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Critical hit (SoC).

First you must create a file

effect_blood.script and then write like this:



lite_treshold = 0.05    --'how much health must decrease from the last update, to make screen become red
crit_treshold = 0.30    --'how much health must decrease from the last update, to make actor shake
drop_item_on_crit_prob = 0.20    --'a chance that actor will drop his weapon
effector_power_coeff = 0.7
prev_health = -1
function wounded_pp_update()
    if prev_health > (db.actor.health + lite_treshold) then
      level.add_pp_effector("fire_hit.ppe", 2011, false)
      local effector_power = (prev_health - db.actor.health)*100*effector_power_coeff
      level.set_pp_effector_factor(2011, effector_power)
      if prev_health > db.actor.health + crit_treshold then
        level.add_cam_effector("camera_effects\\fusker.anm", 999, false, "")    
        local snd_obj = xr_sound.get_safe_sound_object([[actor\pain_3]])
        snd_obj:play_no_feedback(db.actor, sound_object.s2d, 0, vector(), 1.0)
        if math.random() < drop_item_on_crit_prob then
          local active_item = db.actor:active_item()
          if active_item and active_item:section() ~= "bolt" and active_item:section()~= "wpn_knife" then
    prev_health = db.actor.health
 Then we open bind_stalker.script and into the function

function actor_binder:update(delta)
  object_binder.update(self, delta)
  local time = time_global()
  game_stats.update (delta, self.object)
we add this



That's all folks!

Translaton: @RafMadMan

P.S. Taken from Stalkerinside. And sorry for my not perfect English.


Getting money from corpses (SoC).

First we need a file treasure_manager.script .

Let's find this:


--' Using of initiator (a chance to give out a hiding-place)
function CTreasure:use(npc)
	printf("TREASURE USE") 
After line printf("TREASURE USE") we write this

	if (npc and db.actor) then
We should get 

--' Using of initiator (a chance to give out a hiding-place)
function CTreasure:use(npc)
	printf("TREASURE USE")
	if (npc and db.actor) then
After it we save changes and create file lootmoney.script and we write in it this

function lootmoney(npc)
	if npc ~= nil and not string.find(npc:section(),"arena") and npc:character_community()~="arena_enemy" then
		local money = npc:money()
		if money ~= nil and money ~=0 then
				local deadmoney = money
                                local npc_rank
		npc_rank = ranks.get_obj_rank_name(npc)
		if npc_rank ~= nil then
			if npc_rank == "novice" and deadmoney >=400 then deadmoney=math.random(25,400)    
			elseif npc_rank == "experienced" and deadmoney >=500 then deadmoney=math.random(50,500)  
			elseif npc_rank == "veteran" and deadmoney >=600 then deadmoney=math.random(100,600) 
			elseif npc_rank == "master" and deadmoney >=700 then deadmoney=math.random(200,700)  
				local news_texti = "\\n%c[255,255,0,0]Dead stalker: %c[default]"..npc:character_name().."\\n%c[255,255,0,0]Money found: %c[default]"..game.translate_string(tostring(deadmoney).."RU")
				db.actor:give_game_news(news_texti, "ui\\ui_iconsTotal", Frect():set(0,0,83,47), 1, 4000)
And after it save changes in the file.



That's all!

Translation and editing : @RafMadMan

P.S. Taken from Stalkerinside. And sorry for my not perfect English.

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Cigarette addiction (SoC).

First we need these files (AMK Mod):





1)  We create file your_script_name.script in folder gamedata/scripts and write in it this:

snd = sound_object([[ambient\underground\rnd_giant]])
-- Check if we need to smoke. It calls out every 6 game minutes
function test_for_need_kur()
-- Health decrease, if actor hasn`t smoke for a long time
function kur_reduce_health()
    local tmp = amk.load_variable("kur",0)
    if tmp > 150 then
        if db.actor.health > 0.15 then
            db.actor.health = - 0.15
        if not snd:playing() then
            snd:play_at_pos(db.actor, vector():set(0,0,0), 0, sound_object.s2d)
-- Smoking
function kur_item(oid, time)
    if alife():object(oid)==nil then
        local tmp = amk.load_variable("kur",0) - time*10
        if tmp < 0 then tmp = 0 end
        amk.save_variable("kur", tmp)

2) We open file amk.script and


function __do_timer_action(select_string,params_string) 

we write:

if select_string=="kur" then

3) We open file amk_mod.script and in the function first_run we write


then in function check_sleep_item(obj) after

  elseif section=="treasure_item" then

but before end we write this:

  elseif section == "sigaret" then
    stype = "sgr" 

