Othrelos 34 Опубликовано 21 Апреля 2024 Внезапно начала вылетать после загрузки и НИ Скрытый текст [2024-04-21 16:43:10.169][ 6316] ####################[+MIMALLOC+]#################### [2024-04-21 16:43:10.169][ 6316] heap stats: peak total freed current unit count [2024-04-21 16:43:10.169][ 6316] reserved: 1.0 GiB 1.0 GiB 0 1.0 GiB [2024-04-21 16:43:10.169][ 6316] committed: 32.0 MiB 32.0 MiB 0 32.0 MiB [2024-04-21 16:43:10.169][ 6316] reset: 0 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.169][ 6316] purged: 0 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.169][ 6316] touched: 64.2 KiB 64.2 KiB 0 64.2 KiB not all freed [2024-04-21 16:43:10.169][ 6316] segments: 1 1 0 1 not all freed! [2024-04-21 16:43:10.169][ 6316] -abandoned: 0 0 0 0 ok [2024-04-21 16:43:10.169][ 6316] -cached: 0 0 0 0 ok [2024-04-21 16:43:10.169][ 6316] pages: 0 0 0 0 ok [2024-04-21 16:43:10.169][ 6316] -abandoned: 0 0 0 0 ok [2024-04-21 16:43:10.169][ 6316] -extended: 0 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.169][ 6316] -noretire: 0 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.169][ 6316] mmaps: 0 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.169][ 6316] commits: 1 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.169][ 6316] resets: 0 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.169][ 6316] purges: 0 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.169][ 6316] threads: 0 0 0 0 ok [2024-04-21 16:43:10.169][ 6316] searches: 0.0 avg [2024-04-21 16:43:10.169][ 6316] numa nodes: 1 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.170][ 6316] elapsed: 0.016 s [2024-04-21 16:43:10.170][ 6316] process: user: 0.046 s, system: 0.015 s, faults: 4748, rss: 16.1 MiB, commit: 40.3 MiB [2024-04-21 16:43:10.170][ 6316] ####################[-MIMALLOC-]#################### [2024-04-21 16:43:10.170][ 6316] * Detected CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-12100F [GenuineIntel], F6/M151/S5 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.170][ 6316] * CPU features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, MONITOR/MWAIT, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.170][ 6316] * CPU cores: [4], threads: [8] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.170][ 6316] * CPU0 current freq: 3300 MHz, max freq: 3300 MHz [2024-04-21 16:43:10.170][ 6316] * CPU1 current freq: 3300 MHz, max freq: 3300 MHz [2024-04-21 16:43:10.170][ 6316] * CPU2 current freq: 3300 MHz, max freq: 3300 MHz [2024-04-21 16:43:10.170][ 6316] * CPU3 current freq: 3300 MHz, max freq: 3300 MHz [2024-04-21 16:43:10.170][ 6316] * CPU4 current freq: 3300 MHz, max freq: 3300 MHz [2024-04-21 16:43:10.170][ 6316] * CPU5 current freq: 3300 MHz, max freq: 3300 MHz [2024-04-21 16:43:10.170][ 6316] * CPU6 current freq: 3300 MHz, max freq: 3300 MHz [2024-04-21 16:43:10.170][ 6316] * CPU7 current freq: 3300 MHz, max freq: 3300 MHz [2024-04-21 16:43:10.170][ 6316] Initializing File System... [2024-04-21 16:43:10.171][ 6316] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_configs], size: [20864893] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.199][ 6316] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_levels_1], size: [2023309020] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.211][ 6316] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_levels_2], size: [1992370531] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.220][ 6316] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_levels_3], size: [536778412] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.222][ 6316] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_meshes], size: [1006063948] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.251][ 6316] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_sounds_1], size: [1992967758] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.584][ 6316] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_sounds_2], size: [151320415] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.618][ 6316] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_1], size: [1992383613] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.647][ 6316] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_10], size: [616468143] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.660][ 6316] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_2], size: [1994357594] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.678][ 6316] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_3], size: [1992951901] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.701][ 6316] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_4], size: [1993060018] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.724][ 6316] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_5], size: [1993494420] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.748][ 6316] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_6], size: [1994174328] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.772][ 6316] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_7], size: [1992412432] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.786][ 6316] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_8], size: [1992839936] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.810][ 6316] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_base_textures_9], size: [1992669142] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.832][ 6316] --Found base arch: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata.db_patch], size: [222632773] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.836][ 6316] using fs-ltx: [fsgame.ltx] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.836][ 6316] --Found FS dir: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.836][ 6316] items: [7] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.854][ 6316] --Found FS dir: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\savedgames\] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.854][ 6316] items: [54] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.854][ 6316] FS: 82027 files cached, 0Kb memory used. [2024-04-21 16:43:10.854][ 6316] Init FileSystem 0.683785 sec [2024-04-21 16:43:10.854][ 6316] ~ Logging initialized. FIle d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\logs\xray_dominator_2024-04-21_16-43-10.log. [2024-04-21 16:43:10.854][ 6316] [OGSR Engine (x64)] build date: [Mar 19 2024 17:36:28] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.854][ 6316] [_MSC_FULL_VER]: [193632532], [_MSVC_LANG]: [202002L] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.854][ 6316] Working Directory: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.854][ 6316] CommandLine: ["D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe"] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.854][ 6316] Main thread id=0 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.854][ 6316] TTAPI number of threads: [8] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.855][ 6176] Pool thread id=1 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.855][10500] Pool thread id=7 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.855][ 3572] Pool thread id=8 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.855][18012] Pool thread id=2 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.855][ 6316] ~ Apply system_mods.ltx... [2024-04-21 16:43:10.855][17124] Pool thread id=4 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.855][18416] Pool thread id=6 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.855][ 3340] Pool thread id=3 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.855][15456] Pool thread id=5 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.933][ 6316] ~ [InitSettings] duration [78]ms. [2024-04-21 16:43:10.933][ 6316] [shader_params_export] section found!!! [2024-04-21 16:43:10.933][ 6316] Initializing Engine... [2024-04-21 16:43:10.934][ 6316] Starting INPUT device... [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] ####################[+MIMALLOC+]#################### [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] heap stats: peak total freed current unit count [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] reserved: 1.0 GiB 1.0 GiB 0 1.0 GiB [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] committed: 97.5 MiB 125.4 MiB 27.8 MiB 97.5 MiB [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] reset: 0 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] purged: 27.5 MiB [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] touched: 64.2 KiB 192.7 KiB 120.4 MiB -120.2 MiB ok [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] segments: 3 3 0 3 not all freed! [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] -abandoned: 0 0 0 0 ok [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] -cached: 0 0 0 0 ok [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] pages: 0 0 425 -425 ok [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] -abandoned: 0 0 0 0 ok [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] -extended: 0 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] -noretire: 0 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] mmaps: 0 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] commits: 310 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] resets: 0 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] purges: 7 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] threads: 8 8 0 8 not all freed! [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] searches: 0.0 avg [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] numa nodes: 1 [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] elapsed: 0.787 s [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] process: user: 0.812 s, system: 0.015 s, faults: 25538, rss: 90.5 MiB, commit: 105.5 MiB [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] ####################[-MIMALLOC-]#################### [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] [16237MB] physical memory installed, [12377MB] available, [23] percent of memory in use [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] PageFile total: [6468MB], free~ [2480MB] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] Engine memory usage (Working Set): [90MB], peak: [90MB] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] Engine memory usage (Commit Charge): [105MB], peak: [105MB] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.940][ 6316] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2024-04-21 16:43:10.941][ 6316] * [ D3D ]: textures count [0] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.941][ 6316] * [ D3D ]: textures[0 K] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.941][ 6316] * [x-ray]: process heap[0 K], render[0 K] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.941][ 6316] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[29185 K], smem[0 K] [2024-04-21 16:43:10.941][ 6316] ~ Load sounds.ltx... [2024-04-21 16:43:10.941][ 6316] SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices... [2024-04-21 16:43:13.005][ 6316] SOUND: OpenAL: Default sound device name is [Philips FTV (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.005][ 6316] SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices: [2024-04-21 16:43:13.005][ 6316] 1. Philips FTV (NVIDIA High Definition Audio) (full name [OpenAL Soft on Philips FTV (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)]). al_soft [1] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.005][ 6316] 2. Наушники (Oculus Virtual Audio Device) (full name [OpenAL Soft on Наушники (Oculus Virtual Audio Device)]). al_soft [1] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.005][ 6316] Executing config-script "d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"... [2024-04-21 16:43:13.005][ 6316] ! cant find corresponding [id] for action_name [cam_zoom_in] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.005][ 6316] ! cant find corresponding [id] for action_name [cam_zoom_out] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.005][ 6316] [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. [2024-04-21 16:43:13.005][ 6316] Executing config-script "user.ltx"... [2024-04-21 16:43:13.005][ 6316] Executing config-script "d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\configs\rspec_default.ltx"... [2024-04-21 16:43:13.005][ 6316] ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'snd_device' [2024-04-21 16:43:13.005][ 6316] ~ Valid arguments: Philips FTV (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)/Наушники (Oculus Virtual Audio Device) [2024-04-21 16:43:13.005][ 6316] [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\configs\rspec_default.ltx] successfully loaded. [2024-04-21 16:43:13.005][ 6316] Executing config-script "d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"... [2024-04-21 16:43:13.005][ 6316] ! cant find corresponding [id] for action_name [cam_zoom_in] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.005][ 6316] ! cant find corresponding [id] for action_name [cam_zoom_out] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.005][ 6316] [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. [2024-04-21 16:43:13.006][ 6316] ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'r_pnv_washout_thresh' [2024-04-21 16:43:13.006][ 6316] ~ Valid arguments: float value in range [0.10000,0.90000] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.006][ 6316] [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\user.ltx] successfully loaded. [2024-04-21 16:43:13.006][ 6316] SOUND: Selected device is [Philips FTV (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.021][ 6316] ~[CSoundRender_CoreA::init_context] OpenAL version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.24.0 [2024-04-21 16:43:13.021][ 6316] [OpenAL] EFX: present [2024-04-21 16:43:13.021][ 6316] Loading of [senvironment.xr] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.021][ 6316] ~ env id=[0] name=[identity] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.021][ 6316] ~ env id=[1] name=[default] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.021][ 6316] ~ env id=[2] name=[bathroom] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.021][ 6316] ~ env id=[3] name=[mountains] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.021][ 6316] ~ env id=[4] name=[yard] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.021][ 6316] ~ env id=[5] name=[room] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.021][ 6316] ~ env id=[6] name=[plant] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.021][ 6316] ~ env id=[7] name=[long_corridor] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.021][ 6316] ~ env id=[8] name=[open_space] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.021][ 6316] ~ env id=[9] name=[house] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.021][ 6316] ~ env id=[10] name=[forest] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.021][ 6316] * sound : cache: 131076 kb, 7609 lines, 17640 bpl [2024-04-21 16:43:13.022][ 6316] Starting RENDER device... [2024-04-21 16:43:13.023][ 6316] * Avail GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:21C4]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER [2024-04-21 16:43:13.023][ 6316] * Avail GPU [vendor:1414]-[device:8C]: Microsoft Basic Render Driver [2024-04-21 16:43:13.023][ 6316] !CHW::CreateD3D() use DXGI_GPU_PREFERENCE_HIGH_PERFORMANCE [2024-04-21 16:43:13.023][ 6316] Dedicated VRAM: 5966 MB (6255804416 bytes) Dedicated Memory: 0 MB (0 bytes) Shared Memory: 8118 MB (8513091584 bytes) CurrentUsage: 0 MB (0 bytes) Budget: 5198 MB (5450498048 bytes) [2024-04-21 16:43:13.023][ 6316] * Selected GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:21C4]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER [2024-04-21 16:43:13.141][ 6316] [CHW::CreateDevice] refCount of [HW.pDevice]: [3] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.144][ 6316] * Texture memory: 5966 M [2024-04-21 16:43:13.152][ 6316] * GPU shading: vs(0/4.0/40), ps(0/4.0/40) [2024-04-21 16:43:13.152][ 6316] * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 24 [2024-04-21 16:43:13.152][ 6316] * DVB created: 4096K [2024-04-21 16:43:13.152][ 6316] * DIB created: 512K [2024-04-21 16:43:13.161][ 6316] [CResourceManager::OnDeviceCreate] count of *shaders*.ltx files: [1] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.164][ 6316] [CTextureDescrMngr::LoadLTX] count of *textures*.ltx files: [1] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.223][ 6316] * HWDST/PCF supported and used [2024-04-21 16:43:13.223][ 6316] Export custom shader params... [2024-04-21 16:43:13.223][ 6316] Export custom shader param [breath_idx] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.223][ 6316] Export custom shader param [breath_size] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.223][ 6316] Export custom shader param [device_inertia] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.223][ 6316] Export custom shader param [gasmask_inertia] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.223][ 6316] Export custom shader param [heat_fade_distance] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.223][ 6316] Export custom shader param [heat_vision_blurring] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.223][ 6316] Export custom shader param [heat_vision_steps] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.223][ 6316] Export custom shader param [pnv_color] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.223][ 6316] Export custom shader param [pnv_color_old] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.223][ 6316] Export custom shader param [pnv_params_old] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.223][ 6316] Export custom shader param [pp_img_cg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.223][ 6316] Export custom shader done!!! [2024-04-21 16:43:13.274][ 6316] [CPSLibrary::LoadAll] count of *particles*.xr files: [3] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.279][ 6316] Load [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\particles_1_cop.xr] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.279][ 6316] cop format used for file [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\particles_1_cop.xr] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.314][ 6316] Load [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\particles_2.xr] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.352][ 6316] Load [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\particles_3_cop.xr] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.352][ 6316] cop format used for file [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\particles_3_cop.xr] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.388][ 6316] ! ParticleEffect [alexmx\ps_00] with empty texture or shader. Cannot create shader for Visual! [2024-04-21 16:43:13.388][ 6316] ! ParticleEffect [alexmx\test1] with empty texture or shader. Cannot create shader for Visual! [2024-04-21 16:43:13.388][ 6316] ! ParticleEffect [alexmx\test1_00] with empty texture or shader. Cannot create shader for Visual! [2024-04-21 16:43:13.388][ 6316] ! ParticleEffect [alexmx\test1_00_old00] with empty texture or shader. Cannot create shader for Visual! [2024-04-21 16:43:13.388][ 6316] ! ParticleEffect [alexmx\test1_old00] with empty texture or shader. Cannot create shader for Visual! [2024-04-21 16:43:13.520][ 6316] [ELightAnimLibrary::Load] count of *lanims*.xr files: [1] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.531][ 6316] --LUA version: [LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.531][ 6316] get_current_kx()=0.75 [2024-04-21 16:43:13.531][ 6316] full_name=d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\ns_settings.ltx [2024-04-21 16:43:13.539][ 6316] [ReShade]: ReShade not installed or version too old - didn't load compatibility addon [2024-04-21 16:43:13.539][ 6316] OS Version major: 10 minor: 0, build: 19045. Server OS: no [2024-04-21 16:43:13.539][ 6316] Starting engine... [2024-04-21 16:43:13.539][ 6316] Main thread id=[6316] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.561][10500] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_wood_1.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.561][10500] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_wood_2.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.561][18012] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_default_1.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.561][18012] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_default_2.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.561][10500] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_wood_3.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.561][18012] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_default_3.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.561][10500] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_wood_4.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.561][18416] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_metal_1.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.561][18012] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_default_4.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.561][10500] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_wood_5.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.561][18416] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_metal_2.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.562][10500] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_wood_6.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.562][18416] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_metal_3.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.562][ 3572] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_earth_1.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.562][18416] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_metal_4.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.562][ 3572] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_earth_2.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.562][18416] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_metal_5.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.562][18416] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_metal_6.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.562][ 3572] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_earth_3.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.562][ 3340] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_gravel_1.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.562][ 3572] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_earth_4.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.562][ 3340] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_gravel_2.