Это популярное сообщение. Dennis_Chikin 3 662 Опубликовано 16 Мая 2014 Это популярное сообщение. Поделиться Опубликовано 16 Мая 2014 Ковыряемся в файлах ТЧ Прежде чем писать в тему - внимательно читаем первый пост, и пользуемся поиском. Возможно, ответ на Ваш вопрос уже есть. Касательно телепатии: если Вы передаете Ваши файлы телепатическим путем - ответы будут передаваться тоже телепатически. Если Вы предлагаете угадать, отчего у Вас в подвале происходит странный стук - ответ будет передан стуком. 4 8 6 12 Солянка обезжиренная, диетическая, полезные советы по "солянке", текущий тестовый патч Ссылка на комментарий
alex5773 1 330 Опубликовано 18 Октября 2022 Поделиться Опубликовано 18 Октября 2022 1 час назад, Купер сказал: Хм, а вот это, похоже, не работает Конечно не работает, потому как в движке нет этого. Ссылка на комментарий
dsh 3 824 Опубликовано 18 Октября 2022 Поделиться Опубликовано 18 Октября 2022 1 hour ago, Купер said: Т.е, повторная компиляция _g.script. Почему повторная? Не важно, сколько раз к скрипту обращаться, загружаться и компилироваться он будет один раз. А зачем в примере такое обращение, да кто же его знает. Может копипаста, может в этом скрипте, откуда строка, уже есть функция с таким же именем, поэтому понадобилось указать _g, а может что-нибудь другое. 1 1 dsh mod: https://github.com/dsh2dsh/op2ogse Ссылка на комментарий
AndrewMor 531 Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 Поделиться Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 16.10.2022 в 21:23, Hind сказал: Может дело в алл спавне? А сам олл.спавн пересобирался? После прописывания там нового смарта и точек walk? 1 Сталкер - наше всё! Ссылка на комментарий
mole venomous 3 549 Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 Поделиться Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 (изменено) Дополню. При этом, после компиляции олл.спавна, в который добавлены секции объектов, стоит начать НИ. Если добавлены только секции путей существующим объектам, НИ не нужна. Изменено 19 Октября 2022 пользователем mole venomous 1 Здесь могла быть ваша реклама. Ссылка на комментарий
imcrazyhoudini 211 Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 Поделиться Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 @mole venomous имеешь ввиду если правишь/добавляешь вэйпоинты то НИ не нужна? Познавательно, всё время НИ начинал... 1 1 ищу человека, который смог бы заняться разработкой погоды на OGSR. кто может помочь - пишите в ЛС. Ссылка на комментарий
Hind 29 Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 Поделиться Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 А вот сделал такую схемку: [walker@esc_blokpost_idle1] path_walk = idle_walk1 path_look = idle_look1 Но непись не хочет со мной болтать. А надо! Hind Upgrade Mod Ссылка на комментарий
mole venomous 3 549 Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 Поделиться Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 А здесь нет ничего запрещающего или разрешающего беседу с ним. Здесь могла быть ваша реклама. Ссылка на комментарий
Hind 29 Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 Поделиться Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 @mole venomousразрешающую - пытался добавить use = true. Но всё равно упирается болтать. А запрещающего - нет. Отбой, разобрался. Сделал так: Скрытый текст [walker@esc_blokpost_idle1] path_walk = idle_walk1 path_look = idle_look1 meet = meet@main [meet@main] victim = 15|actor victim_wpn = 15|actor use = true use_wpn = true И заработало Hind Upgrade Mod Ссылка на комментарий
mole venomous 3 549 Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 Поделиться Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 @Hind , вот пример: Скрытый текст [smart_terrains] none = true [logic] active = walker@esc_mechanik combat_ignore = combat_ignore@esc_mechanik on_hit = combat ;on_combat = combat on_death = death [walker@esc_mechanik] path_walk = esc_mechanik_walk path_look = esc_mechanik_look meet = meet combat_ignore_cond = {=fighting_dist_ge_20} on_info = {+mechanik_done} walker@esc_mechanik_moving [walker@esc_mechanik_moving] path_walk = esc_mechanik2_walk path_look = esc_mechanik2_look meet = meet@no_use combat_ignore_cond = {=fighting_dist_ge_20} on_info = {+esc_mechanik_place} walker@esc_mechanik2 [walker@esc_mechanik2] path_walk = esc_mechanik2_walk path_look = esc_mechanik2_look meet = meet combat_ignore_cond = {=fighting_dist_ge(10)} [meet] use = true use_wpn = true meet_talk_enabled = true [meet@no_use] use = false use_wpn = false abuse = false [combat_ignore@esc_mechanik] combat_ignore_cond = {=fighting_dist_ge_20} [combat] on_info = {=hit_by_actor} %+esc_mechanik_combat% [death] on_info = %+mechanik_umer% 1 Здесь могла быть ваша реклама. Ссылка на комментарий
Hind 29 Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 Поделиться Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 Нарисовал такую схему: Скрытый текст [logic@esc_blokpost_idle2] active = walker@esc_blokpost_idle2 [walker@esc_blokpost_idle2] path_walk = idle_walk2 path_look = idle_look2 meet = meet@main2 [meet@main2] victim = 15|actor victim_wpn = 15|actor use = true use_wpn = true Вейпоинты поставил так: ссылка В gulag_escape.script в соответсвующей секции прописал эту работу: Скрытый текст t = { section = "logic@esc_blokpost_idle2", idle = 0, prior = 98, state = {0,1,2}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) Запускаю - на выходе ловлю вылет. Скрытый текст [error]Expression : fatal error [error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error [error]File : E:\stalker\sources\trunk\xr_3da\xrGame\script_engine.cpp [error]Line : 73 [error]Description : <no expression> [error]Arguments : LUA error: ... Тень Чернобыля\gamedata\scripts\bind_stalker.script:215: C stack overflow Как лечить? Hind Upgrade Mod Ссылка на комментарий
imcrazyhoudini 211 Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 Поделиться Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 @Hind скрипт кинь полностью. ищу человека, который смог бы заняться разработкой погоды на OGSR. кто может помочь - пишите в ЛС. Ссылка на комментарий
