exit_rad_3 on the level l10_radar with id 13

Level l05_bar with id 7 has VALID connection point exit_bar_to_mil,
which references to graph point exit_mil_to_bar on the level l07_military with id 11

Level l05_bar with id 7 has VALID connection point exit_bar_to_ros,
which references to graph point exit_ros_to_bar on the level l06_rostok with id 8

Level l05_bar with id 7 has VALID connection point exit_bar_to_sval,
which references to graph point exit_sval_to_bar on the level l02_garbage with id 2

Level l06_rostok with id 8 has VALID connection point exit_ros_1,
which references to graph point exit_bol_3 on the level l14_marsh with id 27

Level l06_rostok with id 8 has VALID connection point exit_ros_2,
which references to graph point exit_sval_3 on the level l02_garbage with id 2

Level l06_rostok with id 8 has VALID connection point exit_ros_to_bar,
which references to graph point exit_bar_to_ros on the level l05_bar with id 7

Level l06_rostok with id 8 has VALID connection point exit_ros_to_yan,
which references to graph point exit_yan_to_ros on the level l08_yantar with id 9

Level l08_yantar with id 9 has VALID connection point exit_yan_1,
which references to graph point exit_agr_2 on the level l03_agroprom with id 3

Level l08_yantar with id 9 has VALID connection point exit_yan_2,
which references to graph point exit_deds_1 on the level l09_deadcity with id 22

Level l08_yantar with id 9 has VALID connection point exit_yan_to_ros,
which references to graph point exit_ros_to_yan on the level l06_rostok with id 8

Level l08_yantar with id 9 has VALID connection point l08_yantar_graph_point_1461,
which references to graph point l08u_brainlab_graph_point_1540 on the level l08u_brainlab with id 10

Level l08_yantar with id 9 has VALID connection point l08_yantar_graph_point_1528,
which references to graph point l10_radar_graph_point_2116 on the level l10_radar with id 13

Level l08u_brainlab with id 10 has VALID connection point l08u_brainlab_graph_point_1540,
which references to graph point l08_yantar_graph_point_1461 on the level l08_yantar with id 9

Level l07_military with id 11 has VALID connection point exit_mil_1,
which references to graph point exit_rfor_4 on the level l15_red_forest with id 28

Level l07_military with id 11 has VALID connection point exit_mil_2,
which references to graph point exit_deds_3 on the level l09_deadcity with id 22

Level l07_military with id 11 has VALID connection point exit_mil_3,
which references to graph point exit_gen_3 on the level l13_generators with id 25

Level l07_military with id 11 has VALID connection point exit_mil_to_bar,
which references to graph point exit_bar_to_mil on the level l05_bar with id 7

Level l07_military with id 11 has VALID connection point exit_mil_to_rad,
which references to graph point exit_rad_to_mil on the level l10_radar with id 13

Level l10_radar with id 13 has VALID connection point exit_rad_1,
which references to graph point exit_rfor_3 on the level l15_red_forest with id 28

Level l10_radar with id 13 has VALID connection point exit_rad_2,
which references to graph point exit_l17_1 on the level l17u_catacomb with id 31

Level l10_radar with id 13 has VALID connection point exit_rad_3,
which references to graph point exit_bar_2 on the level l05_bar with id 7

Level l10_radar with id 13 has VALID connection point exit_rad_4,
which references to graph point exit_l14_1 on the level l10u_labx14 with id 23

Level l10_radar with id 13 has VALID connection point exit_rad_to_mil,
which references to graph point exit_mil_to_rad on the level l07_military with id 11

Level l10_radar with id 13 has VALID connection point exit_rad_to_prip,
which references to graph point exit_prip_to_rad on the level l11_pripyat with id 14

Level l10_radar with id 13 has VALID connection point l10_radar_graph_point_1977,
which references to graph point l10u_bunker_graph_point_2791 on the level l10u_bunker with id 20

Level l10_radar with id 13 has VALID connection point l10_radar_graph_point_2116,
which references to graph point l08_yantar_graph_point_1528 on the level l08_yantar with id 9

Level l11_pripyat with id 14 has VALID connection point exit_prip_1,
which references to graph point exit_darv_2 on the level l04_darkvalley with id 5

Level l11_pripyat with id 14 has VALID connection point exit_prip_2,
which references to graph point exit_pripu_1 on the level l11u_pripyat with id 24

Level l11_pripyat with id 14 has VALID connection point exit_prip_to_rad,
which references to graph point exit_rad_to_prip on the level l10_radar with id 13

Level l11_pripyat with id 14 has VALID connection point l11_pripyat_graph_point_2272,
which references to graph point l12_stancia_graph_point_2400 on the level l12_stancia with id 15