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.563][ 3572] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_earth_5.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.563][ 3340] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_gravel_3.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.563][ 3572] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_earth_6.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.563][ 3340] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_gravel_4.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.563][ 3340] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_gravel_5.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.563][ 3340] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_gravel_6.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.563][ 6176] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_tin_1.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.564][ 6176] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_tin_2.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.564][ 6176] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_tin_3.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.564][ 6176] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_tin_4.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.564][ 6176] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_tin_5.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.564][ 6176] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_tin_6.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.566][18012] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_water_1.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.566][18012] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_water_2.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.566][18012] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_water_3.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.566][18012] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\material\actor\step\n_water_4.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.568][ 6316] * [CGameMtlLibrary::loadSounds]: sounds creating time: [0.011 s.] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.568][ 6316] * [CGameMtlLibrary::Load]: mtl pairs loading time (1681): [0.028 s.] [2024-04-21 16:43:13.593][ 6316] ~ Autoload files [44] from [gameplay\info_portions\*.xml]! [2024-04-21 16:43:13.598][ 6316] ~ Autoload files [35] from [gameplay\encyclopedia\*.xml]! [2024-04-21 16:43:13.616][ 6316] ~ Autoload files [38] from [gameplay\dialogs\*.xml]! [2024-04-21 16:43:13.623][ 6316] ~ Autoload files [11] from [gameplay\profiles\*.xml]! [2024-04-21 16:43:13.665][ 6316] ~ Autoload files [34] from [gameplay\specific_characters_files\*.xml]! [2024-04-21 16:43:14.083][ 6316] ~ Autoload lang files [131] from [text\rus\*.xml]! [2024-04-21 16:43:18.860][ 6316] ! Can't find texture [ui_white_rect] [2024-04-21 16:43:33.979][ 6316] * [R_occlusion::occq_destroy]: fids[0] used[0] pool[0] [2024-04-21 16:43:33.979][ 6316] * [R_occlusion::occq_destroy]: released [0] used and [0] pool queries [2024-04-21 16:43:33.991][ 6316] * DVB created: 4096K [2024-04-21 16:43:33.991][ 6316] * DIB created: 512K [2024-04-21 16:43:34.022][ 6316] * RM_Dump: textures : 3235 [2024-04-21 16:43:34.022][ 6316] * RM_Dump: rtargets : 42 [2024-04-21 16:43:34.022][ 6316] * RM_Dump: vs : 35 [2024-04-21 16:43:34.022][ 6316] * RM_Dump: ps : 96 [2024-04-21 16:43:34.022][ 6316] * RM_Dump: dcl : 14 [2024-04-21 16:43:34.022][ 6316] * RM_Dump: states : 69 [2024-04-21 16:43:34.022][ 6316] * RM_Dump: tex_list : 1336 [2024-04-21 16:43:34.022][ 6316] * RM_Dump: matrices : 0 [2024-04-21 16:43:34.022][ 6316] * RM_Dump: lst_constants: 0 [2024-04-21 16:43:34.022][ 6316] * RM_Dump: v_passes : 1703 [2024-04-21 16:43:34.022][ 6316] * RM_Dump: v_elements: 1703 [2024-04-21 16:43:34.022][ 6316] * RM_Dump: v_shaders : 933 [2024-04-21 16:43:34.022][ 6316] * GPU shading: vs(0/4.0/40), ps(0/4.0/40) [2024-04-21 16:43:34.022][ 6316] * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 24 [2024-04-21 16:43:34.022][ 6316] *** RESET [0 ms] [2024-04-21 16:43:34.043][ 6316] Config-file [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\user.ltx] saved successfully [2024-04-21 16:43:34.330][ 6316] * MEMORY USAGE: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:43:34.330][ 6316] * End of synchronization A[1] R[1] [2024-04-21 16:43:35.955][ 6316] [rescan_physical_path] files count before: [82027] [2024-04-21 16:43:35.955][ 6316] [rescan_physical_path] files count after: [82027] [2024-04-21 16:43:37.851][ 6316] Starting server... [2024-04-21 16:43:37.874][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_sviter.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_sviter... [2024-04-21 16:43:38.079][ 6316] * phase time: 0 ms [2024-04-21 16:43:38.080][ 6316] * phase cmem: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:43:38.083][ 6316] Loading objects... [2024-04-21 16:43:38.085][ 6316] ! [IGame_ObjectPool::prefetch] unknown section ammo_12.7x108 in prefetch_objects_single [2024-04-21 16:43:38.095][ 6316] ! [IGame_ObjectPool::prefetch] unknown section ammo_7.62x54_izomorf in prefetch_objects_single [2024-04-21 16:43:38.135][ 6316] ! [IGame_ObjectPool::prefetch] unknown section mag_10_ammo_7.62x54_izomorf in prefetch_objects_single [2024-04-21 16:43:38.138][ 6316] ! [IGame_ObjectPool::prefetch] unknown section mag_100_ammo_7.62x54_izomorf in prefetch_objects_single [2024-04-21 16:43:38.150][ 6316] ! [IGame_ObjectPool::prefetch] unknown section mag_5_ammo_7.62x54_izomorf in prefetch_objects_single [2024-04-21 16:43:38.528][ 6316] ! [IGame_ObjectPool::prefetch] unknown section wpn_crossbow in prefetch_objects_single [2024-04-21 16:43:38.528][ 6316] ! [IGame_ObjectPool::prefetch] unknown section wpn_crossbow_m1 in prefetch_objects_single [2024-04-21 16:43:39.260][ 6316] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\weapons\ptrs\mono\shell_50_dirt4.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:39.839][ 6316] [IGame_ObjectPool::prefetch] objects prefetching time (373): [1.76 s.] [2024-04-21 16:43:39.840][ 6316] Loading models... [2024-04-21 16:43:39.869][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_ecolog.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_ecolog... [2024-04-21 16:43:40.356][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_seva.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_seva... [2024-04-21 16:43:40.947][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_merc.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_merc... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.451][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_bandit.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_bandit... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.467][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_bandit_exo.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_bandit_exo... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.482][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_bandit_light.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_bandit_light... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.506][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_cloak_brown.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_cloak_brown... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.520][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_cloak_leather.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_cloak_leather... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.525][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_cs_heavy.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_cs_heavy... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.536][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_dolg.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_dolg... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.545][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_dolg_heavy.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_dolg_heavy... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.584][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_ecologist_ssp99m.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_ecologist_ssp99m... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.606][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_exo.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_exo... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.618][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_exo_dolg.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_exo_dolg... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.640][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_exo_free.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_exo_free... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.653][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_exo_kill.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_exo_kill... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.664][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_exo_mono.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_exo_mono... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.754][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_military.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_military... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.766][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_military_exo.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_military_exo... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.794][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_monolith.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_monolith... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.802][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_monolith_scientific.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_monolith_scientific... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.812][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_novice.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_novice... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.841][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_specops.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_specops... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.847][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_svoboda_scientific.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_svoboda_scientific... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.852][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_stalker.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_stalker... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.860][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_svoboda_heavy.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_svoboda_heavy... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.869][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_svoboda_light.