4) We open file items.ltx and in the end of the file we write this:

GroupControlSection  = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn               = "food and drugs\antirad"
$prefetch            = 32
class                = II_ANTIR
cform                = skeleton
visual               = weapons\sigaret\sigaret.ogf
inv_name             = sigareta
inv_name_short       = sigareta
description          = enc_food_sigareta
inv_weight           = 0.02
inv_grid_width       = 1
inv_grid_height      = 2
inv_grid_x           = 10
inv_grid_y           = 24
cost                 = 50
; eatable item
eat_health           = 0
eat_satiety          = 0
eat_power            = 0
eat_radiation        = 0
eat_alcohol          = 0
wounds_heal_perc     = 0
eat_portions_num     = 1
; food item
animation_slot       = 4
;hud item
hud                  = wpn_vodka_hud 

5) We open file string_table_enc_equipment.xml in the end we write this:

<string id="sigareta">
    <text>Box of cigarettes</text>
<string id="enc_food_sigareta">
    <text>Here you can write your own description of the cigarettes.</text>

Then we save changes and Cigarette addiction is ready for using in the game!



That's all!
Translation and editing : RafMadMan
P.S. Taken from Stalkerinside. And sorry for my not perfect English. 

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Universal repair kit.

First we open file gamefata/config/misc/items.ltx and in its end we write this:
;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Repair kit 
GroupControlSection	= spawn_group
discovery_dependency	=
$spawn			= "devices\quest_items\repair_kit"
$prefetch		= 32
class			= II_ANTIR
cform			= skeleton
visual			= physics\box\box_1c.ogf
radius			= 1
description		= repair_kit_desc
inv_name		= repair_kit_name
inv_name_short		= repair_kit_name
inv_weight		= 3.0
inv_grid_width		= 2
inv_grid_height		= 2
inv_grid_x		= 4
inv_grid_y		= 18
cost			= 500
eat_health		= 0
eat_satiety		= 0
eat_power		= 0
eat_radiation		= 0
eat_alcohol		= 0
wounds_heal_perc	= 0
eat_portions_num	= 3
animation_slot		= 4

Then we save changes and open file gamedata/config/text/rus/string_table_enc_equipment.xml and in the end of it, but before ​</string_table> we write this:

    <string id="repair_kit_name">
        <text>Universal repair kit</text>
    <string id="repair_kit_desc">
        <text>Your description of the repair kit</text>

Then we save changes and open file gamedata/scripts/bind_stalker.script and after these lines:

function actor_binder:on_item_drop (obj)
    --game_stats.update_drop_item (obj, self.object)

we write this:

exp_mod.itemuse(obj)	-- Repair Kit 

Then we save changes and in this folder we create file exp|_mod.script and in it we write this:

--Script from NZK mod
--by zek 
--- Script of using things straight from invertory (In this case - using of the repair kit)
--- Work with bind_stalker.script/actor_binder:on_item_drop/
function itemuse(what)
     local obj_name = what:name()
    if (string.find(obj_name, "repair_kit")) then
    -- If you want to add new trigger item, add script this line.
--- The process of using of the repair kit
function use_repair_kit(what)
    local repair_slot_num = 0
    local item_in_slot_1 = db.actor:item_in_slot(1)
    local item_in_slot_2 = db.actor:item_in_slot(2)
    local item_in_slot_6 = db.actor:item_in_slot(6)
    if (item_in_slot_1 ~= nil) then
        repair_slot_num = 1
    if (item_in_slot_2 ~= nil) then
        if (repair_slot_num == 0) then
            repair_slot_num = 2
        elseif (repair_slot_num == 1) then
            if (item_in_slot_1:condition() > item_in_slot_2:condition()) then
                repair_slot_num = 2
    if (item_in_slot_6 ~= nil) then
        if (repair_slot_num == 0) then
            repair_slot_num = 6
        elseif  (repair_slot_num == 1) then
            if (item_in_slot_1:condition() > item_in_slot_6:condition()) then
                repair_slot_num = 6
        elseif  (repair_slot_num == 2) then
            if (item_in_slot_2:condition() > item_in_slot_6:condition()) then
                repair_slot_num = 6
    if (repair_slot_num == 1) then
        local rep_point = item_in_slot_1:condition() + 10
        if (rep_point > 1) then
            rep_point = 1
    elseif (repair_slot_num == 2) then
        local rep_point = item_in_slot_2:condition() + 10
        if (rep_point > 1) then
            rep_point = 1
    elseif (repair_slot_num == 6) then
        local rep_point = item_in_slot_6:condition() + 10
        if (rep_point > 1) then
            rep_point = 1

That is all! Now we can add it to some trader. (It will be in another lesson.)



