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Someone can explain me what is this and how it works:

Кто-нибудь объяснит мне, что это такое и как это работает:


  000          = "..."
  001          = "ограниченный доступ"
  002		   = "запрещенный доступ"
  000          = "..."
  001		   = "не для игрока"

  000          = "..."

как работает иерархия Team>Squad>Group (spawn section properties)?

Изменено пользователем Borovos

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1 час назад, imcrazyhoudini сказал:

@Borovos logically prohibits movement on graph points for NPC, your cap.


I understand this:
location_1 : 000 : open to all npc and monsters

location_1 : 001: some can go here but not all of them (so, who is limited? How control the limited access if it's possible?)

location_1 : 002: npc or monsters can't go here


location_2: 000 : by default, the player can be here (spawn at the relaod?)

location_2: 001: the player can not be here


location_3 : unknow


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я работаю над Shadow Addon 0.8.8

с содержанием build 2232,2571,2588

GSC SDK save scene (SoC terrain/lh-maps/maps/work)
мои собственные дополнения

I'm working on Shadow Addon 0.8.8, with content from builds 2232 to 2588, spawn from old GSC save scene and my own addition. 

Скрытый текст

Скрытый текст

+ config folder: correct wrong, duplicate, disable and missing $spawn lines "Option for level editor"

#########################SPAWN FIX##############################

- all.spawn Shadow Addon 0.8.8 : 
    alife_l04u_labx18 : dar_karlik replaced by snork_indoor ; because of troubles in SDK
    alife_l05_bar: for bar_bolt spawn, section_name = stalker_ph_box_small replace by section_name = stalker ; because of troubles in SDK
    alife_l08u_brainlab: karlik_weak replaced by snork_indoor ; because of troubles in SDK
+fix errors in spawn 
Rename several spawn section and/or way using the same name 
Expression    : !m_border.empty()
Function      : CSpaceRestrictorWrapper::build_border
File          : .\space_restrictor_wrapper.cpp
Line          : 215
Description   : space restrictor has no border
Arguments     : mil_blockpost_sniper_position
=> not a restrictor


Expression    : assertion failed
Function      : CLevelGraph::vertex_position
File          : d:\games\stalker_src\trunk\xrai\level_graph_inline.h
Line          : 99
Description   : iFloor((source_position.z - header().box().min.z)/header().cell_size() + .5f) < (int)m_row_length
=> Error is in the next level => check Radar scene : Fixed by removing two mil_pseudodog_strong + a mil_zone_radioactive_strong_0008 which are outside the aimap, very far away.
Fixed by moving mil_af_dummy_dummy to 345,87/-45,55/-153,59 coordinates


[error]Expression    : !m_border.empty()
[error]Function      : CSpaceRestrictorWrapper::build_border
[error]File          : .\space_restrictor_wrapper.cpp
[error]Line          : 215
[error]Description   : space restrictor has no border
[error]Arguments     : sar_teleport_zone_0001
=> not a restrictor fo all of sar_teleport_zone_xxxx & sar_teleport_sphere_xxxx


error]Expression    : assertion failed
[error]Function      : CLevelGraph::vertex_position
[error]File          : d:\games\stalker_src\trunk\xrai\level_graph_inline.h
[error]Line          : 99
[error]Description   : iFloor((source_position.z - header().box().min.z)/header().cell_size() + .5f) < (int)m_row_length
stack trace:
=> Fix by moving aes2_zone_teleport_0026 & aes2_teleport_0026 to the roof of a unused building closed to the ai grid


[error]Expression    : !m_border.empty()
[error]Function      : CSpaceRestrictorWrapper::build_border
[error]File          : .\space_restrictor_wrapper.cpp
[error]Line          : 215
[error]Description   : space restrictor has no border
[error]Arguments     : aes2_space_restrictor_no_weapon
stack trace:
=> new parameter "Not a restrictor"


[error]Expression    : !m_border.empty()
[error]Function      : CSpaceRestrictorWrapper::build_border
[error]File          : .\space_restrictor_wrapper.cpp
[error]Line          : 215
[error]Description   : space restrictor has no border
[error]Arguments     : exit_to_generators_01
stack trace:
=> new parameter "Not a restrictor"


[error]Expression    : !m_border.empty()
[error]Function      : CSpaceRestrictorWrapper::build_border
[error]File          : .\space_restrictor_wrapper.cpp
[error]Line          : 215
[error]Description   : space restrictor has no border
[error]Arguments     : gen_zone_gravi_zone_0045
=> new parameter "Not a restrictor" for all gen_zone_


#########################MONSTERS and STALKERS##############################

+ config\creatures\game_relations.ltx
Add notes in english (googletranslate of developers comments)
[rank_relations] add build 2232 values 
[reputation_relations] add build 2205 values
Add more "goodwill_names" & values from build 1994
[communities_sympathy] add 0.1 value for ecolog
[rank_kill_points] add my own test values
[action_points]enemy_kill_reputation            = 5;0