Hind 29 Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 Поделиться Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 @imcrazyhoudini Скрытый текст local t = {} function load_job(sj, gname, type, squad, groups) --'-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --' ESCAPE --'-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --' Escape blockpost if type == "esc_blokpost" then t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_patrol1", idle = 0, prior = 8, state = {0}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_blockpost_patrol_restrictor" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_follower1", idle = 0, prior = 7, state = {0}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_blockpost_patrol_restrictor" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_follower2", idle = 0, prior = 7, state = {0}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_blockpost_patrol_restrictor" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_commander_day", idle = 0, prior = 100, state = {0,2}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.name == "esc_blokpost_commander" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_post1", idle = 0, prior = 8, state = {0,1,2}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_blokpost_ward1", idle = 0, prior = 99, state = {0,1,2}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_blokpost_idle2", idle = 0, prior = 98, state = {0,1,2}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_camper_day", idle = 0, prior = 6, state = {0,2}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_patrol_yard", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0,1}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_watch_tv1", idle = 0, prior = 2, state = {0}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_watch_tv2", idle = 0, prior = 2, state = {0}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_kamp1", idle = 0, prior = 4, state = {1}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_kamp1", idle = 0, prior = 4, state = {1}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_kamp2", idle = 0, prior = 10, state = {1}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.name == "esc_blokpost_commander" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_sleep1", idle = 0, prior = 2, state = {1}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_sleep2", idle = 0, prior = 2, state = {1}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_sleep3", idle = 0, prior = 2, state = {1}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_sleep4", idle = 0, prior = 2, state = {1}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_comander_guard1", idle = 0, prior = 6, state = {2}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_comander_guard2", idle = 0, prior = 6, state = {2}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_camper1", idle = 0, prior = 6, state = {2}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_camper2", idle = 0, prior = 6, state = {2}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_alarm_patrol1", idle = 0, prior = 6, state = {2}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_alarm_patrol2", idle = 0, prior = 6, state = {2}, position_threshold = 100, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) end --' Спецназ на блокпосте if type == "esc_specnaz" then t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_kamp", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_kamp", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_kamp", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_kamp", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_kamp", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_kamp", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_raid1", idle = 0, prior = 10, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_raid2", idle = 0, prior = 10, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_follower1", idle = 0, prior = 7, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_follower2", idle = 0, prior = 7, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_follower3", idle = 0, prior = 7, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_follower4", idle = 0, prior = 7, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) end --' Лагерь новичков на Escape if type == "esc_lager" then -- охранники t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_zoneguard1", idle = 0, prior = 9, state = {0, 1}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone", } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_zoneguard2", idle = 0, prior = 9, state = {0, 1}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone", } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_walker3", idle = 0, prior = 8, state = {0, 1}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_walker4", idle = 0, prior = 8, state = {0, 1}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) -- у костра днём t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_kamp1", idle = 0, prior = 6, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_kamp1", idle = 0, prior = 6, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_kamp1", idle = 0, prior = 6, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) -- Волк, собственной персоной. t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_volk", idle = 0, prior = 16, state = {0,1}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_wolf" end } table.insert(sj, t) -- Шустрый t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_shustryi", idle = 0, prior = 16, state = {0,1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_shustryi" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_kamp1", idle = 0, prior = 16, state = {2}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_shustryi" end } table.insert(sj, t) -- Фанат t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_fanat", idle = 0, prior = 16, state = {0,1}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_fanat" end } table.insert(sj, t) -- спящие ночью t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_sleeper1", idle = 0, prior = 3, state = {1}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_sleeper2", idle = 0, prior = 3, state = {1}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_kamp1", idle = 0, prior = 3, state = {1}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) -- спящие ночью и днёи t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_sleeper5", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0,1}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_kamp1", idle = 0, prior = 0, state = {0,1}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_sleeper7", idle = 0, prior = 0, state = {0,1}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend1", idle = 0, prior = 15, state = {2}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend2", idle = 0, prior = 14, state = {2}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend3", idle = 0, prior = 13, state = {2}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend4", idle = 0, prior = 12, state = {2}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend5", idle = 0, prior = 11, state = {2}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend6", idle = 0, prior = 10, state = {2}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend7", idle = 0, prior = 9, state = {2}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend8", idle = 0, prior = 8, state = {2}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend9", idle = 0, prior = 16, state = {2}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.name == "esc_novice_attacker1" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend10", idle = 0, prior = 16, state = {2}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.name == "esc_vagon_wounded" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend11", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend12", idle = 0, prior = 20, state = {2}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_fanat" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend13", idle = 0, prior = 20, state = {2}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_wolf" and not (has_alife_info("agroprom_military_case_have") and has_alife_info("esc_fanat_spawn")) end } table.insert(sj, t) end --' Бандиты на фабрике if type == "esc_fabrika_bandit" then -- часовые днём t = { section = "logic@esc_fabrika_bandit_walker1", idle = 0, prior = 2, state = {0}, in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_fabrika_bandit_walker2", idle = 0, prior = 2, state = {0}, in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_fabrika_bandit_walker3", idle = 0, prior = 2, state = {0}, in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_fabrika_bandit_walker4", idle = 5, prior = 10, state = {0,2}, in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor", redicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.name == "esc_factory_prisoner_guard" end } table.insert(sj, t) -- сидящие у костра t = { section = "logic@esc_fabrika_bandit_kamp", idle = 0, prior = 1, state = {0}, in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_fabrika_bandit_kamp", idle = 0, prior = 1, state = {0}, in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor" } table.insert(sj, t) -- аларм t = { section = "camper@esc_fabrika_bandit_walker1", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "camper@esc_fabrika_bandit_walker2", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "camper@esc_fabrika_bandit_walker3", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor" } table.insert(sj, t) -- t = { section = "camper@esc_fabrika_bandit_walker4", -- idle = 0, -- prior = 5, state = {2}, -- in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor" -- } -- table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "camper@esc_fabrika_bandit_walker5", idle = 0, prior = 2, state = {2}, in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "camper@esc_fabrika_bandit_walker6", idle = 0, prior = 2, state = {2}, in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "camper@esc_fabrika_bandit_walker7", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0,2}, in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor" } table.insert(sj, t) end --' Солдаты на мосту if type == "esc_bridge" then -- часовые днём t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_post1", idle = 0, prior = 7, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_bridge_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_post2", idle = 0, prior = 15, state = {0,1}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_bridge_zone", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_soldier_commander" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_post3", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_bridge_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_post4", idle = 0, prior = 10, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_bridge_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_post5", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_bridge_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_post6", idle = 0, prior = 8, state = {0,1}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_bridge_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_kamp1", idle = 0, prior = 2, state = {1}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_bridge_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_kamp3", idle = 0, prior = 2, state = {1}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_bridge_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_kamp4", idle = 0, prior = 2, state = {1}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_bridge_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_patrol", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_bridge_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) end --' Наемники, атакующие новичков. if type == "esc_killers" then t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_leader_raid", idle = 0, prior = 10, state = {4}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "", online = true, predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_killer_master" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer1_raid", idle = 0, prior = 8, state = {4}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer2_raid", idle = 0, prior = 8, state = {4}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer1_follower", idle = 0, prior = 7, state = {4}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "", } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer1_follower", idle = 0, prior = 7, state = {4}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "", } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer2_follower", idle = 0, prior = 7, state = {4}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "", } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer2_follower", idle = 0, prior = 7, state = {4}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "", } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_fight", idle = 0, prior = 15, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone", position_threshold = 400, predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_killer_master" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_fight", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, position_threshold = 400, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_fight", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, position_threshold = 400, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_fight", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, position_threshold = 400, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_fight", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, position_threshold = 400, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_fight", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, position_threshold = 400, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_fight", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, position_threshold = 400, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_fight", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, position_threshold = 400, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp", idle = 0, prior = 15, state = {2}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "", position_threshold = 400, predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_killer_master" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, position_threshold = 400, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, position_threshold = 400, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, position_threshold = 400, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, position_threshold = 400, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, position_threshold = 400, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, position_threshold = 400, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, position_threshold = 400, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_wait", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {3}, online = true, position_threshold = 400, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_wait", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {3}, online = true, position_threshold = 400, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_wait", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {3}, online = true, position_threshold = 400, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_wait", idle = 0, prior = 15, state = {3}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "", online = true, position_threshold = 400, predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_killer_master" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_wait", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {3}, online = true, position_threshold = 400, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_guard1", idle = 0, prior = 8, state = {3}, online = true, position_threshold = 400, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_guard2", idle = 0, prior = 8, state = {3}, online = true, position_threshold = 400, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_guard3", idle = 0, prior = 8, state = {3}, online = true, position_threshold = 400, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_offline", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = false, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_offline", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = false, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_offline", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = false, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_offline", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = false, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_offline", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = false, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_offline", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = false, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_offline", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = false, position_threshold = 400, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_offline", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = false, position_threshold = 400, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) end if type == "esc_dogs_to_fox" then t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox_home", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = false, position_threshold = 100, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox_home", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = false, position_threshold = 100, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox_home", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = false, position_threshold = 100, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox_home", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = false, position_threshold = 100, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox_home", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = false, position_threshold = 100, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox_home", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, position_threshold = 100, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox_home", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, position_threshold = 100, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox_home", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, position_threshold = 100, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox_home", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, position_threshold = 100, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox_home", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, position_threshold = 100, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, position_threshold = 100, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_dogs_fox_attack" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, position_threshold = 100, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_dogs_fox_attack" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, position_threshold = 100, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_dogs_fox_attack" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, position_threshold = 100, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_dogs_fox_attack" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, position_threshold = 100, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_dogs_fox_attack" } table.insert(sj, t) end if type == "esc_dogs_swarm" then