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OGSE - Технические проблемы


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Всем привет!

Команде, работавшей когда-то над модом - отдельный салют и спасибо! :smile_gitara:

Вдруг тут есть энтузиасты и кто-то из старой команды разрабов, кто захочет решить задачку.

Столкнулся с проблемой в OGSE - игра загружает ядро процессора почти на 100%, даже просто находясь в меню! Само собой, в игре производительность тоже нестабильная. На максимальном пресете и после подстройки по видео от SimplyYuri всё равно стабильных 60+ нет: постоянно просадки до 50-40 к/с и ниже. Облегчение настроек особой разницы не приносит (оно и так понятно, что что-то не то, раз уже в меню ядро под сотку).


Знаю, что мод старый, но сразу предупрежу все вопросы:

- Проходил мод на старом компе по чуть-чуть на протяжении нескольких лет. Сохранение почти в конце - нет желания проходить всё заново. Хочется попробовать починить мод и допройти с кайфом.

- Какая точно версия мода, не понимаю. В логах 2.10, а в меню - 2.11 build 4248. Когда ставил, не знал про разделение мода на две ветки. Так бы убедился лишний раз, что ставлю чистую 2.10 и только необходимые фиксы. Но в те времена ещё работал тот самый сайт и форум ОГСЕ, я туда приходил на форум за советами.

- Раньше производительность не смущала, потому что играл на слабом компе (Phenom II x4 955 @3,2 GHz + GTX 260/550 Ti). Там было столько же кадров на средних настройках, а что где грузится, я либо не мониторил, либо ничего не удивляло.

- Сейчас конфиг: i7 6700 + RTX 3060 + SSD m.2 с win10 и игрой в отдельной папке, так что на максималках всё должно летать (как минимум, стабильные 60 должны быть).

- Гуглить пробовал. Не нашёл ни одного упоминания своей проблемы.


Лог прикладываю.

Могу прислать что угодно ещё, хоть папку с игрой :)


Буду крайне благодарен за любую помощь!