[monster_relations] edits:
Replace all -2 values by -1 (now, the actor is not a prior target for all creatures, including npc)
Dogs are attacked by snorks - Dogs are neutrals with snorks : according to "dogs are afraid by snork" in design documents
Bloodsuckers are attacked by pseudodogs - Bloodsuckers are neutrals with dogs : according to "bloodsuckers are afraid by pseudodogs" in design documents
Rats are attacked by dogs & cats / rat have no enemy in Shadows Addon when they have a lot in build 2205
Add new species in table : dog_rat_eater : enemy with rat and tushkano / attacked by others monsters


+ config\creatures\m_stalker.ltx
Add new burn immunities to Kruglov - restored anomalies in rostok tunnel


+ config/creatures/m_phantom.ltx
Add more visual


+ m_dog.ltx
new section [dog_bulterier] with new species for specific monster_relations : according to "a sub species of dogs eating only rats" in design documents

+ config/text/eng/string_table_enc_mutants.xml - add dog_rat_eater species, named bullterrier
+ config/gameplay/encyclopedia_mutants.xml - add dog_rat_eater species, named bullterrier
+ config/gameplay/info_known_objects.xml - add dog_rat_eater species, named bullterrier
+ config/text/eng/stable_statistic_caption.xml - add dog rat eater species, named bullterrier
+ scripts/dialog_manager.script - add dog_rat_eater species, named bullterrier
+ scripts/xr_info.script - add dog_rat_eater species, named bullterrier

* config/creatures/m_snork.ltx [snork_indoor]:snork_weak replaced by [snork_indoor]:snork_strong

#########################GAME MTL##############################

+ gamemtl.xr : add friction to bushes mtl (value at 0.5;0)


#########################ZONE & ARTEFACT##############################

+/- zone_burningfuzz.ltx
remove [zone_burning_fuzz1] to clean up the file
replace section_name = zone_burning_fuzz1 by _weak to _strong version in all save scenes
min_speed_to_react decrease from _weak to _strong
reduce min_start_power & max_start_power for burning_fuzz_bottom_
add visual = physics\anomaly\tp_bottom for _bottom_


+ [zone_ameba] renamed to [zone_studen] according meshes name ; add particles; class = Z_RUSTYH

+/-[zone_ameba1] renamed to [zone_hvatalka] according meshes name ; remove ability to spawn artefacts

+ [zone_emi] add af_dummy spawn with low probability

+ [zone_no_gravity] add af_dummy_spring spawn with low probability

+ [torrid_zone] add af_cristall spawn with low probability


+ artefacts.ltx
all artefacts are spawn by anomalies
*Notes for my self: todo list about high tiers artefacts spawn


+ zones.ltx
add #include zone_ton.ltx + new file created
new section [zone_ton] = concept based on old dynamics ton.object for agr_underground level - use Z_RUSTYH Class and new meshes


#########################SPAWN ADDITION##############################
+ escape scene: 
add zone_burning_fuzz in tunnel


add zone_studen in water


+ agroprom scene:
add zone_studen in water
add torrid_zone using old .anm path (move a waypoint for boar smarty) as in l03_agroprom.level.user_01-22-05_19-17-42


+ darkvalley scene:
add zone_studen in water
add unique_outfit for quest
add zone_burning_fuzz


+ bar scene:
add sim_ecolog_zob
add unique_wpn for quest
add zone_burning_fuzz


+ rostok scene:
add torrid_zone & fireball using old .anm path
add burning_fuzz anomalies
*Notes for my self: ecolog immutities to pass through fire anomaly field


+ military:
add a wpn_knife_m1
add zone_studen in water
add burning_fuzz anomalies


add statics particles to studen up and bottom in tunnel
replace physics object physics\anomaly\topolinypuh by zone_burning_fuzz_average


+ deadcity:
add unique item for quest
add burning_fuzz anomalies

+ military:
add a wpn_knife_m1 







wpn_knife_m1 (increase hit_impulse)





local info_by_rank = {stalker...

when there is no stalker rank for npc, so, replaced by

local info_by_rank = {experienced...


add the new species dog_bulterier


+ _g.script

function set_actor_rank(rank)
    if rank == "novice" then
    elseif rank == "stalker" then
    elseif rank == "veteran" then
    elseif rank == "master" then


replaced by

function set_actor_rank(rank)
    if rank == "novice" then
    elseif rank == "experienced" then
    elseif rank == "veteran" then
    elseif rank == "master" then


Вот два отчета об одной и той же ошибке, Аварийный выход L04u_labx18

During a test game, I obtain this crash at the exit of Lab X18.

Unconventional M_SPAWN received : cgf[false] | bReady[true]
- Game configuring : Finished 
stack trace:

0023:05E4BD49 xrGame.dll
[error][     259]    : No data available.

и загрузка автоматического резервного копирования
And this log when I reload the auto save.

CLIENT: Spawning...
- Game configuring : Started 
- Game configuring : Finished 
* phase time: 175 ms
[error]Expression    : fatal error
[error]Function      : mem_usage_impl
[error]File          : E:\stalker\sources\trunk\xrCore\memory_usage.cpp
[error]Line          : 156
[error]Description   : <no expression>
[error]Arguments     : bad node in heap

stack trace:


Если эти отчеты что-нибудь тебе скажут. Я думаю о проблеме с зонами ameba, studen...

