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Clear Sky


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Clear Sky is absolutely awesome at parts and horribly, horribly terrible at others. Its most major fuckup is undoubtedly its firefights. Im used to the tention and realism of PRL weapons mod and even though Im not propagating realism as the best feature in games, in STALKER, realism gives the firefights an unparalleled level of win and awesome.


So I find myself NOT enjoying this game, at all.


Question here- I tried implementing PRL mod, didnt work. Is it even possible to do so?

Question two- I tried implementing Gnomus scopes and all I got was the top left 90 degrees of the scope. Its out of proportion, not centered. Whatnot.


I would really appreciate some help here, folks.

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Whether PLR stats are realistic or not is not important. What is important is that they create an environment where run&gun mentality has no place. Every time you CHOOSE to engage your enemies, its going to be a risky business which often isnt worth the time spent. Not just that, "realistic" weapons are fun as hell, compared to the dog-crap that vSTALKER has right now. Every fire fight is filled with risk of danger and tention.


And what RPG element youre talking about? Unless youve been living on Mars, STALKER is not an RPG. Its a first person action-horror shooter with RPG elements. If you want RPG, play Oblivion. STALKER is not even close to being an RPG.

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Are you on crack, shrooms or MJ? PLR mod makes STALKER into a Ghost Recon - like shooter, which is far from run and gun.


Have you actually played the game with PLR or are you talking out of your rear cavity? Run and gun... hahhaa.


Hell, vSTALKER IS actually run and gun, AMK + PLR is not even close.


Or perhaps "run and gun" is not exactly what you had in mind?

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As a matter of fact, I have. On top of that, I also go hunting on a regular basis. Airsofting and paintballing aswell. I know a lot more about firefights and how they would pan out, than most people would.


Your "halo" insult is retarded and pathetic at best. If you had any brains in that empty skull of yours, youd know that vSTALKER is closer to HALO, than a tactical shooter. PLR will do just that, make STALKER into a tactical shooter.


Oh, one more thing, you idiot- STALKER already IS a shooter. I dont understand what is that youre so afraid that PLR will change? Firefights too hard for you already?

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Realism is not an instant ingredient for GREAT gameplay. In a lot of games, realism actually hurts. But since STALKER is a single player experience, one has to have a formidable challenge from a firefight. You have to FEEL as if every time you engage someone, its going to be a difficult task, exciting and filled with adrenaline. vSTALKER does not give that. So yeah, in this case, with single player game, realism fixes the game, introduces the hard, tough and deadly nature of the Zone even further and actually makes you choose the option of engaging the enemies or not.


As for PLR, it did make the weapons kind of similar, indeed. But is that a bad thing? Youll find that you can hit a man sized target at 100 metres with almost any weapon in STALKERs arsenal (talking about rifles and assault rifles only). Also, with Kalashnikov, its harder to hit said target than with a G36, and this is also illustrated further. Then, we take the bullpup type rifle like Groza and youll see that thanks to the long barrel, its almost like a sniper rifle.


The illusion and misconception comes from the fact that even though the ballistics and whatnot may be (as) realistic (as the game allows), since all of the engagements are held within 100 metres and less, youll see no noticable difference between weapons. This may indeed break some of that RPG element (where youre looking for better gear), but it gives back tenfold- it gives you the tention, toughness and lethality in the game. No more Rambo. So little being given away for so, so, so much gained.

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