[03/17/23 19:55:08]    --SetLogCallback to file c:\stalker ogse\_appdata_\logs\_ogse.log
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    Loaded: extensions\ogse.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    file: .
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    file: ..
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    file: LuaXML_lib.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    --try to load LuaXML_lib.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    fname: LuaXML_lib
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    ~~    loaded
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    file: ogse.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    --try to load ogse.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    fname: ogse
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    open_global_ns - start
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    open_global_ns - end
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    ~~    loaded
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    file: ogse.pdb
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    file: xp
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    ~~        _G : os.clock() = 2.8220000267029    math.randomseed()
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    luaxml1
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    luaxml2
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    !!OGSE_vers = Final_2.10(22/05/2016)**
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    !!INFO: LuaXML library loading successful.
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    ##called from function 'void __cdecl xrDebug::my_fatal(const char *,int,const char *,const char *,...)' in file '_main.cpp' on line 65
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    --stack traceback:
[03/17/23 19:55:08]        [string "log1('--' .. debug.traceback())"]:1: in main chunk
[03/17/23 19:55:08]        [C]: in function 'translate_string'
[03/17/23 19:55:08]        c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\scripts\_g.script:1267: in main chunk
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    E:\stalker\sources\trunk\xr_3da\xrGame\string_table.cpp
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    CStringTable::Load
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    string table xml file not found %s, for language %s
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    ui_mm_efx.xml
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    Starting engine...
[03/17/23 19:55:09]    Loading DLL: xrGameSpy.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:09]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] creatures
[03/17/23 19:55:09]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] game_maps_single.mus
[03/17/23 19:55:09]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] tuning
[03/17/23 19:55:09]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] ui
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * DVB created: 6144K
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * DIB created: 512K
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    - r__tf_aniso 14
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    - r2_tf_mipbias 0.
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * GPU vertex cache: recognized, 24
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    *** RESET [177 ms]
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    "c:\stalker ogse\bin\xr_3da.exe" -dsound -nointro -noprefetch -smap4096
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * phase time: 0 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * phase cmem: 129845 K
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    [–––––––––––––––––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * phase time: 18 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * phase cmem: 109584 K
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    [*––––––––––––––––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    --SetLogCallback to file c:\stalker ogse\_appdata_\logs\_ogse.log
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    Loaded: extensions\ogse.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    file: .
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    file: ..
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    file: LuaXML_lib.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    --try to load LuaXML_lib.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    fname: LuaXML_lib
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    ~~    loaded
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    file: ogse.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    --try to load ogse.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    fname: ogse
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    open_global_ns - start
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    open_global_ns - end
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    ~~    loaded
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    file: ogse.pdb
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    file: xp
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    ~~        _G : os.clock() = 11.937999725342    math.randomseed()
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    luaxml1
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    luaxml2
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    !!OGSE_vers = Final_2.10(22/05/2016)**
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    !!INFO: LuaXML library loading successful.
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    ! Cannot find saved game ~~~ sandbox initialized
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * Log file has been saved successfully!
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * phase time: 56 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * phase cmem: 109296 K
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    [**–––––––––––––––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * Loading spawn registry...
[03/17/23 19:55:18]    * 11631 spawn points are successfully loaded
[03/17/23 19:55:18]    * Loading objects...
[03/17/23 19:55:18]    Ðàçìåð íåòïàêåòà Ñèäîðîâè÷à 2867
[03/17/23 19:55:18]    * 28513 objects are successfully loaded
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    * Game 54 peacemaking 6 bar is successfully loaded from file 'c:\stalker ogse\_appdata_\savedgames\54 peacemaking 6 bar.sav' (1.771s)
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    * phase time: 1772 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    * phase cmem: 182346 K
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    [*********––––––––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    MaxPlayers = 32
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    * phase time: 217 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    * phase cmem: 182378 K
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    [*********––––––––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    # Player not found. New player created.
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    * client : connection accepted - <>
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    * phase time: 5 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    * phase cmem: 182403 K
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    [*********––––––––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    * phase time: 2 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    * phase cmem: 182403 K
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    [*********––––––––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * phase time: 1437 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * phase cmem: 237410 K
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    [*************––––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * phase time: 178 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * phase cmem: 246279 K
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    [*************––––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65437 verts, 2044 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 24324 verts, 760 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65526 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65526 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 8016 verts, 250 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 24097 verts, 753 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 467268 indices, 912 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 4731 verts, 55 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 64551 indices, 126 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * phase time: 206 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * phase cmem: 246480 K
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    [*************––––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * phase time: 440 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * phase cmem: 250602 K
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    [***************––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(80)
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * [DETAILS] 53360 v(20), 34560 p
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * [DETAILS] Batch(80), VB(1042K), IB(202K)
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * phase time: 20 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * phase cmem: 250612 K
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    [***************––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * Loading HOM: c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\levels\l05_bar\level.hom
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * phase time: 12 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * phase cmem: 250836 K
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    [***************––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * phase time: 8 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * phase cmem: 250895 K
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    [***************––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    - Game configuring : Started 
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    - Game configuring : Finished 
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * phase time: 141 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * phase cmem: 268602 K
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    [***************––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det1_bump
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det1_bump#
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det3_bump
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det3_bump#
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det3_u_bump
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det3_u_bump#
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_metall_det1_v_bump
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_metall_det1_v_bump#
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_stucco_det3_bump
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_stucco_det3_bump#
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_wood_det1_u_bump
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_wood_det1_u_bump#
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    !! cannot load texture 'wpn\wpn_aksu'
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    !! cannot load texture 'wpn\wpn_svd'
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    * t-report - base: 1506, 745642 K
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    * t-report - lmap: 16, 16386 K
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    ***FATAL***: Too many lmap-textures (limit: 8 textures or 32M).
[03/17/23 19:55:25]            Reduce pixel density (worse) or use more vertex lighting (better).
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    * phase time: 2973 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    * phase cmem: 268602 K
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    [*******************––]
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    * phase time: 6 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    * phase cmem: 268602 K
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    * [win32]: free[2436836 K], reserved[201920 K], committed[1555484 K]
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    * [ D3D ]: textures[762028 K]
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    * [x-ray]: crt heap[268581 K], process heap[960086 K], game lua[48474 K], engine lua[329 K], render[0 K]
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    * [x-ray]: economy: strings[7913 K], smem[0 K]
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    --SetLogCallback to file c:\stalker ogse\_appdata_\logs\_ogse.log
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    Loaded: extensions\ogse.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    file: .
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    file: ..
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    file: LuaXML_lib.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    --try to load LuaXML_lib.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    fname: LuaXML_lib
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    ~~    loaded
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    file: ogse.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    --try to load ogse.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    fname: ogse
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    ~~    loaded
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    file: ogse.pdb
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    file: xp
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    ~~        _G : os.clock() = 19.708000183105    math.randomseed()
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file:  c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\sounds\characters_voice\scenario\superkontroler\avaaa.ogg
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file:  c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\sounds\characters_voice\scenario\superkontroler\fooooood.ogg
[03/17/23 19:55:26]    load_main_variable_tbl: INFO: main_variable_tbl load is succesful
[03/17/23 19:55:26]    INFO: There is an 28512 ID's in use at that moment
[03/17/23 19:55:26]    [KD] applying graphics settings
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_first_patient]
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_first_patient_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_patients_look
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    MOVE_MGR validating izgoy_first_patient_walk for izgoy_first_patient
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path izgoy_first_patient_walk VTX [27015] for izgoy_first_patient
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_barman]
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_barman_hole_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_barman_hole_look
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_barman_hole_walk for bar_barman
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_barman_hole_walk VTX [49725] for bar_barman
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:30]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:32]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:32]    ! auto-generated bump map: act\act_green_stalker_head_3_nova_bump#
[03/17/23 19:55:32]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_visitors_3_3]
[03/17/23 19:55:32]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_square_3_place_3_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:32]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_square_3_place_3_look
[03/17/23 19:55:32]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_square_3_place_3_walk for bar_bar_visitors_3_3
[03/17/23 19:55:32]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_square_3_place_3_walk VTX [50839] for bar_bar_visitors_3_3
[03/17/23 19:55:32]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:32]    ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file:  c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\sounds\characters_voice\human_01\dolg\fight\backup\backup_4.ogg
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file:  c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\sounds\characters_voice\human_01\dolg\reactions\story\cool_teller_7.ogg
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    [XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_guard_3
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    [XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor FOR bar_zastava_guard_3
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_commander_1_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_commander_1_look
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_zastava_commander_1_walk for bar_zastava_guard_3
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_zastava_commander_1_walk VTX [71103] for bar_zastava_guard_3
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0009]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0010]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0011]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0012]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0013]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0014]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0015]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0016]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0017]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0018]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0019]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0020]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0021]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_petrenko]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_petrenko_walk_new
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_petrenko_look_new
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_petrenko_walk_new for bar_dolg_petrenko
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_petrenko_walk_new VTX [66373] for bar_dolg_petrenko
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_lider]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_look
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR validating izgioy_lider_walk for izgoy_lider
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path izgioy_lider_walk VTX [26131] for izgoy_lider
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_pomoshnik]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_look
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR validating izgoy_pomoshnik_walk for izgoy_pomoshnik
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path izgoy_pomoshnik_walk VTX [28287] for izgoy_pomoshnik
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_second_patient]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_second_patient_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_patients_look
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR validating izgoy_second_patient_walk for izgoy_second_patient
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path izgoy_second_patient_walk VTX [27018] for izgoy_second_patient
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_angar_zoneguard]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR validating angar_zoneguard_walk for bar_angar_zoneguard
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path angar_zoneguard_walk VTX [61403] for bar_angar_zoneguard
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_drunk_dolg]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_dolg_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_dolg_look
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_visitor_dolg_walk for bar_bar_drunk_dolg
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_visitor_dolg_walk VTX [49943] for bar_bar_drunk_dolg
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_guard]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_guard_door_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_guard_door_look
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_guard_door_walk for bar_bar_guard
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_guard_door_walk VTX [48870] for bar_bar_guard
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_guard_2]
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_guard_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_guard_look
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_guard_walk for bar_bar_guard_2
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_guard_walk VTX [47631] for bar_bar_guard_2
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_lisiy]
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_square_3_place_1_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_square_3_place_1_look
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_square_3_place_1_walk for bar_bar_lisiy
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_square_3_place_1_walk VTX [50677] for bar_bar_lisiy
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_osvedomitel]
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_osvedomitel_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_osvedomitel_look
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_osvedomitel_walk for bar_bar_osvedomitel
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_osvedomitel_walk VTX [50052] for bar_bar_osvedomitel
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_stalker]
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_1_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_1_look
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_1_walk for bar_bar_stalker
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_1_walk VTX [52149] for bar_bar_stalker
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_visitor_hunter]
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_hunter_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_hunter_look
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_visitor_hunter_walk for bar_bar_visitor_hunter
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_visitor_hunter_walk VTX [49333] for bar_bar_visitor_hunter
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_bunker_0001]
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_bunker_guard_4_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_bunker_guard_4_look
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_bunker_guard_4_walk for bar_dolg_bunker_0001
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_bunker_guard_4_walk VTX [68646] for bar_dolg_bunker_0001
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_bunker_0002]
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_bunker_guard_5_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_bunker_guard_5_walk for bar_dolg_bunker_0002
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_bunker_guard_5_walk VTX [69592] for bar_dolg_bunker_0002
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_bunker_2]
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_bunker_guard_1_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_bunker_guard_1_look
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_bunker_guard_1_walk for bar_dolg_bunker_2
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_bunker_guard_1_walk VTX [67572] for bar_dolg_bunker_2
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_ivancov]
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_ivancov_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_ivancov_look
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_ivancov_walk for bar_dolg_ivancov
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_ivancov_walk VTX [60984] for bar_dolg_ivancov
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_center_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_center_look
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_general_guard_center_walk for bar_dolg_regular_5
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_general_guard_center_walk VTX [60055] for bar_dolg_regular_5
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_guider]
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_guider_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_guider_look
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_guider_walk for bar_guider
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_guider_walk VTX [50386] for bar_guider
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_leader]
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_leader_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_leader_look
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_leader_walk for bar_dolg_leader
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_leader_walk VTX [72325] for bar_dolg_leader
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [stalker_hvost]
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_hvost_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_hvost_look
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_hvost_walk for stalker_hvost
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_hvost_walk VTX [49737] for stalker_hvost
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:36]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:36]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:36]    ! auto-generated bump map: wpn\upgrades\mag_cmag_bump#
[03/17/23 19:55:37]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:37]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:37]    !! cannot load texture 'bino\bino_bpos_10x42'
[03/17/23 19:55:37]    !! cannot load texture 'wpn\wpn_l85'
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    ! auto-generated bump map: act\act_bandi7_bump#
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_sinyak28203]
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sit
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    MOVE_MGR validating sinyak_walk_work for bar_sinyak28203
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path sinyak_walk_work VTX [54938] for bar_sinyak28203
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    [AEM MANAGER] REMOVING ALL RESTRICTIONS FOR aem_arny28303
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [aem_arny28303]
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    [XR EFFECTS] REMOVING ALL RESTRICTIONS FOR aem_arny28303
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_arena_man_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_arena_man_look
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_arena_man_walk for aem_arny28303
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_arena_man_walk VTX [53540] for aem_arny28303
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    ! auto-generated bump map: item\item_bioradar_bump#
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    ! auto-generated bump map: arsenal_mod\556x45_clip_ar15_bump#
[03/17/23 19:55:39]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [stalker_tikar41969]
[03/17/23 19:55:39]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =tikar_walk1
[03/17/23 19:55:39]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =tikar_look1
[03/17/23 19:55:39]    MOVE_MGR validating tikar_walk1 for stalker_tikar41969
[03/17/23 19:55:39]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path tikar_walk1 VTX [52676] for stalker_tikar41969
[03/17/23 19:55:39]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    !!MUSBOX [characters_voice\scenario\mbox\mbox_track6_7]
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_left_look
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk VTX [60220] for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_right_look
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk VTX [60117] for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_2_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_2_look
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_2_walk for bar_dolg_veteran_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_2_walk VTX [63366] for bar_dolg_veteran_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_1_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_1_look
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_1_walk for bar_dolg_veteran_3
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_1_walk VTX [63361] for bar_dolg_veteran_3
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_2_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_1_look
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_2_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_2_walk VTX [42495] for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    [XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    [XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_look
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk VTX [42828] for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    [XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    [XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_1_look
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk VTX [42488] for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    [XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    [XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:55:42]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] creatures
[03/17/23 19:55:42]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] game_maps_single.mus
[03/17/23 19:55:42]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] tuning
[03/17/23 19:55:42]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] ui
[03/17/23 19:55:42]    * MEMORY USAGE: 467051 K
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    rx_aiwm:read_wm_modes[stalker][novice]: set default
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =tikar_walk2
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =tikar_look2
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    MOVE_MGR validating tikar_walk2 for stalker_tikar41969
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path tikar_walk2 VTX [46060] for stalker_tikar41969
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    rx_aiwm:read_wm_modes[guider][veteran]: set default
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_guider_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_guider_look
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    rx_aiwm:read_wm_modes[stalker][experienced]: set default
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    rx_aiwm:read_wm_modes[quest_stalker][experienced]: set default
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sleep
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    ph_button:reset_scheme: lab_primary_switcher_idle
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_hunter_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_hunter_look_1
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_look
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    rx_aiwm:read_wm_modes[ecolog][experienced]: set default
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_look
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    ph_button:reset_scheme: lab_primary_switcher_idle
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    !!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_9x18_fmj')
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    !!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_12x70_kart')
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    !!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_7.62x54_ap')
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    !!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_7.62x54_7h1')
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    !!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_5.45x39_ap')
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    !!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_5.56x45_ss190')
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    !!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_7.62x39_ap')
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    !!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_gauss')
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    !!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_7.62x39_fmj')
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    !!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_12x76_zhekan')
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1025][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1045][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1048][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1049][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1051][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1053][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1054][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1060][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1064][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1065][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1066][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1068][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1069][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1070][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1071][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1072][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1199][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1200][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1209][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1210][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1211][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1212][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1213][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1214][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1215][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1216][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1219][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1220][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1221][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1222][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1225][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1226][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1227][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1230][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1231][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1233][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1234][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1236][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1237][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1238][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1239][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1242][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1243][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1244][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1245][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1246][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1247][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1248][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1249][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1250][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1251][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1252][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1253][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1254][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1255][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1256][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1257][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1260][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1261][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1262][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1263][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1264][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1265][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1266][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1267][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1268][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1269][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1274][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1277][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1278][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1279][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1301][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [14339][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [14340][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17664][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17665][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17666][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17667][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17668][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17679][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17680][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17681][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17682][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17683][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17684][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17685][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17686][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17687][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17689][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17690][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17691][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17692][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17693][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17694][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17695][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17721][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17722][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17723][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17725][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17727][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17728][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17729][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17730][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17731][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17732][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17733][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17734][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17735][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17736][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17738][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17740][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17741][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17742][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17743][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17747][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17749][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17764][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17767][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17768][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17769][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17770][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17771][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17772][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17773][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17774][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17775][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17776][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17777][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17778][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17779][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17780][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17781][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17782][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17783][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17784][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17785][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17786][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17787][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17793][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17796][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17805][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17807][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17808][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17809][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17810][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17811][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17812][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17813][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17814][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17815][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17816][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17817][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17820][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17821][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17822][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17823][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17824][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17825][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17826][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17827][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17828][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17829][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17832][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17833][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17834][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17835][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17836][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17837][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17838][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17839][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17840][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17843][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17844][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17845][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17846][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17847][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17848][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17849][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17850][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17851][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17852][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17853][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17856][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17857][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17858][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17868][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17869][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17876][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17889][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17890][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17891][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17892][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17893][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17894][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17896][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17897][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17900][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17901][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17902][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17903][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17905][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17906][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17907][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17908][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17909][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17910][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17911][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17912][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17913][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17914][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17915][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17916][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17917][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17918][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17919][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17932][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17933][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17934][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17935][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17936][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17937][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17938][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17939][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17940][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17964][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17965][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17966][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17967][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17968][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17969][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17970][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17972][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [18017][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [18018][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [18019][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [18020][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [18021][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [18024][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [18025][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [18026][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19566][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19567][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19568][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19569][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19570][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19571][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19832][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19472][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19473][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19474][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19475][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19476][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19477][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19478][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19479][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19480][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19481][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19482][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19483][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19484][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19485][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19486][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19487][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19488][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19489][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19490][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19491][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19492][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19493][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19494][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19495][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19496][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19497][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19521][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19522][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19523][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19524][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19525][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19526][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19527][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19528][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19529][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19530][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19531][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19532][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19533][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19534][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19535][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19536][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19537][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19538][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19539][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19540][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19541][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19542][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19543][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19544][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19545][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19546][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19547][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19548][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19549][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19550][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19551][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19552][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19553][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19554][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19555][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19556][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19557][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19558][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19559][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19560][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19561][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19562][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19563][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19564][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19565][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19572][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19573][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19574][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19575][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19576][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19577][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19578][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19579][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19580][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19581][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19582][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19583][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19584][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19585][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19586][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19587][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19588][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19589][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19590][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19591][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19592][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19593][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19594][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19595][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19596][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19597][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19598][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19599][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19600][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19601][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19602][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19617][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19618][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19619][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19620][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19621][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19622][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19623][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19624][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19625][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19626][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19627][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19629][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19631][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19632][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19633][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19634][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19635][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19638][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19639][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19642][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19643][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19644][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19645][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19646][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19647][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19648][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19649][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19650][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19651][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19652][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19653][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19654][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19655][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19656][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19657][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19663][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19664][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19671][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19804][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19805][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19806][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19807][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19808][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19809][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19810][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19811][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19812][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19813][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19814][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19815][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19816][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19817][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19818][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19819][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19820][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19821][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19822][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19823][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19824][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19825][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19826][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19827][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19828][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19829][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19830][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19831][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19833][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [4934][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [32514][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [32061][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [32023][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [28440][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10855][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10854][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10853][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10852][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10851][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10850][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10849][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10848][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10847][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10846][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10845][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10844][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10843][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10842][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10841][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10840][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10839][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10838][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10837][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [4935][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [34100][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [32062][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [32060][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10874][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10873][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10872][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10871][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10870][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10869][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10868][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10867][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10866][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10865][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10864][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10863][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10862][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10861][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10860][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10859][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10858][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10857][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10856][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [4936][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [47374][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [32059][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [32002][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10889][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10888][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10887][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10886][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10885][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10884][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10883][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10882][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10881][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10880][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10879][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10878][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10877][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10876][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10875][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:46]    rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
[03/17/23 19:55:46]    rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
[03/17/23 19:55:46]    rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
[03/17/23 19:55:54]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
[03/17/23 19:55:54]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sit
[03/17/23 19:55:59]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4(Ñàâà Ìàíüÿê)]
[03/17/23 19:55:59]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6(Ñåâêà Ìåñòíûé)]
[03/17/23 19:55:59]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2(Âàäèì Êèðïè÷)]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [4905][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [32047][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [9841][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [9840][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [9839][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [9838][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [9837][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [9836][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [9835][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [9834][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [9833][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [9832][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [9831][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [4999][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [46094][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [32054][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [32049][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [32048][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [32044][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9830][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9829][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9828][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9827][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9826][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9825][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9824][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9823][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9822][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9821][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [141][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9820][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [4906][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [34325][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [32055][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [32053][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [32052][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [32046][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9848][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9847][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9846][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9845][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9844][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9843][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9842][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [4907][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [32051][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [32050][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [32045][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [31585][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9858][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9857][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9856][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9855][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9854][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9853][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9852][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9851][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9850][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9849][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:03]    cl setDestroy [9623][22029]
[03/17/23 19:56:04]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
[03/17/23 19:56:04]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sleep
[03/17/23 19:56:04]    rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
[03/17/23 19:56:04]    rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
[03/17/23 19:56:04]    rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
[03/17/23 19:56:08]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[izgoy_lider(Àññèñòåíò Ìàëûøåâ)]
[03/17/23 19:56:08]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[izgoy_pomoshnik(Íåäîòåïà)]
[03/17/23 19:56:08]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[izgoy_second_patient(Òèõîí)]
[03/17/23 19:56:08]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[izgoy_first_patient(Ñîêîë)]
[03/17/23 19:56:14]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
[03/17/23 19:56:14]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sit
[03/17/23 19:56:14]    cl setDestroy [9627][22803]
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_first_patient]
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_first_patient_walk
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_patients_look
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    skip
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_lider]
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_walk
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_look
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_pomoshnik]
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_walk
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_look
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_second_patient]
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_second_patient_walk
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_patients_look
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_walk
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_look
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_walk
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_look
[03/17/23 19:56:19]    cl setDestroy [9612][23111]
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_2_walk
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_1_look
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    [XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    [XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_look
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    [XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    [XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    skip
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_1_look
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    [XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    [XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    cl setDestroy [53254][23402]
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    cl setDestroy [40961][23402]
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    cl setDestroy [9613][23402]
[03/17/23 19:56:24]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
[03/17/23 19:56:24]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sleep
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [4903][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [43695][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [33546][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [33432][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10147][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10146][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10145][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10144][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10143][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10142][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10141][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10140][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10139][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10138][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10137][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10136][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10135][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10134][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [7711][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10133][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:26]    rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
[03/17/23 19:56:29]    cl setDestroy [9614][23849]
[03/17/23 19:56:32]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_bar_visitors_3_3(Ôåäüêà Íåìàòîä)]
[03/17/23 19:56:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
[03/17/23 19:56:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sit
[03/17/23 19:56:36]    cl setDestroy [11137][24264]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [4917][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [41992][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [35593][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [33407][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [33084][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10203][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10202][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10201][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10200][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10199][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10198][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10197][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10196][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10195][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10194][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10193][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10192][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10191][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10190][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10189][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10188][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10187][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10186][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10185][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10184][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:41]    rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
[03/17/23 19:56:45]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
[03/17/23 19:56:45]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sleep
[03/17/23 19:56:45]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] creatures
[03/17/23 19:56:45]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] game_maps_single.mus
[03/17/23 19:56:45]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] tuning
[03/17/23 19:56:45]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] ui
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    - Disconnect
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4998][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [65280][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [64262][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [64000][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [62723][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [61826][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [57619][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [55817][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [55569][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [55568][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [53257][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [51222][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [49944][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [49671][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [49448][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [49430][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [49429][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [49428][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [49427][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [48918][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [48656][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [48128][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [47888][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [47652][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [47113][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [46594][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [46363][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [46221][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [46220][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [45079][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [42540][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [42276][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [42037][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [41730][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [41475][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [40736][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [40734][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [40386][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38419][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38169][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38020][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [37647][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [37154][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [36617][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [36368][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [36137][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35840][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35231][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34837][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34583][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34582][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34581][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34565][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34069][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32788][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32787][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32572][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32560][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32549][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32285][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32280][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32268][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32259][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31749][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31543][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31503][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [30881][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [30646][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [30420][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [29973][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [29807][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [29457][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [29188][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [29187][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [29016][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28868][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28183][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27925][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27923][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27920][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27918][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27917][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27914][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27900][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27899][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27770][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [25950][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [25816][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [25385][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [25337][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [25302][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24998][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24412][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24411][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24410][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24409][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24317][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23447][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23113][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22619][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22409][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22099][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [21719][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [21312][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20052][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20022][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [19400][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [19320][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [19126][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [18799][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [18501][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [18418][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [17638][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [17635][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [17624][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [17623][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [17622][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [17527][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [17526][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [17525][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [17309][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [17040][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [16942][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [16838][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [16422][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [16175][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [15396][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [15237][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [15131][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [14318][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [14219][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [14035][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [14032][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [14005][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [14004][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [14003][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13969][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13961][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13960][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13959][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13666][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13349][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13087][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [12901][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [12714][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [12343][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [12247][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [12087][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11656][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11568][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11331][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11138][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9985][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9351][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [8531][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [8378][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7684][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7674][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7413][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7412][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7411][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7409][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7402][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7401][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7400][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7399][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7357][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7341][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7340][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7338][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7335][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7312][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7091][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6679][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6656][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6627][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6149][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5856][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5583][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5196][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5195][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5194][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5193][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4738][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4344][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4343][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [3928][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [3312][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [2807][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [2432][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [2246][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [1937][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [1881][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [1781][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [1570][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [543][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [390][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [2][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [0][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [802][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [803][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [804][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [884][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [885][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [886][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4900][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [43476][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [43461][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4496][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4495][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4494][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4493][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4492][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4491][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4490][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4489][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4488][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4487][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4486][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4485][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4484][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4483][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4422][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4378][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4267][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4377][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5004][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [47378][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [45353][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [43494][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [43481][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [43029][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [43028][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [43027][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [43026][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34173][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13380][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4480][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4479][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4478][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4477][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4476][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4475][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4474][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4473][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4472][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4471][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4470][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4469][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4468][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4467][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4466][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4465][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4464][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4268][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4463][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4898][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [30018][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4511][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4509][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4508][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4507][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4506][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4505][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4502][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4500][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4499][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4428][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4425][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4389][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4373][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4280][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4275][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4196][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4498][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4899][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4529][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4528][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4527][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4525][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4524][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4519][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4516][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4514][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4513][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4399][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4398][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4395][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4394][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4392][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4391][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4382][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4381][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4380][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4274][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4197][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4512][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5145][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7681][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7682][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7694][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7695][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7696][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7697][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7698][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7699][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7700][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7701][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7702][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7703][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7704][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7705][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7706][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7707][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7708][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7709][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7712][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7713][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9407][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9408][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9409][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9410][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9411][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9412][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9413][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9414][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9415][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9416][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9417][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9418][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9419][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9420][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9421][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9422][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9423][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9424][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9425][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9426][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9427][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9428][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9429][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9430][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9431][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9432][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9433][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9434][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9435][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9436][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9437][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9438][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9439][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9440][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9441][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9442][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9443][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9444][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9445][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9446][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9447][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9448][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9449][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9450][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9451][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9452][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9453][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9454][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9457][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9458][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9459][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9460][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9461][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9462][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9463][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9464][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9465][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9466][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9467][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9468][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9469][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9470][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9471][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9472][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9473][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9474][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9475][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9476][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9477][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9478][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9479][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9480][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9481][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9482][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9483][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9484][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9485][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9486][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9487][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9488][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9490][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9493][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9494][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9495][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9496][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9497][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9498][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9499][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9500][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9501][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9502][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9503][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9504][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9505][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9506][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9507][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9508][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9509][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9510][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9511][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9512][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9513][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9514][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9515][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9516][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9517][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9518][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9519][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9520][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9521][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9522][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9523][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9524][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9525][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9526][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9527][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9528][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9529][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9530][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9531][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9532][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9533][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9534][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9535][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9536][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9537][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9538][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9539][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9540][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9541][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9542][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9543][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9544][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9545][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9546][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9547][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9548][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9549][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9550][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9551][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9552][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9553][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9554][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9555][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9556][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9557][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9558][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9559][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9560][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9561][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9562][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9563][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9564][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9565][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9566][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9567][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9568][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9569][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9570][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9571][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9572][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9573][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9574][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9575][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9576][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9577][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9578][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9579][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9580][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9581][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9582][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9583][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9584][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9585][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9586][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9587][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9588][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9589][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9590][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9591][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9592][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9593][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9594][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9595][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9596][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9598][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9600][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9602][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9604][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [63233][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [61698][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [61481][