That's all!
Translation and editing : RafMadMan
P.S. Taken from Stalkerinside.

Изменено пользователем RafMadMan
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Hyphenation of weapons from Call of Pripyat or Clear Sky in Shadow of Chernobyl from @Starter
Complexity: high
Tools: 3ds max (from 9), SDK 0.4, and scripts 
1. We throw in the scripts folder (... Autodesk / scripts).
2. Run 3DS Max and go to the tab Hud_С
3.Before that you need to take weapons from Call of Pripyat and hands. They are stored in a folder weapons (meshes\dynamics\weapons\hand)  and there will also be animations for these weapons, and translate it into a format .skls. And translate it into a format .object with this program.

1. Model hands
2. Animations hand
3. List of animation
4. Download Model
5. Export model
6. Model weapons
7. Animations weapons
8. List of animations in weapon
9. Download animation
10. Playing once or infinity
11. Adjusting the position of the hands and arms
12. Export created animation
5. We choose a weapon. press Load Meshes. Further Export skin object. Further select the desired animated example Draw (from the left column) and Idle on the right and press Load Anims.  Further Export Motion. And so with all.
6. Further go to the folder where you saved it all and upload it SDK 0.4.
7. Run SDK 0.4.

1) List textures.
2) Animations. Once you download them there will be a list of.
3) Download Animation \ Animations
8. Press Append. Load animation.
9. Press Bone Parts>Reset to Default>OK.

10. Save. File>Export>Export OGF.


Test your skills


Translation - PlayMod. Write to me if that.
Thanks - @Starter,@ОТИС

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How to create your first quest?

Creation of simple dialog.
Let‘s start the process of creation of our quest from creating a small dialog.
We open file gamedata\config\gameplay\character_desc_escape.xml and do this:
- find string <actor_dialog>escape_trader_done_blockpost_box</actor_dialog> - and add after it a new one - <actor_dialog>escape_trader_oops</actor_dialog> - then we save changes.
We have just added a new dialog branch to trader "Sidorovich", but not even a branch - just a link on it. The structure of the dialog is situated in file gamedata\config\gameplay\dialogs_escape.xml whicj we open and do this:
- we find some free space between </dialog> and <dialog id="..."> - and add there a such construction:
 <dialog id="escape_trader_oops">
<phrase id="0">
<phrase id="1">
<phrase id="2">
<phrase id="3">

- and save changes.
Now we have a structure of a new dialog branch. But we have to do one more thing - to write strings, which actor will see in game instead of escape_trader_oops_....
For it let‘s open a file gamedata\config\text\rus\stable_dialogs_escape.xml and do this:
- find some free space between </string> и <string id="..."> - and write there such strings:

<string id="escape_trader_oops_0">
		<text>Hey, sidor, we can talk about... vodka?</text>
	<string id="escape_trader_oops_1">
		<text>Vodka? Are you kidding me? I have no vodka! But I remember that Wolf had hidden some on attic... Can you get it for me?</text>
	<string id="escape_trader_oops_2">
		<text>All right, then... I‘ll find some.</text>
	<string id="escape_trader_oops_3">
		<text>Go, go...</text>

- save changes.
So now we have a dialog. We can strat the game and test it. But now we have to "pin" a quest to this dialog.
Creation of quest.
To "pin" activation of quest to a dialog is very easy. Just open file gamedata\config\gameplay\dialogs_escape.xml and do this:
- let‘s change the content of <phrase id="2"> in this way:

<phrase id="2">

- and save changes.
Now, after Gunslinger says: "All right, then... I‘ll find some." trader Sidorovich gives us a quest "Bring vodka". But don‘t hurry to test changes. We have only added a reference about our quest, though we didin‘t create it.
Let‘s fix this mistake. Open file gamedata\config\gameplay\tasks_escape.xml and in the begining of the file add this:

