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Wookie, в моде подсветки сетки Винтаря автор отлавливал нажатие клавиши так(оригинальный код):

 tabpress = false
zoom = false
prefov = 55
cl = true

function new_crosshair()    
  local as = device().fov
  if as < prefov-2 then zoom = true end
  if as > prefov+2 then zoom = false end
  prefov = as
  local hud = get_hud()  
  local active_item = db.actor:active_item() 

  if (zoom) and (active_item) and (active_item:section() == "wpn_vintorez") then     
    if hud:GetCustomStatic("main_task") then
      tabpress = true
    else tabpress = false end
    if hud:GetCustomStatic("secondary_task") then hud:RemoveCustomStatic("secondary_task") end
    if tabpress then if cl then cl = false else cl = true end end

    if hud:GetCustomStatic("pso-1-1") == nil and cl then
      hud:AddCustomStatic("pso-1-1", true)
      if hud:GetCustomStatic("pso-1-1_light") then hud:RemoveCustomStatic("pso-1-1_light") end    
    if hud:GetCustomStatic("pso-1-1_light") == nil and cl == false then
      hud:AddCustomStatic("pso-1-1_light", true)
      if hud:GetCustomStatic("pso-1-1") then hud:RemoveCustomStatic("pso-1-1") end  

  if zoom == false then                 
    if hud:GetCustomStatic("pso-1-1") then hud:RemoveCustomStatic("pso-1-1") end  
    if hud:GetCustomStatic("pso-1-1_light") then hud:RemoveCustomStatic("pso-1-1_light") end                        


Изменено пользователем dragunof


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