Level l12_stancia with id 15 has VALID connection point l12_stancia_graph_point_2400,
which references to graph point l11_pripyat_graph_point_2272 on the level l11_pripyat with id 14

Level l12u_sarcofag with id 16 has VALID connection point l12u_sarcofag_graph_point_2465,
which references to graph point l12u_control_monolith_graph_point_2468 on the level l12u_control_monolith with id 17

Level l12u_sarcofag with id 16 has VALID connection point l12u_sarcofag_graph_point_2466,
which references to graph point l12_stancia_graph_point_2385 on the level l12_stancia with id 15

Level l12u_control_monolith with id 17 has VALID connection point l12u_control_monolith_graph_point_2468,
which references to graph point l12u_sarcofag_graph_point_2465 on the level l12u_sarcofag with id 16

Level l12u_control_monolith with id 17 has VALID connection point l12u_control_monolith_graph_point_2470,
which references to graph point l12_stancia_2_graph_point_2660 on the level l12_stancia_2 with id 19

Level l12_stancia_2 with id 19 has VALID connection point exit_chs2_1,
which references to graph point exit_gen_1 on the level l13_generators with id 25

Level l12_stancia_2 with id 19 has VALID connection point l12_stancia_2_graph_point_2660,
which references to graph point l12u_control_monolith_graph_point_2470 on the level l12u_control_monolith with id 17

Level l10u_bunker with id 20 has VALID connection point l10u_bunker_graph_point_2791,
which references to graph point l10_radar_graph_point_1977 on the level l10_radar with id 13

Level k01_darkscape with id 21 has VALID connection point exit_dars_1,
which references to graph point exit_esc_2 on the level l01_escape with id 1

Level k01_darkscape with id 21 has VALID connection point exit_dars_2,
which references to graph point exit_darv_1 on the level l04_darkvalley with id 5

Level l09_deadcity with id 22 has VALID connection point exit_deds_1,
which references to graph point exit_yan_2 on the level l08_yantar with id 9

Level l09_deadcity with id 22 has VALID connection point exit_deds_2,
which references to graph point exit_lim_2 on the level l16_limansk with id 29

Level l09_deadcity with id 22 has VALID connection point exit_deds_3,
which references to graph point exit_mil_2 on the level l07_military with id 11

Level l09_deadcity with id 22 has VALID connection point exit_deds_4,
which references to graph point exit_sval_2 on the level l02_garbage with id 2

Level l09_deadcity with id 22 has VALID connection point exit_deds_5,
which references to graph point exit_rfor_1 on the level l15_red_forest with id 28

Level l10u_labx14 with id 23 has VALID connection point exit_l14_1,
which references to graph point exit_rad_4 on the level l10_radar with id 13

Level l11u_pripyat with id 24 has VALID connection point exit_pripu_1,
which references to graph point exit_prip_2 on the level l11_pripyat with id 14

Level l13_generators with id 25 has VALID connection point exit_gen_1,
which references to graph point exit_chs2_1 on the level l12_stancia_2 with id 19

Level l13_generators with id 25 has VALID connection point exit_gen_2,
which references to graph point exit_13u_1 on the level l13u_warlab with id 26

Level l13_generators with id 25 has VALID connection point exit_gen_3,
which references to graph point exit_mil_3 on the level l07_military with id 11

Level l13u_warlab with id 26 has VALID connection point exit_13u_1,
which references to graph point exit_gen_2 on the level l13_generators with id 25

Level l14_marsh with id 27 has VALID connection point exit_bol_1,
which references to graph point exit_esc_1 on the level l01_escape with id 1

Level l14_marsh with id 27 has VALID connection point exit_bol_2,
which references to graph point exit_agr_1 on the level l03_agroprom with id 3

Level l14_marsh with id 27 has VALID connection point exit_bol_3,
which references to graph point exit_ros_1 on the level l06_rostok with id 8

Level l15_red_forest with id 28 has VALID connection point exit_rfor_1,
which references to graph point exit_deds_5 on the level l09_deadcity with id 22

Level l15_red_forest with id 28 has VALID connection point exit_rfor_2,
which references to graph point exit_lim_1 on the level l16_limansk with id 29

Level l15_red_forest with id 28 has VALID connection point exit_rfor_3,
which references to graph point exit_rad_1 on the level l10_radar with id 13

Level l15_red_forest with id 28 has VALID connection point exit_rfor_4,
which references to graph point exit_mil_1 on the level l07_military with id 11

Level l16_limansk with id 29 has VALID connection point exit_lim_1,
which references to graph point exit_rfor_2 on the level l15_red_forest with id 28

