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[LA] Вопросы по SDK


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@МХР, этот SDK не юзал, так что не знаю, но для ТЧ'шного нужно было обязательно ставить:

Visual C++ 2005 RP (x86): https://download.microsoft.com/download/d/3/4/d342efa6-3266-4157-a2ec-5174867be706/vcredist_x86.exe

.NET Framework 3.0: https://download.microsoft.com/download/4/9/0/49001df1-af88-4a4d-b10f-2d5e3a8ea5f3/dotnetfx30SP1setup.exe

DirectX 9.0c Runtime: https://download.microsoft.com/download/8/0/d/80d7e79d-c0e4-415a-bcca-e229eafe2679/dxwebsetup.exe

Discord-сервер modfaq.ru: https://discord.gg/9j42BXwB

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Что-то не видно в "шапке" аддона к SDK: http://www.moddb.com/mods/lost-alpha/downloads/stalker-lost-alpha-sdk-addon-1


Here is the 1st addon package for Lost Alpha SDK v.2.6.


It contains nearly 5 gigabytes of objects and 6 singleplayer level sources for the released Lost Alpha SDK v.2.6. This way you can see how we created the tasks and scripted events/scenes for the game. We will release more packs in the future on interest.


Installation instructions:


1. make sure you have Lost Alpha SDK 2.6 installed

2. download this addon, and run the setup tool, it will automatically locate your installed sdk

3. follow the steps and wait until it finishes installing the addon

4. done


Uninstalling works like with any other programs, but make sure you make backups of your edited maps and objects before you remove the SDK and its addon(s)


For list of objects, check the documents\objects_listing.txt


List of singleplayer levels included:

- la01_escape (cordon)

- la09_swamp (swamps)

- la12_stancia (npp)

- la12u_sarcofag (npp sarcophag)

- la13u_warlab (x2 lab)

- la14_rostok_factory (rostok factory)

+ several test levels


The number after the map's name means the latest version of the level. (eg: la01_escape_a151 means its the 151'th revision of cordon level)

Discord-сервер modfaq.ru: https://discord.gg/9j42BXwB

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