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [61187][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [60422][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [57351][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [57350][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [57349][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [57348][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [54532][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [53269][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [53264][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [53262][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [52116][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [52115][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [52114][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [52113][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [52112][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [52111][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [52110][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [51735][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [51734][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [51460][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [51208][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [50198][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [48922][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [47885][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [47650][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [47645][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [47644][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [47641][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [47640][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [45348][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [44552][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [44303][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [43693][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [43450][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [42792][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [42760][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [42247][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [41236][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [40735][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [40705][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [40529][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39965][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39964][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39686][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39434][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39433][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39432][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39431][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39430][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39429][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39427][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39426][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39177][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38701][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38680][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38667][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [36967][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [36880][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [36356][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35300][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35287][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35152][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35149][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35145][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35127][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35085][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35079][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35075][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34586][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34585][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34584][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33929][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33928][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32289][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32288][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32286][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32263][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31591][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31275][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31272][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31003][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [30747][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [30746][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [30743][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [30223][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28983][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28982][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28913][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28729][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28681][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28472][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28468][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27657][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27656][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27654][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27651][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27650][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27649][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27635][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27634][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27604][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27573][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27460][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20047][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20045][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [18384][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [15774][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [15493][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [14908][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13996][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13995][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13994][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13980][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13979][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13978][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13977][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13976][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13975][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10983][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10519][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10476][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9971][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9391][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [8715][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7907][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7460][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7459][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7458][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7321][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6952][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6951][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6949][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6947][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6946][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6922][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6919][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4418][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4411][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4349][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [3484][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [3393][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [2951][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [2841][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [720][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [718][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [413][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [3][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9605][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27633][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27632][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27631][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27630][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9606][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9607][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9608][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9615][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9616][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9617][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9618][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9619][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9620][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9621][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9622][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9623][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [25004][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [12360][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9624][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9625][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9626][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9628][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9629][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9630][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9631][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9632][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9633][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9634][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9635][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9636][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9637][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9638][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9639][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9640][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9641][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9642][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9643][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9644][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9645][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9646][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9647][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9648][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9649][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9650][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9651][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9652][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9653][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9654][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9655][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9656][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9657][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9658][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9659][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9660][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9661][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9662][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9663][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9664][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9665][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9666][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9667][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9668][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9669][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9670][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9671][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9672][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9673][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9674][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9675][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9676][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9677][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9678][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9679][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9680][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9681][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9682][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9683][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9684][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9685][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9686][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9687][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9688][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9689][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9690][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9691][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9692][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9693][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9694][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9695][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24668][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22887][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22886][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22885][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22884][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22789][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22882][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22881][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22880][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22788][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22878][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22804][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22876][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22875][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22874][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22873][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22872][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22871][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22870][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22869][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22868][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22803][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22866][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22802][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22864][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22863][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22862][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22861][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22860][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22859][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22858][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22857][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22856][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22855][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22854][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22801][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22852][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22800][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22850][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22849][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22848][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22847][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22846][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22845][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22844][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22843][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22842][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22799][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22840][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22787][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22838][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22837][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22836][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22835][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22834][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22833][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22832][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22831][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22797][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22829][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22796][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22949][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22827][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22947][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22826][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22945][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22944][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22943][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22942][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22941][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22940][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22939][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22825][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22824][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22823][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22935][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22934][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22933][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22932][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22931][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22930][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22929][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22928][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22927][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22822][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22925][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22821][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22923][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22820][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22921][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22920][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22919][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22795][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22818][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20991][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20830][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20829][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20781][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20780][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20826][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20779][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20778][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20777][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20776][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20775][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20774][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20750][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20871][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20772][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20771][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20770][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20749][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20973][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20737][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20757][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20756][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20969][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20968][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20967][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20966][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20965][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20964][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20963][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20962][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20961][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20960][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20959][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20958][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20957][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20956][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20955][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20954][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20953][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20952][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20755][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20950][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20754][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20948][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20753][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20785][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20945][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20944][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20943][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20942][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20941][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20752][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20751][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20782][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5947][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5946][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5900][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5897][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6028][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5915][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6066][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6065][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5914][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6007][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6085][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6084][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6024][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6023][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6006][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5964][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6103][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5963][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5962][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5903][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5907][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5906][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5985][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5948][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4997][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4996][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4995][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4994][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5115][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4993][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4992][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4896][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4990][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4895][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4988][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4987][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4986][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4985][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4984][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4983][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4982][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4981][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4980][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4894][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4893][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4892][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4976][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4891][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4866][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4973][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4889][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4865][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4887][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4886][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4885][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4884][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4966][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4883][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4882][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4963][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5083][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4962][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5081][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5080][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5079][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5078][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5077][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5076][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5075][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5074][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5073][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5072][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5071][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5070][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5069][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5068][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4864][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4960][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4871][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4870][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4957][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4956][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4955][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4954][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4953][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4952][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4951][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4950][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4949][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4948][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4947][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4946][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4945][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4944][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4943][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4942][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4941][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4897][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9697][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9696][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9721][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9722][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9723][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9724][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9725][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9726][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9727][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9728][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9729][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9730][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9731][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9732][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9733][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9737][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9738][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9739][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9740][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9741][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9742][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9743][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9744][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9745][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9746][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9747][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9748][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9749][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9750][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9752][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9753][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9754][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9755][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9756][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9757][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9758][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9759][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9760][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9761][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9762][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9763][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9764][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9765][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9766][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9767][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9768][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9769][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9770][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9771][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9772][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9773][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9774][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9775][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9776][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9777][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9778][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9779][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9780][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9781][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9782][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9783][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9784][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9785][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9786][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9787][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9788][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9789][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9790][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9791][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9792][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9793][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9794][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9795][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9796][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9797][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9798][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9799][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9800][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9801][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9802][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9803][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9804][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24669][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24667][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24666][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24665][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24664][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24607][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24662][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24606][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24660][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24659][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24658][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24657][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24656][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24655][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24654][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24653][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24652][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24605][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24650][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24604][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24648][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24647][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24646][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24645][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24644][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24643][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24642][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24641][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24603][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24639][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24602][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24637][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24636][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24635][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24634][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24633][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24632][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24063][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24062][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23936][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24060][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23935][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24058][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24057][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24056][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24055][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24054][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24053][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24052][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24051][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24050][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24049][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23934][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24047][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23933][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24045][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24044][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24043][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24042][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24041][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23932][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24039][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24038][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24037][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23931][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23930][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23808][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24033][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24032][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24031][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24030][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24029][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24028][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24027][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24026][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23823][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24024][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23822][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24022][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24021][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24020][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24019][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24018][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24017][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24016][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24015][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24014][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23926][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23925][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23924][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23821][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23820][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23813][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23920][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23919][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23918][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23826][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23916][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23825][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23914][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23913][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23999][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23912][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23997][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23996][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23995][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23994][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23993][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23911][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23991][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23990][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23989][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23910][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23987][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23909][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23985][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23908][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23983][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23982][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23981][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23980][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23979][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23978][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23907][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23976][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23906][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23974][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23973][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23972][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23971][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23970][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23905][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22916][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22794][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22816][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22815][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22814][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22911][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22910][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22909][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22786][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22907][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22906][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22905][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22785][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22784][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22810][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22901][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22900][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22899][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22898][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22897][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22809][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22895][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22894][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22893][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22892][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22808][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22890][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22790][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22888][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23010][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4904][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9806][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9805][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24670][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [46094][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32054][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32049][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32048][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32044][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9830][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9829][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9828][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9827][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9826][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9825][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9824][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9823][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9822][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9821][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [141][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9820][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24671][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32047][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9841][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9840][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9839][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9838][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9837][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9836][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9835][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9834][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9833][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9832][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9831][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24608][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34325][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32055][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32053][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32052][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32046][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9848][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9847][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9846][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9845][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9844][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9843][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9842][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24673][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32051][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32050][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32045][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31585][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9858][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9857][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9856][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9855][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9854][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9853][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9852][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9851][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9850][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9849][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9859][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9860][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9861][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9862][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9863][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9864][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9865][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9866][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9867][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9868][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9869][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9870][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9871][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9872][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9873][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9874][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9875][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9876][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9877][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9878][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9879][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9880][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9881][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9882][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9883][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9884][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9885][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9886][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9887][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9888][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9889][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9890][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9891][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9892][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9893][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9894][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9895][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9896][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9897][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9898][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9899][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9900][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9901][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9902][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9903][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9904][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9905][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9906][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9907][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9908][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9909][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9910][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9911][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9912][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9913][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9914][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9915][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9916][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9917][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9918][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9919][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9920][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9921][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9922][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9923][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9924][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9925][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9926][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9927][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9928][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9929][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9930][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9931][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9932][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9933][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9934][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9935][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9936][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9937][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9938][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9939][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9940][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4908][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38216][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34900][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34899][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33014][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9961][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9960][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9959][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9958][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9957][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9956][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9955][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9954][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9953][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9952][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9951][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9950][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9949][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9948][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9947][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9946][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9945][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9944][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9943][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9942][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9941][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4909][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33287][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31048][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31044][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31020][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9986][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9984][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9983][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9982][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9981][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9980][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9979][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9978][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9977][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4910][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35377][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35376][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33016][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10001][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10000][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9999][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9998][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9997][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9996][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9995][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9994][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9993][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9992][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9991][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9990][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9989][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9988][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9987][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4867][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [41515][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35855][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33083][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33061][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10015][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10014][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10013][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10012][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10011][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10010][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10009][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10008][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10007][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10006][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10005][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10004][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10003][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10002][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4912][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31057][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31022][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10032][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10031][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10030][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10029][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10028][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10027][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10026][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10025][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10024][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10023][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10022][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10021][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10020][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10019][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10018][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10017][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10016][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4913][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33010][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31059][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31050][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31026][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10045][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10044][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10043][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10042][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10041][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10040][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10039][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10038][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10037][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10036][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10035][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10034][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10033][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4914][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [41985][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [40457][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33015][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10065][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10064][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10063][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10062][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10061][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10060][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10059][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10058][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10057][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10056][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10055][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10054][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10053][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10052][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10051][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10050][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10049][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10048][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10047][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10046][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4915][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31053][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31045][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31028][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [30481][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28973][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11337][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10077][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10076][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10075][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10074][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10073][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10072][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10071][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10070][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10069][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10068][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10067][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10066][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4916][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33091][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33075][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10183][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10182][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10181][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10180][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10179][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10178][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10177][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10176][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10175][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10174][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10173][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10172][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10171][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10170][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10169][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10168][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10167][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10166][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10165][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4918][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33082][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10241][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10240][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10239][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10238][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10237][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10236][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10235][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10234][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10233][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10232][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10231][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10230][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10229][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10228][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10227][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10226][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10225][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10224][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10223][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10222][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10221][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4919][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [43696][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34901][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31058][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31024][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10321][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10320][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10319][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10318][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10317][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10316][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10315][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10314][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10313][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10312][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10311][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10310][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10309][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10308][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10307][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10306][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10305][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10304][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4930][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38217][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35865][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33401][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33054][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10338][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10337][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10336][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10335][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10334][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10333][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10332][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10331][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10330][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10329][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10328][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10327][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10326][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10325][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10324][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10323][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10322][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4931][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35863][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35380][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33055][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10357][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10356][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10355][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10354][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10353][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10352][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10351][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10350][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10349][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10348][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10347][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10346][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10345][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10344][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10343][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10342][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10341][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10340][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10339][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4920][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31023][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10377][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10376][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10375][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10374][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10373][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10372][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10371][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10370][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10369][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10368][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10367][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10366][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10365][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10364][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10363][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10362][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10361][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10360][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10359][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10358][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4932][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [37383][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33062][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10392][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10391][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10390][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10389][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10388][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10387][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10386][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10385][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10384][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10383][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10382][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10381][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10380][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10379][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10378][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4933][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [53760][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35864][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34904][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33059][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10409][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10408][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10407][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10406][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10405][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10404][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10403][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10402][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10401][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10400][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10399][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10398][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10397][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10396][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10395][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10394][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10393][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4921][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [37125][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33087][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33067][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33018][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10415][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10414][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10413][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10412][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10411][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10410][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4924][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10442][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4923][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33420][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33410][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10727][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10726][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10725][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10724][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10723][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10722][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10721][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10720][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10719][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10718][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10717][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10716][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10715][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10714][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10713][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10712][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10711][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10710][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10709][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10435][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10708][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4902][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35361][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34903][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33408][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28445][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28444][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28443][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28442][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10759][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10758][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10757][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10756][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10755][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10754][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10753][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10752][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10751][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10750][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10748][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10747][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10746][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10515][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10514][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7472][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10745][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4901][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [36112][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33064][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10778][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10777][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10776][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10775][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10774][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10773][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10772][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10771][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10770][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10769][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10768][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10767][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10766][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10765][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10764][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10763][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10762][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10761][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7966][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7096][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10760][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4876][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38930][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38926][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38925][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38921][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38918][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38917][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38913][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38912][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [37126][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33540][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33415][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32112][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20037][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10996][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10994][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10835][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10798][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10797][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10796][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10795][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10794][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10793][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10792][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10791][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10790][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10789][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10788][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10787][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10786][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10785][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10784][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10783][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10781][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10780][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10437][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10428][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10420][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10779][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5008][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [36358][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [36357][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [36354][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [36353][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33065][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28249][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [12270][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [12084][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10836][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10817][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10816][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10815][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10814][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10813][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10812][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10811][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10810][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10808][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10807][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10806][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10805][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10804][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10803][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10802][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10801][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10800][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10744][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10743][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10732][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9125][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7967][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10799][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [44827][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32514][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32061][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32023][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28440][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10855][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10854][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10853][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10852][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10851][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10850][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10849][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10848][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10847][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10846][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10845][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10844][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10843][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10842][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10841][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10840][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10839][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10838][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10837][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [44828][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34100][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32062][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32060][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10874][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10873][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10872][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10871][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10870][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10869][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10868][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10867][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10866][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10865][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10864][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10863][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10862][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10861][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10860][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10859][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10858][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10857][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10856][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [44829][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [47374][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32059][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32002][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10889][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10888][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10887][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10886][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10885][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10884][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10883][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10882][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10881][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10880][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10879][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10878][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10877][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10876][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10875][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5009][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [45579][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33422][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31021][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10961][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10960][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10959][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10958][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10957][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10956][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10955][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10954][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10953][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10952][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10951][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10950][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10949][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10948][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10947][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10946][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10945][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [8487][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10944][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4925][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [56577][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31060][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31054][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31029][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [26884][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [15949][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [15948][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11029][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11028][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11027][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11026][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11025][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11024][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11023][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11022][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11021][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11020][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11019][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11018][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11017][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11016][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11015][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11032][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11033][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11034][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11035][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11036][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11037][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11038][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11039][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11040][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11041][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11042][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11043][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11044][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11045][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11046][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11047][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11048][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11049][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11050][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11051][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11052][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11053][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11054][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11055][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11056][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11057][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11058][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11059][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11060][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11061][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11062][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11063][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11064][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11065][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11066][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11067][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11068][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11069][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11070][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11071][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11072][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11073][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11074][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11075][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11076][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11077][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11078][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11079][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11080][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11081][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11082][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11083][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11084][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11085][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11086][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11087][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11088][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11089][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11090][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11091][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11092][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11093][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11094][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11095][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11096][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11097][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11098][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11099][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11100][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11101][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11102][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11103][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11104][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11105][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11106][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11107][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11108][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11109][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11110][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11111][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11112][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11113][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11114][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11115][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11116][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11117][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11118][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11119][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11120][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11121][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11122][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11123][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11125][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11126][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11127][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11128][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11129][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11130][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11131][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11132][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11133][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11134][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11135][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11136][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11142][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11143][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11144][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4868][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33431][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31052][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31051][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31027][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11156][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11155][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11154][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11153][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11152][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11151][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11150][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11149][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11148][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11147][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11146][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11145][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11157][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11158][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11159][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11160][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11161][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11162][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4869][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4939][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4938][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4937][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27890][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4927][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38214][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31047][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31046][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31043][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31019][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28957][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28204][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28202][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28203][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28205][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4928][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33060][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28312][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28311][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28310][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28309][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28308][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28307][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28306][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28305][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28304][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28303][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4929][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [48649][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [48646][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [48640][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [46219][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [41970][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [41969][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [45854][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [63008][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [63009][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [63010][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [63011][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [63012][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [63013][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [63014][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_bunker_0002(Äàíÿ Çåíèò÷èê)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2(Âàäèì Êèðïè÷)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4(Ñàâà Ìàíüÿê)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6(Ñåâêà Ìåñòíûé)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[izgoy_first_patient(Ñîêîë)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[izgoy_lider(Àññèñòåíò Ìàëûøåâ)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[izgoy_pomoshnik(Íåäîòåïà)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[izgoy_second_patient(Òèõîí)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_visitor_7(Þðèê Ýëåêòðèê)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_visitor_2(Ïàøà Òðóáî÷èñò)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_stalker_respawn_14377(Âàäèê Ñèäð)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_respawn_24463(Âèòüêà Òàðàí)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_visitor_13(Ãåíà Àéáîëèò)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_stalker_respawn_14512(Âàäÿ Äæàêîíäà)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_visitor_4(Ïàøêà Êðàá)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_stalker_respawn_24498(˸íÿ Ìàãíàò)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_visitor_10(Ñàâà Ïåëüìåíü)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_veteran_3(Ìàêñ Ïàðòèçàí)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_regular_1(Ãåîðã Ãðîçíûé)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_veteran_2(Ïàøêà Àëëèãàòîð)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_leader(Ãåíåðàë Âîðîíèí)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_barman(Áàðìåí)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_guard_3(Ñåðæàíò Êèöåíêî)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_petrenko(Ïîëêîâíèê Ïåòðåíêî)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[stalker_hvost(Õâîñò)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_angar_zoneguard(ßøà Ñåêðåòàðü)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_bar_drunk_dolg(Áðîì)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_bar_guard(Ãàðèê)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_bar_guard_2(Æîðèê)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_bar_lisiy(Ëûñûé)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_bar_osvedomitel(Îñâåäîìèòåëü)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_bar_stalker(Âàäèì Ìîãèëüùèê)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_bar_visitor_hunter(Îõîòíèê)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_bunker_0001(Ãåðìàí Ãåðöîã)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_bunker_2(Åãîðêà Ôèëèí)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_sinyak28203(Ñèíÿê)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_ivancov(Êàïèòàí Èâàíöîâ)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[aem_arny28303(Àðíè)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_regular_5(Ñåðæàíò Ïëè÷êî)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_guider(Ïðîâîäíèê)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[stalker_tikar41969(Òûêàðü)]
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    - Destroying level
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_regular_4(Ãðèøà Àëüïèíèñò)]
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    DestroySingleton::RefCounter: 0
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    DestroySingleton::RefCounter: 0
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    DestroySingleton::RefCounter: 0
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    Input:  1
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    Config-file [c:\stalker ogse\_appdata_\user.ltx] saved successfully
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    Destroying Direct3D...
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: textures  : 1
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    *        :   1: ui\ui_common
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: rtargets  : 0
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: rtargetsc : 0
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: vs        : 1
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    *        :   1: null
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: ps        : 1
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    *        :   1: null
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: dcl       : 5
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: states    : 1
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: tex_list  : 1
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: matrices  : 0
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: lst_constants: 0
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: v_passes  : 1
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: v_elements: 1
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: v_shaders : 1
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    refCount:pBaseZB 1
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    refCount:pBaseRT 1
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    DeviceREF: 71