<game_task id="esc_test_vodka_task">
        	<title>Bring vodka</title> <!-- name of the quest -->
            		<text>Bring vodka to trader</text>
            		<infoportion_complete>test_quest_vodka_given</infoportion_complete>        	</objective>
            		<text>Return with vodka to trader</text> 
            		<map_location_type hint="esc_dinamit_to_volk">green_location</map_location_type> 
            		<text>Find vodka on the attic</text>
            		<map_location_type hint="escape_trader">blue_location</map_location_type>

We have just wriiten the data of quest: icons, names of it parts, loction of markers and so on.
We will return to this file in future, because a lot of things in it were made quickly and we didn‘t pay enough attention to it. I dont‘ know how to make the quest "Return with vodka to trader" appear in PDA, but i think  it is not so bad - it works and we have no problems with the game. Let‘s continue.
Let‘s open file gamedata\config\gameplay\info_l01escape.xml and registrate in it some new infoportions(we will use them to start and to complete the quest).
- after string <game_information_portions> write this:

<info_portion id="test_quest_vodka_given"></info_portion>
<info_portion id="quest_vodka_started">
<info_portion id="dont_want_to_bring_vodka"></info_portion>

That is all with infoportions.
Now let‘s make some "small" but very important things - tips on the screen, which we can see when we start/end the quest.
For it let‘s open a file gamedata\config\text\rus\string_table_tasks_escape.xml and write this:

<string id="esc_test_bring_vodku">
        <text>Bring vodka</text>
    <string id="esc_test_bring_vodku_1">
        <text>Find vodka on the attic</text>
    <string id="esc_test_bring_vodku_2">
        <text>Bring vodka to trader</text>

Now we can test it. Now we can begin the third part. We forgot to give player ability to complete the quest.
Realization of ability to complete the quest.
It is no so hard as it seems. All conditions are already created, now we only have to use them in the dialog. Let‘s change it: make it structure more branched and functional:
0. Hey, sidor, we can talk about... vodka? (switch-over to 1)
1. Vodka? Are you kidding me? I have no vodka! But I remember that Wolf had hidden some on attic... Can you get it for me? (choice -  switch-over  to 2,4,5; initially we can use only 2)
2. All right, then... I‘ll find some. (we start the quest , switch-over to 3, after this frase it disappears)
3. Go, go... (the end of the dialog)
4. Here is it!(appears only if actor has vodka in invertory, when you choose this answer vodka "carries" to trader, quest completes, switch-over to 7)
5. Sorry, but i have no vodka... Can you wait some more?(appears only if we start the quest, switch-over to 6)
6. Get out of here! Don‘t come back without vodka!!!(switch-over to 8)
7. Oh, God... Yes, yes, now give it to me! Thank you, here is your reward.(gives player a reward, switch-over to 8)
8. Fuck you!(the end of the dialog)
That‘s how it looks in file gamedata\config\gameplay\dialogs_escape.xml:

<dialog id="escape_trader_oops">
                     <phrase id="0">
                     <phrase id="1">
                     <phrase id="2">
                     <phrase id="3">
		     <phrase id="4">
		     <phrase id="5">
		     <phrase id="6">
		     <phrase id="7">
		     <phrase id="8">

Now let‘s add to games such scripts as "giving money" and "giving vodka". Open file gamedata\scripts\escape_dialog.script and before separator(delimiter) Trader add such strings:

function transfer_deneg(first_speaker, second_speaker)
    dialogs.relocate_money(second_speaker, 4000, "in")
function give_vodku (npc, actor)
    dialogs.relocate_item_section(npc, "vodka", "out")
function have_a_vodka (stalker, player)
    return stalker:object ("vodka") ~= nil

That‘s all! Now we can test our quest in game!
If we change th e begining of our dialog in dialogs_escape.xml to this(code below), our branch wiil disappear after we complete the quest:

<dialog id="escape_trader_oops">

But I didn‘t test it, so beware :^)

That's all!
Translation and editing : RafMadMan
P.S. Taken from Stalkerinside. And sorry for my not perfect English. If you have some problems with it - write me, may be I had made some mistakes in code/words.

Изменено пользователем RafMadMan
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Creation of mark in PDA.
Platform: CoP.
Category: Scripts/Spawn.