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_svoboda_light... [2024-04-21 16:43:41.878][ 6316] Loading user_data [dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_svoboda_middle.ltx] for dynamics\weapons\wpn_hand\wpn_hand_svoboda_middle... [2024-04-21 16:43:42.256][ 6316] ! [CModelPool::Prefetch]: monsters\mouses\mouses.ogf not found in $game_meshes$ [2024-04-21 16:43:42.380][ 6316] ! [CModelPool::Prefetch]: monsters\spider\spider_dead.ogf not found in $game_meshes$ [2024-04-21 16:43:43.835][ 6316] [CModelPool::Prefetch] models prefetching time (570): [4.00 s.] [2024-04-21 16:43:43.835][ 6316] * [prefetch] time: 5752 ms [2024-04-21 16:43:43.835][ 6316] * [prefetch] memory: 0Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:43.835][ 6316] * phase time: 5755 ms [2024-04-21 16:43:43.835][ 6316] * phase cmem: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:43:43.847][ 6316] --LUA version: [LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3] [2024-04-21 16:43:43.847][ 6316] get_current_kx()=0.75 [2024-04-21 16:43:43.847][ 6316] full_name=d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\ns_settings.ltx [2024-04-21 16:43:43.851][ 6316] start_game_callback() start [2024-04-21 16:43:43.861][ 6316] $game_configs$ content: [2024-04-21 16:43:43.861][ 6316] $game_scripts$ content: [2024-04-21 16:43:43.861][ 6316] $game_shaders$ content: [2024-04-21 16:43:43.861][ 6316] start_game_callback() end [2024-04-21 16:43:43.861][ 6316] * phase time: 25 ms [2024-04-21 16:43:43.861][ 6316] * phase cmem: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:43:43.869][ 6316] * Loading spawn registry... [2024-04-21 16:43:44.611][ 6316] Start load of custom waypoints... [2024-04-21 16:43:44.615][ 6316] Loaded 309 items from custom_waypoints, 36 from all.spawn was replaced! [2024-04-21 16:43:44.615][ 6316] End load of custom waypoints... [2024-04-21 16:43:44.615][ 6316] build_story_spawns start... [2024-04-21 16:43:44.621][ 6316] build_root_spawns start... [2024-04-21 16:43:44.622][ 6316] process_spawns m_temp0 start... [2024-04-21 16:43:44.622][ 6316] process_spawns m_temp1 start... [2024-04-21 16:43:44.622][ 6316] * 15525 spawn points are successfully loaded [2024-04-21 16:43:44.622][ 6316] * Loading objects... [2024-04-21 16:43:44.913][ 6316] * 27419 objects are successfully loaded [2024-04-21 16:43:44.991][ 6316] ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: [d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\gamedata\sounds\monsters\cat\special_attack.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:45.117][ 6316] story_id not found: esc_bandits_factory [2024-04-21 16:43:45.123][ 6316] * 4291 script vars are successfully loaded [2024-04-21 16:43:45.125][ 6316] ~~~ db.ver: 7 [2024-04-21 16:43:45.930][ 6316] * Game dominator День 1. [Кордон] Принести документ Волку is successfully loaded from file 'd:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\savedgames\dominator День 1. [Кордон] Принести документ Волку.sav' (2.068s) [2024-04-21 16:43:45.930][ 6316] * phase time: 2068 ms [2024-04-21 16:43:45.930][ 6316] * phase cmem: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:43:45.936][ 6316] # New player created! [2024-04-21 16:43:45.936][ 6316] * client : connection accepted - <> [2024-04-21 16:43:45.937][ 6316] * phase time: 7 ms [2024-04-21 16:43:45.937][ 6316] * phase cmem: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:43:45.942][ 6316] * phase time: 5 ms [2024-04-21 16:43:45.942][ 6316] * phase cmem: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:43:46.707][ 6316] --[ISpatial_DB::initialize] bbc is [43.8, -40.4, 88.9], bbd is [722.7, 151.9, 722.7] [2024-04-21 16:43:46.707][ 6316] --[ISpatial_DB::initialize] bbc is [43.8, -40.4, 88.9], bbd is [722.7, 151.9, 722.7] [2024-04-21 16:43:46.708][ 6316] ~ LevelResources load... [2024-04-21 16:43:46.708][ 6316] ~ LevelResources - base: 5592, 8770 K [2024-04-21 16:43:46.708][ 6316] ~ LevelResources - lmap: 0, 0 K [2024-04-21 16:43:46.708][ 6316] * phase time: 765 ms [2024-04-21 16:43:46.708][ 6316] * phase cmem: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:43:46.786][ 6316] * phase time: 77 ms [2024-04-21 16:43:46.786][ 6316] * phase cmem: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:43:46.786][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.792][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.795][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 65531 verts, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.799][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.803][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 60327 verts, 1885 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.807][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 65531 verts, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.810][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.813][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.817][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.821][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.824][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.827][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 46354 verts, 1448 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.830][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.834][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.837][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.841][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.845][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.848][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.852][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 53153 verts, 1661 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.854][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 50229 verts, 1569 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.857][ 6316] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.863][ 6316] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.866][ 6316] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.869][ 6316] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.873][ 6316] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.876][ 6316] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.879][ 6316] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.882][ 6316] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.885][ 6316] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.888][ 6316] * [Loading IB] 670515 indices, 1309 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.891][ 6316] * [Loading IB] 960834 indices, 1876 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.895][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.898][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.900][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.901][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.902][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.904][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.905][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 65528 verts, 767 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.907][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 16089 verts, 188 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.907][ 6316] * [Loading VB] 50229 verts, 588 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.908][ 6316] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.911][ 6316] * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.915][ 6316] * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.919][ 6316] * [Loading IB] 784818 indices, 1532 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.922][ 6316] * [Loading IB] 1048518 indices, 2047 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.926][ 6316] * [Loading IB] 411225 indices, 803 Kb [2024-04-21 16:43:46.928][ 6316] * phase time: 141 ms [2024-04-21 16:43:46.928][ 6316] * phase cmem: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:43:46.961][ 6316] Loaded [18381] models from level. [2024-04-21 16:43:46.961][ 6316] * phase time: 33 ms [2024-04-21 16:43:46.961][ 6316] * phase cmem: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:43:46.986][ 6316] * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61) [2024-04-21 16:43:46.986][ 6316] * [DETAILS] 48739 v(20), 31842 p [2024-04-21 16:43:46.986][ 6316] * [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(951K), IB(186K) [2024-04-21 16:43:46.987][ 6316] * phase time: 25 ms [2024-04-21 16:43:46.987][ 6316] * phase cmem: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:43:46.987][ 6316] ~ LevelResources load completed! [2024-04-21 16:43:46.987][ 6316] ~ LevelResources - base: 6352, 8770 K [2024-04-21 16:43:46.987][ 6316] ~ LevelResources - lmap: 21, 0 K [2024-04-21 16:43:47.073][ 6316] * phase time: 85 ms [2024-04-21 16:43:47.073][ 6316] * phase cmem: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:43:47.074][ 6316] * phase time: 1 ms [2024-04-21 16:43:47.074][ 6316] * phase cmem: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:43:47.083][ 6316] - Game configuring : Started [2024-04-21 16:43:47.084][ 6316] - Loading music tracks from 'l01_escape_musics'... [2024-04-21 16:43:47.085][ 6316] ! Can't find sound [music\amb01_stereo_r.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.085][ 6316] ! Can't find sound [music\amb20_stereo_r.ogg] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.085][ 6316] ~ set_geometry_env id=0 name[room]=environment id[5] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.085][ 6316] ~ set_geometry_env id=1 name[open_space]=environment id[8] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.085][ 6316] ~ set_geometry_env id=2 name[bathroom]=environment id[2] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.085][ 6316] ~ set_geometry_env id=3 name[plant]=environment id[6] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.085][ 6316] ~ set_geometry_env id=4 name[long_corridor]=environment id[7] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.085][ 6316] ~ set_geometry_env id=5 name[default]=environment id[1] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.085][ 6316] ~ set_geometry_env id=6 name[mountains]=environment id[3] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.085][ 6316] - Game configuring : Finished [2024-04-21 16:43:47.143][ 6316] * phase time: 69 ms [2024-04-21 16:43:47.143][ 6316] * phase cmem: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:43:47.143][ 6316] PrefetchTextures... [2024-04-21 16:43:47.143][ 6316] PrefetchTextures completed! [2024-04-21 16:43:47.143][ 6316] CResourceManager::DeferredUpload [MT] -> START, texture count = [6463], number_of_threads = 4 [2024-04-21 16:43:47.144][ 6316] CResourceManager::DeferredUpload VRAM usage before: [2024-04-21 16:43:47.144][ 6316] textures loaded size 8.564629 MB (8980664.000000 bytes) [2024-04-21 16:43:47.144][ 6316] Dedicated VRAM: 5966 MB (6255804416 bytes) Dedicated Memory: 0 MB (0 bytes) Shared Memory: 8118 MB (8513091584 bytes) CurrentUsage: 529 MB (554938368 bytes) Budget: 5198 MB (5450498048 bytes) [2024-04-21 16:43:47.144][ 6316] Main thread id=0 [2024-04-21 16:43:47.144][13892] Pool thread id=1 [2024-04-21 16:43:47.144][ 2044] Pool thread id=2 [2024-04-21 16:43:47.144][ 6768] Pool thread id=3 [2024-04-21 16:43:47.144][ 5344] Pool thread id=4 [2024-04-21 16:43:47.312][ 5344] ! Fallback to default bump map: [act\act_arm_loner_metro_bump] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.312][ 2044] ! Fallback to default bump map: [act\act_arm_loner_metro_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.319][ 6768] ! Fallback to default bump map: [act\act_arm_loner_novice_gloves_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.341][ 2044] ! Fallback to default bump map: [act\act_arm_military novice_bump] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.341][ 2044] ! Fallback