* Detected CPU: GenuineIntel P3 family, F6/M14/S3, 3405.00 mhz, 37-clk 'rdtsc'
* CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2

Initializing File System...
using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx
FS: 47141 files cached, 6607Kb memory used.
Init FileSystem 0.620425 sec
'xrCore' build 3312, Feb 27 2008

Initializing Engine...
Starting INPUT device...
Loading DLL: xrRender_R2.dll
using OGSE.DLL rev.64 build Mar 29 2016
Loaded: extensions\ogse.dll
Loading DLL: xrGame.dll
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
* [win32]: free[3999708 K], reserved[52288 K], committed[142244 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[0 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[10703 K], process heap[4008 K], game lua[0 K], engine lua[0 K], render[0 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[4891 K], smem[0 K]
Executing config-script "c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"...
! cant convert dik_name for dik[16], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[17], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[18], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[19], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[20], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[21], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[22], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[23], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[24], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[25], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[26], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[27], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[30], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[31], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[32], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[33], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[34], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[35], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[36], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[37], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[38], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[39], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[40], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[41], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[44], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[45], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[46], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[47], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[48], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[49], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[50], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[51], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[52], prop=[
[c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
Executing config-script "c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\config\rspec_extreme.ltx"...
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
[c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\config\rspec_extreme.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"...
[c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
[c:\stalker ogse\_appdata_\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
DirectSound: Create device successfully.
* sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent
* sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent
* sound : cache: 65538 kb, 7609 lines, 8820 bpl
Starting RENDER device...
Loaded: extensions\ogse.dll
* GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:2487]: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060
* GPU driver:
* CREATE: DeviceREF: 1
* Vertex Processor: PURE HARDWARE
*     Texture memory: 4069 M
*          DDI-level: 9.0
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16
* DVB created: 6144K
* DIB created: 512K
! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_aref'
! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_aref_noblend'
! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_aref_v'
! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_trans'
! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_trans_v'
! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_trans_v_tuchi'
! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\lod_old'
! Renderer doesn't support blender 'effects\shadow_world'
! Version conflict in shader 'effects\watertest-1'
count of .thm files=1052
load time=35 ms
* NULLRT supported
* ...and used
* HWDST/PCF supported and used
* NV-DBT supported and used
Shadow Map resolution: 4096x4096
- r__tf_aniso 14
- r2_tf_mipbias 0.
--SetLogCallback to file c:\stalker ogse\_appdata_\logs\_ogse.log
Loaded: extensions\ogse.dll
file: .
file: ..
file: LuaXML_lib.dll
--try to load LuaXML_lib.dll
fname: LuaXML_lib
~~    loaded
file: ogse.dll
--try to load ogse.dll
fname: ogse
open_global_ns - start
open_global_ns - end
~~    loaded
file: ogse.pdb
file: xp
~~        _G : os.clock() = 2.8220000267029    math.randomseed()
!!OGSE_vers = Final_2.10(22/05/2016)**
!!INFO: LuaXML library loading successful.
##called from function 'void __cdecl xrDebug::my_fatal(const char *,int,const char *,const char *,...)' in file '_main.cpp' on line 65
--stack traceback:
    [string "log1('--' .. debug.traceback())"]:1: in main chunk
    [C]: in function 'translate_string'
    c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\scripts\_g.script:1267: in main chunk
string table xml file not found %s, for language %s
Starting engine...
Loading DLL: xrGameSpy.dll
[INTEGRITY CHECK] game_maps_single.mus
* DVB created: 6144K
* DIB created: 512K
- r__tf_aniso 14
- r2_tf_mipbias 0.
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: recognized, 24
*** RESET [177 ms]
"c:\stalker ogse\bin\xr_3da.exe" -dsound -nointro -noprefetch -smap4096
* phase time: 0 ms
* phase cmem: 129845 K
* phase time: 18 ms
* phase cmem: 109584 K
--SetLogCallback to file c:\stalker ogse\_appdata_\logs\_ogse.log
Loaded: extensions\ogse.dll
file: .
file: ..
file: LuaXML_lib.dll
--try to load LuaXML_lib.dll
fname: LuaXML_lib
~~    loaded
file: ogse.dll
--try to load ogse.dll
fname: ogse
open_global_ns - start
open_global_ns - end
~~    loaded
file: ogse.pdb
file: xp
~~        _G : os.clock() = 11.937999725342    math.randomseed()
!!OGSE_vers = Final_2.10(22/05/2016)**
!!INFO: LuaXML library loading successful.
! Cannot find saved game ~~~ sandbox initialized
* Log file has been saved successfully!
* phase time: 56 ms
* phase cmem: 109296 K
* Loading spawn registry...
* 11631 spawn points are successfully loaded
* Loading objects...
Ðàçìåð íåòïàêåòà Ñèäîðîâè÷à 2867
* 28513 objects are successfully loaded
* Game 54 peacemaking 6 bar is successfully loaded from file 'c:\stalker ogse\_appdata_\savedgames\54 peacemaking 6 bar.sav' (1.771s)
* phase time: 1772 ms
* phase cmem: 182346 K
MaxPlayers = 32
* phase time: 217 ms
* phase cmem: 182378 K
# Player not found. New player created.
* client : connection accepted - <>
* phase time: 5 ms
* phase cmem: 182403 K
* phase time: 2 ms
* phase cmem: 182403 K
* phase time: 1437 ms
* phase cmem: 237410 K
* phase time: 178 ms
* phase cmem: 246279 K
* [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65437 verts, 2044 Kb
* [Loading VB] 24324 verts, 760 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65526 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65526 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 8016 verts, 250 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 24097 verts, 753 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 467268 indices, 912 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 4731 verts, 55 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 64551 indices, 126 Kb
* phase time: 206 ms
* phase cmem: 246480 K
* phase time: 440 ms
* phase cmem: 250602 K
* [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(80)
* [DETAILS] 53360 v(20), 34560 p
* [DETAILS] Batch(80), VB(1042K), IB(202K)
* phase time: 20 ms
* phase cmem: 250612 K
* Loading HOM: c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\levels\l05_bar\level.hom
* phase time: 12 ms
* phase cmem: 250836 K
* phase time: 8 ms
* phase cmem: 250895 K
- Game configuring : Started 
- Game configuring : Finished 
* phase time: 141 ms
* phase cmem: 268602 K
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det1_bump
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det1_bump#
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det3_bump
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det3_bump#
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det3_u_bump
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det3_u_bump#
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_metall_det1_v_bump
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_metall_det1_v_bump#
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_stucco_det3_bump
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_stucco_det3_bump#
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_wood_det1_u_bump
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_wood_det1_u_bump#
!! cannot load texture 'wpn\wpn_aksu'
!! cannot load texture 'wpn\wpn_svd'
* t-report - base: 1506, 745642 K
* t-report - lmap: 16, 16386 K
***FATAL***: Too many lmap-textures (limit: 8 textures or 32M).
        Reduce pixel density (worse) or use more vertex lighting (better).
* phase time: 2973 ms
* phase cmem: 268602 K
* phase time: 6 ms
* phase cmem: 268602 K
* [win32]: free[2436836 K], reserved[201920 K], committed[1555484 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[762028 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[268581 K], process heap[960086 K], game lua[48474 K], engine lua[329 K], render[0 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[7913 K], smem[0 K]
--SetLogCallback to file c:\stalker ogse\_appdata_\logs\_ogse.log
Loaded: extensions\ogse.dll
file: .
file: ..
file: LuaXML_lib.dll
--try to load LuaXML_lib.dll
fname: LuaXML_lib
~~    loaded
file: ogse.dll
--try to load ogse.dll
fname: ogse
~~    loaded
file: ogse.pdb
file: xp
~~        _G : os.clock() = 19.708000183105    math.randomseed()
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file:  c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\sounds\characters_voice\scenario\superkontroler\avaaa.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file:  c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\sounds\characters_voice\scenario\superkontroler\fooooood.ogg
load_main_variable_tbl: INFO: main_variable_tbl load is succesful
INFO: There is an 28512 ID's in use at that moment
[KD] applying graphics settings
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_first_patient]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_first_patient_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_patients_look
MOVE_MGR validating izgoy_first_patient_walk for izgoy_first_patient
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path izgoy_first_patient_walk VTX [27015] for izgoy_first_patient
MOVE_MGR checked point
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_barman]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_barman_hole_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_barman_hole_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_barman_hole_walk for bar_barman
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_barman_hole_walk VTX [49725] for bar_barman
MOVE_MGR checked point
! auto-generated bump map: act\act_green_stalker_head_3_nova_bump#
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_visitors_3_3]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_square_3_place_3_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_square_3_place_3_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_square_3_place_3_walk for bar_bar_visitors_3_3
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_square_3_place_3_walk VTX [50839] for bar_bar_visitors_3_3
MOVE_MGR checked point
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file:  c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\sounds\characters_voice\human_01\dolg\fight\backup\backup_4.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file:  c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\sounds\characters_voice\human_01\dolg\reactions\story\cool_teller_7.ogg
[XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor FOR bar_zastava_guard_3
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_commander_1_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_commander_1_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_zastava_commander_1_walk for bar_zastava_guard_3
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_zastava_commander_1_walk VTX [71103] for bar_zastava_guard_3
MOVE_MGR checked point
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0009]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0010]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0011]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0012]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0013]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0014]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0015]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0016]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0017]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0018]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0019]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0020]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0021]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_petrenko]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_petrenko_walk_new
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_petrenko_look_new
MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_petrenko_walk_new for bar_dolg_petrenko
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_petrenko_walk_new VTX [66373] for bar_dolg_petrenko
MOVE_MGR checked point
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_lider]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_look
MOVE_MGR validating izgioy_lider_walk for izgoy_lider
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path izgioy_lider_walk VTX [26131] for izgoy_lider
MOVE_MGR checked point
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_pomoshnik]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_look
MOVE_MGR validating izgoy_pomoshnik_walk for izgoy_pomoshnik
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path izgoy_pomoshnik_walk VTX [28287] for izgoy_pomoshnik
MOVE_MGR checked point
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_second_patient]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_second_patient_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_patients_look
MOVE_MGR validating izgoy_second_patient_walk for izgoy_second_patient
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path izgoy_second_patient_walk VTX [27018] for izgoy_second_patient
MOVE_MGR checked point
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_angar_zoneguard]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
MOVE_MGR validating angar_zoneguard_walk for bar_angar_zoneguard
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path angar_zoneguard_walk VTX [61403] for bar_angar_zoneguard
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_drunk_dolg]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_dolg_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_dolg_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_visitor_dolg_walk for bar_bar_drunk_dolg
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_visitor_dolg_walk VTX [49943] for bar_bar_drunk_dolg
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_guard]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_guard_door_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_guard_door_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_guard_door_walk for bar_bar_guard
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_guard_door_walk VTX [48870] for bar_bar_guard
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_guard_2]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_guard_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_guard_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_guard_walk for bar_bar_guard_2
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_guard_walk VTX [47631] for bar_bar_guard_2
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_lisiy]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_square_3_place_1_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_square_3_place_1_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_square_3_place_1_walk for bar_bar_lisiy
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_square_3_place_1_walk VTX [50677] for bar_bar_lisiy
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_osvedomitel]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_osvedomitel_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_osvedomitel_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_osvedomitel_walk for bar_bar_osvedomitel
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_osvedomitel_walk VTX [50052] for bar_bar_osvedomitel
MOVE_MGR checked point
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_stalker]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_1_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_1_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_1_walk for bar_bar_stalker
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_1_walk VTX [52149] for bar_bar_stalker
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_visitor_hunter]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_hunter_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_hunter_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_visitor_hunter_walk for bar_bar_visitor_hunter