t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm1", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm1", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm1", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm1", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm1", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm1", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm1", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm1", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm1", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm1", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm3", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm3", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm3", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm3", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm3", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm3", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm3", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm3", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm3", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm3", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm2", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm2", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm2", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm2", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm2", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm2", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm2", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm2", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm2", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm2", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {2}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) end if type == "esc_boars_dogs" then t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs_old", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = false, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs_old", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = false, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs_old", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = false, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs_old", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = false, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs_old", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = false, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs_old", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = false, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs_old", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = false, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs_old", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = false, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs_old", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = false, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs_old", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, online = false, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) end if type == "esc_ambush" then t = { section = "logic@esc_ambush1", idle = 0, prior = 8, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_ambush_out_restrictor" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_ambush2", idle = 0, prior = 8, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_ambush_out_restrictor" } table.insert(sj, t) end if type == "esc_corps" then t = { section = "logic@esc_corps_wounded", idle = 4, prior = 10, state = {0}, online = false, in_rest = "", out_rest = "", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.name == "esc_vagon_wounded" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_corps_wounded", idle = 0, prior = 10, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.name == "esc_vagon_wounded" end } table.insert(sj, t) end if type == "esc_assault" then t = { section = "logic@esc_assault1", idle = 0, prior = 8, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_assault2", idle = 0, prior = 9, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.name == "esc_novice_attacker2" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_assault3", idle = 0, prior = 10, state = {1}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.name == "esc_novice_attacker1" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_assault1", idle = 0, prior = 8, state = {0}, online = false, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_assault2", idle = 0, prior = 9, state = {0}, online = false, in_rest = "", out_rest = "", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.name == "esc_novice_attacker2" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_assault3", idle = 0, prior = 10, state = {0}, online = false, in_rest = "", out_rest = "", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.name == "esc_novice_attacker1" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_assault_fight1", idle = 0, prior = 8, state = {2}, online = true, position_threshold = 100, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_assault_fight2", idle = 0, prior = 9, state = {2}, online = true, position_threshold = 100, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.name == "esc_novice_attacker2" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_assault_fight3", idle = 0, prior = 10, state = {2}, online = true, position_threshold = 100, in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.name == "esc_novice_attacker1" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_assault_home1", idle = 0, prior = 8, state = {3}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_assault_home2", idle = 0, prior = 9, state = {3}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.name == "esc_novice_attacker2" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_assault_home_leader", idle = 0, prior = 10, state = {3}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.name == "esc_novice_attacker1" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_assault_kamp", idle = 0, prior = 8, state = {4}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_assault_kamp", idle = 0, prior = 9, state = {4}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.name == "esc_novice_attacker2" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_assault_kamp", idle = 0, prior = 10, state = {4}, online = true, in_rest = "", out_rest = "", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.name == "esc_novice_attacker1" end } table.insert(sj, t) end if type == "esc_zombie_1" then t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_1_fd", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_fd", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_3_fd", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_4_fd", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_5_fd", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_6_fd", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) end if type == "esc_zombie_2" then