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Clear Sky


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Are there any plans at all for an update to Clear Sky? Also, is it good? Does it keep the original feel of Stalker? And is there no area that serves as Bar? I'm glad Limansk made it in though...

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Do you need to find parts to upgrade your stuff? Though I really like the idea of upgrade-data. Maybe it could be worked into something like the data gathering along with transmutation recipies and stash locations. I was originally thinking if you go out and find a buletproof palte, then go to upgrade guy, he will ake your suit more bulletproof resistant, but this isn't a bad idea either. Also, just how different does CS feel as compared to SHOC? Why did people hate it? Are there more ways to get from palce to place? I really hated that there was only one place to get into and out of an area. The nly exception was Dark Valley and that is only put there I think for you to escape the military after X18. Are there many secret areas and what not? And how much does the cover system work to improve the game?


Also, I have Vista 64bit. Will it work?


Also, is there some big thing like brain scorcher that stops you from advancing? Is the main quest so necessary for things to be driven forward? Is there more than one ending? Are there any secret labs like X18 (which I hated)?

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Can you post a screenshot of the entire Zone from the Map in your PDA? Then, break it down per section to show us any places of interest/transition points etc...?

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God DAMN this forum never seems to be up.


Anyway, I got CS via steam and am waiting for it to unlock. Is there any difference? I heard, both with SHOC and CS that there had been some problems relating to mods with the Steam version...


Also, can you please post a broken-down map of the new zone by each playable section? And what new mods are already out for Clear Sky?

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Realism is win, makes fights much more tense as you say. I think Sasha can't take criticism of Stalker...


But until I get CS and the PLR mod that (is already?) out for it, I will reserve judgement. Maybe it was just me, ut in SHOC PLR didnt seem to work... Do you think it made all the rifles too similiar?

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