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_visitor_hunter_walk VTX [49333] for bar_bar_visitor_hunter
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_bunker_0001]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_bunker_guard_4_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_bunker_guard_4_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_bunker_guard_4_walk for bar_dolg_bunker_0001
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_bunker_guard_4_walk VTX [68646] for bar_dolg_bunker_0001
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_bunker_0002]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_bunker_guard_5_walk
MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_bunker_guard_5_walk for bar_dolg_bunker_0002
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_bunker_guard_5_walk VTX [69592] for bar_dolg_bunker_0002
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_bunker_2]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_bunker_guard_1_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_bunker_guard_1_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_bunker_guard_1_walk for bar_dolg_bunker_2
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_bunker_guard_1_walk VTX [67572] for bar_dolg_bunker_2
MOVE_MGR checked point
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_ivancov]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_ivancov_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_ivancov_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_ivancov_walk for bar_dolg_ivancov
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_ivancov_walk VTX [60984] for bar_dolg_ivancov
MOVE_MGR checked point
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_center_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_center_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_general_guard_center_walk for bar_dolg_regular_5
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_general_guard_center_walk VTX [60055] for bar_dolg_regular_5
MOVE_MGR checked point
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_guider]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_guider_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_guider_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_guider_walk for bar_guider
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_guider_walk VTX [50386] for bar_guider
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_leader]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_leader_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_leader_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_leader_walk for bar_dolg_leader
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_leader_walk VTX [72325] for bar_dolg_leader
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [stalker_hvost]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_hvost_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_hvost_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_hvost_walk for stalker_hvost
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_hvost_walk VTX [49737] for stalker_hvost
MOVE_MGR checked point
! auto-generated bump map: wpn\upgrades\mag_cmag_bump#
!! cannot load texture 'bino\bino_bpos_10x42'
!! cannot load texture 'wpn\wpn_l85'
! auto-generated bump map: act\act_bandi7_bump#
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_sinyak28203]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sit
MOVE_MGR validating sinyak_walk_work for bar_sinyak28203
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path sinyak_walk_work VTX [54938] for bar_sinyak28203
MOVE_MGR checked point
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [aem_arny28303]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_arena_man_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_arena_man_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_arena_man_walk for aem_arny28303
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_arena_man_walk VTX [53540] for aem_arny28303
MOVE_MGR checked point
! auto-generated bump map: item\item_bioradar_bump#
! auto-generated bump map: arsenal_mod\556x45_clip_ar15_bump#
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [stalker_tikar41969]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =tikar_walk1
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =tikar_look1
MOVE_MGR validating tikar_walk1 for stalker_tikar41969
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path tikar_walk1 VTX [52676] for stalker_tikar41969
MOVE_MGR checked point
!!MUSBOX [characters_voice\scenario\mbox\mbox_track6_7]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_left_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk VTX [60220] for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR checked point
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_right_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk VTX [60117] for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR checked point
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_2_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_2_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_2_walk for bar_dolg_veteran_2
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_2_walk VTX [63366] for bar_dolg_veteran_2
MOVE_MGR checked point
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_1_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_1_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_1_walk for bar_dolg_veteran_3
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_1_walk VTX [63361] for bar_dolg_veteran_3
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_2_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_1_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_2_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_2_walk VTX [42495] for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
MOVE_MGR checked point
[XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
[XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk VTX [42828] for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
MOVE_MGR checked point
[XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_1_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk VTX [42488] for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
MOVE_MGR checked point
[XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[INTEGRITY CHECK] game_maps_single.mus
* MEMORY USAGE: 467051 K
rx_aiwm:read_wm_modes[stalker][novice]: set default
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =tikar_walk2
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =tikar_look2
MOVE_MGR validating tikar_walk2 for stalker_tikar41969
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path tikar_walk2 VTX [46060] for stalker_tikar41969
MOVE_MGR checked point
rx_aiwm:read_wm_modes[guider][veteran]: set default
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_guider_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_guider_look
rx_aiwm:read_wm_modes[stalker][experienced]: set default
rx_aiwm:read_wm_modes[quest_stalker][experienced]: set default
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sleep
ph_button:reset_scheme: lab_primary_switcher_idle
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_hunter_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_hunter_look_1
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_look
rx_aiwm:read_wm_modes[ecolog][experienced]: set default
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_look
ph_button:reset_scheme: lab_primary_switcher_idle
!!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_9x18_fmj')
!!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_12x70_kart')
!!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_7.62x54_ap')
!!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_7.62x54_7h1')
!!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_5.45x39_ap')
!!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_5.56x45_ss190')
!!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_7.62x39_ap')
!!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_gauss')
!!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_7.62x39_fmj')
!!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_12x76_zhekan')
cl setDestroy [1025][21093]
cl setDestroy [1045][21093]
cl setDestroy [1048][21093]
cl setDestroy [1049][21093]
cl setDestroy [1051][21093]
cl setDestroy [1053][21093]
cl setDestroy [1054][21093]
cl setDestroy [1060][21093]
cl setDestroy [1064][21093]
cl setDestroy [1065][21093]
cl setDestroy [1066][21093]
cl setDestroy [1068][21093]
cl setDestroy [1069][21093]
cl setDestroy [1070][21093]
cl setDestroy [1071][21093]
cl setDestroy [1072][21093]
cl setDestroy [1199][21093]
cl setDestroy [1200][21093]
cl setDestroy [1209][21093]
cl setDestroy [1210][21093]
cl setDestroy [1211][21093]
cl setDestroy [1212][21093]
cl setDestroy [1213][21093]
cl setDestroy [1214][21093]
cl setDestroy [1215][21093]
cl setDestroy [1216][21093]
cl setDestroy [1219][21093]
cl setDestroy [1220][21093]
cl setDestroy [1221][21093]
cl setDestroy [1222][21093]
cl setDestroy [1225][21093]
cl setDestroy [1226][21093]
cl setDestroy [1227][21093]
cl setDestroy [1230][21093]
cl setDestroy [1231][21093]
cl setDestroy [1233][21093]
cl setDestroy [1234][21093]
cl setDestroy [1236][21093]
cl setDestroy [1237][21093]
cl setDestroy [1238][21093]
cl setDestroy [1239][21093]
cl setDestroy [1242][21093]
cl setDestroy [1243][21093]
cl setDestroy [1244][21093]
cl setDestroy [1245][21093]
cl setDestroy [1246][21093]
cl setDestroy [1247][21093]
cl setDestroy [1248][21093]
cl setDestroy [1249][21093]
cl setDestroy [1250][21093]
cl setDestroy [1251][21093]
cl setDestroy [1252][21093]
cl setDestroy [1253][21093]
cl setDestroy [1254][21093]
cl setDestroy [1255][21093]
cl setDestroy [1256][21093]
cl setDestroy [1257][21093]
cl setDestroy [1260][21093]
cl setDestroy [1261][21093]
cl setDestroy [1262][21093]
cl setDestroy [1263][21093]
cl setDestroy [1264][21093]
cl setDestroy [1265][21093]
cl setDestroy [1266][21093]
cl setDestroy [1267][21093]
cl setDestroy [1268][21093]
cl setDestroy [1269][21093]
cl setDestroy [1274][21093]
cl setDestroy [1277][21093]
cl setDestroy [1278][21093]
cl setDestroy [1279][21093]
cl setDestroy [1301][21093]
cl setDestroy [14339][21093]
cl setDestroy [14340][21093]
cl setDestroy [17664][21093]
cl setDestroy [17665][21093]
cl setDestroy [17666][21093]
cl setDestroy [17667][21093]
cl setDestroy [17668][21093]
cl setDestroy [17679][21093]
cl setDestroy [17680][21093]
cl setDestroy [17681][21093]
cl setDestroy [17682][21093]
cl setDestroy [17683][21093]
cl setDestroy [17684][21093]
cl setDestroy [17685][21093]
cl setDestroy [17686][21093]
cl setDestroy [17687][21093]
cl setDestroy [17689][21093]
cl setDestroy [17690][21093]
cl setDestroy [17691][21093]
cl setDestroy [17692][21093]
cl setDestroy [17693][21093]
cl setDestroy [17694][21093]
cl setDestroy [17695][21093]
cl setDestroy [17721][21093]
cl setDestroy [17722][21093]
cl setDestroy [17723][21093]
cl setDestroy [17725][21093]
cl setDestroy [17727][21093]
cl setDestroy [17728][21093]
cl setDestroy [17729][21093]
cl setDestroy [17730][21093]
cl setDestroy [17731][21093]
cl setDestroy [17732][21093]
cl setDestroy [17733][21093]
cl setDestroy [17734][21093]
cl setDestroy [17735][21093]
cl setDestroy [17736][21093]
cl setDestroy [17738][21093]
cl setDestroy [17740][21093]
cl setDestroy [17741][21093]
cl setDestroy [17742][21093]
cl setDestroy [17743][21093]
cl setDestroy [17747][21093]
cl setDestroy [17749][21093]
cl setDestroy [17764][21093]
cl setDestroy [17767][21093]
cl setDestroy [17768][21093]
cl setDestroy [17769][21093]
cl setDestroy [17770][21093]
cl setDestroy [17771][21093]
cl setDestroy [17772][21093]
cl setDestroy [17773][21093]
cl setDestroy [17774][21093]
cl setDestroy [17775][21093]
cl setDestroy [17776][21093]
cl setDestroy [17777][21093]
cl setDestroy [17778][21093]
cl setDestroy [17779][21093]
cl setDestroy [17780][21093]
cl setDestroy [17781][21093]
cl setDestroy [17782][21093]
cl setDestroy [17783][21093]
cl setDestroy [17784][21093]
cl setDestroy [17785][21093]
cl setDestroy [17786][21093]
cl setDestroy [17787][21093]
cl setDestroy [17793][21093]
cl setDestroy [17796][21093]
cl setDestroy [17805][21093]
cl setDestroy [17807][21093]
cl setDestroy [17808][21093]
cl setDestroy [17809][21093]
cl setDestroy [17810][21093]
cl setDestroy [17811][21093]
cl setDestroy [17812][21093]
cl setDestroy [17813][21093]
cl setDestroy [17814][21093]
cl setDestroy [17815][21093]
cl setDestroy [17816][21093]
cl setDestroy [17817][21093]
cl setDestroy [17820][21093]
cl setDestroy [17821][21093]
cl setDestroy [17822][21093]
cl setDestroy [17823][21093]
cl setDestroy [17824][21093]
cl setDestroy [17825][21093]
cl setDestroy [17826][21093]
cl setDestroy [17827][21093]
cl setDestroy [17828][21093]
cl setDestroy [17829][21093]
cl setDestroy [17832][21093]
cl setDestroy [17833][21093]
cl setDestroy [17834][21093]
cl setDestroy [17835][21093]
cl setDestroy [17836][21093]
cl setDestroy [17837][21093]
cl setDestroy [17838][21093]
cl setDestroy [17839][21093]
cl setDestroy [17840][21093]
cl setDestroy [17843][21093]
cl setDestroy [17844][21093]
cl setDestroy [17845][21093]
cl setDestroy [17846][21093]
cl setDestroy [17847][21093]
cl setDestroy [17848][21093]
cl setDestroy [17849][21093]
cl setDestroy [17850][21093]
cl setDestroy [17851][21093]
cl setDestroy [17852][21093]
cl setDestroy [17853][21093]
cl setDestroy [17856][21093]
cl setDestroy [17857][21093]
cl setDestroy [17858][21093]
cl setDestroy [17868][21093]
cl setDestroy [17869][21093]
cl setDestroy [17876][21093]
cl setDestroy [17889][21093]
cl setDestroy [17890][21093]
cl setDestroy [17891][21093]
cl setDestroy [17892][21093]
cl setDestroy [17893][21093]
cl setDestroy [17894][21093]
cl setDestroy [17896][21093]
cl setDestroy [17897][21093]
cl setDestroy [17900][21093]
cl setDestroy [17901][21093]
cl setDestroy [17902][21093]
cl setDestroy [17903][21093]
cl setDestroy [17905][21093]
cl setDestroy [17906][21093]
cl setDestroy [17907][21093]
cl setDestroy [17908][21093]
cl setDestroy [17909][21093]
cl setDestroy [17910][21093]
cl setDestroy [17911][21093]
cl setDestroy [17912][21093]
cl setDestroy [17913][21093]
cl setDestroy [17914][21093]
cl setDestroy [17915][21093]
cl setDestroy [17916][21093]
cl setDestroy [17917][21093]
cl setDestroy [17918][21093]
cl setDestroy [17919][21093]
cl setDestroy [17932][21093]
cl setDestroy [17933][21093]
cl setDestroy [17934][21093]
cl setDestroy [17935][21093]
cl setDestroy [17936][21093]
cl setDestroy [17937][21093]
cl setDestroy [17938][21093]
cl setDestroy [17939][21093]
cl setDestroy [17940][21093]
cl setDestroy [17964][21093]
cl setDestroy [17965][21093]
cl setDestroy [17966][21093]
cl setDestroy [17967][21093]
cl setDestroy [17968][21093]
cl setDestroy [17969][21093]
cl setDestroy [17970][21093]
cl setDestroy [17972][21093]
cl setDestroy [18017][21093]
cl setDestroy [18018][21093]
cl setDestroy [18019][21093]
cl setDestroy [18020][21093]
cl setDestroy [18021][21093]
cl setDestroy [18024][21093]
cl setDestroy [18025][21093]
cl setDestroy [18026][21093]
cl setDestroy [19566][21093]
cl setDestroy [19567][21093]
cl setDestroy [19568][21093]
cl setDestroy [19569][21093]
cl setDestroy [19570][21093]
cl setDestroy [19571][21093]
cl setDestroy [19832][21093]
cl setDestroy [19472][21095]
cl setDestroy [19473][21095]
cl setDestroy [19474][21095]
cl setDestroy [19475][21095]
cl setDestroy [19476][21095]
cl setDestroy [19477][21095]
cl setDestroy [19478][21095]
cl setDestroy [19479][21095]
cl setDestroy [19480][21095]
cl setDestroy [19481][21095]
cl setDestroy [19482][21095]
cl setDestroy [19483][21095]
cl setDestroy [19484][21095]
cl setDestroy [19485][21095]
cl setDestroy [19486][21095]
cl setDestroy [19487][21095]
cl setDestroy [19488][21095]
cl setDestroy [19489][21095]
cl setDestroy [19490][21095]
cl setDestroy [19491][21095]
cl setDestroy [19492][21095]
cl setDestroy [19493][21095]
cl setDestroy [19494][21095]
cl setDestroy [19495][21095]
cl setDestroy [19496][21095]
cl setDestroy [19497][21095]
cl setDestroy [19521][21095]
cl setDestroy [19522][21095]
cl setDestroy [19523][21095]
cl setDestroy [19524][21095]
cl setDestroy [19525][21095]
cl setDestroy [19526][21095]
cl setDestroy [19527][21095]
cl setDestroy [19528][21095]
cl setDestroy [19529][21095]
cl setDestroy [19530][21095]
cl setDestroy [19531][21095]
cl setDestroy [19532][21095]
cl setDestroy [19533][21095]
cl setDestroy [19534][21095]
cl setDestroy [19535][21095]
cl setDestroy [19536][21095]
cl setDestroy [19537][21095]
cl setDestroy [19538][21095]
cl setDestroy [19539][21095]
cl setDestroy [19540][21095]
cl setDestroy [19541][21095]
cl setDestroy [19542][21095]
cl setDestroy [19543][21095]
cl setDestroy [19544][21095]
cl setDestroy [19545][21095]
cl setDestroy [19546][21095]
cl setDestroy [19547][21095]
cl setDestroy [19548][21095]
cl setDestroy [19549][21095]
cl setDestroy [19550][21095]
cl setDestroy [19551][21095]
cl setDestroy [19552][21095]
cl setDestroy [19553][21095]
cl setDestroy [19554][21095]
cl setDestroy [19555][21095]
cl setDestroy [19556][21095]
cl setDestroy [19557][21095]
cl setDestroy [19558][21095]
cl setDestroy [19559][21095]
cl setDestroy [19560][21095]
cl setDestroy [19561][21095]
cl setDestroy [19562][21095]
cl setDestroy [19563][21095]
cl setDestroy [19564][21095]
cl setDestroy [19565][21095]
cl setDestroy [19572][21095]
cl setDestroy [19573][21095]
cl setDestroy [19574][21095]
cl setDestroy [19575][21095]
cl setDestroy [19576][21095]
cl setDestroy [19577][21095]
cl setDestroy [19578][21095]
cl setDestroy [19579][21095]
cl setDestroy [19580][21095]
cl setDestroy [19581][21095]