t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home4", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home2", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home2", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home2", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home2", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home2", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home3", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home3", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home3", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home3", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home3", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home4", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home4", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home4", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home4", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) end if type == "esc_flesh_1" then t = { section = "logic@esc_flesh_1_camp", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_flesh_1_camp", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_flesh_1_camp", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) end if type == "esc_flesh_2" then t = { section = "logic@esc_flesh_2_camp", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_flesh_2_camp", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_flesh_2_camp", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) end if type == "esc_bridge_boar" then t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_boar", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_boar", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_boar", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_boar", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_boar", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) end if type == "esc_small_home1" then t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home1", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home1", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) end if type == "esc_small_home2" then t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home2", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home2", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) end if type == "esc_small_home3" then t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home3", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home3", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home3", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) end if type == "esc_small_home4" then t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home4", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home4", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) end if type == "esc_small_home5" then t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home5", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home5", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) end if type == "esc_small_home6" then t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home6", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home6", idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "" } table.insert(sj, t) end if type == "esc_stalker_camp" then t = { section = "logic@esc_stalker_camp_provodnik", idle = 0, prior = 10, state = {0}, online = false, in_rest = "", out_rest = "", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_provodnik" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_stalker_fox", idle = 0, prior = 10, state = {0}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_fox" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_stalker_camp_provodnik", idle = 0, prior = 10, state = {1}, in_rest = "", out_rest = "", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_provodnik" end } table.insert(sj, t) t = { section = "logic@esc_stalker_camp1", idle = 0, prior = 8, state = {1}, online = false, in_rest = "", out_rest = "", predicate = function(obj_info) return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_fox" end } table.insert(sj, t) end end function load_states(gname, type) if type == "esc_blokpost" then return function (gulag) local actor = db.actor if not actor then return gulag.state end for k,v in pairs(gulag.Object) do if v ~= true and v:best_enemy() ~= nil then gulag.alarm_start = game.get_game_time() actor:give_info_portion("esc_blockpost_alarm") return 2 -- тревога end end if gulag.alarm_start == nil or game.get_game_time():diffSec(gulag.alarm_start) > 300 then if level.get_time_hours() >= 6 and level.get_time_hours() <= 22 then actor:give_info_portion("esc_blockpost_normal") return 0 -- день else return 1 -- ночь end else return 2 end end end if type == "esc_lager" then return function(gulag) local actor = db.actor if not actor then return gulag.state end if has_alife_info("escape_lager_help") and has_alife_info("escape_lager_killers_die") then return 2 -- оборона лагеря elseif level.get_time_hours() >= 5 and level.get_time_hours() <= 22 then return 0 -- день else return 1 -- ночь end end end if type == "esc_bridge" then return function(gulag) if db.actor ~= nil then if ( level.get_time_hours() >= 5 and level.get_time_hours() <= 22 ) then return 0 -- день else return 1 -- ночь end else return gulag.state end end end if type == "esc_fabrika_bandit" then return function(gulag) for k,v in pairs(gulag.Object) do if v ~= true and v:best_enemy() ~= nil then gulag.alarm_start = game.get_game_time() return 2 -- тревога end end if gulag.alarm_start == nil or game.get_game_time():diffSec(gulag.alarm_start) > 300 then return 0 -- день else return 2 end end end if type == "esc_dogs_to_fox" then return function(gulag) local actor = db.actor if not has_alife_info("escape_stalker_dog_spawn") then return 0 -- оффлайн elseif (has_alife_info("escape_stalker_dog_spawn") and not has_alife_info("escape_stalker_done")) or has_alife_info("esc_dogs_return") then return 2 -- онлайн else return 1 -- атака end end end if type == "esc_specnaz" then return function(gulag) local actor = db.actor if has_alife_info("esc_raid1_start") then return 1 end return 0 end end if type == "esc_boars_dogs" then return function(gulag) if has_alife_info("tutorial_wounded_give_info") then return 1 else return 0 end end end if type == "esc_killers" then return function(gulag) local actor = db.actor if not actor then return gulag.state end if not has_alife_info("escape_lager_spawn_killers") then return 0 -- offline elseif has_alife_info("escape_lager_spawn_killers") and not has_alife_info("esc_killers_raid") then return 3 -- wait elseif has_alife_info("esc_killers_raid") and not has_alife_info("esc_open_killer_fire") then return 4 -- raid elseif has_alife_info("esc_open_killer_fire") and xr_gulag.getGulagPopulationComed("esc_lager") > 0 then return 1 -- fight elseif has_alife_info("esc_open_killer_fire") and xr_gulag.getGulagPopulationComed("esc_lager") <= 0 then return 2 -- kamp end return gulag.state end end if type == "esc_dogs_swarm" then return function(gulag) if game.get_game_time():diffSec(gulag.stateBegin) > 900 then if gulag.state == 0 then return 1 elseif gulag.state == 1 then return 2 elseif gulag.state == 2 then return 0 end else return gulag.state end end end if type == "esc_ambush" then return function(gulag) return 0 end end if type == "esc_corps" then return function(gulag) if has_alife_info("tutorial_wounded_start") then return 1 else return 0 end end end if type == "esc_zombie_1" then return function(gulag) return 0 end end if type == "esc_zombie_2" then return function(gulag) return 0 end end if type == "esc_flesh_1" then return function(gulag) return 0 end end if type == "esc_flesh_2" then return function(gulag) return 0 end end if type == "esc_bridge_boar" then return function(gulag) return 0 end end if type == "esc_small_home1" then return function(gulag) return 0 end end if type == "esc_small_home2" then return function(gulag) return 0 end end if type == "esc_small_home3" then return function(gulag) return 0 end end if type == "esc_small_home4" then return function(gulag) return 0 end end if type == "esc_small_home5" then return function(gulag) return 0 end end if type == "esc_small_home6" then return function(gulag) return 0 end end if type == "esc_stalker_camp" then return function(gulag) if has_alife_info("yan_provodnik_spawn") then return 1 else return 0 end end end if type == "esc_assault" then return function(gulag) if has_alife_info("esc_kill_bandits_quest_have") and not has_alife_info("esc_assault_start") then return 1 -- сидят у костра elseif has_alife_info("esc_assault_start") and not has_alife_info("esc_kill_bandits_quest_kill") then return 2 -- атакуют фабрику elseif has_alife_info("esc_kill_bandits_quest_kill") and (not has_alife_info("esc_kill_bandits_quest_done") or not has_alife_info("esc_petruha_great")) then return 3 -- идут домой elseif has_alife_info("esc_kill_bandits_quest_done") or has_alife_info("esc_petruha_great") then return 4 -- идут домой else return 0 -- сидят в оффлайне end end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dynamic ltx -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function load_ltx(gname, type) return nil end function checkStalker(npc_community, gulag_type, npc_rank, se_obj) if gulag_type == "esc_bridge" then return npc_community == "military" end if gulag_type == "esc_specnaz" then return se_obj:profile_name() == "esc_soldier_specnaz" end if gulag_type == "esc_blokpost" then return npc_community == "military" end if gulag_type == "esc_killers" then return npc_community == "killer" end if gulag_type == "esc_lager" then return npc_community == "stalker" end if gulag_type == "esc_fabrika_bandit" then return npc_community == "bandit" end if gulag_type == "esc_ambush" then return npc_community == "bandit" end if gulag_type == "esc_corps" then return npc_community == "stalker" end if gulag_type == "esc_assault" then return npc_community == "stalker" end if gulag_type == "esc_stalker_camp" then return npc_community == "stalker" end return false end function checkMonster(npc_community, gulag_type) if gulag_type == "esc_dogs_to_fox" then return npc_community == "dog" end if gulag_type == "esc_dogs_swarm" then return npc_community == "dog" end if gulag_type == "esc_boars_dogs" then return npc_community == "dog" or npc_community == "boar" end if gulag_type == "esc_zombie_1" then return npc_community == "zombie" end if gulag_type == "esc_zombie_2" then return npc_community == "zombie" end if gulag_type == "esc_flesh_1" then return npc_community == "flesh" end if gulag_type == "esc_flesh_2" then return npc_community == "flesh" end if gulag_type == "esc_bridge_boar" then return npc_community == "boar" end if gulag_type == "esc_small_home1" then return npc_community == "boar" end if gulag_type == "esc_small_home2" then return npc_community == "boar" end if gulag_type == "esc_small_home3" then return npc_community == "dog" end if gulag_type == "esc_small_home4" then return npc_community == "dog" end if gulag_type == "esc_small_home5" then return npc_community == "dog" end if gulag_type == "esc_small_home6" then return npc_community == "flesh" end return false end Hind Upgrade Mod Ссылка на комментарий
imcrazyhoudini 211 Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 Поделиться Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 @Hind на удивление ошибок нет, но всё же: 1 час назад, Hind сказал: {0,1,2} Как на меня много состояний, разве их не 2 всего? 0 и 1 1 час назад, Hind сказал: 98 Не большой приоритет ли? Попробуй поменьше. ищу человека, который смог бы заняться разработкой погоды на OGSR. кто может помочь - пишите в ЛС. Ссылка на комментарий
Hind 29 Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 Поделиться Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 @imcrazyhoudiniсостояний 3, 0 - день, 1 - ночь, 2 - тревога. Сделал все чтобы прям 100% всё работало (наверняка) Hind Upgrade Mod Ссылка на комментарий
imcrazyhoudini 211 Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 Поделиться Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 @Hind без этой секции логики всё работает? ищу человека, который смог бы заняться разработкой погоды на OGSR. кто может помочь - пишите в ЛС. Ссылка на комментарий
Hind 29 Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 Поделиться Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 @imcrazyhoudiniда, ставлю на другую - и всё работает. Ток с этой проблемы Hind Upgrade Mod Ссылка на комментарий
imcrazyhoudini 211 Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 Поделиться Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 @Hind попробуй может состояния изменить, на 0,1. Думаю может с ними что-то. ищу человека, который смог бы заняться разработкой погоды на OGSR. кто может помочь - пишите в ЛС. Ссылка на комментарий
Hind 29 Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 Поделиться Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 @imcrazyhoudini Не пашет. Hind Upgrade Mod Ссылка на комментарий
imcrazyhoudini 211 Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 Поделиться Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 @Hind да брат, это жёстко. Всё же что-то не так с этой логикой. Если ты изменить секцию в ltx файле с walker на remark - тоже вылет будет? ищу человека, который смог бы заняться разработкой погоды на OGSR. кто может помочь - пишите в ЛС. Ссылка на комментарий
Hind 29 Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 Поделиться Опубликовано 19 Октября 2022 @imcrazyhoudini Да, ошибка таже. Hind Upgrade Mod Ссылка на комментарий
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