спасибо за помощь


If you have a info about this log. I think the troubles are related to zone_ameba, zone_studen...
Thank you.

Скрытый текст
GroupControlSection	= spawn_group_zone
$spawn 			= "zones\ameba_studen"
;$prefetch 		= 16
class			= Z_RUSTYH;Z_AMEBA
visual			= physics\anomaly\anomaly_studen

hit_impulse_scale	= 0.0
effective_radius	= 0.75 ;размер радиуса в процентах от оригинального, где действует зона
max_velocity_in_zone= 0.5
sound			= 
postprocess		= postprocess_new

ef_anomaly_type			= 1
ef_weapon_type			= 13

artefacts		= af_rusty_thorn,0.7,af_rusty_kristall,0.25,af_rusty_sea-urchin,0.05
BirthProbability = 0.1

;----------- Anomaly settings -----------------------
min_start_power		= 0.9;90
max_start_power		= 1.0;100
attenuation			= 1
period				= 1
min_artefact_count	= 1
max_artefact_count	= 2
min_speed_to_react  = 1.0

hit_type		= chemical_burn

idle_particles				= anomaly2\studen_idle_bottom
blowout_particles			= anomaly2\studen_blowout

hit_small_particles			= anomaly2\group_items\studen_idle_bottom_00
hit_big_particles			= anomaly2\group_items\studen_idle_bottom_00

idle_big_particles		= anomaly2\anomaly_studen
idle_small_particles		= anomaly2\studen_idle_up

entrance_small_particles	= anomaly2\group_items\studen_idle_bottom_00
entrance_big_particles		= anomaly2\group_items\studen_idle_bottom_00

disable_time		= -1	;время игнорирования неживого объекта в зоне (-1 если не нужно)
disable_time_small	= 500		;время игнорирования маленького неживого объекта в зоне (-1 если не нужно)
disable_idle_time	= -1	;время отключения idle партиклов

ignore_nonalive		= false;
ignore_small		= false;
ignore_artefacts	= true

awaking_time		= 1000
blowout_time		= 5000	
accamulate_time		= 10000

attack_animation_start	= 0
attack_animation_end	= 5000

blowout_light		= off
idle_light			= off

;light_color		    = 1.4,1.6,1.3
;light_range		    = 30.0
;light_time 		    = 0.8;0.35
;light_height		= 1.5			;rise to the height of the light source

visible_by_detector = off

blowout_wind		= off

;blowout_wind_time_start     = 0
;blowout_wind_time_peak      = 1500
;blowout_wind_time_end		= 2501; 2499
;blowout_wind_power			= 0.5			;Wind power raises (from 0 to 1), at the moment blowout_wind_time_peak

;Old personnal parameters
;idle_sound			= anomaly\gravi_idle00							;constant sound
;blowout_sound		= anomaly\teleport_work_2	;during ejection (stroke) in the center of the anomaly	
;hit_sound			= anomaly\fear_1  ;anomaly\anomaly_gravy_hit1	;on the character when he gets hit
;body_tearing_sound	= anomaly\anomaly_body_tear_1						;sound of tearing of the corpse
;entrance_sound		= anomaly\swamp_appear_1						;in contact with the object of an anomaly

;рождение артефактов во время срабатывания
spawn_blowout_artefacts = off

GroupControlSection	= spawn_group_zone
$spawn 			= "zones\ameba_hvatalka"
$prefetch 		= 64;16
class			= Z_RUSTYH ;Z_AMEBA
visual			= physics\anomaly\anomaly_hvatalka

hit_impulse_scale	= 0.
effective_radius	= 0.75 ;размер радиуса в процентах от оригинального, где действует зона
max_velocity_in_zone= 0.5
sound			= zone_mosquito_bald
postprocess		= postprocess_new

ef_anomaly_type			= 1
ef_weapon_type			= 13

artefacts		= 
BirthProbability = 0.0

;----------- Anomaly settings -----------------------
min_start_power		= 0.9;90
max_start_power		= 1.0;100
attenuation			= 1
period				= 1
min_artefact_count	= 1
max_artefact_count	= 2
min_speed_to_react  = 1.0

hit_type		= chemical_burn

disable_time		= -1	;время игнорирования неживого объекта в зоне (-1 если не нужно)
disable_time_small	= 500		;время игнорирования маленького неживого объекта в зоне (-1 если не нужно)
disable_idle_time	= -1	;время отключения idle партиклов

ignore_nonalive		= false;
ignore_small		= false;
ignore_artefacts	= true

awaking_time		= 1000
blowout_time		= 5000	
accamulate_time		= 10000

attack_animation_start		= 0
attack_animation_end		= 5000

blowout_light		= off
idle_light			= off

visible_by_detector = off

blowout_wind		= off

;рождение артефактов во время срабатывания
spawn_blowout_artefacts = off





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What are the differences between SoC WW 1.0006 and SoC Russian 1.0006? Engine? Config? Scripts?



Каковы различия между SoC WW 1.0006 и SoC Russian 1.0006? Engine? Config? Scripts?

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