cl setDestroy [19582][21095]
cl setDestroy [19583][21095]
cl setDestroy [19584][21095]
cl setDestroy [19585][21095]
cl setDestroy [19586][21095]
cl setDestroy [19587][21095]
cl setDestroy [19588][21095]
cl setDestroy [19589][21095]
cl setDestroy [19590][21095]
cl setDestroy [19591][21095]
cl setDestroy [19592][21095]
cl setDestroy [19593][21095]
cl setDestroy [19594][21095]
cl setDestroy [19595][21095]
cl setDestroy [19596][21095]
cl setDestroy [19597][21095]
cl setDestroy [19598][21095]
cl setDestroy [19599][21095]
cl setDestroy [19600][21095]
cl setDestroy [19601][21095]
cl setDestroy [19602][21095]
cl setDestroy [19617][21095]
cl setDestroy [19618][21095]
cl setDestroy [19619][21095]
cl setDestroy [19620][21095]
cl setDestroy [19621][21095]
cl setDestroy [19622][21095]
cl setDestroy [19623][21095]
cl setDestroy [19624][21095]
cl setDestroy [19625][21095]
cl setDestroy [19626][21095]
cl setDestroy [19627][21095]
cl setDestroy [19629][21095]
cl setDestroy [19631][21095]
cl setDestroy [19632][21095]
cl setDestroy [19633][21095]
cl setDestroy [19634][21095]
cl setDestroy [19635][21095]
cl setDestroy [19638][21095]
cl setDestroy [19639][21095]
cl setDestroy [19642][21095]
cl setDestroy [19643][21095]
cl setDestroy [19644][21095]
cl setDestroy [19645][21095]
cl setDestroy [19646][21095]
cl setDestroy [19647][21095]
cl setDestroy [19648][21095]
cl setDestroy [19649][21095]
cl setDestroy [19650][21095]
cl setDestroy [19651][21095]
cl setDestroy [19652][21095]
cl setDestroy [19653][21095]
cl setDestroy [19654][21095]
cl setDestroy [19655][21095]
cl setDestroy [19656][21095]
cl setDestroy [19657][21095]
cl setDestroy [19663][21095]
cl setDestroy [19664][21095]
cl setDestroy [19671][21095]
cl setDestroy [19804][21095]
cl setDestroy [19805][21095]
cl setDestroy [19806][21095]
cl setDestroy [19807][21095]
cl setDestroy [19808][21095]
cl setDestroy [19809][21095]
cl setDestroy [19810][21095]
cl setDestroy [19811][21095]
cl setDestroy [19812][21095]
cl setDestroy [19813][21095]
cl setDestroy [19814][21095]
cl setDestroy [19815][21095]
cl setDestroy [19816][21095]
cl setDestroy [19817][21095]
cl setDestroy [19818][21095]
cl setDestroy [19819][21095]
cl setDestroy [19820][21095]
cl setDestroy [19821][21095]
cl setDestroy [19822][21095]
cl setDestroy [19823][21095]
cl setDestroy [19824][21095]
cl setDestroy [19825][21095]
cl setDestroy [19826][21095]
cl setDestroy [19827][21095]
cl setDestroy [19828][21095]
cl setDestroy [19829][21095]
cl setDestroy [19830][21095]
cl setDestroy [19831][21095]
cl setDestroy [19833][21095]
cl setDestroy [4934][21099]
cl setDestroy [32514][21099]
cl setDestroy [32061][21099]
cl setDestroy [32023][21099]
cl setDestroy [28440][21099]
cl setDestroy [10855][21099]
cl setDestroy [10854][21099]
cl setDestroy [10853][21099]
cl setDestroy [10852][21099]
cl setDestroy [10851][21099]
cl setDestroy [10850][21099]
cl setDestroy [10849][21099]
cl setDestroy [10848][21099]
cl setDestroy [10847][21099]
cl setDestroy [10846][21099]
cl setDestroy [10845][21099]
cl setDestroy [10844][21099]
cl setDestroy [10843][21099]
cl setDestroy [10842][21099]
cl setDestroy [10841][21099]
cl setDestroy [10840][21099]
cl setDestroy [10839][21099]
cl setDestroy [10838][21099]
cl setDestroy [10837][21099]
cl setDestroy [4935][21099]
cl setDestroy [34100][21099]
cl setDestroy [32062][21099]
cl setDestroy [32060][21099]
cl setDestroy [10874][21099]
cl setDestroy [10873][21099]
cl setDestroy [10872][21099]
cl setDestroy [10871][21099]
cl setDestroy [10870][21099]
cl setDestroy [10869][21099]
cl setDestroy [10868][21099]
cl setDestroy [10867][21099]
cl setDestroy [10866][21099]
cl setDestroy [10865][21099]
cl setDestroy [10864][21099]
cl setDestroy [10863][21099]
cl setDestroy [10862][21099]
cl setDestroy [10861][21099]
cl setDestroy [10860][21099]
cl setDestroy [10859][21099]
cl setDestroy [10858][21099]
cl setDestroy [10857][21099]
cl setDestroy [10856][21099]
cl setDestroy [4936][21099]
cl setDestroy [47374][21099]
cl setDestroy [32059][21099]
cl setDestroy [32002][21099]
cl setDestroy [10889][21099]
cl setDestroy [10888][21099]
cl setDestroy [10887][21099]
cl setDestroy [10886][21099]
cl setDestroy [10885][21099]
cl setDestroy [10884][21099]
cl setDestroy [10883][21099]
cl setDestroy [10882][21099]
cl setDestroy [10881][21099]
cl setDestroy [10880][21099]
cl setDestroy [10879][21099]
cl setDestroy [10878][21099]
cl setDestroy [10877][21099]
cl setDestroy [10876][21099]
cl setDestroy [10875][21099]
rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sit
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4(Ñàâà Ìàíüÿê)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6(Ñåâêà Ìåñòíûé)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2(Âàäèì Êèðïè÷)]
cl setDestroy [4905][21909]
cl setDestroy [32047][21909]
cl setDestroy [9841][21909]
cl setDestroy [9840][21909]
cl setDestroy [9839][21909]
cl setDestroy [9838][21909]
cl setDestroy [9837][21909]
cl setDestroy [9836][21909]
cl setDestroy [9835][21909]
cl setDestroy [9834][21909]
cl setDestroy [9833][21909]
cl setDestroy [9832][21909]
cl setDestroy [9831][21909]
rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
cl setDestroy [4999][21981]
cl setDestroy [46094][21981]
cl setDestroy [32054][21981]
cl setDestroy [32049][21981]
cl setDestroy [32048][21981]
cl setDestroy [32044][21981]
cl setDestroy [9830][21981]
cl setDestroy [9829][21981]
cl setDestroy [9828][21981]
cl setDestroy [9827][21981]
cl setDestroy [9826][21981]
cl setDestroy [9825][21981]
cl setDestroy [9824][21981]
cl setDestroy [9823][21981]
cl setDestroy [9822][21981]
cl setDestroy [9821][21981]
cl setDestroy [141][21981]
cl setDestroy [9820][21981]
cl setDestroy [4906][21981]
cl setDestroy [34325][21981]
cl setDestroy [32055][21981]
cl setDestroy [32053][21981]
cl setDestroy [32052][21981]
cl setDestroy [32046][21981]
cl setDestroy [9848][21981]
cl setDestroy [9847][21981]
cl setDestroy [9846][21981]
cl setDestroy [9845][21981]
cl setDestroy [9844][21981]
cl setDestroy [9843][21981]
cl setDestroy [9842][21981]
cl setDestroy [4907][21981]
cl setDestroy [32051][21981]
cl setDestroy [32050][21981]
cl setDestroy [32045][21981]
cl setDestroy [31585][21981]
cl setDestroy [9858][21981]
cl setDestroy [9857][21981]
cl setDestroy [9856][21981]
cl setDestroy [9855][21981]
cl setDestroy [9854][21981]
cl setDestroy [9853][21981]
cl setDestroy [9852][21981]
cl setDestroy [9851][21981]
cl setDestroy [9850][21981]
cl setDestroy [9849][21981]
cl setDestroy [9623][22029]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sleep
rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
rx_aiwm:__finalize[izgoy_lider(Àññèñòåíò Ìàëûøåâ)]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sit
cl setDestroy [9627][22803]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_first_patient]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_first_patient_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_patients_look
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_lider]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_look
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_pomoshnik]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_look
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_second_patient]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_second_patient_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_patients_look
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_look
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_look
cl setDestroy [9612][23111]
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_2_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_1_look
[XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
[XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_look
[XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_1_look
[XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
cl setDestroy [53254][23402]
cl setDestroy [40961][23402]
cl setDestroy [9613][23402]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sleep
cl setDestroy [4903][23562]
cl setDestroy [43695][23562]
cl setDestroy [33546][23562]
cl setDestroy [33432][23562]
cl setDestroy [10147][23562]
cl setDestroy [10146][23562]
cl setDestroy [10145][23562]
cl setDestroy [10144][23562]
cl setDestroy [10143][23562]
cl setDestroy [10142][23562]
cl setDestroy [10141][23562]
cl setDestroy [10140][23562]
cl setDestroy [10139][23562]
cl setDestroy [10138][23562]
cl setDestroy [10137][23562]
cl setDestroy [10136][23562]
cl setDestroy [10135][23562]
cl setDestroy [10134][23562]
cl setDestroy [7711][23562]
cl setDestroy [10133][23562]
rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
cl setDestroy [9614][23849]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_bar_visitors_3_3(Ôåäüêà Íåìàòîä)]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sit
cl setDestroy [11137][24264]
cl setDestroy [4917][24438]
cl setDestroy [41992][24438]
cl setDestroy [35593][24438]
cl setDestroy [33407][24438]
cl setDestroy [33084][24438]
cl setDestroy [10203][24438]
cl setDestroy [10202][24438]
cl setDestroy [10201][24438]
cl setDestroy [10200][24438]
cl setDestroy [10199][24438]
cl setDestroy [10198][24438]
cl setDestroy [10197][24438]
cl setDestroy [10196][24438]
cl setDestroy [10195][24438]
cl setDestroy [10194][24438]
cl setDestroy [10193][24438]
cl setDestroy [10192][24438]
cl setDestroy [10191][24438]
cl setDestroy [10190][24438]
cl setDestroy [10189][24438]
cl setDestroy [10188][24438]
cl setDestroy [10187][24438]
cl setDestroy [10186][24438]
cl setDestroy [10185][24438]
cl setDestroy [10184][24438]
rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sleep
[INTEGRITY CHECK] game_maps_single.mus
- Disconnect
cl setDestroy [4998][29636]
cl setDestroy [65280][29636]
cl setDestroy [64262][29636]
cl setDestroy [64000][29636]
cl setDestroy [62723][29636]
cl setDestroy [61826][29636]
cl setDestroy [57619][29636]
cl setDestroy [55817][29636]
cl setDestroy [55569][29636]
cl setDestroy [55568][29636]
cl setDestroy [53257][29636]
cl setDestroy [51222][29636]
cl setDestroy [49944][29636]
cl setDestroy [49671][29636]
cl setDestroy [49448][29636]
cl setDestroy [49430][29636]
cl setDestroy [49429][29636]
cl setDestroy [49428][29636]
cl setDestroy [49427][29636]
cl setDestroy [48918][29636]
cl setDestroy [48656][29636]
cl setDestroy [48128][29636]
cl setDestroy [47888][29636]
cl setDestroy [47652][29636]
cl setDestroy [47113][29636]
cl setDestroy [46594][29636]
cl setDestroy [46363][29636]
cl setDestroy [46221][29636]
cl setDestroy [46220][29636]
cl setDestroy [45079][29636]
cl setDestroy [42540][29636]
cl setDestroy [42276][29636]
cl setDestroy [42037][29636]
cl setDestroy [41730][29636]
cl setDestroy [41475][29636]
cl setDestroy [40736][29636]
cl setDestroy [40734][29636]
cl setDestroy [40386][29636]
cl setDestroy [38419][29636]
cl setDestroy [38169][29636]
cl setDestroy [38020][29636]
cl setDestroy [37647][29636]
cl setDestroy [37154][29636]
cl setDestroy [36617][29636]
cl setDestroy [36368][29636]
cl setDestroy [36137][29636]
cl setDestroy [35840][29636]
cl setDestroy [35231][29636]
cl setDestroy [34837][29636]
cl setDestroy [34583][29636]
cl setDestroy [34582][29636]
cl setDestroy [34581][29636]
cl setDestroy [34565][29636]
cl setDestroy [34069][29636]
cl setDestroy [32788][29636]
cl setDestroy [32787][29636]
cl setDestroy [32572][29636]
cl setDestroy [32560][29636]
cl setDestroy [32549][29636]
cl setDestroy [32285][29636]
cl setDestroy [32280][29636]
cl setDestroy [32268][29636]
cl setDestroy [32259][29636]
cl setDestroy [31749][29636]
cl setDestroy [31543][29636]
cl setDestroy [31503][29636]
cl setDestroy [30881][29636]
cl setDestroy [30646][29636]
cl setDestroy [30420][29636]
cl setDestroy [29973][29636]
cl setDestroy [29807][29636]
cl setDestroy [29457][29636]
cl setDestroy [29188][29636]
cl setDestroy [29187][29636]
cl setDestroy [29016][29636]
cl setDestroy [28868][29636]
cl setDestroy [28183][29636]
cl setDestroy [27925][29636]
cl setDestroy [27923][29636]
cl setDestroy [27920][29636]
cl setDestroy [27918][29636]
cl setDestroy [27917][29636]
cl setDestroy [27914][29636]
cl setDestroy [27900][29636]
cl setDestroy [27899][29636]
cl setDestroy [27770][29636]
cl setDestroy [25950][29636]
cl setDestroy [25816][29636]
cl setDestroy [25385][29636]
cl setDestroy [25337][29636]
cl setDestroy [25302][29636]
cl setDestroy [24998][29636]
cl setDestroy [24412][29636]
cl setDestroy [24411][29636]
cl setDestroy [24410][29636]
cl setDestroy [24409][29636]
cl setDestroy [24317][29636]
cl setDestroy [23447][29636]
cl setDestroy [23113][29636]
cl setDestroy [22619][29636]
cl setDestroy [22409][29636]
cl setDestroy [22099][29636]
cl setDestroy [21719][29636]
cl setDestroy [21312][29636]
cl setDestroy [20052][29636]
cl setDestroy [20022][29636]
cl setDestroy [19400][29636]
cl setDestroy [19320][29636]
cl setDestroy [19126][29636]
cl setDestroy [18799][29636]
cl setDestroy [18501][29636]
cl setDestroy [18418][29636]
cl setDestroy [17638][29636]
cl setDestroy [17635][29636]
cl setDestroy [17624][29636]
cl setDestroy [17623][29636]
cl setDestroy [17622][29636]
cl setDestroy [17527][29636]
cl setDestroy [17526][29636]
cl setDestroy [17525][29636]
cl setDestroy [17309][29636]
cl setDestroy [17040][29636]
cl setDestroy [16942][29636]
cl setDestroy [16838][29636]
cl setDestroy [16422][29636]
cl setDestroy [16175][29636]
cl setDestroy [15396][29636]
cl setDestroy [15237][29636]
cl setDestroy [15131][29636]
cl setDestroy [14318][29636]
cl setDestroy [14219][29636]
cl setDestroy [14035][29636]
cl setDestroy [14032][29636]
cl setDestroy [14005][29636]
cl setDestroy [14004][29636]
cl setDestroy [14003][29636]
cl setDestroy [13969][29636]
cl setDestroy [13961][29636]
cl setDestroy [13960][29636]
cl setDestroy [13959][29636]
cl setDestroy [13666][29636]
cl setDestroy [13349][29636]
cl setDestroy [13087][29636]
cl setDestroy [12901][29636]
cl setDestroy [12714][29636]
cl setDestroy [12343][29636]
cl setDestroy [12247][29636]
cl setDestroy [12087][29636]
cl setDestroy [11656][29636]
cl setDestroy [11568][29636]
cl setDestroy [11331][29636]
cl setDestroy [11138][29636]
cl setDestroy [9985][29636]
cl setDestroy [9351][29636]
cl setDestroy [8531][29636]
cl setDestroy [8378][29636]
cl setDestroy [7684][29636]
cl setDestroy [7674][29636]
cl setDestroy [7413][29636]
cl setDestroy [7412][29636]
cl setDestroy [7411][29636]
cl setDestroy [7409][29636]
cl setDestroy [7402][29636]
cl setDestroy [7401][29636]
cl setDestroy [7400][29636]
cl setDestroy [7399][29636]
cl setDestroy [7357][29636]
cl setDestroy [7341][29636]
cl setDestroy [7340][29636]
cl setDestroy [7338][29636]
cl setDestroy [7335][29636]
cl setDestroy [7312][29636]
cl setDestroy [7091][29636]
cl setDestroy [6679][29636]
cl setDestroy [6656][29636]
cl setDestroy [6627][29636]
cl setDestroy [6149][29636]
cl setDestroy [5856][29636]
cl setDestroy [5583][29636]
cl setDestroy [5196][29636]
cl setDestroy [5195][29636]
cl setDestroy [5194][29636]
cl setDestroy [5193][29636]
cl setDestroy [4738][29636]
cl setDestroy [4344][29636]
cl setDestroy [4343][29636]
cl setDestroy [3928][29636]
cl setDestroy [3312][29636]
cl setDestroy [2807][29636]
cl setDestroy [2432][29636]
cl setDestroy [2246][29636]
cl setDestroy [1937][29636]
cl setDestroy [1881][29636]
cl setDestroy [1781][29636]
cl setDestroy [1570][29636]
cl setDestroy [543][29636]
cl setDestroy [390][29636]
cl setDestroy [2][29636]
cl setDestroy [0][29636]
cl setDestroy [802][29636]
cl setDestroy [803][29636]
cl setDestroy [804][29636]
cl setDestroy [884][29636]
cl setDestroy [885][29636]
cl setDestroy [886][29636]
cl setDestroy [4900][29636]
cl setDestroy [43476][29636]
cl setDestroy [43461][29636]
cl setDestroy [4496][29636]
cl setDestroy [4495][29636]
cl setDestroy [4494][29636]
cl setDestroy [4493][29636]
cl setDestroy [4492][29636]
cl setDestroy [4491][29636]
cl setDestroy [4490][29636]
cl setDestroy [4489][29636]
cl setDestroy [4488][29636]
cl setDestroy [4487][29636]
cl setDestroy [4486][29636]
cl setDestroy [4485][29636]
cl setDestroy [4484][29636]
cl setDestroy [4483][29636]
cl setDestroy [4422][29636]
cl setDestroy [4378][29636]
cl setDestroy [4267][29636]
cl setDestroy [4377][29636]
cl setDestroy [5004][29636]
cl setDestroy [47378][29636]
cl setDestroy [45353][29636]
cl setDestroy [43494][29636]
cl setDestroy [43481][29636]
cl setDestroy [43029][29636]
cl setDestroy [43028][29636]
cl setDestroy [43027][29636]
cl setDestroy [43026][29636]
cl setDestroy [34173][29636]
cl setDestroy [13380][29636]
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cl setDestroy [10316][29636]
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cl setDestroy [10314][29636]
cl setDestroy [10313][29636]
cl setDestroy [10312][29636]
cl setDestroy [10311][29636]
cl setDestroy [10310][29636]
cl setDestroy [10309][29636]
cl setDestroy [10308][29636]
cl setDestroy [10307][29636]
cl setDestroy [10306][29636]
cl setDestroy [10305][29636]
cl setDestroy [10304][29636]
cl setDestroy [4930][29636]
cl setDestroy [38217][29636]
cl setDestroy [35865][29636]
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cl setDestroy [33054][29636]
cl setDestroy [10338][29636]
cl setDestroy [10337][29636]
cl setDestroy [10336][29636]
cl setDestroy [10335][29636]
cl setDestroy [10334][29636]
cl setDestroy [10333][29636]
cl setDestroy [10332][29636]
cl setDestroy [10331][29636]
cl setDestroy [10330][29636]
cl setDestroy [10329][29636]
cl setDestroy [10328][29636]
cl setDestroy [10327][29636]
cl setDestroy [10326][29636]
cl setDestroy [10325][29636]
cl setDestroy [10324][29636]
cl setDestroy [10323][29636]
cl setDestroy [10322][29636]
cl setDestroy [4931][29636]
cl setDestroy [35863][29636]
cl setDestroy [35380][29636]
cl setDestroy [33055][29636]
cl setDestroy [10357][29636]
cl setDestroy [10356][29636]
cl setDestroy [10355][29636]
cl setDestroy [10354][29636]
cl setDestroy [10353][29636]
cl setDestroy [10352][29636]