So, let‘s start, ok? We have connected(linked up) the location to game, situated map of location in the PDA, etc. And now we have a question: how to create a mark on the map in PDA? So, i‘ll tell you how to. For example: I have created an anomaly zone "Garbage" at linked up Pripyat(on the stadium). In alife_l11_pripyat.ltx:
; cse_abstract properties
section_name = space_restrictor
name = zero_b1_spot   ;any unique name
position = 5.76249980926514,2.64950323104858,341.929992675781   ;centre of the circle, where we have to put the cursor to see the name/title of mark
direction = 0,0,0
; cse_alife_object properties
game_vertex_id = 934     ;game vertex
distance = 0
level_vertex_id = 214948    ;level vertex
object_flags = 0xffffff3e
custom_data = <<END
story_id = zero_b1_spot    ;story_id (SID) of the mark
; cse_shape properties
shapes = shape0
shape0:type = sphere
shape0:offset = 0,0,0
shape0:radius = 1
; cse_alife_space_restrictor properties
restrictor_type = 3    

Then we built the spawn (Also - delete old all.spawn from the folder). Then we run the compilator. After compilation we get a file new.spawn, rename it into all.spawn and then find the folder gamedata/scripts. Open file pda.script. In this script there are registered different things in PDA, including marks on the map. We need only this table:

local primary_objects_tbl =
	{target="zat_b55_spot",		hint="st_zat_b55_name"},
	{target="zat_b100_spot",	hint="st_zat_b100_name"},
	{target="zat_b104_spot",	hint="st_zat_b104_name"},
	{target="zat_b38_spot",		hint="st_zat_b38_name"},
	{target="zat_b40_spot",		hint="st_zat_b40_name"},
	{target="zat_b56_spot",		hint="st_zat_b56_name"},
	{target="zat_b5_spot",		hint="st_zat_b5_name"},
	{target="zat_a2_spot",		hint="st_zat_a2_name"},
	{target="zat_b20_spot",		hint="st_zat_b20_name"},
	{target="zat_b53_spot",		hint="st_zat_b53_name"},
	{target="zat_b101_spot",	hint="st_zat_b101_name"},
	{target="zat_b106_spot",	hint="st_zat_b106_name"},
	{target="zat_b7_spot",		hint="st_zat_b7_name"},
	{target="zat_b14_spot",		hint="st_zat_b14_name"},
	{target="zat_b52_spot",		hint="st_zat_b52_name"},
	{target="zat_b39_spot",		hint="st_zat_b39_name"},
	{target="zat_b33_spot",		hint="st_zat_b33_name"},
	{target="zat_b18_spot",		hint="st_zat_b18_name"},
	{target="zat_b54_spot",		hint="st_zat_b54_name"},
	{target="zat_b12_spot",		hint="st_zat_b12_name"},
	{target="zat_b28_spot",		hint="st_zat_b28_name"},
	{target="zat_b103_spot",	hint="st_zat_b103_name"},
	{target="jup_b1_spot",		hint="st_jup_b1_name"},
	{target="jup_b46_spot",		hint="st_jup_b46_name"},
	{target="jup_b202_spot",	hint="st_jup_b202_name"},
	{target="jup_b211_spot",	hint="st_jup_b211_name"},
	{target="jup_b200_spot",	hint="st_jup_b200_name"},
	{target="jup_b19_spot",		hint="st_jup_b19_name"},
	{target="jup_a6_spot",		hint="st_jup_a6_name"},
	{target="jup_b25_spot",		hint="st_jup_b25_name"},
	{target="jup_b6_spot",		hint="st_jup_b6_name"},
	{target="jup_b205_spot",	hint="st_jup_b205_name"},
	{target="jup_b206_spot",	hint="st_jup_b206_name"},
	{target="jup_b32_spot",		hint="st_jup_b32_name"},
	{target="jup_a10_spot",		hint="st_jup_a10_name"},
	{target="jup_b209_spot",	hint="st_jup_b209_name"},
	{target="jup_b208_spot",	hint="st_jup_b208_name"},
	{target="jup_a12_spot",		hint="st_jup_a12_name"},
	{target="jup_b212_spot",	hint="st_jup_b212_name"},
	{target="jup_b9_spot",		hint="st_jup_b9_name"},
	{target="jup_b201_spot",	hint="st_jup_b201_name"},
	{target="jup_a9_spot",		hint="st_jup_a9_name"},
	{target="pri_a28_spot",		hint="st_pri_a28_name"},
	{target="pri_b36_spot",		hint="st_pri_b36_name"},
	{target="pri_b303_spot",	hint="st_pri_b303_name"},
	{target="pri_b301_spot",	hint="st_pri_b301_name"},
	{target="pri_a17_spot",		hint="st_pri_a17_name"},
	{target="pri_b306_spot",	hint="st_pri_b306_name"},
	{target="pri_a16_spot",		hint="st_pri_a16_name"},
	{target="pri_a25_spot",		hint="st_pri_a25_name"},
	{target="pri_b35_spot",		hint="st_pri_b35_name"},
	{target="pri_a21_spot",		hint="st_pri_a21_name"},
	{target="pri_b304_spot",	hint="st_pri_b304_name"},
	{target="pri_a18_spot",		hint="st_pri_a18_name"},
	{target="pri_b307_spot",	hint="st_pri_b307_name"}