Level l16_limansk with id 29 has VALID connection point exit_lim_2,
which references to graph point exit_deds_2 on the level l09_deadcity with id 22

Level l16_limansk with id 29 has VALID connection point exit_lim_3,
which references to graph point exit_gos_1 on the level l17_hospital with id 30

Level l17_hospital with id 30 has VALID connection point exit_gos_1,
which references to graph point exit_lim_3 on the level l16_limansk with id 29

Level l17_hospital with id 30 has VALID connection point exit_gos_2,
which references to graph point exit_l17_2 on the level l17u_catacomb with id 31

Level l17u_catacomb with id 31 has VALID connection point exit_l17_1,
which references to graph point exit_rad_2 on the level l10_radar with id 13

Level l17u_catacomb with id 31 has VALID connection point exit_l17_2,
which references to graph point exit_gos_2 on the level l17_hospital with id 30

Level l18_foggy_thicket with id 32 has VALID connection point exit_aver_1,
which references to graph point exit_bar_1 on the level l05_bar with id 7

Level l18_foggy_thicket with id 32 has VALID connection point exit_aver_2,
which references to graph point exit_sval_1 on the level l02_garbage with id 2

Level l18_foggy_thicket with id 32 has VALID connection point exit_aver_3,
which references to graph point exit_darv_3 on the level l04_darkvalley with id 5

Level l18_foggy_thicket with id 32 has VALID connection point exit_aver_4,
which references to graph point exit_pesh_1 on the level l18u_logovo with id 33

Level l18u_logovo with id 33 has VALID connection point exit_pesh_1,
which references to graph point exit_aver_4 on the level l18_foggy_thicket with id 32

* New phase started: Saving graph being merged
cross_table offset: 10988129
cross_table offset: 10988133
cross_table offset: 10988137
cross_table offset: 10988141
cross_table offset: 10988145
cross_table offset: 10988149
cross_table offset: 10988153
cross_table offset: 10988157
cross_table offset: 10988161
cross_table offset: 10988165
cross_table offset: 10988169
cross_table offset: 10988173
cross_table offset: 10988177
cross_table offset: 10988181
cross_table offset: 10988185
cross_table offset: 10988189
cross_table offset: 10988193
cross_table offset: 10988197
cross_table offset: 10988201
cross_table offset: 10988205
cross_table offset: 10988209
cross_table offset: 10988213
cross_table offset: 10988217
cross_table offset: 10988221
cross_table offset: 10988225
cross_table offset: 10988229
cross_table offset: 10988233
cross_table offset: 10988237
cross_table offset: 10988241
cross_table offset: 10988245
cross_table offset: 10988249
* New phase started: Freeing resources being allocated


Изменено пользователем UriZzz
Причина ошибки определина

 Моя нычкаНычка в арендованном у Опричника холодильнике  

Мы хорошие ребята, жаль патронов маловато:):ukostra:


Ссылка на комментарий

Вылетает при переходе на локацию


Скрытый текст


[error]Expression    : ai().game_graph().header().levels().end() != I
[error]Function      : CALifeGraphRegistry::setup_current_level
[error]File          : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\alife_graph_registry.cpp
[error]Line          : 91
[error]Description   : Graph point level ID not found!

stack trace:




Что значит "В спавне указан несуществующий game_vertex_id." и как это исправить?


Ссылка на комментарий
28 минут назад, Никсон сказал:

Что значит "В спавне указан несуществующий game_vertex_id."

А то и значит, что спавн переход прописан неправильно, указан несуществующий game_vertex_id, можеш понимать буквально.

А исправить можно распаковав аллспавн, прописать переход,без ошибок.

Ссылка на комментарий
4 минуты назад, Akello сказал:

распаковав аллспавн

Я сомневаюсь, что в 2019 кто-то будет ACDC использовать. Через СДК никак не исправить?  (кроме переделывания самого перехода)

  • Сочувствую 2
Ссылка на комментарий
32 минуты назад, Никсон сказал:

Я сомневаюсь, что в 2019 кто-то будет ACDC использовать.

Ну можеш сомневаться и дальше, или можеш распаковать аллспавн и прописать переход, или в сдк можеш его прописать, тебе решать.

И для справки, Я пользуюсь АСDС , пользовался, и буду пользоваться,можеш занести меня в красную книгу.

И у меня нет cdk 04, поэтому с сдк помочь я не смогу, извини.

Изменено пользователем Akello
  • Нравится 1
  • Согласен 3
  • Смешно 1
Ссылка на комментарий
30 минут назад, Akello сказал:

Я пользуюсь АСDС , пользовался, и буду пользоваться

Уже как-то писали про это. Нас, активных пользователей этой очень удобной тулзы, только здесь на форуме целый клуб.