cl setDestroy [10351][29636]
cl setDestroy [10350][29636]
cl setDestroy [10349][29636]
cl setDestroy [10348][29636]
cl setDestroy [10347][29636]
cl setDestroy [10346][29636]
cl setDestroy [10345][29636]
cl setDestroy [10344][29636]
cl setDestroy [10343][29636]
cl setDestroy [10342][29636]
cl setDestroy [10341][29636]
cl setDestroy [10340][29636]
cl setDestroy [10339][29636]
cl setDestroy [4920][29636]
cl setDestroy [31023][29636]
cl setDestroy [10377][29636]
cl setDestroy [10376][29636]
cl setDestroy [10375][29636]
cl setDestroy [10374][29636]
cl setDestroy [10373][29636]
cl setDestroy [10372][29636]
cl setDestroy [10371][29636]
cl setDestroy [10370][29636]
cl setDestroy [10369][29636]
cl setDestroy [10368][29636]
cl setDestroy [10367][29636]
cl setDestroy [10366][29636]
cl setDestroy [10365][29636]
cl setDestroy [10364][29636]
cl setDestroy [10363][29636]
cl setDestroy [10362][29636]
cl setDestroy [10361][29636]
cl setDestroy [10360][29636]
cl setDestroy [10359][29636]
cl setDestroy [10358][29636]
cl setDestroy [4932][29636]
cl setDestroy [37383][29636]
cl setDestroy [33062][29636]
cl setDestroy [10392][29636]
cl setDestroy [10391][29636]
cl setDestroy [10390][29636]
cl setDestroy [10389][29636]
cl setDestroy [10388][29636]
cl setDestroy [10387][29636]
cl setDestroy [10386][29636]
cl setDestroy [10385][29636]
cl setDestroy [10384][29636]
cl setDestroy [10383][29636]
cl setDestroy [10382][29636]
cl setDestroy [10381][29636]
cl setDestroy [10380][29636]
cl setDestroy [10379][29636]
cl setDestroy [10378][29636]
cl setDestroy [4933][29636]
cl setDestroy [53760][29636]
cl setDestroy [35864][29636]
cl setDestroy [34904][29636]
cl setDestroy [33059][29636]
cl setDestroy [10409][29636]
cl setDestroy [10408][29636]
cl setDestroy [10407][29636]
cl setDestroy [10406][29636]
cl setDestroy [10405][29636]
cl setDestroy [10404][29636]
cl setDestroy [10403][29636]
cl setDestroy [10402][29636]
cl setDestroy [10401][29636]
cl setDestroy [10400][29636]
cl setDestroy [10399][29636]
cl setDestroy [10398][29636]
cl setDestroy [10397][29636]
cl setDestroy [10396][29636]
cl setDestroy [10395][29636]
cl setDestroy [10394][29636]
cl setDestroy [10393][29636]
cl setDestroy [4921][29636]
cl setDestroy [37125][29636]
cl setDestroy [33087][29636]
cl setDestroy [33067][29636]
cl setDestroy [33018][29636]
cl setDestroy [10415][29636]
cl setDestroy [10414][29636]
cl setDestroy [10413][29636]
cl setDestroy [10412][29636]
cl setDestroy [10411][29636]
cl setDestroy [10410][29636]
cl setDestroy [4924][29636]
cl setDestroy [10442][29636]
cl setDestroy [4923][29636]
cl setDestroy [33420][29636]
cl setDestroy [33410][29636]
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cl setDestroy [10726][29636]
cl setDestroy [10725][29636]
cl setDestroy [10724][29636]
cl setDestroy [10723][29636]
cl setDestroy [10722][29636]
cl setDestroy [10721][29636]
cl setDestroy [10720][29636]
cl setDestroy [10719][29636]
cl setDestroy [10718][29636]
cl setDestroy [10717][29636]
cl setDestroy [10716][29636]
cl setDestroy [10715][29636]
cl setDestroy [10714][29636]
cl setDestroy [10713][29636]
cl setDestroy [10712][29636]
cl setDestroy [10711][29636]
cl setDestroy [10710][29636]
cl setDestroy [10709][29636]
cl setDestroy [10435][29636]
cl setDestroy [10708][29636]
cl setDestroy [4902][29636]
cl setDestroy [35361][29636]
cl setDestroy [34903][29636]
cl setDestroy [33408][29636]
cl setDestroy [28445][29636]
cl setDestroy [28444][29636]
cl setDestroy [28443][29636]
cl setDestroy [28442][29636]
cl setDestroy [10759][29636]
cl setDestroy [10758][29636]
cl setDestroy [10757][29636]
cl setDestroy [10756][29636]
cl setDestroy [10755][29636]
cl setDestroy [10754][29636]
cl setDestroy [10753][29636]
cl setDestroy [10752][29636]
cl setDestroy [10751][29636]
cl setDestroy [10750][29636]
cl setDestroy [10748][29636]
cl setDestroy [10747][29636]
cl setDestroy [10746][29636]
cl setDestroy [10515][29636]
cl setDestroy [10514][29636]
cl setDestroy [7472][29636]
cl setDestroy [10745][29636]
cl setDestroy [4901][29636]
cl setDestroy [36112][29636]
cl setDestroy [33064][29636]
cl setDestroy [10778][29636]
cl setDestroy [10777][29636]
cl setDestroy [10776][29636]
cl setDestroy [10775][29636]
cl setDestroy [10774][29636]
cl setDestroy [10773][29636]
cl setDestroy [10772][29636]
cl setDestroy [10771][29636]
cl setDestroy [10770][29636]
cl setDestroy [10769][29636]
cl setDestroy [10768][29636]
cl setDestroy [10767][29636]
cl setDestroy [10766][29636]
cl setDestroy [10765][29636]
cl setDestroy [10764][29636]
cl setDestroy [10763][29636]
cl setDestroy [10762][29636]
cl setDestroy [10761][29636]
cl setDestroy [7966][29636]
cl setDestroy [7096][29636]
cl setDestroy [10760][29636]
cl setDestroy [4876][29636]
cl setDestroy [38930][29636]
cl setDestroy [38926][29636]
cl setDestroy [38925][29636]
cl setDestroy [38921][29636]
cl setDestroy [38918][29636]
cl setDestroy [38917][29636]
cl setDestroy [38913][29636]
cl setDestroy [38912][29636]
cl setDestroy [37126][29636]
cl setDestroy [33540][29636]
cl setDestroy [33415][29636]
cl setDestroy [32112][29636]
cl setDestroy [20037][29636]
cl setDestroy [10996][29636]
cl setDestroy [10994][29636]
cl setDestroy [10835][29636]
cl setDestroy [10798][29636]
cl setDestroy [10797][29636]
cl setDestroy [10796][29636]
cl setDestroy [10795][29636]
cl setDestroy [10794][29636]
cl setDestroy [10793][29636]
cl setDestroy [10792][29636]
cl setDestroy [10791][29636]
cl setDestroy [10790][29636]
cl setDestroy [10789][29636]
cl setDestroy [10788][29636]
cl setDestroy [10787][29636]
cl setDestroy [10786][29636]
cl setDestroy [10785][29636]
cl setDestroy [10784][29636]
cl setDestroy [10783][29636]
cl setDestroy [10781][29636]
cl setDestroy [10780][29636]
cl setDestroy [10437][29636]
cl setDestroy [10428][29636]
cl setDestroy [10420][29636]
cl setDestroy [10779][29636]
cl setDestroy [5008][29636]
cl setDestroy [36358][29636]
cl setDestroy [36357][29636]
cl setDestroy [36354][29636]
cl setDestroy [36353][29636]
cl setDestroy [33065][29636]
cl setDestroy [28249][29636]
cl setDestroy [12270][29636]
cl setDestroy [12084][29636]
cl setDestroy [10836][29636]
cl setDestroy [10817][29636]
cl setDestroy [10816][29636]
cl setDestroy [10815][29636]
cl setDestroy [10814][29636]
cl setDestroy [10813][29636]
cl setDestroy [10812][29636]
cl setDestroy [10811][29636]
cl setDestroy [10810][29636]
cl setDestroy [10808][29636]
cl setDestroy [10807][29636]
cl setDestroy [10806][29636]
cl setDestroy [10805][29636]
cl setDestroy [10804][29636]
cl setDestroy [10803][29636]
cl setDestroy [10802][29636]
cl setDestroy [10801][29636]
cl setDestroy [10800][29636]
cl setDestroy [10744][29636]
cl setDestroy [10743][29636]
cl setDestroy [10732][29636]
cl setDestroy [9125][29636]
cl setDestroy [7967][29636]
cl setDestroy [10799][29636]
cl setDestroy [44827][29636]
cl setDestroy [32514][29636]
cl setDestroy [32061][29636]
cl setDestroy [32023][29636]
cl setDestroy [28440][29636]
cl setDestroy [10855][29636]
cl setDestroy [10854][29636]
cl setDestroy [10853][29636]
cl setDestroy [10852][29636]
cl setDestroy [10851][29636]
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cl setDestroy [10849][29636]
cl setDestroy [10848][29636]
cl setDestroy [10847][29636]
cl setDestroy [10846][29636]
cl setDestroy [10845][29636]
cl setDestroy [10844][29636]
cl setDestroy [10843][29636]
cl setDestroy [10842][29636]
cl setDestroy [10841][29636]
cl setDestroy [10840][29636]
cl setDestroy [10839][29636]
cl setDestroy [10838][29636]
cl setDestroy [10837][29636]
cl setDestroy [44828][29636]
cl setDestroy [34100][29636]
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cl setDestroy [32060][29636]
cl setDestroy [10874][29636]
cl setDestroy [10873][29636]
cl setDestroy [10872][29636]
cl setDestroy [10871][29636]
cl setDestroy [10870][29636]
cl setDestroy [10869][29636]
cl setDestroy [10868][29636]
cl setDestroy [10867][29636]
cl setDestroy [10866][29636]
cl setDestroy [10865][29636]
cl setDestroy [10864][29636]
cl setDestroy [10863][29636]
cl setDestroy [10862][29636]
cl setDestroy [10861][29636]
cl setDestroy [10860][29636]
cl setDestroy [10859][29636]
cl setDestroy [10858][29636]
cl setDestroy [10857][29636]
cl setDestroy [10856][29636]
cl setDestroy [44829][29636]
cl setDestroy [47374][29636]
cl setDestroy [32059][29636]
cl setDestroy [32002][29636]
cl setDestroy [10889][29636]
cl setDestroy [10888][29636]
cl setDestroy [10887][29636]
cl setDestroy [10886][29636]
cl setDestroy [10885][29636]
cl setDestroy [10884][29636]
cl setDestroy [10883][29636]
cl setDestroy [10882][29636]
cl setDestroy [10881][29636]
cl setDestroy [10880][29636]
cl setDestroy [10879][29636]
cl setDestroy [10878][29636]
cl setDestroy [10877][29636]
cl setDestroy [10876][29636]
cl setDestroy [10875][29636]
cl setDestroy [5009][29636]
cl setDestroy [45579][29636]
cl setDestroy [33422][29636]
cl setDestroy [31021][29636]
cl setDestroy [10961][29636]
cl setDestroy [10960][29636]
cl setDestroy [10959][29636]
cl setDestroy [10958][29636]
cl setDestroy [10957][29636]
cl setDestroy [10956][29636]
cl setDestroy [10955][29636]
cl setDestroy [10954][29636]
cl setDestroy [10953][29636]
cl setDestroy [10952][29636]
cl setDestroy [10951][29636]
cl setDestroy [10950][29636]
cl setDestroy [10949][29636]
cl setDestroy [10948][29636]
cl setDestroy [10947][29636]
cl setDestroy [10946][29636]
cl setDestroy [10945][29636]
cl setDestroy [8487][29636]
cl setDestroy [10944][29636]
cl setDestroy [4925][29636]
cl setDestroy [56577][29636]
cl setDestroy [31060][29636]
cl setDestroy [31054][29636]
cl setDestroy [31029][29636]
cl setDestroy [26884][29636]
cl setDestroy [15949][29636]
cl setDestroy [15948][29636]
cl setDestroy [11029][29636]
cl setDestroy [11028][29636]
cl setDestroy [11027][29636]
cl setDestroy [11026][29636]
cl setDestroy [11025][29636]
cl setDestroy [11024][29636]
cl setDestroy [11023][29636]
cl setDestroy [11022][29636]
cl setDestroy [11021][29636]
cl setDestroy [11020][29636]
cl setDestroy [11019][29636]
cl setDestroy [11018][29636]
cl setDestroy [11017][29636]
cl setDestroy [11016][29636]
cl setDestroy [11015][29636]
cl setDestroy [11032][29636]
cl setDestroy [11033][29636]
cl setDestroy [11034][29636]
cl setDestroy [11035][29636]
cl setDestroy [11036][29636]
cl setDestroy [11037][29636]
cl setDestroy [11038][29636]
cl setDestroy [11039][29636]
cl setDestroy [11040][29636]
cl setDestroy [11041][29636]
cl setDestroy [11042][29636]
cl setDestroy [11043][29636]
cl setDestroy [11044][29636]
cl setDestroy [11045][29636]
cl setDestroy [11046][29636]
cl setDestroy [11047][29636]
cl setDestroy [11048][29636]
cl setDestroy [11049][29636]
cl setDestroy [11050][29636]
cl setDestroy [11051][29636]
cl setDestroy [11052][29636]
cl setDestroy [11053][29636]
cl setDestroy [11054][29636]
cl setDestroy [11055][29636]
cl setDestroy [11056][29636]
cl setDestroy [11057][29636]
cl setDestroy [11058][29636]
cl setDestroy [11059][29636]
cl setDestroy [11060][29636]
cl setDestroy [11061][29636]
cl setDestroy [11062][29636]
cl setDestroy [11063][29636]
cl setDestroy [11064][29636]
cl setDestroy [11065][29636]
cl setDestroy [11066][29636]
cl setDestroy [11067][29636]
cl setDestroy [11068][29636]
cl setDestroy [11069][29636]
cl setDestroy [11070][29636]
cl setDestroy [11071][29636]
cl setDestroy [11072][29636]
cl setDestroy [11073][29636]
cl setDestroy [11074][29636]
cl setDestroy [11075][29636]
cl setDestroy [11076][29636]
cl setDestroy [11077][29636]
cl setDestroy [11078][29636]
cl setDestroy [11079][29636]
cl setDestroy [11080][29636]
cl setDestroy [11081][29636]
cl setDestroy [11082][29636]
cl setDestroy [11083][29636]
cl setDestroy [11084][29636]
cl setDestroy [11085][29636]
cl setDestroy [11086][29636]
cl setDestroy [11087][29636]
cl setDestroy [11088][29636]
cl setDestroy [11089][29636]
cl setDestroy [11090][29636]
cl setDestroy [11091][29636]
cl setDestroy [11092][29636]
cl setDestroy [11093][29636]
cl setDestroy [11094][29636]
cl setDestroy [11095][29636]
cl setDestroy [11096][29636]
cl setDestroy [11097][29636]
cl setDestroy [11098][29636]
cl setDestroy [11099][29636]
cl setDestroy [11100][29636]
cl setDestroy [11101][29636]
cl setDestroy [11102][29636]
cl setDestroy [11103][29636]
cl setDestroy [11104][29636]
cl setDestroy [11105][29636]
cl setDestroy [11106][29636]
cl setDestroy [11107][29636]
cl setDestroy [11108][29636]
cl setDestroy [11109][29636]
cl setDestroy [11110][29636]
cl setDestroy [11111][29636]
cl setDestroy [11112][29636]
cl setDestroy [11113][29636]
cl setDestroy [11114][29636]
cl setDestroy [11115][29636]
cl setDestroy [11116][29636]
cl setDestroy [11117][29636]
cl setDestroy [11118][29636]
cl setDestroy [11119][29636]
cl setDestroy [11120][29636]
cl setDestroy [11121][29636]
cl setDestroy [11122][29636]
cl setDestroy [11123][29636]
cl setDestroy [11125][29636]
cl setDestroy [11126][29636]
cl setDestroy [11127][29636]
cl setDestroy [11128][29636]
cl setDestroy [11129][29636]
cl setDestroy [11130][29636]
cl setDestroy [11131][29636]
cl setDestroy [11132][29636]
cl setDestroy [11133][29636]
cl setDestroy [11134][29636]
cl setDestroy [11135][29636]
cl setDestroy [11136][29636]
cl setDestroy [11142][29636]
cl setDestroy [11143][29636]
cl setDestroy [11144][29636]
cl setDestroy [4868][29636]
cl setDestroy [33431][29636]
cl setDestroy [31052][29636]
cl setDestroy [31051][29636]
cl setDestroy [31027][29636]
cl setDestroy [11156][29636]
cl setDestroy [11155][29636]
cl setDestroy [11154][29636]
cl setDestroy [11153][29636]
cl setDestroy [11152][29636]
cl setDestroy [11151][29636]
cl setDestroy [11150][29636]
cl setDestroy [11149][29636]
cl setDestroy [11148][29636]
cl setDestroy [11147][29636]
cl setDestroy [11146][29636]
cl setDestroy [11145][29636]
cl setDestroy [11157][29636]
cl setDestroy [11158][29636]
cl setDestroy [11159][29636]
cl setDestroy [11160][29636]
cl setDestroy [11161][29636]
cl setDestroy [11162][29636]
cl setDestroy [4869][29636]
cl setDestroy [4939][29636]
cl setDestroy [4938][29636]
cl setDestroy [4937][29636]
cl setDestroy [27890][29636]
cl setDestroy [4927][29636]
cl setDestroy [38214][29636]
cl setDestroy [31047][29636]
cl setDestroy [31046][29636]
cl setDestroy [31043][29636]
cl setDestroy [31019][29636]
cl setDestroy [28957][29636]
cl setDestroy [28204][29636]
cl setDestroy [28202][29636]
cl setDestroy [28203][29636]
cl setDestroy [28205][29636]
cl setDestroy [4928][29636]
cl setDestroy [33060][29636]
cl setDestroy [28312][29636]
cl setDestroy [28311][29636]
cl setDestroy [28310][29636]
cl setDestroy [28309][29636]
cl setDestroy [28308][29636]
cl setDestroy [28307][29636]
cl setDestroy [28306][29636]
cl setDestroy [28305][29636]
cl setDestroy [28304][29636]
cl setDestroy [28303][29636]
cl setDestroy [4929][29636]
cl setDestroy [48649][29636]
cl setDestroy [48646][29636]
cl setDestroy [48640][29636]
cl setDestroy [46219][29636]
cl setDestroy [41970][29636]
cl setDestroy [41969][29636]
cl setDestroy [45854][29636]
cl setDestroy [63008][29636]
cl setDestroy [63009][29636]
cl setDestroy [63010][29636]
cl setDestroy [63011][29636]
cl setDestroy [63012][29636]
cl setDestroy [63013][29636]
cl setDestroy [63014][29636]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_bunker_0002(Äàíÿ Çåíèò÷èê)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2(Âàäèì Êèðïè÷)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4(Ñàâà Ìàíüÿê)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6(Ñåâêà Ìåñòíûé)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[izgoy_lider(Àññèñòåíò Ìàëûøåâ)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_visitor_7(Þðèê Ýëåêòðèê)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_visitor_2(Ïàøà Òðóáî÷èñò)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_stalker_respawn_14377(Âàäèê Ñèäð)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_respawn_24463(Âèòüêà Òàðàí)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_visitor_13(Ãåíà Àéáîëèò)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_stalker_respawn_14512(Âàäÿ Äæàêîíäà)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_visitor_4(Ïàøêà Êðàá)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_stalker_respawn_24498(˸íÿ Ìàãíàò)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_visitor_10(Ñàâà Ïåëüìåíü)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_veteran_3(Ìàêñ Ïàðòèçàí)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_regular_1(Ãåîðã Ãðîçíûé)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_veteran_2(Ïàøêà Àëëèãàòîð)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_leader(Ãåíåðàë Âîðîíèí)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_guard_3(Ñåðæàíò Êèöåíêî)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_petrenko(Ïîëêîâíèê Ïåòðåíêî)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_angar_zoneguard(ßøà Ñåêðåòàðü)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_bar_stalker(Âàäèì Ìîãèëüùèê)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_bunker_0001(Ãåðìàí Ãåðöîã)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_bunker_2(Åãîðêà Ôèëèí)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_ivancov(Êàïèòàí Èâàíöîâ)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_regular_5(Ñåðæàíò Ïëè÷êî)]
- Destroying level
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_regular_4(Ãðèøà Àëüïèíèñò)]
DestroySingleton::RefCounter: 0
DestroySingleton::RefCounter: 0
DestroySingleton::RefCounter: 0
Input:  1
Config-file [c:\stalker ogse\_appdata_\user.ltx] saved successfully
Destroying Direct3D...
* RM_Dump: textures  : 1
*        :   1: ui\ui_common
* RM_Dump: rtargets  : 0
* RM_Dump: rtargetsc : 0
* RM_Dump: vs        : 1
*        :   1: null
* RM_Dump: ps        : 1
*        :   1: null
* RM_Dump: dcl       : 5
* RM_Dump: states    : 1
* RM_Dump: tex_list  : 1
* RM_Dump: matrices  : 0
* RM_Dump: lst_constants: 0
* RM_Dump: v_passes  : 1
* RM_Dump: v_elements: 1
* RM_Dump: v_shaders : 1
refCount:pBaseZB 1
refCount:pBaseRT 1
DeviceREF: 71