to default bump map: [act\act_arm_military novice_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.379][13892] ! Fallback to default bump map: [act\act_arm_ssp-99m_bump] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.542][ 2044] ! Fallback to default bump map: [act\act_krisovolk_w_bump] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.542][ 2044] ! Fallback to default bump map: [act\act_krisovolk_w_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.567][ 6768] ! Fallback to default bump map: [act\act_monolit_corp_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.568][ 2044] ! Can't find texture [act\act_morthbag_army] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.569][ 2044] ! Can't find texture [act\act_morthbag_bandit] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.569][ 2044] ! Can't find texture [act\act_morthbag_csky] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.569][ 2044] ! Can't find texture [act\act_morthbag_dolg] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.569][ 2044] ! Can't find texture [act\act_morthbag_ecolog] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.569][ 2044] ! Can't find texture [act\act_morthbag_freedom] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.569][ 2044] ! Can't find texture [act\act_morthbag_greh] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.569][ 2044] ! Can't find texture [act\act_morthbag_isg] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.569][ 2044] ! Can't find texture [act\act_morthbag_killer] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.569][ 2044] ! Can't find texture [act\act_morthbag_monolith] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.569][ 2044] ! Can't find texture [act\act_morthbag_renegade] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.569][ 2044] ! Can't find texture [act\act_morthbag_stalker] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.569][ 2044] ! Can't find texture [act\act_morthbag_zombied] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.580][13892] ! Fallback to default bump map: [act\act_mutant_boar_grill_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.795][ 5344] ! Fallback to default bump map: [act\arm_exo\act_arm_exo_bump] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.795][ 5344] ! Fallback to default bump map: [act\arm_exo\act_arm_exo_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.795][ 5344] ! Fallback to default bump map: [act\arm_exo\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_bump] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.795][ 5344] ! Fallback to default bump map: [act\arm_exo\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.795][ 5344] ! Fallback to default bump map: [act\arm_exo\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_glass_bump] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.795][ 5344] ! Fallback to default bump map: [act\arm_exo\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_glass_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.808][13892] ! Fallback to default bump map: [act\cod_bo2_nano_gloves_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.828][13892] ! Fallback to default bump map: [act\greshnik13rs\monster\metro\act13_arahnid_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.865][13892] ! Fallback to default bump map: [aks74u\aks74u_bump] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.865][13892] ! Fallback to default bump map: [aks74u\aks74u_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.939][13892] ! Fallback to default bump map: [build_details_bump] [2024-04-21 16:43:47.939][13892] ! Fallback to default bump map: [build_details_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:48.342][13892] ! Fallback to default bump map: [crete\difmap_bump] [2024-04-21 16:43:48.342][13892] ! Fallback to default bump map: [crete\difmap_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:48.804][ 5344] ! Can't find texture [internal\internal_fireTransferFunction] [2024-04-21 16:43:49.258][ 5344] ! Can't find texture [new_pfx\lightning1_dxt1] [2024-04-21 16:43:49.260][ 2044] ! Can't find texture [part\part_fitil.1024] [2024-04-21 16:43:49.260][ 2044] ! Can't find texture [pfx\pfx_ambimet] [2024-04-21 16:43:49.287][13892] ! Can't find texture [pfx\pfx_dist0] [2024-04-21 16:43:49.317][13892] ! Can't find texture [pfx\pfx_envmap1] [2024-04-21 16:43:49.335][13892] ! Can't find texture [pfx\pfx_glow_04] [2024-04-21 16:43:49.335][13892] ! Can't find texture [pfx\pfx_glow_fire1] [2024-04-21 16:43:49.336][ 5344] ! Can't find texture [pfx\pfx_grost] [2024-04-21 16:43:49.337][ 5344] ! Can't find texture [pfx\pfx_laser] [2024-04-21 16:43:49.343][13892] ! Can't find texture [pfx\pfx_list] [2024-04-21 16:43:49.345][13892] ! Can't find texture [pfx\pfx_reflectiveglass] [2024-04-21 16:43:49.372][ 5344] ! Can't find texture [pfx\pfx_yawm_flake_grid] [2024-04-21 16:43:49.372][ 5344] ! Can't find texture [pfx\pfx_yawm_snowflakes_light] [2024-04-21 16:43:49.372][ 5344] ! Can't find texture [pfx\pfx_yawm_snowflakes_light_02] [2024-04-21 16:43:49.463][ 6768] ! Fallback to default bump map: [prop\prop_book_list_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:49.536][13892] ! Fallback to default bump map: [prop\prop_item3_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:49.588][13892] ! Fallback to default bump map: [prop\prop_mask_setka_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:49.613][ 5344] ! Fallback to default bump map: [prop\prop_mus_kont_02a_bump] [2024-04-21 16:43:49.613][ 5344] ! Fallback to default bump map: [prop\prop_mus_kont_02a_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:50.071][ 2044] ! Can't find texture [shoker_mod\pfx\pfx_strelo4ka] [2024-04-21 16:43:50.071][ 2044] ! Fallback to default bump map: [sig_sg550\front_bump] [2024-04-21 16:43:50.071][ 2044] ! Fallback to default bump map: [sig_sg550\front_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:50.076][ 2044] ! Fallback to default bump map: [sign\sign_radiation_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:50.104][ 6768] ! Fallback to default bump map: [sign\sign_set2_iov_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:50.134][ 2044] ! Fallback to default bump map: [sign\sign_set_iov_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:50.760][ 6768] ! Can't find texture [sky\cgim_clear3\18-00_2#small] [2024-04-21 16:43:54.703][ 5344] ! Can't find texture [sky_oblaka] [2024-04-21 16:43:55.106][ 5344] ! Can't find texture [terrain\terrain_escape_puddles_mask] [2024-04-21 16:43:55.624][13892] ! Fallback to default bump map: [uniq\act_stalker_face1_bump] [2024-04-21 16:43:55.624][13892] ! Fallback to default bump map: [uniq\act_stalker_face1_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:56.069][13892] ! Fallback to default bump map: [vss\vss_bump] [2024-04-21 16:43:56.070][13892] ! Fallback to default bump map: [vss\vss_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:56.449][13892] ! Fallback to default bump map: [wpn\addons\pistolsil_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:56.618][ 2044] ! Fallback to default bump map: [wpn\maid_ports\rgn\grenade_rgn_bump] [2024-04-21 16:43:56.618][ 2044] ! Fallback to default bump map: [wpn\maid_ports\rgn\grenade_rgn_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:56.618][ 2044] ! Fallback to default bump map: [wpn\maid_ports\rgo\grenade_rgo_bump] [2024-04-21 16:43:56.618][ 2044] ! Fallback to default bump map: [wpn\maid_ports\rgo\grenade_rgo_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:56.624][ 6768] ! Fallback to default bump map: [wpn\mg42\mg42_body_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:56.685][13892] ! Fallback to default bump map: [wpn\pm\ammo_9x18_bump] [2024-04-21 16:43:56.685][13892] ! Fallback to default bump map: [wpn\pm\ammo_9x18_bump#] [2024-04-21 16:43:58.313][ 6316] CResourceManager::DeferredUpload VRAM usage after: [2024-04-21 16:43:58.313][ 6316] textures loaded size 1020.357483 MB (1069922368.000000 bytes) [2024-04-21 16:43:58.314][ 6316] Dedicated VRAM: 5966 MB (6255804416 bytes) Dedicated Memory: 0 MB (0 bytes) Shared Memory: 8118 MB (8513091584 bytes) CurrentUsage: 1321 MB (1385824256 bytes) Budget: 5198 MB (5450498048 bytes) [2024-04-21 16:43:58.314][ 6316] CResourceManager::DeferredUpload -> END [2024-04-21 16:43:58.314][ 6316] * t-report - base: 6442, 1023339 K [2024-04-21 16:43:58.314][ 6316] * t-report - lmap: 21, 21506 K [2024-04-21 16:43:58.314][ 6316] * phase time: 11171 ms [2024-04-21 16:43:58.314][ 6316] * phase cmem: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:43:58.610][ 6316] * phase time: 295 ms [2024-04-21 16:43:58.610][ 6316] * phase cmem: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] ####################[+MIMALLOC+]#################### [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] heap stats: peak total freed current unit count [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] reserved: 7.0 GiB 7.0 GiB 0 7.0 GiB [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] committed: 6.7 GiB 13.6 GiB 7.3 GiB 6.2 GiB [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] reset: 0 [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] purged: 6.4 GiB [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] touched: 2.6 MiB 27.7 MiB 18.2 GiB -18.1 GiB ok [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] segments: 204 444 253 191 not all freed! [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] -abandoned: 4 4 0 4 not all freed! [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] -cached: 0 0 0 0 ok [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] pages: 0 0 11.2 Ki -11.2 Ki ok [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] -abandoned: 35 35 0 35 not all freed! [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] -extended: 0 [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] -noretire: 0 [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] mmaps: 0 [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] commits: 2.9 Ki [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] resets: 0 [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] purges: 1.1 Ki [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] threads: 12 12 4 8 not all freed! [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] searches: 0.0 avg [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] numa nodes: 1 [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] elapsed: 48.472 s [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] process: user: 31.984 s, system: 6.218 s, faults: 6689264, rss: 11.6 GiB, commit: 21.9 GiB [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] ####################[-MIMALLOC-]#################### [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] [16237MB] physical memory installed, [662MB] available, [95] percent of memory in use [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] PageFile total: [15448MB], free~ [797MB] [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] Engine memory usage (Working Set): [11890MB], peak: [11892MB] [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] Engine memory usage (Commit Charge): [22463MB], peak: [22496MB] [2024-04-21 16:43:58.625][ 6316] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2024-04-21 16:43:58.629][ 6316] * [ D3D ]: textures count [6463] [2024-04-21 16:43:58.629][ 6316] * [ D3D ]: textures[1044846 K] [2024-04-21 16:43:58.629][ 6316] * [x-ray]: process heap[0 K], render[0 K] [2024-04-21 16:43:58.629][ 6316] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[37630 K], smem[716264 K] [2024-04-21 16:43:58.629][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:43:58.777][ 6316] ~~['ogse_signals']: signal ['on_init'] is too slow: [0.05 s.] [2024-04-21 16:43:58.777][ 6316] ~~ slot: ['dsh_cop_weather.39'], time: [0.05 s.] [2024-04-21 16:43:58.788][ 6316] CTreasure.converted !!! [2024-04-21 16:43:58.788][ 6316] CRandomTask.converted !!! [2024-04-21 16:43:58.789][ 6316] [ogse_st_mgr]: ogse_st_mgr.delayed_fun_start: 1 timers loaded [2024-04-21 16:43:58.789][ 6316] [ogse_st_mgr]: 1 all timers loaded [2024-04-21 16:43:58.789][ 6316] [dsh_cop_weather]: DynamicForecast: default loaded: 72 items [2024-04-21 16:43:58.789][ 6316] [dsh_cop_weather]: StaticForecast: default loaded: 37 items [2024-04-21 16:43:58.815][ 6316] rx_sound sound prefetch ... [2024-04-21 16:43:58.851][ 6316] rx_sound sound prefetch done! [2024-04-21 16:43:58.866][ 6316] actor start 2 [2024-04-21 16:43:59.319][ 6316] actor end 2 [2024-04-21 16:43:59.405][ 6316] * [CSpaceRestrictionHolder::register_restrictor]: change restrictor_type of udalim_esc_fotomuzhik_restrictor to eRestrictorTypeNone because border().empty() [2024-04-21 16:43:59.406][ 6316] * [CSpaceRestrictionHolder::register_restrictor]: change restrictor_type of mesto2_fotografir2_restrictor to eRestrictorTypeNone because border().empty() [2024-04-21 16:43:59.429][ 6316] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: changed visual_name[physics\anomaly\artefact_electra3] found in esc_af_electra_flash, keep original physics\anomaly\artefact_electra_1.ogf instead [2024-04-21 16:44:00.183][ 6316] [dsh_fixes]: version = 16, fixes = 16 [2024-04-21 16:44:00.184][ 6316] ~~['ogse_signals']: signal ['on_before_first_update'] is too slow: [0.02 s.] [2024-04-21 16:44:00.184][ 6316] ~~ slot: ['halyava.558'], time: [0.02 s.] [2024-04-21 16:44:00.184][ 6316] ~~['ogse_signals']: time limit functionality paused: [10000] ms [2024-04-21 16:44:00.188][ 6316] task_ini() [2024-04-21 16:44:00.189][ 6316] [dsh_cop_weather]: restore time_factor: 0 -> 5 [2024-04-21 16:44:00.189][ 6316] [dsh_cop_weather]: time diff on first update is -0 [2024-04-21 16:44:00.195][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 18 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.301][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 976 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.337][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 149 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.366][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 11 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.377][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 32 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.381][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.385][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.388][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.392][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.397][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.400][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 8 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.404][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.407][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.410][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.414][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.418][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 32 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.421][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.424][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.429][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 7 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.433][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 5 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.437][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 5 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.440][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.446][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.450][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.453][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 3 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.457][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 33 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.460][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.464][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 3 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.467][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 3 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.470][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.474][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 6 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.477][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 4 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.481][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.485][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.488][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.492][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.495][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 33 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.499][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 5 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.503][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 3 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.506][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.510][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 8 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.513][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.516][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.519][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.523][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 3 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.526][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.530][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.533][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 34 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.537][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.540][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 5 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.543][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 8 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.547][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.550][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 3 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.552][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.553][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.555][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.556][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.558][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.560][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.562][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.563][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.565][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.567][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.568][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.570][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 5 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.572][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 33 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.574][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.575][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 4 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.577][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 9 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.578][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.580][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 3 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.582][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.583][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.585][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 4 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.586][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.588][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.590][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.591][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.593][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.594][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.596][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.598][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.599][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.601][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.602][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.604][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.606][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.608][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.609][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.611][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 36 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.613][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.614][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.616][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.618][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.619][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 4 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.621][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 4 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.622][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:00.657][ 6316] * MEMORY USAGE: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:44:00.657][ 6316] * End of synchronization A[1] R[1] [2024-04-21 16:44:00.657][ 6316] * phase time: 2343 ms [2024-04-21 16:44:00.657][ 6316] * phase cmem: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:44:00.657][ 6316] gameload - all finished! [2024-04-21 16:44:04.370][ 6316] gg_need_sleep=23 [2024-04-21 16:44:20.421][ 6316] ~ ObjectResources unload... [2024-04-21 16:44:20.421][ 6316] ~ ObjectResources - base: 6490, 1054076 K [2024-04-21 16:44:20.421][ 6316] ~ ObjectResources - lmap: 21, 21506 K [2024-04-21 16:44:20.483][ 6316] [dsh]: cached_condlist stats ( hit/miss ): 4132 / 152101 [2024-04-21 16:44:20.483][ 6316] CInventory::Clear() for actor [2024-04-21 16:44:20.663][ 6316] ~ ObjectResources unload completed! [2024-04-21 16:44:20.663][ 6316] ~ ObjectResources - base: 6067, 573051 K [2024-04-21 16:44:20.663][ 6316] ~ ObjectResources - lmap: 21, 21506 K [2024-04-21 16:44:20.748][ 6316] --LUA version: [LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3] [2024-04-21 16:44:20.748][ 6316] get_current_kx()=0.75 [2024-04-21 16:44:20.749][ 6316] full_name=d:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\ns_settings.ltx [2024-04-21 16:44:20.753][ 6316] start_game_callback() start [2024-04-21 16:44:20.764][ 6316] $game_configs$ content: [2024-04-21 16:44:20.764][ 6316] $game_scripts$ content: [2024-04-21 16:44:20.764][ 6316] $game_shaders$ content: [2024-04-21 16:44:20.764][ 6316] start_game_callback() end [2024-04-21 16:44:20.764][ 6316] * phase time: 70 ms [2024-04-21 16:44:20.764][ 6316] * phase