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В 22.08.2017 в 19:09, amik сказал:

Если везде нас “поздравляют”, можно переходить к сбору глобального game.graph(а)
Для этого запускаем наш батник (команда @start bins\compiler_ai\xrAI.exe -m)
Должно везде быть VALID.

Если видите INVALID, то где-то ошиблись

Не возможно посмотреть, процесс проходит очень быстро, есть ли ключ позволяющий вести лог во время сборки гейм графа и левел графов?

 Моя нычкаНычка в арендованном у Опричника холодильнике  

Мы хорошие ребята, жаль патронов маловато:):ukostra:


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Пацаны, мне помощь нужна, начал собирать all.spawn, выскачила вот такая ошибка:

Скрытый текст

* Detected CPU: GenuineIntel P3 family, F6/M15/S11, 2600.00 mhz, 65-clk 'rdtsc'
* CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2

Initializing File System...
using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx
FS: 47203 files cached, 8084Kb memory used.
Init FileSystem 1.923124 sec
'xrCore' build 0, (null)

CRT heap 0x01470000
Process heap 0x00050000
Loading DLL: xrSE_Factory.dll
'xrCore' build 0, (null)

CRT heap 0x01470000
Process heap 0x00050000
"LevelBuilder v4.1" beta build
Compilation date: Mar 27 2010

Startup time: 11:31:11
! There is no cross table for the level l02_garbage! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l03u_agr_underground! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l04_darkvalley! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l04u_labx18! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l05_bar! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l06_rostok! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l08_yantar! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l08u_brainlab! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level monster_tests! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level jim_agro! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level stohe_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level jim_dark! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level $debug$\y_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_al_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_al_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l07_military! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level krondor_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level zmey_selo2! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level zmey_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_lab! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_ai_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level ivan_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l01_escape_ph_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l02_garbage_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l03u_agroprom_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l07_military_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l10_radar! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l17_radar_underground_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l12_stancia_2ch_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l12_stancia_1ch_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l18_pripyat_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level selo2! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l11_pripyat! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level vovan_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_oles! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level k01_darkscape_ct! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l24_sarcofag_mental! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test1! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level selo3! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l12_stancia! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level wik_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l08u_brainlab_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l04_darkvalley_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level agro_under! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l23_soznanie_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level doc_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level plecha_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l04_darkvalley_ct! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test_new! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l12u_sarcofag! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level stason_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level bar_arena! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level koan_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l07_military_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level haron_selo_towers! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l17_radar_underground_r! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l06_rostok_demo! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l05_bar_hw! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l03_agroprom_hw! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no ai-map for the level l03u_agr_underground_hw! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l12u_control_monolith! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l12_stancia_2! (level is not included into the game graph)
! There is no cross table for the level l10u_bunker! (level is not included into the game graph)
    level  1 l01_escape
    level  3 l03_agroprom
    level 22 marsh
Script debugger succesfully restarted.
* loading script _G.script
* loading script class_registrator.script
* loading script smart_terrain.script
* loading script se_respawn.script
* loading script se_switcher.script
* loading script se_stalker.script
* loading script se_car.script
* loading script se_zones.script
* loading script se_item.script
* loading script se_artefact.script
* loading script se_monster.script
* loading script game_registrator.script
* loading script smart_terrain_params.script
* loading script xr_gulag.script
* loading script gulag_general.script
* loading script gulag_escape.script
* loading script gulag_garbage.script
* loading script gulag_agroprom.script
* loading script gulag_agroprom_underground.script
* loading script gulag_dark_valley.script
* loading script gulag_labx18.script
* loading script gulag_bar.script
* loading script gulag_military.script
* loading script gulag_radar.script
* loading script gulag_radar_u.script
* loading script gulag_yantar.script
* loading script gulag_pripyat.script
* loading script gulag_kishka.script
* loading script gulag_sarcofag.script
* loading script gulag_deadcity.script
* loading script xr_logic.script
    |    | [l01_escape][respawn][esc_respawn_inventory_box_0000] : position changed from [-212.228470][-19.857691][-141.877960] -> [-211.399994][-20.020472][-142.100006]
    |    | [l01_escape][respawn][esc_respawn_inventory_box_0001] : position changed from [-118.984505][-29.900000][-390.841705] -> [-118.300003][-30.047827][-390.600006]
    |    | [l01_escape][respawn][esc_respawn_inventory_box_0003] : position changed from [60.924278][-0.339917][155.849762] -> [60.199982][-0.315674][156.100006]
Level [l01_escape] : searching for AI map separators space restrictors
Level [l01_escape] : no separators found
    |    | [l03_agroprom][respawn][agr_respawn_inventory_0001] : position changed from [13.237453][4.975006][2.268669] -> [11.900009][-0.006899][2.799988]
    |    | [l03_agroprom][smart_terrain][agr2_bandit_st] : position changed from [-76.819603][1.981936][12.621646] -> [-75.600006][2.235468][12.600006]
Level [l03_agroprom] : searching for AI map separators space restrictors
Level [l03_agroprom] : no separators found
    |    | [marsh][af_fuzz_kolobok][mar_af_fuzz_kolobok] : position changed from [-181.211395][2.317403][535.355835] -> [-182.699997][1.381032][453.599976]
    |    | [marsh][wpn_vintorez][mar_wpn_vintorez] : position changed from [-183.715637][2.335344][536.987244] -> [-184.099991][1.390331][453.599976]
Level [marsh] : searching for AI map separators space restrictors
Level [marsh] : no separators found
List of the level changers which are invalid for some reasons
[error]Expression    : m_level_changers.empty()
[error]Function      : CGameSpawnConstructor::verify_level_changers
[error]File          : .\game_spawn_constructor.cpp
[error]Line          : 196
[error]Description   : Some of the level changers setup incorrectly

stack trace:

Что я, чёрт возьми, опять сделал не так!?

Уф.. Одна из моих любимейших локаций мне уже весь головной пузырь вынесла:gamer3:

 Моя нычкаНычка в арендованном у Опричника холодильнике  

Мы хорошие ребята, жаль патронов маловато:):ukostra:


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