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Да, я сразу подумал, что для верности попробую накатить всё, как следует.

Ставлю всё по инструкции из соседней темы (с запусками конфигуратора перед патчем и фиксом). Пресет настроек: максимальные.


Запуск игры: проц (по одному ядру, конечно) долбится в соточку уже в меню.

Начинаю новую игру: подхожу к челу, который не пускает в Деревню новичков и просто смотрю на костёр. Уже 45 к/с.

Поставил пресет "средние". Опять встаю там же, смотрю на костёр - около 55 к/с с просадками иногда до 45 примерно. 60 даже не видно было, пока я до костра не добежал (пристрелили, конечно).

Фреймтайм показывает скачки периодически, кстати. Микрофризы такие...


В общем, картина идентичная.

Или я чего-то не понимаю? Так и должно быть, может? :)

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Так я же и так все экстримы выключил, которые советует выключать SimplyYuri. Тени от травы я держу выключенными, как и всякие Ambient Occlusion и DOF. Я даже сглаживание выключаю.


Видеокарта грузится примерно на половину. Но разве процессор должен около 100% по первому ядру крутиться? Мне кажется, это именно он не успевает кадры выводить. Ну что там такое тяжеловесное происходит, что даже в меню под 100%??? (то есть, в меню ДО загрузки сейва, сразу после запуска!)

Изменено пользователем Soup

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Да, я знаю, что задействует только одно. Просто как-то странно задействует...

Если что, процессор переходит в турбо-режим, очевидно. Ядро работает на частоте 3,9 гГц, в какие-то моменты прыгая на 3,8 и 4.

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