cmem: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:44:20.771][ 6316] * Loading spawn registry... [2024-04-21 16:44:21.503][ 6316] Start load of custom waypoints... [2024-04-21 16:44:21.507][ 6316] Loaded 309 items from custom_waypoints, 36 from all.spawn was replaced! [2024-04-21 16:44:21.507][ 6316] End load of custom waypoints... [2024-04-21 16:44:21.507][ 6316] build_story_spawns start... [2024-04-21 16:44:21.513][ 6316] build_root_spawns start... [2024-04-21 16:44:21.514][ 6316] process_spawns m_temp0 start... [2024-04-21 16:44:21.514][ 6316] process_spawns m_temp1 start... [2024-04-21 16:44:21.514][ 6316] * 15525 spawn points are successfully loaded [2024-04-21 16:44:21.514][ 6316] * Loading objects... [2024-04-21 16:44:21.804][ 6316] * 27419 objects are successfully loaded [2024-04-21 16:44:21.986][ 6316] story_id not found: esc_bandits_factory [2024-04-21 16:44:21.992][ 6316] * 4291 script vars are successfully loaded [2024-04-21 16:44:21.994][ 6316] ~~~ db.ver: 7 [2024-04-21 16:44:22.801][ 6316] * Game dominator День 1. [Кордон] Принести документ Волку is successfully loaded from file 'd:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r.ns.ogsr\_appdata_\savedgames\dominator День 1. [Кордон] Принести документ Волку.sav' (2.036s) [2024-04-21 16:44:22.801][ 6316] * phase time: 2036 ms [2024-04-21 16:44:22.801][ 6316] * phase cmem: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:44:22.802][ 6316] * phase time: 0 ms [2024-04-21 16:44:22.802][ 6316] * phase cmem: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:44:22.804][ 6316] * phase time: 2 ms [2024-04-21 16:44:22.804][ 6316] * phase cmem: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:44:22.815][ 6316] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] ####################[+MIMALLOC+]#################### [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] heap stats: peak total freed current unit count [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] reserved: 7.0 GiB 7.0 GiB 0 7.0 GiB [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] committed: 6.7 GiB 13.8 GiB 7.5 GiB 6.3 GiB [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] reset: 0 [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] purged: 6.5 GiB [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] touched: 2.6 MiB 27.7 MiB 18.5 GiB -18.5 GiB ok [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] segments: 205 445 253 192 not all freed! [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] -abandoned: 4 4 1 3 not all freed! [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] -cached: 0 0 0 0 ok [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] pages: 0 0 13.2 Ki -13.2 Ki ok [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] -abandoned: 35 35 9 26 not all freed! [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] -extended: 0 [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] -noretire: 0 [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] mmaps: 0 [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] commits: 4.2 Ki [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] resets: 0 [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] purges: 1.5 Ki [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] threads: 12 12 4 8 not all freed! [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] searches: 0.0 avg [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] numa nodes: 1 [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] elapsed: 72.663 s [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] process: user: 58.937 s, system: 7.859 s, faults: 7612067, rss: 12.2 GiB, commit: 22.1 GiB [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] ####################[-MIMALLOC-]#################### [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] [16237MB] physical memory installed, [808MB] available, [95] percent of memory in use [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] PageFile total: [15512MB], free~ [866MB] [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] Engine memory usage (Working Set): [12344MB], peak: [12584MB] [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] Engine memory usage (Commit Charge): [22297MB], peak: [22646MB] [2024-04-21 16:44:22.816][ 6316] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2024-04-21 16:44:22.821][ 6316] * [ D3D ]: textures count [6088] [2024-04-21 16:44:22.821][ 6316] * [ D3D ]: textures[594558 K] [2024-04-21 16:44:22.821][ 6316] * [x-ray]: process heap[0 K], render[0 K] [2024-04-21 16:44:22.821][ 6316] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[36747 K], smem[345121 K] [2024-04-21 16:44:22.822][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:22.827][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 18 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:22.888][ 6316] ~~['ogse_signals']: signal ['on_init'] is too slow: [0.04 s.] [2024-04-21 16:44:22.889][ 6316] ~~ slot: ['dsh_cop_weather.39'], time: [0.04 s.] [2024-04-21 16:44:22.897][ 6316] CTreasure.converted !!! [2024-04-21 16:44:22.897][ 6316] CRandomTask.converted !!! [2024-04-21 16:44:22.898][ 6316] [ogse_st_mgr]: ogse_st_mgr.delayed_fun_start: 1 timers loaded [2024-04-21 16:44:22.898][ 6316] [ogse_st_mgr]: 1 all timers loaded [2024-04-21 16:44:22.898][ 6316] [dsh_cop_weather]: DynamicForecast: default loaded: 72 items [2024-04-21 16:44:22.898][ 6316] [dsh_cop_weather]: StaticForecast: default loaded: 37 items [2024-04-21 16:44:22.919][ 6316] rx_sound sound prefetch ... [2024-04-21 16:44:22.940][ 6316] rx_sound sound prefetch done! [2024-04-21 16:44:22.949][ 6316] actor start 2 [2024-04-21 16:44:23.275][ 6316] actor end 2 [2024-04-21 16:44:23.286][ 6316] ! [CGameObject::net_Spawn]: changed visual_name[physics\anomaly\artefact_electra3] found in esc_af_electra_flash, keep original physics\anomaly\artefact_electra_1.ogf instead [2024-04-21 16:44:23.485][ 6316] * [CSpaceRestrictionHolder::register_restrictor]: change restrictor_type of udalim_esc_fotomuzhik_restrictor to eRestrictorTypeNone because border().empty() [2024-04-21 16:44:23.486][ 6316] * [CSpaceRestrictionHolder::register_restrictor]: change restrictor_type of mesto2_fotografir2_restrictor to eRestrictorTypeNone because border().empty() [2024-04-21 16:44:24.486][ 6316] [dsh_fixes]: version = 16, fixes = 16 [2024-04-21 16:44:24.486][ 6316] ~~['ogse_signals']: signal ['on_before_first_update'] is too slow: [0.02 s.] [2024-04-21 16:44:24.486][ 6316] ~~ slot: ['halyava.558'], time: [0.02 s.] [2024-04-21 16:44:24.486][ 6316] ~~['ogse_signals']: time limit functionality paused: [10000] ms [2024-04-21 16:44:24.489][ 6316] task_ini() [2024-04-21 16:44:24.490][ 6316] [dsh_cop_weather]: restore time_factor: 0 -> 5 [2024-04-21 16:44:24.490][ 6316] [dsh_cop_weather]: time diff on first update is -0 [2024-04-21 16:44:24.494][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 18 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.545][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 978 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.701][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 109 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.733][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 74 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.750][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 46 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.757][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 6 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.761][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.764][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 3 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.767][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.771][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.774][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 3 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.778][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.781][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 4 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.785][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 7 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.788][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 34 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.791][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.795][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.799][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 3 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.802][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.806][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.809][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.813][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.819][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.823][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 11 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.826][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 33 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.830][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.833][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 3 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.837][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.840][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.844][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.848][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 5 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.851][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.854][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.858][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 7 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.862][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.865][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 33 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.869][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.872][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.875][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 4 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.879][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.882][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.885][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.888][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 3 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.892][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 7 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.895][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.898][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.902][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.906][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 35 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.909][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 3 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.913][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 3 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.917][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.921][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 3 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.925][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 7 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.929][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 