  • Нравится 2
Ссылка на комментарий

Так ребята, новый вопрос: как легче всего разыскать хвост?

Вот имеется отрывок лога:

4 часа назад, UriZzz сказал:

Cannot find level with level_id -1. Connection point will not be generated!
Level l04_darkvalley with id 5 has VALID connection point exit_dars_to_sval,
which references to graph point exit_sval_to_dars on the level l02_garbage with id 2

Это что получается, АИ связанный графпоинт без пары находится в Тёмной долине? Но хвоста там нет, я проверял, это видно из лога. Не чего не понимаю.

Изменено пользователем UriZzz

 Моя нычкаНычка в арендованном у Опричника холодильнике  

Мы хорошие ребята, жаль патронов маловато:):ukostra:


Ссылка на комментарий
56 минут назад, UriZzz сказал:

Не чего не понимаю.

А что тебе нужно от этого графпоинта, напомни ка, что ты вообще делаеш? Собираеш спавн или что.

Ссылка на комментарий

@Akello, удалить нужно, собираю game.graph. Отрывок лога при сборке.

Вообще я адаптирую Prosectors Project к СДК, в нём уже как бы есть пак локаций но его доработать нужно. Там давольно тыки приличная такая паутина АИ связей...

 Моя нычкаНычка в арендованном у Опричника холодильнике  

Мы хорошие ребята, жаль патронов маловато:):ukostra:


Ссылка на комментарий
21 минуту назад, UriZzz сказал:

удалить нужно

Если нужно удалить, то ты можеш просто удалить эту связь, а не сам графпоинт,  удалиш саму связь и собереш без проблем, я бы помог, но у меня нет сдк 4.

Ссылка на комментарий

@Akello, да удалить несложно, отыскать бы:puffy:. На таком колличестве лок как иголку в стогу сена. На самой тёмной долине вроде не чего противозаконного нет...

Изменено пользователем UriZzz

 Моя нычкаНычка в арендованном у Опричника холодильнике  

Мы хорошие ребята, жаль патронов маловато:):ukostra:


Ссылка на комментарий

Там написано что Level l04_darkvalley with id 5 has VALID connection point exit_dars_to_sval,
which references to graph point exit_sval_to_dars on the level l02_garbage with id 2, то есть все нормально.

А вот где не нормально - непонятно.

 Моя нычкаНычка в арендованном у Опричника холодильнике  

Мы хорошие ребята, жаль патронов маловато:):ukostra:


Ссылка на комментарий

Итак, Юпитер скомпилил. Качество компиляции - 10, лайтмапов - всего 30, время компила - 14+ часов. Вот что значит текстура террейна правильная!!! Всем спс за советы.


Правда, в игре еще не проверял, вечерком проверю.

Изменено пользователем AndrewMor
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12 часов назад, UriZzz сказал:

Cannot find level with level_id -1. Connection point will not be generated!

Первую строчку своего же отрывка лога прочитай - если:

3 часа назад, UriZzz сказал:

где не нормально - непонятно

Кстати - не поняла смысл удаления своего предыдущего поста...

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@Akellohttps://www.amk-team.ru/forum/topic/1560-soc-voprosy-po-sdk/?do=findComment&comment=1244419 тут под спойлером.

@Змея, я знаю что там написано, прогнал через ПРОПТ, но не знаю имеет ли смысл сей перевод. В инструкции по подключению локаций @amik пишит что мол такая ошибка в логе указывает на гп АИ связанный с другим несуществующим гп.

Ну наверное придётся ворошить все АИ связи на всех локах, что тут поделать:facepalm:чёрт!

 Моя нычкаНычка в арендованном у Опричника холодильнике  

Мы хорошие ребята, жаль патронов маловато:):ukostra:


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43 минуты назад, UriZzz сказал:

Ну наверное придётся ворошить все АИ связи на всех локах

Я просил скинуть сам файл лога, а не ссылки на спойлеры.

Просто мне трудно читать это с экрана.


Изменено пользователем Akello
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@Akello, непонимаю - в чём разница? Я его там под спойлер весь поместил.

Ну держи https://yadi.sk/i/uxpbRBkJN-Hcfw 


@Akello, возможно мне далеко ходить не придётся Cannot find level with level_id -1. Connection point will not be generated!

Level_id 1 это, как я понимаю, Кордон,  может там стоит поискать сей зловредный гп? Возможно он будет ссылаться на ТД.

Изменено пользователем UriZzz
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 Моя нычкаНычка в арендованном у Опричника холодильнике  

Мы хорошие ребята, жаль патронов маловато:):ukostra:


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