Here we have to register our mark. It doesn‘t matter where to register; just keep to/follow the syntax. For example, find this string:

{target="jup_a9_spot",		hint="st_jup_a9_name"},

And after it add:

{target="zero_b1_spot",		hint="st_zero_b1_name"},

If you want to register it at the end if the table, then to this string:

{target="pri_b307_spot",	hint="st_pri_b307_name"}

add in the end add comma; under it add our mark, but now - without a comma in the end. Eh, like this, i think:

{target="pri_b307_spot",	hint="st_pri_b307_name"},
{target="zero_b1_spot",		hint="st_zero_b1_name"}

zero_b1_spot - SID of our mark, st_zero_b1_name - id of our mark. Then close this file and save changes. Oh, and now go to the folder configs/text/somefile(At this moment I could make a mistake, ‘cos I don‘t know how does this folder differ from english one, but I exactly know that it differs. So, just find folder with the "string_.." files(like "string_table_enc_equipment.xml" and so on)), open any file you want and add somewhere this:

<string id="st_zero_b1_name">
		<text>Here you write the text, that appears when cursor is on mark.</text>

I hope you undestand why xml-section is called "st_zero_b1_name". Also, I want to add, that all names of marks in vanilla CoP are situated in the file configs/text/st_land_names.xml (IT‘S IMPORTANT: I don‘t know where the string-files in english version of CoP are situated, so be carefull.)

Author: Zero cool (cavenagi) (uin-1514138).
Translation: I asked man called RafMadMan(Yup, I know he‘s from Russia(I can speak Russian, not fluently but can.)) to translate it for me, and he asked me to post it here. So, it isn‘t my work, I take no credits for posting it here.

Изменено пользователем Vatt‘ghern
Добавлено Black Hawk,

Автор поста клон забаненного RafMadMan.

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Cretaion of moving anomaly.

Platform: CoP.

Category: Configs/Spawn.

Today I want to tell you how to create moving anomalies in your mod in CoP.

You can find configs of these anomalies here gamedata\configs\zones\:

● fireball_zone - fire anomaly (Zaton. In cave under burned village and in the anomaly "Circus")

● fireball_electric_zone - electro-anomaly (Like one in vagon near bunker of scientists.)

● fireball_acidic_zone - chemical anomaly (Pripyat. Anomaly between blocks of flats.)


First you must create anm-file, and put it here gamedata\anims\camera_effects\scenario_cam\name_of_location\. Then decompile all.spawn and create in alife-file of location you need a section of anomaly:

[9000]    ; a number of new section, that differs from all the others in this file
; cse_abstract properties
section_name = fireball_zone             ; name of the section, or "the name of anomaly"
name = fireball_zone_test                ; name of the obkect
position = x, y, z                       ; coordinates of the start point(point where anomaly starts moving)
direction = 0,0,0
; cse_alife_object properties
game_vertex_id = <numeral value>     ; game_vertex of the start point
distance = 0
level_vertex_id = <numeral value>    ; level_vertex of the start point
object_flags = 0xffffff3e
; cse_shape properties
shapes = shape0
shape0:type = sphere
shape0:offset = 0,0,0
shape0:radius = 1
; cse_alife_space_restrictor properties
restrictor_type = 3
; cse_alife_custom_zone properties
max_power = 0
; cse_motion properties
motion_name = camera_effects\scenario_cam\myanim.anm  ; anm-file of the way, which anomaly follows while moving
; se_zone_torrid properties

Then save changes, compile all.spawn and put it into your mod folder .../gamedata/spawns/.



- way in anm-file must start from the point which is reported in spawn

- way of the anomaly should be in form of the circle



Author: tracker.

Translation: RafMadMan.

Posting: Me.

Изменено пользователем Vatt‘ghern
Добавлено Black Hawk,

Пункт 1.2. - клонирование с целью обхода блокировки.

Клон заблокированного пользователя RafMadMan.

Блокировка навсегда.

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