6 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.932][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.935][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 17 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.938][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.942][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 3 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.945][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 32 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.949][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.952][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 3 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.955][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.959][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 3 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.963][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 10 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.967][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 7 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.970][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 5 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.974][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 4 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.978][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.981][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 6 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.985][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 35 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.989][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 3 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.992][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.995][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 6 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:24.999][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 54 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.002][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 3 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.005][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 4 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.008][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 4 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.012][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.015][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 6 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.020][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 4 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.024][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 37 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.028][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 5 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.031][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 4 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.035][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 9 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.038][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.041][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 5 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.045][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 1 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.048][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 5 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.051][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 3 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.056][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 121 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.059][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 4 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.063][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 34 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.066][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 4 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.069][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 7 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.071][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.072][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 2 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.074][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 3 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.075][ 6316] Prefetch frame, updated: 0 objects! [2024-04-21 16:44:25.112][ 6316] * MEMORY USAGE: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:44:25.112][ 6316] * End of synchronization A[1] R[1] [2024-04-21 16:44:25.112][ 6316] * phase time: 2310 ms [2024-04-21 16:44:25.112][ 6316] * phase cmem: 0 K [2024-04-21 16:44:25.112][ 6316] gameload - all finished! [2024-04-21 16:44:56.871][ 6316] gg_need_sleep=23 [2024-04-21 16:45:11.846][ 6316] ******************************************************************************** [2024-04-21 16:45:11.846][ 6316] !![LogStackTrace] Thread: [X-RAY Primary thread], ExceptionCode: [c0000005] [2024-04-21 16:45:12.225][ 6316] !! Unhandled exception stack trace: ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF786B5EC4A], Fun: [CUI::UIOnFrame()] + [78 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\GitHub\NS_OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xrGame\UI.cpp-->74] + [7 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF786B3BF9D], Fun: [CHUDManager::OnFrame()] + [29 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\GitHub\NS_OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xrGame\HUDManager.cpp-->205] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF786736C44], Fun: [IGame_Level::OnFrame()] + [48 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\GitHub\NS_OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\IGame_Level.cpp-->115] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF786A7E4D2], Fun: [CLevel::OnFrame()] + [1110 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\GitHub\NS_OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xrGame\Level.cpp-->329] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF786767CCC], Fun: [CRegistrator<pureFrame>::Process()] + [76 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\GitHub\NS_OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\pure.h-->145] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF786767200], Fun: [CRenderDevice::FrameMove()] + [428 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\GitHub\NS_OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->417] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF786766190], Fun: [CRenderDevice::on_idle()] + [612 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\GitHub\NS_OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->159] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF786766F2D], Fun: [CRenderDevice::Run()] + [813 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\GitHub\NS_OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->376] + [82 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF786730F0D], Fun: [Startup()] + [1257 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\GitHub\NS_OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->284] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF786731554], Fun: [WinMain_impl()] + [504 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\GitHub\NS_OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->468] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF7867315D1], Fun: [WinMain()] + [57 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\GitHub\NS_OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp-->489] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF787050B6E], Fun: [__scrt_common_main_seh()] + [262 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl-->288] + [33 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFA5B7F7344], Fun: [BaseThreadInitThunk()] + [20 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFA5C6826B1], Fun: [RtlUserThreadStart()] + [33 byte(s)] [2024-04-21 16:45:12.225][ 6316] ******************************************************************************** [2024-04-21 16:45:12.227][ 6316] ******************************************************************************** [2024-04-21 16:45:12.227][ 6316] !![LogStackTrace] Thread: [X-RAY Primary thread], ExceptionCode: [c0000005] [2024-04-21 16:45:12.376][ 6316] !! Unhandled exception stack trace: ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF786767279], Fun: [CRenderDevice::Pause()] + [61 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\GitHub\NS_OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->440] + [17 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF786C4D8E1], Fun: [CGamePersistent::OnAppDeactivate()] + [49 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\GitHub\NS_OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xrGame\GamePersistent.cpp-->690] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF786767516], Fun: [CRenderDevice::OnWM_Activate()] + [554 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\GitHub\NS_OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\device.cpp-->511] + [77 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF786769EF5], Fun: [WndProc()] + [117 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\GitHub\NS_OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xr_3da\Device_wndproc.cpp-->47] ! Module: [C:\Windows\System32\USER32.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFA5A82EF75], Fun: [CallWindowProcW()] + [1557 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Windows\System32\USER32.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFA5A82E8DC], Fun: [DispatchMessageW()] + [1772 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Windows\System32\USER32.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFA5A8416D3], Fun: [SendMessageTimeoutW()] + [323 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFA5C6D0E64], Fun: [KiUserCallbackDispatcher()] + [36 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFA5A371B24], Fun: [NtUserShowWindow()] + [20 byte(s)] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF786788C7D], Fun: [ShowErrorMessage()] + [153 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\GitHub\NS_OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xrCore\xrDebugNew.cpp-->35] ! Module: [D:\Games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R.NS.OGSR\bin_x64\xrEngine.exe], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FF786789A57], Fun: [UnhandledFilter()] + [87 byte(s)], File-->Line: [D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\!!!Narodnaya Solyanka!!!\!OGSR!\GitHub\NS_OGSR_Engine\ogsr_engine\xrCore\xrDebugNew.cpp-->369] ! Module: [C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFA5A19E197], Fun: [UnhandledExceptionFilter()] + [487 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFA5C6D54B0], Fun: [memset()] + [5040 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFA5C6BCA06], Fun: [_C_specific_handler()] + [150 byte(s)] ! Module: [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll], AddrPC.Offset: [00007FFA5C6D23AF], Fun: [_chkstk()] + [287 byte(s)] [2024-04-21 16:45:12.376][ 6316] ******************************************************************************** Благодарю за внимание Поделиться этим сообщением Ссылка на сообщение